//------------------------------// // EXTRA - The International 3 // Story: Friendship is Ganking // by Teh_Zodiac //------------------------------// It was easily the best day of his life. The fame, the glory, he had attained it all, and clutching the Aegis of the Immortal felt like soaring on invisible wings which carried him forward to a brighter future. Indeed, Loda was happy. When Bruno, Luminous and Tobi started bombarding him with questions, his only answer was an ecstatic nod and a dumb, elated expression on his face. People were screaming his name, the name of his team, and the sound of cheers and cries of joy resonated in the aether. They were the International 3 champions. Alliance won. Officially, the best team in the world. The party went on all night long: Chuan brought the booze, Mushi the babes, ixmike his wonderful mustache and sunglasses for everyone, even if it was already three in the morning. Ayesee had just won a karaoke championship, and Blitz and Purge were busy making out in the background. Indeed, everyone was busy partying for the newfound champions of the DOTA 2 professional scene: Burning and YYF were trying to hit it on Kelly both at the same time, while Tobiwan and the Enigma cosplayer were having a wonderful, wonderful time together, orchestrating wondrous black holes. Admiral Bulldog was showing Wagamama his pet bear, a beautiful panda that was still pre-6.78, so it was possible to put an Armlet of Mordiggian on him. Everyone was having fun. Everyone except the Na’Vi, who were looking pretty sad and were just sulking, away from the cheers and the songs and Era’s wonderful massages. When Loda saw them, he couldn’t just let them be: even if they were second, they had taught them so much, and came so close from snatching victory away from them. With a smile, he walked past a row of adoring fans worshipping s4, and stopped right in front of them. Puppey looked at him with puppy eyes and whispered: “Congratulations, Loda. You won.” “Thank you, Puppey! But you guys shouldn’t be here, looking all depressed! The night is still young, and you have a lot to party for!” “It’s okay, Loda. We’re not sad because we lost, we’re sad because we’re leaving.” XBOCT said, a small frown on his face. “Leaving Seattle? Did you like it here that much?” Loda asked, curious. “We’re not leaving Seattle, we’re leaving Earth.” Kuroky said, barely holding back the tears. “We had a wonderful time here, but now we have to go back. You see, we are actually fictional characters from a popular show that’s loved for its jab at normal demographics.” Funn1k said, deadly serious. “Uh. You never really talked that much… Wait, WHAT?” “It’s true, Loda. And now we have to leave. But we hope that we taught everyone here a lesson.” Puppey said, as he lowered a hand on the Loda’s shoulder, and started to glow. In fact, they had all started to glow so bright it was hard to look at them. A couple of seconds, they all started to float, hovering towards a portal that had just conveniently appeared on the ceiling. “Like what?” “LIKE NERF THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT WISP AND STOP PLAYING RAT DOTA” XBOCT yelled amiably. “AND LET ADMIRAL BULLDOG PLAY SOMETHING ELSE APART FROM NATURE’S PROPHET AND LONE DRUID, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. THAT SHIT IS GETTING OLD, ALWAYS RUSHING MIDAS AND RADIANCE!” “Wait, don’t go, you have so much more that you can teach me about not sucking!” Loda shouted as he jumped, trying to grab them. “Well, for starters you could stop picking Phantom Lancer, since he’s an unbalanced steaming pile of filth that shouldn’t even exist in the first place.” Puppey said, his voice already sounding like an angel. “At least tell me where you came from!” Loda asked desperately as they floated to the portal no one had apparently noticed. A melodious voice came from the only Na’Vi who had been silent. “Do you remember what you said when you met me for the first time, Loda?” “I said, ‘Dendi you are so random’! So what… OH FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, REALLY? I WAS ALMOST OUTPLAYED BY A FREAKING BUNCH OF PONI-“