//------------------------------// // Chapter Eleven: The Enemy of My Enemy: Discord // Story: The Elements of Chaos // by CroakerGamer //------------------------------// The fight was brutal. Discord and Celestia both had mastered aerial combat. This meant the two had to rely on magic and chaos. Celestia’s controlled beams were potent and devastating when they made contact with Discord, however Discord was able to land multiple, unpredictable attacks on Celestia. It was almost a dance in the sky. When Celestia would shoot at Discord, he was forced to dodge and attack before Celestia’s guard was back up. When Discord launched an assault, Celetia had to block it with her magic and was forced to attack and keep the pressure on Discord. Neither side budged, just what Discord hoped for. He needed to buy Screw Ball as much time as he could. “I know what your planning Discord.” Celestia finally addressed her opponent. “And what, pray tell, is that?” Discord loved playing dumb. “Stop playing dumb Discord. I know you broke out of Canterlot, the guards sent a mail mare with a letter explaining everything.” Discord couldn’t help but laugh hysterically. He rammed Celestia with his mis-matched horns. She blocked with her long Alicorn horn. “You only know part of the story, my sweet Celestia.” Discord saw no reason to keep the plan a secret. “Yes, I did want revenge on Twilight Sparkle for imprisoning my in stone and then capturing me, using my chaos whenever necessary. But what you don’t know is that my daughter, Screw Ball, wants to embrace chaos to redeem the throne and rule Equestria with wonderful Chaos.” “Who are you trying to fool, Discord” Celestia interrupted. Discord was shocked at the accusation. Celestia read his expression and continued. “You declared that you were willing to make sacrifices to keep your friend Fluttershy happy. She was miserable in your Chaotic environment. “I remember, but I never wanted to be imprisoned!” “I see.” Celestia backed away from the stand-off, wearing a serious face. “So that’s it. You wish to have friends and Chaos, but you feel as though you never get to see your friend and aren’t able to use the amount of Chaos you want.” That was it exactly. But there was more. “No.” Discord replied. “I want to see my daughter happy.” “But you haven’t been able to teach her the lesson you’ve learned about friendship.” Celestia was too smart for her own good. “It’s different. Screw Ball’s my only family. I should support my family, no matter what the cost.” Discord explained. Celestia smiled. “That is true, but look at my sister. When she wanted every pony to enjoy her night and occupy more time in the sky, I couldn’t let her. I had to try and teach her equality, and…” Discord understood, “You had to banish her to the Moon, because she wouldn’t listen. You left her unchecked for one thousand years and she focused on revenge instead of the lesson.” Celestia nodded. “Go now Discord. You have a choice to make.” Celestia flew to her sister and started mending her erased memories with a spell. Discord started off for the tower. “Oh, and Discord,” Princess Celestia called out before he went to far, “I’m sorry I made the same mistake twice. I didn’t mean to exile you like I did my sister. If you make the right choice, I promise things will be different.” Discord nodded and continued his walk, unsure of how to approach the conflict. End of Chapter Eleven