Steel Shoes

by Sir Hat


They were making it rain for the rest of the weekend, "Hey Sam,"

"Mornin Corey," I didn't bother with formalities, just grabbed my stuff and settled in. I hung my coat in the forge and started getting ready. It took longer than normal for anyone to show up. Even Ben got in early. Fridays we only worked a few hours so be both stay full time.

"Hey Ben," He had just walked into the forge covered in rain.

"Hey Corey....where is everyone?"

"No idea," Me and Ben just sat in the forge trying to stay warm, "Weird..."

"I know right,"

"Corey?" there she was. At least Rarity was on time.

"Well," I said standing and walking back to my room, "Atleast someone showed up," I walked inside the fitting room met with Rarity, wearing what looked like a rain slicker.

"Good morning Corey,"

"Good morning Rarity, one second please," I popped back into the forge and grabbed her shoes, pink composite with black rubber soles and a toeclip.

I quickly boxed them before heading back. Once I returned to the fitting room Rarity was politely sitting waiting for me, "I figured you wouldn't want to wear these out in the mud,"

"That's very considerate,"

"'s what I do..."

"Oh by the way I meant to ask, why did you ask about those ponies yesterday,"


"Ohh- Roseluck and Ms.Scratch,"

"Oh....well.....Scratch invited me to her club on Saturday...and Roseluck.....I kind of...."

"Ah I understand....well I'd say you'd make a good match, did you make plans with her,"

"Well...not officially, I thought about dropping by on Saturday or Sunday."

"You should, I think she'd appreciate it. Well good luck, I'm sure we will speak again soon," She gave what looked like a curtsey and walked out, leaving me to sit around more. one is showing up today, "UGH!" I shouted throwing my head back in my chair, "Come on...someone show up," What felt like an hour passed before anyone else showed up.

"Hello sir," In walked yet another repeat customer. Filthy Rich and his daughter, she had a pair of orthopedic shoes, "Interesting weather today isn't it,"

"Well I don't mind cool rain is a nice change, what did you need," He guided his daughter to the chair and walked over to me.

"She has been complaining about her heel all week," I nodded and started removing the shoes.

"Alright....can you describe the feeling,"

"..." She just sat there looking annoyed.

"Tiara don't be rude," Rich started staring at her.

"*Humph* feels like something is pressing into my hoof," I started checking the soft spots behind the wall, I hit a soft spot near the inside rim, "OW, daddy..."

"Sorry, looks like you need more padding on the back hooves," I took the shoes to my desk and started pulling out the old sole, "It's gonna be about thirty bits for both,"

"Hmm, any way you can lower it," Rich always tried to talk me down.

"Sorry...these things cost ten to make, two to ship, we barely make any profit,"

"I see...thirty bits then,"

"Go and talk to Sam while I fix the shoes," I quickly started gluing down the new sole, "Once you're fully grown I don't think you'll even need these,"

"Just fix them," Indignant, I simply set my tools down and walked over to her.

"I'm sorry, what was that," I gave her an incredulous look.

"...Fix them....please..." Alright then, I walked back and finished with the shoes.

"Alright," I reattached the shoes, "Hows that feel," I helped her off the chair. She shifted her weight back and forth.

"Better.....thank you," sounded forced, but it was progress.

"You're very welcome, come on I'll see you out," I held the door for her, Rich was waiting patiently in the lobby, "All done,"

"Very good, I scheduled a checkup next week,"

"Good, see you next week,"

"Indeed, Diamond Tiara what do you say..."

"*mumble* Thank you," I gave a warm smile back as they walked out. Back to hours of nothing.

Three hours later

"Ugh......sonofa......ARG!" three hours of sitting around playing with the papers on my desk...

"Whoa there..." I snapped my head fast enough to break my spine. The voice came from a plum colored pony standing in the door way. She chuckled lightly, "you alright?"

"Uh..." I quickly cleared my desk and stood up,"*cough* yes....sorry,"

"Don't worry about it, my name is Berry Punch by the way,"

"Corey.....what did you need?"

"I was supposed to have my hooves work on Wednesday but your friend was out,"

"Oh yeah...Wednesday was kinda rough....well hop up and I'll get started," I patted the seat before grabbing a brush, a file, and what was like an edgeless knife used to clean out dirt and debris. I turned around seeing her leaning back in the chair showing her hooves, "Alright then...." I quickly got to work taking off the shoes before brushing them off first.

" boy's really do like hooves..." That sounded...odd.

"Uh, what?"

"Nothing..." Huh,weird. I ignored it though and kept working, *Moan* OK that was deliberate.

"Miss are you alright,"

"Oh nice of you to ask..." Eh....I'm conflicted about this. I decided to let it slide so I could just finish this quicker. I finished brushing her hooves and quickly gave them a once over with the file. Once that was done I started running the knife around the wall of her hoof skimming dirt and crud out, "OOooo," God dammit.....

"'s like your trying to throw me off," I went back and before I knew it she threw her forehooves around me and pulled me to her chest, "Uh wha-umbl-"

"You are so cute, you don't even know," I felt her breathing into my hair, dear god I've never felt so conflicted and taken advantage of. She was clutching my head to her stomach, i tired pulling away only to have her tighten her grip.

"canyoupleaseletmego" she eased off and leaned her head over so that she was hanging just over my face. She let out a long breathe that ended up fogging up my glasses. Once she was sure she made her point she let me off, "I'm gonna....go..." I quickly and awkwardly walked into the forge before tossing my glasses on a table and dunking my head into the cooling trough, "*Gasp* holy shit......well that was....unique..." I wasn't about to head back in there, I pride myself in professionalism but there was no way I was going to put up with being provoked. Ben, he wasn't doing anything.

I slammed into the door and burst into the room like a madman, "WHOA CHRIST," Ben jumped from his chair like he saw a ghost, "What the hell Corey....why are you wet," I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him into the forge.

"Just go in her.....I'll give you.....fifty bits," I didn't wait for a response before I shoved him towards the door, "Just go,"

"Whoa man, easy...who got you all worked up," He asked before I pushed him into my room and pulled the door shut. Things got quite for about fifteen minutes before Ben came back into the forge, "She's gone...."

"Thank're a lifesaver,"

"Yeah I know I'm awesome......." he started walking back to his room, "I cant understand why you didn't want to help her, perfectly polite," Bullshit....I didn't argue and just went back to sitting in my room. I sat for the next hour sorting papers before finding a small folded note: meet me at the workhorse tomorrow night. The workhorse was a local pub.

"..." Wow..."Well....she's persistent...." not once did I have a pony so obviously come on to me like that. Huh....maybe if the club doesn't pan out tomorrow I'll actually rules outside work and she obviously wanted to ...."talk" with me.

We'll see how tomorrow works...

The next few hours went by slowly, no other ponies showed up. A dreadfully slow day pretending to be productive. Once my time was up I packed my stuff and headed out, "Alright Sam....I'll see you on Monday," perks of being so specialized meant I got paid well and got to work my own days.

"Yep...have a good weekend," Sam gave a quick wave before I walked out into the drizzle that was looming over the weekend.