//------------------------------// // Fight for the Tree Fort // Story: The Captain of Mining // by Raybony //------------------------------// Twilight was sitting on the living room of the library, examining the situation that she was now in, yet again. Here I thought I could have a normal week after that trip through the mirror, but no, something happens that involves all of us yet again! Twilight took a sip of her tea, savouring the sweet beverage. And all because of an accident with my equipment and Discord. Still can’t believe that he had trap a member of his family inside himself to stop it from causing major havoc throughout Equestria, kind of ironic when you think about it. As she kept thinking, she failed to notice the sound of claws scratching the surface of the glass on the upper level of the library. But according to him, it was from stopping her from actually hurting ponies. I guess it makes sense; he never truly hurt anypony when he was free, only made their lives miserable. The creatures upstairs kept clawing at the crystal pane, making it slowly crack from the assault that it was put against. But still, if she managed to free herself out of Discord’s body, why hasn’t she tried to take over Equestria by now? She took most of Discord’s powers away, and even if she got sent to another realm, she could just teleport back here. Unless-. Her thoughts were interrupted as the sound of glass shattering resonated throughout the library. Twilight looked towards the source of the sound, but looked away as shards of broken glass started falling on top of her. After the glass stopped falling, she looked to the direction from where the glass had come from, and what she saw next, shocked her. In front of her stood what appeared to be three baby dragons, which had a fin appendage sprouting out of their backs. To her they looked like ancient hrptenica* dragons, who have been extinct for over 10,000 years! Their scales were of a dark forest colour and seem to be quite rough, even for a normal dragon. They showed a pair of fangs which were about two inches long, probably to sink deep into the skin of their prey. But what drew her attention the most were their eyes, they were ruby red and seemed to have a shine of their own. As she looked deeply into them, she could feel a chill run through her spine, they showed hunger for blood, and right now they were craving for her blood. In an instant, one of them jumped towards her, readying its claws to cut through her flesh. But before it could reach her, she teleported away in a flash of magic, just in time as the claws of the reptile sank themselves into the table that she was using, the end of its claws jotting out the bottom of the table. The other two then jumped towards her, shortening the distance between them and Twilight. “Arrrrgh, help!” Twilight screamed at the top of her lungs as she sent a bolt of magic to the reptiles that were trying to kill her. The bolt hit one of the reptiles, sending it back a bit but not doing any damaged. But the other was nearly on her as it made one final jump to land a bite at her neck. Twilight duck down at the last second, filling as the beast snap its jaw shut, biting down a few strands of her hair, before soaring over her and landing in the other side of the living room. She wasted no time and made a dash for the door, but her path was cut short as one of the beast landed on front of her, cutting her route of escape. Twilight quickly turned around, avoiding a swipe of the reptile that was on front of the door. She cast a teleportation spell when she turned around, seeing the beasts going towards her. She reappeared at the base of the stairs as she readied another spell to stop these monsters. The reptiles turned to her, going back into one group as they slowly advanced towards her. Twilight sent a few bolts of magic at the beasts, but this time they didn’t do anything apart from annoying them. M-my magic isn’t working, how can they resist it? Twilight thought to herself as she slowly backed away from the reptilian beings, as they continue nearing her. That is until the sound of the front library door, slamming open brought the attention of everyone present on the room. Twilight looked at the entrance and spotted her friends and Sparklez, looking at what was happening inside. “Freaking Dramcryx!” Sparklez exclaimed suddenly after seeing his annoying arch-nemesis of the game. What is it with this guys and trees?! He thought as he looked at the reptilian creatures which he had faced countless times on the game. The Dramcryx were now looking at the new group of beings that had entered the structure. One of the members of the group snorted something to the others, with him turning back at Twilight, while the other two continue staring the new arrivals. Let’s call them Ed, Edd and Eddy for now, Eddy being the one facing Twilight. Ed and Edd where growling at the newcomers, reading themselves to pounce at them. “More of your pets?” Rainbow asked, glaring a Sparklez as she readied herself for the fight. “Oh would you cut it out? He isn’t responsible for this Jungle Stegosauruses.” Kerry replied as she lowered her body to pounce at one of the creatures. Sparklez looked at the cat for a second surprised that she knew how he normally called them for fun. This is starting to creep me out a bit, how did she know? He push away the thought as he looked back at the Dramcryxses. Ed and Edd decided they had waited long enough and charge at them, claws out and ready. Everyone jumped to the sides, avoiding the claws from cutting them, rainbow flying up out of the way before going back down and hitting Edd on the back. “Aaagh” Rainbow shouted in pain, shaking her hooves from hitting the Dramcryx. Sweet Celestia, feels like it’s made of rocks! She came out of her thinking as she barely had time from avoiding another swipe from Ed. Meanwhile, Eddy was clawing at a shield erected by Twilight, each slice cutting deep into the shield like it was made of clay. This can’t be! It’s like he is immune to magic. Twilight thought to herself as she put more energy into rebuilding the shield faster than Eddy was destroying it. Sparklez looked at what was happening before him, trying to make a plan. Applejack was bucking the Dramcryxses on the side when she had the chance, but this only served in painful grunts from her and getting the attention from the reptiles. Spike was on top of Ed, hitting on the head with his fists. Rainbow Dash continued to dive bomb them, but each hit was as weak as the last one, which was getting on the nerves of her. Pinkie was bouncing around, avoiding pounces and swipes from the beasts, even going as to jumping on their heads, which made the Dramcryxses angrier. Sparklez saw that Twilight was keeping up her shield, maintaining at bay Eddy, not wanting to risk the chance that Eddy may get her if she dropped the shield to cast another spell. Rarity seemed to try and aid as well on the fight, using her magic as much as she could, and Fluttershy. Wait, where is she?! Sparklez asked to himself, worried for the safety of the yellow mare, seeing as she was the most fragile. He then felt a small trembling sensation behind him; looking back he saw the form of the trembling mare, hiding behind her mane and Sparklez. “Sparklez, would you get your sword out already? I don’t think we are doing much here!” Kerry said from the top of Edd, scratching the rough scales, tiny wisps of mist coming out of the point where she hit. Sparklez looked to the Dramcryxses and then at his hand then back at the Dramcryxses again. “R-right, my iron sword, umm...” There was just one problem. How the hell do I get it out?! He looked around himself, trying to see anything that may indicate that he had said weapon. “Sparklez, I’m not kidding here. You have to get in the fight now, or we may no-” She was cut short as she felt a sudden change on her position, Edd standing on two legs and proceeding to fall on his back, making Kerry release her hold from his back. “O-ow” Kerry said as she stood up slowly, dazed from being squashed between the Jungle Stegosaurus and the floor. Before she could regain her bearings, a tail hit her and sent her flying across the room, hitting the wall as small wisps came out of her body for a brief moment, followed by a trail of blood. “Kerry!” Fluttershy screamed, her fears replaced by worry when she saw the cat getting hit hard by Ed, she went flying as quickly as possible to aid the Kerry. Ed noticed this and parted away from the annoying group of beings, seeing the opportunity to take the one distracted. But Sparklez, he felt something when he saw Kerry get hit. Normally he would just act worry for the sake of the videos, trying to make his viewers feel connected to him and the pets in a sort of community, like Jerry had done in the past. But seeing her get hurt now, he felt like someone had hit a dear friend of his, no, a sister, and now they were going to try that again with one of his ‘friends’! No fucking way! At that moment he instincts took over, leading him as what to do in order to protect the others. He reached back to his belt, until the square on his hotbar was highlighted, the one holding the iron sword. He then felt a pouch form on his belt, just like the one that had the note. He reached inside and felt a cool liquid substance, like water, yet it didn’t wet his hand. He then concentrated, as he made the substance start solidifying into the grip of a sword. Taking hold of it, he started to pull it out, the substance making the rest of the sword as it went out. Once he had the blade on his hands, he looked at Ed, as it was going directly towards Fluttershy. In an instant, he sprinted towards them, dust from the floor being lifted up from how fast he was moving. He brought the sword down upon the Dramcryx, cutting its chase for Fluttershy as he made a large gash on the rough skin of the beast. Ed started letting out wisps out of his body, feeling the pain that he now felt on his side. Looking back towards his attacker, he only had time to see the blade of iron hitting him on the head, making him have a ear splitting headache. Edd, now taking notice of his ally, turn away from the ponies as he went to aid him. “Did, did he jus’ hurt one of those things with a simple sword?” Applejack asked as she had a hard time believing that they had being going at the thing for some time without getting anywhere, and Sparklez had just injured the monster with a simple weapon. “Well I’m glad he can aid us at the moment, my mane was starting to get ruffled up from all that magic casting I was doing.” Rarity said as she combed her mane, which looked the same as before, except for a few strands sticking out. “I guess so” Rainbow said, although she wasn’t serious, she knew Sparklez was behind all of this. They have been fighting these things for a while now, and they couldn’t even make a scratch, they didn’t even seemed to feel their hits! And now Sparklez had managed to hurt them like that, like it was nothing. She guessed that this was a setup to try and win their good side on him, summoning these monsters and then killing them. Well, it wasn’t gonna work on her, she would make them all see that Sparklez was like this monsters. Meanwhile, Sparklez kept going at Ed, determined to end this creature before it could harm anyone else. He then noticed Edd coming from the side, it’s mouth wide open to bite him and maul him. Sparklez turned to the side, letting the attack go right past him, before reaching out and pulling back by its tail, before bringing down the sword and impale it on the back. Edd let out a roar as it felt the blade sank on his body; he then kicked out with his hind legs, making Sparklez release him, pulling the sword out in the process. Ed then proceeded to lounge at Sparklez from the side, but he was met with a punch from the side of his head, the same mist coming out of his body as he was hit. “Wow, that guy sure does hit hard, that seemed to hurt the thing.” Spike said as he watched the display with the others, looking to the side he saw Fluttershy tending to the cat that had been hit earlier. “How is she Fluttershy?” “She’s been hurt badly; I will need my animal med kit.” Fluttershy said as she looked at the door of the library, a face of uncertainty on her. “I just don't know if I can get fast enough to my cottage to get it, and I can’t take her with me like she is.” Spike thought about this for a moment before an idea came to him. “What if Rainbow goes and gets it?” Rainbow turn to the duo when she heard her name, having heard everything they were saying. “What? No way, I’m not going to leave you guys here just for ‘her’” She said the last part with a harsh tone. Fluttershy gave rainbow a glare, not believing she was still with the accusations. “Rainbow Dash, Kerry needs medical attention right now, and you are the only one that may give her the chance to live.” Rainbow was about say something when Fluttershy interrupted. “And before you say anything, think what if you are wrong about her and Sparklez? Do you want to be responsible for the death of somepony?” Rainbow was about to say yes, but she then looked to the prone form of Kerry, defenseless, hurt, and...scared. She started to feel pity for the feline, seeing her like she was. Letting out a heavy sigh she responded “Alright, but if I’m right about them, you know who warned you first.” With that, Rainbow flew out the front door, heading towards Fluttershy’s cottage. Back with the fight, Sparklez was dodging left to right avoiding the attacks that was thrown his way, he was swiping across the beasts as he continue dodging, countering every attack. Ed and Edd now sport a lot of gashes as blood slowly poured out of them. Sparklez was by now tired, having being slashing nonstop. Ed and Edd in a desperate attempt to kill the being, they rushed him from both sides, knowing that at least one of them could get him. Only that Sparklez faced one of them, impaling him from underneath, then used his body as a hammer as he brought him down on top of the other, in one quick move Sparklez took out the sword and then impale it again, making it go through both Ed and Edd’s heads. With that, the dark mist started enveloping the figures of Ed and Edd, dissolving them into nothing, leaving behind five green shards of crystals. “Yeah boy, that’s how it’s done.” Sparklez exclaimed as he raised his sword into a victory pose. All of those present made a small cheer at that. Well, that was until they were reminded of somepony in the room. “Don’t want to be the rain in your parade, but a little help?” Twilight said, tired as she had been casting the shield spell constantly as to avoid Eddy from reaching her. Sparklez blinked at the mentioned of the last Dramcryx, “Oh yeah, I think I forgot about it.” He said smiling sheepishly . “Ya think?” Applejack said with a bemused look towards Sparklez. Deciding not to waste more time, Sparklez readied his sword again as he proceeded to attack the last Dramcryx. But Eddy managed to hear Sparklez coming towards him, and in the last second moved to the side, the sword sinking into the shield, nearly touching Twilight’s face. The mare in question looked at the blade, seeing how close it was from reaching her sent shivers down her spine. “That...was too close” She said as she proceeded to vanish the shield in order for Sparklez to remove his sword. “Sorry” Sparklez responded to her as he looked to Eddy, who was now circling around the man. Eddy seeing as his comrades weren’t there anymore and that the blade of the man was coated with blood, made him see that he was responsible for their deaths, and that he needed to plan what to do. Sparklez was in a world of his own, trying to figure out what to do in this situation. I’m really tired, this thing is as fresh as a daisy and it seems it actually thinks. Why doesn’t the last part surprise me? Oh yeah, THIS ISN’T A GAME! Eddy seeing as he was distracted on his thoughts decided to charge forward, swiping his tail under him making him lose his footing, raising his claws, Eddy proceeded to stab Sparklez as he laid on the ground. Sparklez rolled out of the way as the claws of Eddy sank into the wood. He stood up quickly, just in time to parry a claw swipe, and then another, and another. Eddy kept clawing away, making Sparklez walk backwards as he lost ground. Sparklez noticing that he would be overwhelmed soon from lack of space had to find some way to shift the scales into his favour. Looking around, he spotted a door which was located to one side. Maybe if I trapped it I could have some time to recover. He thought to himself as he decided on the plan. Moving to one side to avoid the next claw, Sparklez then brought a fist to the face of Eddy, with enough force to make him go back a few feet. Sparklez then proceeded to slash out at eddy, making him go back as to avoid getting hit, each time going closer to the door. When Eddy found his tail touching against the wall, he turned around to see that he had been lead to a door, as to why he wasn’t sure. Sparklez then using the moment of distraction decided to impale Eddy from underneath, raising him in the air. Eddy body started to release the wisps like his comrades, as he felt the blade sink deep into him. He then saw as the being opened the door that he had been back to. Looking behind him he saw a flight of stairs going down a dark room which you couldn’t see the bottom of. Sparklez wasn’t expecting a basement, especially a dark one where more mobs could spawn. But he decided to stick to his plan and went to throw the Dramcryx with as much force as possible, only, eddy wasn’t going down alone. Eddy had wrapped his tail around the arm of Sparklez, making sure not to let go even if he let go of the sword. With the force of the throw, both of them tilted forward, not able to shift their weights to avoid falling down, as both of them went down the stairs. The girls gasped at this, going quickly to the door to go down and help the guy, but stopped when they heard the sound of flesh being sliced, over and over again. No sound came afterwards, no even a squeak as the girls stared down into the darkness. Then they heard footsteps going up the stairs, slowly a figure started to appear as it came to the light. “Sup guys?” Sparklez said as he came into the open. “Sparklez!” Everyone exclaim with joy, seeing that their friend was alright. “My, for a second there I thought that ruffian had his way with you, you even managed to keep your clothes in prime condition after the ordeal.” Rarity said as she inspected the set of clothes on Sparklez, making sure she was seeing right. “What? That can’t be, I had this thing torn by zombies and a creeper last...night?” Sparklez drifted off as he saw his clothes again, the small holes and tears that it had suffered the other day were now gone, like it had never happen. “Wait a darn minute, zombies? Like in flesh eatin’ ponies that were once dead?” Applejack said after hearing what Sparklez had said. “And creepers? Do you have like some admirers who follow you around and want pieces of you because they super duper adore because you are some celebrity, huh, huh, huh?” Pinkie said in one lung full of air, earning stares from everyone in the room. “What?” Sparklez just looked at her with a bit surprise, sounding like something that would happen to him if he ever found that type of fan on his normal day life. “Umm, those were actually monsters like the ones we just fought, but weaker. And the creeper is not a craze fan; it’s a monster that explodes when it comes close to you.” He said as he wanted to make clear what happen last night, seeing as they would find out sooner or later, especially after what just happened. Twilight was about to say something, but stopped when she saw movement coming from the door to the basement. “Sparklez, watch out!” Twilight yelled as she jump to the man, making the form of Eddy to miss. Sparklez fell on the floor and Twilight landed on top of him, he opened his eyes in time to see Eddy doing one last pounce to the two of them. In one quick move, Sparklez raised the sword in the air in a way that Eddy ended up impaling himself. Eddy thrashed quickly on the blade, before his movement started to slow down to a crawl. Giving one last growl, he went limp as the wisps came around him and eat his body away, leaving only a single shard as it fell to the floor next to Twilight and Sparklez. Twilight raised her head, looking at the man in front of her as she saw that he was alright. Sparklez himself looked at her as he gave her a smile. “Thanks for the warning there.” He said as he gave her a thumbs up. Twilight gave a small chuckle at this, finding his way to take situations like this amusing. “Well it was nice to at least help, after all that you did.” She said as she gave him a smile. Sparklez was about to say something a blinding light suddenly appeared a little ways from where he and Twilight were. He had to shield his eyes at how intense it was, but it then vanished as quick as it appeared, followed by a sweet motherly voice. “Hello everypony, it is nice to see you...all?” Celestia drifted off as she watched the scene right in front of her. The same could be told for her sister, never seeing something like this, while Discord, was holding back a fit of laughter. At that moment, Rainbow Dash came back through the door of the library, carrying with her a small med kit. “Here is what you needed for Ke-” She stopped there in mid air, staring in shock at what was in front of her. “Twilight?! Are you making out with Sparklez?!” Twilight and Sparklez then took a look at the position they were in. Twilight was right on top of Sparklez with her hind legs spread out a bit, her front hooves resting on his shoulders as their heads were mere inches from each other. They both immediately had a deep blush, now seeing what this looked like. “It’s not what it looks like!” They both yelled as they tried to scram away from each other in hopes of making the situation less awkward. Rarity leaned to the side as she whispered into Applejack’s ear. “Seems that Flash Sentry has some competition now.” She said with a small teasing smile, finding this situation amusing. Applejack simple replied with a “Yeup”, having a similar smile like Rarity.