//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Unending Slumber // by tyion //------------------------------// At some point in the night Fluttershy convinced Rarity that she would be fine and told Rarity to get some rest, the white unicorn reluctantly gave in and lied down next to Pinkie again. Fluttershy however was not fine like she told Rarity, she was everything but fine, but she required some time to think, alone. She gazed upon Luna’s night sky, silently praying that some kind of miracle would save Dash. But who was she kidding? She shouldn’t get her hopes up for no reason, if they are most likely going to get shattered. Hoping is like running away from reality, if you can’t cope with something you hope it won’t happen, but reality would catch you sooner or later. Yet, Fluttershy didn’t care, simply the thought that Dash might be alright again brought a faint smile on her lips. Also as bad as running away might seem, she wouldn’t have met Dash in the first place without it. Back then, in flight school when she was just a filly. ==== It was the day of the practical exam and Fluttershy was feeling nervous, actually, scratch that, she felt terrified. The yellow pegasus had to pass this test otherwise she was going to get kicked out of flight school. Last year she barely made it and the punishment she received from her father because of that was rather unpleasant, who knew what he was going to do if she gets kicked out? Fluttershy made her mind up that, if she wasn’t going to pass this, she won’t be able to show herself around her home, especially her father, anymore. “Number 27, it’s your turn” one of the examiners shouted out. “Yea, yea, no reason to scream,” a rainbow maned pegasus said as she leisurely stretched her wings and hooves. She seems so relaxed Fluttershy thought, of course she did, she could probably do the practical exam in her sleep. Only two minutes passed until she returned, obviously she passed the test with ease. Fluttershy looked back at her number “32”, she gulped, only four more pegasi until it was her turn.          The other four students all passed the exam, not as good as the cyan pegasus, but they passed it nevertheless. “32 it’s your turn!” Fluttershy took a deep breath as she started to move towards the practice area. Just before she disappeared behind the door she heard a rough voice “Good Luck” number 27 said. The yellow filly blushed slightly; no one has ever wished her good luck, not to speak of believing in her. With newly acquired courage she stepped into the room. “Hello, Miss Fluttershy,” one of the examiners spoke up “please step on the red line and start with the course whenever you feel ready” Fluttershy stepped forward; it took her some moments to finally start flapping her wings. She started beating them as fast and hard as she could. She needed to pass this, no matter what. She was already through ¾ of the course when her wings started to ache. She was barely able to keep herself up in the air anymore. She mobilized every bit of energy left to stride through the finish line, and after half a minute of soring pain she succeeded I did it! She thought          Suddenly one of the instructors spoke up “Sorry, Miss. But you were 12 seconds to slow.” “I…what?” Shy couldn’t believe it. “I am sorry but it’s how it is, you had 3:30 to reach the finish line and it took you 3:42. Also as far as I can see from your files your last year’s practical exam was also disappointing?” “Huh?” was everything Shy could squeak out at this point. “I am sorry but it seems like we have no choice but to dismiss you from flight school.” “Come on, Miss, you have to leave the practice area to make way for the others.” One of the pegasi instructed her. Fluttershy was lying on a cloud, bawling her eyes out. There is no way she could go home now, but where can she go then? What can she do? Everything seemed lost, no options were left. “Hey, what are you doing there?” a familiar voice asked. “Are you uhm..? talking to me?” the yellow pegasus stammered “No, I was actually talking to the cloud you’re on” Dash replied sarcastically. “Oh… ok.” “Of course I was talking to you.” Shy replied sheepishly. “You should head home; it’s going to rain soon.” Dash suggested before flying off again. “Yea, home…” Fluttershy murmured and rested her head back on the cloud. Meanwhile Dash was practicing her flying skills again, she flew some rounds around the academy before letting the wind carry her towards home while she relaxed and let herself get absorbed in thoughts. “Argh!” Dash rubbed her head and flew off back to the academy. “She probably flew home, like I told her. Why should I care anyway?” despite her inner argument proving that there was no reason for her to be concerned, Dash still flew  back to her location. To her surprise she was still lying on the same cloud. A couple of raindrops had already started to pour down from the sky and it was getting palpably colder. “Hey what are you still doing here, you’re gonna catch a cold!” Dash screamed while approaching the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy quickly tried to hide her tears when she heard Dash’s voice. “You should really go home or are you trying to get sick?” Fluttershy just kept silent and avoided Dash’s gaze at all cost. “You do have a place to go, don’t you?” Dash wondered. The following silence was response enough for the rainbow maned pegasus. Letting out a sigh, she grabbed Fluttershy’s hoof and spoke up “Come with me then.” “Huh?” Fluttershy was confused. “You can stay at my place; otherwise my conscious would probably kill me.” Dash explained. “I wouldn’t want to impose…” Shy replied in her sheepish demeanor. “You would give me a harder time if you stay here, because that would mean that I have to stay here with you to make sure you don’t die or something.” “Why would you do that?” Fluttershy inquired. “Well, uhm…. Because I’m a nice pony? Or something like that… Look just say yes and make it easier for both of us, alright?” “Mhm, okay.” Fluttershy finally agreed and they both departed, heading for Dash’s home. They arrived there alter than Dash thought, probably because she had to fly more slowly so Shy could keep up. “Are your parents okay if I stay here?” Shy asked as Dash unlocked her home. “Well, one advantage of not having any, right?” Dash replied dryly, striding though the door. “You can sleep in my bed; I’ll just lay down on the couch or something.” “Oh no, I will sleep on the couch, I don’t want to bother you any further.” “Well, that’s a pity,” Dash said and jumped on the couch “I was here first, you’ll have to take the bed now, first comes first serves,” she grinned teasingly.          “Thanks.” Shy said and trotted into the only room she saw, which she assumed was Dash’s room. “I don’t think that the bathroom is more comfortable than my bed,” Dash called out casually. After a brief moment Fluttershy reappeared in the room with a slight blush on her face. “It’s the room behind me,” Dash explained before turning around and making herself more comfortable. “Okay, good night then.” Shy said before disappearing in the other room.