//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Introductions // Story: Falling Stars // by guitarguyjoe //------------------------------// I woke up in a house. I hoped that I didn't crash through somepony's roof, but as I stare at the ceiling I see no holes. I look to my side to find a sleeping mare next to me in a chair. I notice she was a pegasis with a yellow coat and a pink mane. Her cutie mark was of 3 butterflies. I pondered as to what they symbolized as I attempted to sit up, but I was then hit with a sharp pain in my back. I cringe as I slowly lay back down. I then notice the mare starting to stir. As she opened her eyes I noticed they were blue and ... in a word beautiful. She notices that I am awake as I say to her "Well good morning sunshine". She then eeps and hides behind the chair she previously slept in. I swiftly sit up to apologize for scaring her, but then the pain kicks in and forces me to grunt. She stares at me with concern in her eyes as she swiftly approaches me. "Are you ok?" she asks as I lay back down. "Yes, I'm sorry to scare you like that" "Oh it's ok" she says as she check my wounds. "Might I ask your name miss" I ask. She then hides behind her mane as she utters in a barely audible whisper, "I'm Fluttershy" "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that" "I'm Fluttershy" she says a little louder just enough to where i can hear it. "Well then Ms. Fluttershy I would like to thank you for your hospitality" I say as I begin to check myself for how bad of a shape i am in and just as I feared my wing is wrapped in a cloth very similar to one on my head and torso. " Might I ask where the bathroom is so i can wash up?" I inquired. She then points to the stairs and says "First door on the right" I then proceed to the shower and begin to wash off the blood that has dried on from last night.