The Council of Evil

by KingofBronies

Welcome to the Spire!

The Everfree forest, a dark and unnatural place which hid many secrets from ponykind. None such traveled far enough to see a path that lead into a spire shrouded by foliage. This was the place where the meeting of the dark ones of Equestria were held… to bring the demise of the kingdom. There was a single opening at the base of the tower and a great set of stairs leading to the only room in the tower. It was cold and dark, lit only by mounted candles that emitted an eerie purple flame. In this room was a table chiseled of stone with matching chairs and a throne. There sat the one and only King Sombra whom was wearing an annoyed look on his face.

“They’re late. Those foals can teleport! They have no excuse!” He pounded his armored hoof against the table.

With that a flash of purple light appeared a mare with a purple astral cape and mystical hat with silver mane, she smirked as she took a seat.

“No need to applaud, the Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived.” She said with great pride.

Sombra growled. “You are late!”

She scoffed. “Trixie is never late, your time must be wrong. See? Is she not the only other here.”

The shadow king sighed. “Whatever… Everypony must arrive before this meeting can commence.”

Soon after a dimensional rift opened and out came Discord wearing 3D glasses and drinking a soda, well the container of one. Luna was with him and looked appalled.

“I told you Luna, Equestria Girls could have been a lot worse. It could have been that. That my dear is true Chaos, but even I have standards.” Discord said in his usual loony voice.

The princess of the night was still trying to wrap her head around what she just saw. “W-we don’t even know what happen. Everything was just exploding; we understand the aesthetic appeal of bursts of ignited clouds but twas a bit much. What was it called again?”

“Transformers.” The lord of chaos answered.

“Yes, that. If such a cinematic abomination ever comes to our kingdom we hope Tia lends us the sun to dispose of it.” She looked at her surroundings and whom was present. “Where art we?”

“You brought sun butts sister?! What is the meaning of this!?” The king roared.

Discord just smiled. “Oh come now, who comes to a party empty handed, eh? Besides it’s not like she’s always been the good sister isn’t that right?”

She was a little saddened by the comment. “Well no, but we admit our wrongdoings and have faced the errors of our ways. Much like you have Discord.”

“Well yes I have changed, but I need something to do on my Sundays.” He begins to whisper. “Besides nothing really evil happens at these meetings. Just silly pranks I assure you.”

“Oh, we wish to stay. It sounds like a good bit of fun.” Luna smiled.

“Can we keep her Sombra please? I’ll promise to feed her, water her, and keep her groomed.” He smiled with a soft giggle as watering can poofs into his hand.

“Trixie has no objections to inviting the great sun butts sister.” The showpony vouched.

“Fine whatever, but I’m not happy about it.” The king grunted.

Chrysalis reaches the top of the stairs panting with exhaustion. “This place needs an elevator!”

“You ACTUALLY took the stairs? Can’t you teleport like the rest of us?” Sombra face hoofed.

Chrysalis blushed a bit embarrassed. “Oh…Yeah…”

“Looks like someone gots holes in her head as well.” Discord teased.

“Silence you mess of parts!” the queen growled.

“Whatever just get your swiss flank in here!” the king commanded.

She trotted in and took a seat and with that she noticed Luna. “What is she doing here!?”

“Oh quit your whining! You and I both know we are the only two not ‘Reformed’ villains here. What the hay is one more to the party?” The king sighed resting his face on his hoof, realizing how far he had fallen.

“Fine, but if you so much as mumble one word of this to sun butt I will eat everything you love!” The changeling growled.

Luna nodded slightly intimidated. Everyone took their seats and looked at the king.

“Trixie doesn’t have all day, speak!” The pony said putting up her hooves on the table.

“Silence! Anyways… we have gathered here today yet again to address the ones that have gotten in our way. The enemies of evil, the ones foolish enough to stand in our wake, the foals that dar-!“

“We get it already Sombra!” the swiss queen yelled in anger.

The armored unicorn glared at her and cleared his throat. “As I was saying…We are here to address our enemy, today particularly a certain Twilight Sparkle, the new Alicorn Princess.”

“Ohhoooo! This sounds like fun. What exactly do you have in mind?” The draconequus cheered finishing his soda and tossing it causing an explosion which no one seemed to pay much attention to.

“Well, you see we can’t simply destroy her. We need to do something that sends a message that we are not to be trifled with! Without direct contact, so that we may instill the fear of the unknown upon her!” The villain laughed darkly.

“Trixie agrees, we don’t want to hurt her after all. Trixie does not wish another quarrel with her especially as an Alicorn.” The silver maned mare stated.

The others seemed to agree with Trixie’s statement except Chrysalis whom would happily destroy the one whom caused her trouble on two occasions. Luna smiled seemingly sparked with inspiration.

“We have an idea! What if we un-alphabetize her books at night of course?” The midnight alicorn suggested.

“What? That is stupid! What will that even accomplish? Cause her a minor setback in finding her books? It hardly sends a message.” Chrysalis objected.

Discord wagged his finger. “That’s where you’re wrong Chrysie; Twilight has a bad case of OCD this will drive her nuts, brilliant show of Chaos my dear Luna.”

A small cotton candy storm cloud rained unshelled almonds on Chrysalis. “Don’t call me that! It’s Chrysalis! And will you quit that.” Discord snickered and the nutty situation ceased.

“Trixie agrees with the puzzle of parts. She will never be able to find what she needs right away. It is perfect and foal proof.” The magician held up her nose as if she was right and nothing you say could prove her wrong.

The king grinned. “Then it’s settled! We attack at midnight!”

All cheered except Chrysalis whom still opposed the plan. So the team of sorta villains waited till Luna lowered the moon and snuck into Twilight’s house arranging the books in a random order from their previous one. They then snuck out her being none the wiser…

The next morning…

The young and new Alicorn Princess awoke fixing her bedhead and trotting downstairs. She was thinking of doing some science experiments, perhaps chemistry? She gazed at the shelf holding all of her wonderful literature, but something was wrong…Her eyes almost cracked open and her jaw dropped as she behold the disaster that was once an orderly bookshelf holding her treasures. Some of the books were even put in backwards! What in the name of Celestia? Are those fish between some of them? What was this madness?! She could do nothing, but scream with ear piercing power waking up half of Ponyville and practically giving her dragon assistant a heart attack.

Sombra smirked at the top of his tower and begun to laugh at her cries. “Good morning, Twilight Sparkle.”