//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: Fallen Star's Dream // Story: Falling Stars // by guitarguyjoe //------------------------------// I was in a field. I couldn't recognize it as anywhere I had been before. "Why would I dream about being here" I wondered before a voice behind me had spoken. "You didn't" explained the voice as bright flash appeared in front of me revealing a navy blue alicorn with a mane of night sky blue with stars in it. "I brought us here" I stood there dumbstruck. This was Princess Luna, guardian of the night and ponies dreams. Wait. How did I recognize her. I was about to ask before she explained "Because I made you, my son" "What?" I couldn't begin to comprehend what I was hearing. The princess had just called me her son. "How is that possible? You don't have a special somepony, how could you have made me?" The princess chuckled as she slowly revealed the truth to my existence "At first I didn't understand it, but I shall try to explain it as simple as I can" she then cleared her throat as she prepared to unveil the most unbelievable story anypony has ever heard. "A few nights ago one of the stars in my sky had disappeared. I couldn't figure out why until my sister had told me of you." I sat there eager for her to continue "when she told me about the spell being unable to return your memories, I understood why. You had no memories before that night." I still didn't understand so she decided to continue, "The reason you have no memories is because you had no mind during your previous life, you weren't even a pony at the time, you were a star, the very same star that disappeared that night, Regulus." Upon hearing that name I realized that everything she had said was true. I was a star. "But" I began "How did I become a pony?" The princess then proceeded to explain "Your name means prince in another language, therefore you are the prince of stars. When a filly makes a wish upon a star that wish is fulfilled but not in the way they think. Your strength and speed are from ponies wishes to be faster and stronger. One wish in particular was for you to protect a filly's family from all danger and the night you were transformed you went into a factory to help the filly's parents escape, but you failed." Upon hearing this I began to look down in shame. "Now you are unable to return to your previous form, however" She continued "The same pony made a wish upon you while you were falling and now you must fulfill her wish until her life comes to an end." "What was her wish?" I asked almost afraid to hear it. The princess then began to quote the wish word for word. "I wish that there was somepony here to help me with the animals, somepony who could help these darlings when I needed rest, somepony kind and caring, somepony who would always be there to help." I recognized from the wish who it was, "Fluttershy?" she nodded. The feeling of regret and rejoice hit me at the same time. I would spend the rest of my days with Fluttershy, but I am the reason her parents are dead. "Does she know about her parents?" I asked. The princess shook her head "She has not received the note from the coroner yet, therefore she does not know about her parents demise" Upon hearing this I sighed in relief. Luna then proceeded to exit as she said, "The morning shall arrive soon, you are free to tell Fluttershy and anypony else the truth about your identity and if they don't believe you, you can tell them to ask me. Farewell my little prince." And with that I awoke to the smell of pancakes being made. I noticed the absence of the mare that was previously beside me the night before and made my way downstairs. The animals were fed, including Angel, and Fluttershy was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for the two of us. I snuck up behind her and proceeded to put my hooves in front of her eyes and say "Guess who" . She chuckled as she turned around and gave me a kiss. She then said to me "Well good morning sunshine" which made me chuckle in return. "Hey that's my line" I joked as she got the plates out for serving the pancakes. As we ate I slowly remembered the dream from the previous night and the information I had received from the princess in it. Fluttershy looked at me with concern. "I-is something wrong with the pancakes" she asked. "Nonononono it's just that" I began as I proceeded to sigh "I had a dream last night that helped me remember my past and ... I think the rest of the gang should be here for the rest of this" The mare nodded "Well I have to take care of the animals today so I'll meet up with you" I agreed and headed out to prepare for the reveal of a life time.