by _NAME_

Story No. 4

The stallion woke one night with a start.

Sitting up in bed, he violently coughed, doubling over as pain shot through his throat.

He panted slightly as the coughing fit subsided, silently wishing that his strep throat would just go away already.

In the darkness of the room, he blindly reached to his nightstand, looking for a glass of water.

After fumbling for a moment and nearly knocking it over, his hoof found that glass of cool salvation.

Still half asleep, he lifted the water to his mouth and took a long chug of it, soothing the burning sensation in his throat.

With a sigh and a smack of his lips, the stallion leaned back, reveling in the comfort of his bed.

After a few ragged breaths, the stallion fell asleep and remained that way.