Funeral For A God

by Moustache Queen

Funeral For A God

Motionless, he was still as a rock. He looked so peaceful, it's hard to imagine him ever hurting the ponies of Ponyville. Everypony told me not to even say goodbyes to him, ididn't listen because I love him. Even though no pony else will love him. I will stand by his side forever....till I join him...
Rain poured down from the dark grey clouds, the earth was becoming muddy. The trees stood still and towered over all life. Squirrel's and Owls raced to their homes for the coming storm. It almost looked I've their was no life, yet one lone figure stood on the hill beyond the forest, one lone figure, mourning...


Fluttershy let the warm tears flow down her sad face, the rain poured onto her lovely pink mane. But she didn't care? she slowly raised her head from the ground and gazed at a grey stone headstone. Fluttershy felt her tears fall down her face like the rain around her the tomb was dark grey with white writing...

It said...

Here Lies Discord

That's all it said, after all the funeral's Fluttershy been to the headstones said words about the ponies bravery or intelligence or kindness. But no all it says for Discord is three stupid words...

No pony really forgave Discord for killing ponies and destroying Ponyville. Mo pony wanted to pay their respects to the funny God who kept danger from coming in, no pony cared...

Fluttershy remembered how Twilight turned her head as soon as Fluttershy asked her to come with her, she also remembered Rainbow Dash's spit flying onto the floor and how she said.

"This is my respect for Discord"

FlutterShy remembered how Rainbow and Twilight and herself found the burning bodies of Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Each had a horrified face in them...

Fluttershy shook her head the tears stopped, slowly she sat down and lowered her head and touched the cold grey headstone.

"I'm sorry pony would come...I'm really sorry.." Fluttershy cried

Tears flowed down her face again, the rain above her was slowly stopping. Fluttershy just wanted to curl up and die next to her love. She wanted to be buried with him.

Then...she came.

"Miss Fluttershy?" Asked a voice.

FlutterShy felt her ears prick she knew that voice. Quickly she looked up and gasped...

There before her, was a yellow coloured Filly Earth Pony with a bright red bow tail and mane...

"Apple Bloom?" Fluttershy asked.

The filly nodded.

"W-why are you here?" FlutterShy asked.

"I came pay man respect to Mister Discord..." Apple Bloom replied.

"But-but Discord killed AppleJack..." FlutterShy spluttered.

Apple Bloom stood silent. Slowly she walked forwards and sat next to FlutterShy...

"I know he killed her but it wasn't him, i believe ya Fluttershy, the evil soul, it ain't right that all tha ponies ignore him after everything he'd done for us" Apple Bloom whispered.

Fluttershy felt her tears slowly become dry, somepony was with her to mourn the God, somepony actually cared.

"Apple Bloom!" Shouted two voices.

Fluttershy and Apple Bloom both turned their heads to see two more Filly's.

One was a white unicorn with a purple and pink mane and tail, the other was a orange Pegasus with a purple mane and tail..

"Sweetie Bell? Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked.

The Filly's both nodded.

"Apple Bloom you said you were gong to mourn somepony, we thought it was Applejack but-" Sweetie Bell began.

"But we saw FlutterShy alone on a hill and you beside her" Scootaloo added.

"So we came right of you!" They both squeaked.

Fluttershy let out a slight happy chuckle but stopped. She sighed as she remembered who Sweetie Bell's sister was and who's Scootaloo's mentor.

Fluttershy let out a sigh and opened her mouth, only to be cut off by Sweetie Bell.

"Also we came to mourn Discord!" Squeaked Sweetie Bell.

"For real!" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo replied.

"Mr. Discord once turned into a filly and stood up to Diamond Tiara and SilverSpoon for us! He kinda earned a golden apple cutie mark and he was stuck being a pony for a day, but it was fun!" Sweetie Bell squeaked.

Fluttershy gasped, she never knew Discord turned into a filly! But he was gone for a full day once.

Fluttershy let out tears of happiness she slowly lowered her head and placed her head in her hooves, still crying, FlutterSShy felt three hooves on her shoulder she turned her head to look at three Filly's placing their heads on the headstone...

Slowly Fluttershy placed her forehead on the cold stone, a shock of cold waves hit her but she didn't flinch away, she was happy. Ponies did care for Discord, they did indeed..

"Mrs Fluttershy!" Called a voice.

Fluttershy turned her head and looked up and gasped, and smiled as she saw a grey coloured Pegasus with a yellow mane and tail, and on the ground Fluttershy nearly tumbled over as she saw a Zebra with golden rings around her legs, walking towards the gravestone...

The Pegasus landed first.

"Derpy?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah! Hi um-Mrs. Bloom!" Derpy smiled.

"How are you Derpy?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I'm fine Mrs. Shy I came to pay respects to my Muffin Buddy!" Derpy replied.

"Muffin Buddy?" Asked Scootaloo.

Derpy nodded.

"Every weekend Mr. Discord came to my cloud-um-home and we had a Muffin Eating and Baking Contest!" Derpy laughed.

"That's soooo cool.... hey maybe our Cutie Marks are muffins!" Sweetie Bell added.

"Why I came in time! Though I cannot fly, like Derpy in the cold grey sky!" Rhymed a voice.

Fluttershy turned her gaze from Derpy to Zecora, quickly a flash of yellow ran to Zecora and hugged the Zebra..

"Zecora I missed you how are you!" Asked Apple Bloom.

"I am fine little one though Fluttershy is the chosen one...we all come to pray and mourn for one large friend of course" Zecora replied

Fluttershy let out a slight happy gasp, ever since Applejack died Zecora took Apple Bloom under her hoof and took care of her on the week. Until weekends when Zecora needs to find herbs for potions and food...

"Why are you here Zecora?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Why little Pegasus of the sky I came here for my rhyme...Discord you see was a friend from my old tribe and he used rhyme all the time and we became friends in our younger times" Zecora replied.

Scootaloo nodded.

Fluttershy smiled...

"Shall we pay our respects?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Okie dokie!" Derpy smiled.

Zecora nodded, and followed Apple Bloom to the headstone, Fluttershy sat right at the front of the grave the others sat around the headstone..

"Derpy you go first" Encouraged Sweetie Bell.

Derpy nodded and grabbed a piece of paper out of her hair. She slowly opened it up and cleared her throat..

"Discord was a friend and a buddy he taught me that I may be different from everypony but being different is great! ver since he told me that we became the best of friends! He was a friend, a protector, a buddy, and a joker...I gunna miss ya muffin buddy!" Derpy cried.

Slowly tears began to fall down her face, and Zecora held her hoof onto Derpy's back as the Pegasus cried...

Fluttershy nodded to Sweetie Bell and the little filly stood straight as a stick..

"Discord was a funny friend, he showed the bullies not to tease us! He showed us that we earn our cutie marks by welcoming our fate...not rush into it! As I saw Rarity's corpse with Applejack's and Pinkie's I asked myself where was Discord! I realised that the ponies didn't want him so they dumped him here, but the thing is, this place is perfect...for a great friend..." Sweetie Bell squeaked.

Fluttershy smiled tear slowly fell down her face, slowly turned her gaze to Scootaloo, who was holding a picture?

"Discord like Sweetie Bell protected us from bullies he-he gave me this picture. A picture of my entire blood line, he-he saw me alone with no pony on Mother's Day, so-so he tranceformed into a pony and treated me like his daughter. I-I ignored Rainbow Dash's rude words about him...I-I-I knew that Discord couldn't kill the ponies he loved and liked, so-so I wish him goodbye and a everlasting happy peace" Scootaloo cried.

The orange filly had to be grabbed by Derpy and Zecora and comforted by them...

Slowly Fluttershy looked at Apple Bloom and the Filly began to...unwrap her bow?

"Discord, thank you, for everything you did. For showing us to embrace fate, showing us we might have to fight our battles, thank you for showing, that even villains can turn into good ponies. I'm I'm...Gunna miss y-you mister D-Discord" Apple Bloom squeaked?

Apple Bloom slowly placed her bow next to the headstone, she slowly turned around and walked straight to Zecroa's encouraging hoofs.

"Discord you are the one who showed me to do what's has to be done...thank you old and young friend, I hope you live in peaceful heaven till the very end" Zecora whispered.

Slowly all the ponies, except Fluttershy collapsed and began crying, endlessly crying, though Derpy was crying the most...

Slowly Fluttershy stood up and placed a glassy made Discord with a pink tutu and a light bulb in his talon..

"Discord I hope you can hear us in heaven I hope you are living peacefully I hope your ok, I hope you have fun up their but don't get under Applejack's and Rarity's heads, have fun with Pinkie, and make sure you take care of Gummy Winona and Opal...make sure...make sure-" Fluttershy cried.

Tears flowed down her face, slowly dripping off her chin and hitting the floor. Fluttershy slowly raised her head, she let out a long breath and continued with wobbly legs

"D-Discord I-I hope one day ponies will talk about y-you a-and I-I hope you will one day be treated as a hero like you have treated us, I-I love you Discord....don't ever doubt that..." Fluttershy cried.

Slowly Fluttershy turned around and nodded to the five crying ponies...

"Discord was more than a friend" Sniffed Derpy.

"He was ah protector.." Added Apple Bloom.

"He was a teacher.." Squeaked Sweetie Bell.

"He was a generous pony" Added Scootaloo.

"He was a riddle master and rhyming friend and amused me till the very end" Added Zecora.

"He was a lover, a fighter, a joker, a protector, a friend, and a teacher..." Fluttershy added

"Goodbye Discord..." They all said.