SOTP (Seat of the Pants) Collection

by Gylden Glor

Discord, PhD. (SOTP Story 3)

Pinkamena Diane Pie sat on the therapeutic chair, twiddling her cloven.
She gulped, a knot forming in her stomach. She truly hoped that this doctor could help her get better...
Thing is, she'd been everywhere, and to everypony. Peewee Herman, Groucho Sphynx, and now, a truly certified psychologist. She gulped once more, silently wishing that this one could make a difference...
After a few moments, she heard the door open, and the sound of footfall. She turned, and the Draconnequus came into view, his odd features making no sense and having no order., his small glasses bouncing as he walked, reading his clipboard, a pen in claw. He sat, and read out the details.
"So, miss says here that you've been trying to find, and make, normalcy in everyday occurrences. You've been questioning your strange abilities, and even more so, the strange abilities of others, is that correct?"
Pinkamena gulped before answering, her flat mane spilling over the edges of the chair as she reclined.
"Yes, doctor...I've been realizing that...some of the things I do, like appear in mirrors, eat cakes whole, put things in my mane without limitations on's just...weird, and...doesn't make sense. I...I don't know what's gotten into me...I'm acting like everything should have order, and sense to it! Not like...I should just be able to do something...because I want to..."
Discord nodded, and lowered his spectacles, looking directly at Pinkamena.
"Miss Pie, I'm afraid you've come down with a severe case of sanity."
The pink pony gasped, and trembled slightly.
"S...Sanity!?!? I crushed that sickness long ago!"
The esteemed doctor sighed, and placed down his clipboard and pen on the table beside him. He picked up a glass of chocolate milk.
"Would you care for any?"
"No, thank you. I believe that water is a better beverage for the body."
She gasped, hearing the words coming out of her mouth.
"I...I really have come down with sanity! Oh, Doctor, what do I do!?"
The psychiatrist sighed, and crossed his legs.
"There are two things you can do, Pinkamena Diane Pie. Either you can embrace your new sanity and live a life of order, or..."
He adjusted his spectacles before continuing, a grave look on his face.
"You can partake in my School of Insanity. I would give you one-on-one sessions, in which I will help you see that the world truly has no rhyme or reason, beyond schedules and other such things. I will help you see, that in this world, anything is possible, as no rules truly bind us."
Pinkamena Diane Pie gulped, remembering her fun-loving, crazy days as a true Party Pony...
She sighed, closing her eyes, and answered after a brief moment.
"Discord, sir...sign me up."
The Draconnequs smiled, and patted the pink earth pony on the shoulder.
"Wonderful! I will come to get you tomorrow, so that you may have time to pack your things today, as well as tell your friends that you are now on the path to your old, fun-loving, insane self."
And with that, the psychiatrist was gone, leaving Pinkamena all alone in the small room.
She sighed and stood, her pink mane flowing over her shoulders.
With an air of determination, she walked out of the office, and out of the building, into the hot summer air of Ponyville, already thinking of what to pack.

Note from Gylden

Hey! How did you like it? Well, I've decided on something...
I'm going to start a second story based on this!
This is going to be Chapter 1, and the story is going to be called 'Discord, PhD.'
It will be pretty short, and don't worry: it won't interrupt 'A Chronicle of Choices'. I would write more chapters for 'Discord, PhD.' when I have writers' block in 'A Chronicle of Choices'.
So, enjoy!