When life gives you lemons...

by TheBlazenOne

Out of his claw

“Ok Spike, when we reach our destination you will stay near my side the whole. Understood?” Celestia commanded, she wanted this trip to go off without incident. Even if she did love her son, he could still be quite careless at times.  “I don’t know how changelings feel about dragons, but I would prefer not to find out at right now.”

Spike sighed as he gave her a tired nod, showing that he understood what she was saying. She was in her ‘it’s too early in the morning for nagging’ mood. Even if it was technically morning, Celestia still refused to raise the sun until the meeting was over. The dark sky made him even more sleepy than he already was, and he knew that she took notice to this.

“Spike, you need to be paying attention to what I’m saying! This meeting could go very bad if the wrong words are said and ponies, well it would be changelings in this case, are offended!” Spike chuckled a little at how she was acting, even if she had a cool demeanor most of the time. When she was alone or with those close to her she let the regal facade fade completely, which Spike found funny because of how much she reminded him of Twilight with her crazy rants about random things.

“I swear that all mares are like this.” Spike muttered to himself as he watched his mother nervously tap her hooves in place. He was glad the carriage was too small for her to walk around, her constant pacing would wear a hole into it the bottom of it and Spike didn’t feel comfortable with a hole in the middle of an airborne carriage. From what he had been told at breakfast this was a very important meeting with the changeling’s royalty to discuss the possibility of peace between them.

“So do you think we can truly trust the changelings? After all, they did attack us and attempt to take over your kingdom.” Spike knew that his mom was asking the same question to herself. Celestia took a deep breath and turned to the young dragon, she had an unsure smile on her face. “It’s true that there will always be a bit of doubt between the changelings and the kingdom, but working through things like that is a part of life. We can’t always let the past dictate the future.” Spike smiled as he heard his mother’s wise words and she seemed to be calming down too. Just like Twilight, Spike thought to himself, She needed to hear the question out loud to truly answer it.

“Excuse us Princess, but we are approaching our destination.” The voice belonged to one of the guard pegasi that were pulling the carriage. Hearing this, Spike was snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the construct off in the distance, which he assumed was the changeling capital. Like anyone would have imaged it, was a giant insect like hive that towered above everything around it. Spike wasn’t really surprised that its size surpassed that of the royal Canterlot castle, considering all of the changelings lived here.

Spike looked upon it in awe as the pegasi guards landed the carriage close to the entrance. Celestia took a moment to regain her regal persona before turning to Spike. “Remember what I’ve told you Spike. Once we’re done here, we can go to Pony Joes for a few donuts on me.” Spike eyes widened in joy as he nodded vigorously, whilst Celestia simply smiled at his antics and gave the young drake peck on his cheek. “Aw shucks, why did you have to go and do that?” Spike complained as he blushed in embarrassment. The two pegasi guards snickered unprofessionally at the dragon as they helped the two out of the carriage.

The changeling guards saw the Solar Goddess and her company approach and bowed before opening the door to the hive. One of the guards went inside to escort them to the throne room where the meeting was to be held. Spike took this time to take in the sights, it was weird to him how the outside looked like a beehive but inside it was like the castles back in Canterlot. He noticed it was nearly an exact carbon copy. Changeling drones buzzed through the hall, making sure to greet the visitors as they passed by, it seemed that they had been informed of today’s agenda and had made preparations.

Once inside the throne room, the guard bid them farewell before going back to his post. The inside of the room looked like a royal bedroom back at the castle. There was a table in the middle of the floor with plates of food and drinks on it, on the other side of it was the Changeling Queen herself. She gave her all of her guest a smile before greeting them. “Welcome Princess and company to my loving hive.” Chrysalis calmed stated, “As you can see, I had my brothers and sisters fix it up so you wouldn’t get too homesick.” The queen chuckled as she took a swing of her drink. “So Celestia, how is Shining doing? I do hope he’s in good health.”

Celestia knew that she would do something like this to get under her skin. Instead of losing her temper, she calmly lifted one of the drinks in front of her and took a drink as well. “Oh he’s doing just fine, you know if he’s ever not in the best health that Princess Cadance will take good care of him.” Celestia shot back, much to the irritation of Chrysalis. It took every amount of willpower Spike had not to laugh at the exchange.

“Well I’m glad to hear that they are so very happy together, but we should get back to business. I’ve read over your terms of peace and find nothing too unpleasing about them.” She began, this earned a smile from Spike. If everything goes by quickly, he would have more time to spend with his mom, “However, I’m sad to inform you that this treaty would do nothing to help my hive.” She said nonchalantly.

Celestia was shocked to hear this news, mentally questioning how peace between the kingdom and the changelings would not be beneficial to them. Not only could they share the borders of their kingdoms, but also things like jobs and housing would also become available.
Chrysalis sighed,  knowing an explanation was needed. “A new Queen must find a new home for the changeling drones so that when the old ones dies, she can make more. All the drones you see before you are my brothers and sisters, and they have a few more years before they become unable to work and die.”

“Well I see that the life of a changeling drone is rather short.” Celestia said as she finished her drink. Spike was about to was about to ask a question until he saw his mom shake her head. Sighing, he continued listening to the story.

“Well unlike me, drones only live a fraction of their father’s life. Considering my generation had a pony father, they will live for roughly 25 years.” Celestia was fascinated by the tidbit of knowledge she just learned and planned to have a chat with Twilight about it. “As I was saying, I was going to take over Canterlot and drive all of you away. When the time came for me to replenish the hive I would simply make Shining armor the catalyst of my own offspring so I could start my true rule as Queen.” Even if she found it evil, crazy and a bit disturbing, Celestia had to admit that she had certainly put a great amount of time and effort into it..

“I know what we did was wrong, but I just wanted the best for my people, now we are stuck in a hole. Even if I do sign the treaty, what then? It’ll takes time for my kind to effectively be accepted into pony civilization, but that’s something we don’t really have.” The sudden apology caught everyone off guard, and Spike couldn’t help but feel forgiveness and pity for the creatures around him. At that moment, however, he came up with a brilliant Idea, “Hey mom I have a great idea!” Spike blurted out. When he realized what he said he quickly covered his mouth. The Queen looked at the drake in confusion for a moment before turning to Celestia. “Did that dragon just call you mom?” Celestia sighed, she would have to scold Spike after this.

“Yes I raised him in the early years of his life, so I am considered his mother.” Celestia spoke in a calming voice and turned to Spike. “So my dear son, what is this plan of yours?” she asked. “What if you just get married to somepony and start a family with them?” Chrysalis gave the drake a mean look which made him flinch a little.

“You’re asking me too just find some random stallion to start a hive with? I’d rather let the family legacy stop now.” Spike tapped his chin and smiled. “How about my cousin Prince Blueblood? He is quite the stallion and he’s also a member of the royal family.” Spike couldn’t help but place his claws in front of his mouth to stop his laughter. In truth, he had been trying to marry off his cousin for years now, but it seemed that any mare that gave the prince a chance was soon running for their lives.

Chrysalis started laughing as she heard this. “Thanks, but no thanks young drake. I’ve met the spoiled prince when I was posing as the princess.” She said before standing up and making her way towards the group. Both pony guards tensed up, reading themselves. Celestia simply raised a hoof, making them lower their guard.

“You did however give me a great Idea, Celestia how old is our little friend here?” Celestia didn’t like where this was going, but decided to play along.

“He’s seventeen years old and will be eighteen in a weeks’ time. Might I ask why you would like to know?” The Changeling Queen was now standing in front of the young drake and brought a hoof to his face.

“Well Celestia, here’s the deal: I will agree to sign the treaty only if you are to wed myself and your dragon here. Not only does he have connections in the kingdom, but he is also one of the most powerful creatures in existence. The cuteness factor is a small plus, I wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning.” She purred as Spike nervously looked at his mother for help, but to his surprise she was deep in thought.

Wait is she considering this?! No that can’t be it! Maybe she’s just thinking of a way to tell Chrysalis that I’m taken...well sort of taken. Spike thought as he started to relax. Little did he know Celestia was weighing her options. On one hoof, she would be not only saving a whole race of creatures, but also showing that ponies could be accepting of anyone; but on the other hoof she would be forcing her son to a future he might not want.
“And if I refuse?” Celestia asked, readying herself for the worst.

“Then my race will end and everyone in the land will know that you could have stopped it from happening. I’m playing hard ball here Princess and that dragon you have there would do wonders. My child will be able to live for longer than a few decades and will have a king that life span allows him to watch over them even when I’m gone.” Hearing this made a knot form in Celestia’s chest, surely she couldn’t just let a race die just because her pride, especially when she had the solution sitting next to her.

Celestia was silent for a while, letting everything sink in. She looked Spike in the eyes, saw the fear in them. It pained her to see her son like this, but it just had to be done. With a heavy heart, she bowed her head, “Ok, I shall give you to my dear son Spike.”

Chrysalis was overjoyed as she signaled for a one of her drones to bring a marriage contract to her. She signed it and handed it to the little drake, who was still in shock. He didn’t know what to do as he looked at the contract, then to his mom. For the first time in his life, he didn’t see any reassurance in her eyes, only a look that asked for forgiveness. Queen Chrysalis gave him a pen and tried to smile sweetly at him, but it come off as seductive and scary. He once again turned his attention to the contract and hesitantly signed his name.

“Now since you’re still technically underage, we just need your mother here to sign as your guardian and we can start talking about how our wonderful day is going to go.” Chrysalis sang happily as the paper flew to the Princess who signed it reluctantly without saying a word.

“So now in a week’s time I will be known as the Queen of the Changelings and a Princess of Equestria, now we can spend this time talking about our big day!” Spike whimpered in fear as she hugged him, I guess that donuts are out of the question today...