The Code of Harmony

by Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

Chapter 33 - Letters from Ponyville

Dear Princess Twilight,

Before you ask - No, I’m not going to stop calling you that.

I’m sorry you had to leave before the last few days of the festival, but I understand. Vinyl and Cloud Chaser have been keeping me busy in the hospital anyway, despite Nurse Redheart threatening to lock us all up in the disturbed ponies ward. My recovery proceeds apace, and I am happy to report that I have suffered no undue aging. It appears your theory was correct, and I have been somehow reborn. The implications of that are… interesting to say the least.

Doctor House has informed me that I ought to be cleared to return to the library by next Friday. Spike Emerald is taking care of the library, and wanted you to know that he’s still your number one assistant, not mine. I will not apologize for going behind your back on this matter, either - Spike had proved himself far more mature than most dragons his age. He, much like I, had earned the right to decide for himself what his future will be.

In addition to my librarian duties, I have taken up the post of assistant to Cheerilee in directing the new Ponyville educational system. I am already excited by the prospects of finally getting the chance to reform the Equestrian education system from the ground up, without the interference of stodgy politicians. It is a project that will take many years, but it is a challenge I look forward to with great enthusiasm.

In regards to your concerns about the locals regarding me with undue respect, you need not worry. The locals have simply accepted new Bearers of the Elements with the same equanimity as they had every other ridiculous event which took place here. As a side note, could you please convince Pinkie Pie to return to town and recover all of her various stashes of items? A construction crew found a cache of… highly questionable toys and materials, which caused something of a stir with the conservative elements of town. The toys in question have been confiscated by myself, and shall be kept in the basement for safe keeping.

There is so much I would like to talk to you about - so much I could still say. Things I never got the opportunity to teach you that are threatening to burst forth from my pen with every moment I write. However, I know that I should not rush such things. There will be more than enough time for us to exchange letters of an academic nature, and I expect you will make time to visit at least once a month so that we might spend some quality time together to handle the other things. I will attempt to overcome my own… weaknesses and come to Canterlot from time to time, so as to not unduly inconvenience you.

I love you, my dearest one. In ways that I cannot express in words, I will always love you. It is to my detriment that I have not always been able to show you that love in a way that is worthy of you. Perhaps in time, I shall find ways to mend that flaw. Please, give all of my love to your friends. And do not forget what I said about grandchildren. I expect you to put some effort into it as soon as opportunity arises! Should you fail to do so, I shall enlist the aid of Rarity and Applejack, both of whom know the value… and the need… for family.

As agreed with Luna, I shall be sending you regular letters regarding events in Ponyville and my continuing studies into the magic of Friendship.

Your Faithful Student,
Tia Sunbeam.


Dear Lulu,

It has been a very long time since I have found myself so backed up with my correspondence. To say that I have a surfeit of letters to pen is frankly an understatement. Please, do not think ill of yourself for needing to attend to Twilight. I am fine, and should be recovered from my ordeal swiftly. As per your parting comments, I have managed - or rather, Emerald has managed, - to unearth an old copy of The Rites of the Moon from the Ponyville library. There may be one other copy, but it is buried somewhere in the archives of Canterlot and so it will fall to you to find it. I have taken the liberty of creating a copy for myself to give to Captain Night Scythe, who has expressed an interest in re-establishing your temple in its proper place next to mine.

Speaking of which, I have decided that you are correct. Demolishing my former icons would only serve to cause further distress and disunity amongst the ponies of Equestria. I would recommend that Princess Cadence endeavour to perform the Sun Raising ritual in the same manner in which I did so during the celebration days, so as to reinforce the continuity of the Sun Princess belief. With good fortune, the name of Celestia will simply become an icon of the old faith - a ideal to live up to, rather than a dogma to follow. I expect that between yourself, Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadence, reinforcing this belief will not be a problem.

I am looking forward to our proposed weekly luncheons, and would wish to formally introduce you to Ditzy Doo. She is… I do not have the words to describe on paper what she has come to mean to me, Lulu. Her daughter is a delight in every sense of the word, and she herself has a spirit of such strength, kindness, and joy that I cannot help but smile in her presence. Although I will admit, she is not alone in inspiring my baser lusts - and much to my astonishment, she appears to be quite amenable to that. You would have laughed, Lulu - at the sound of her scolding me for worrying about spending time with Cloud Chaser or Vinyl because of how… enthusiastic they can be about intimacy. Either the Elements of Harmony are inspiring strange love in us all, or my ponies have become incredibly bawdy in the past century or two!

Your other concern, I am happy to report, has proven as baseless as I believed. The Baron has been nothing if not a total gentlecolt ever since the incident. While he has undoubtedly dropped more than a few hints that his offer remains open at any time I may wish to indulge in it, he has not attempted to press the issue since you and Twilight left. Indeed, he has gone out of his way to help the citizens of Ponyville - and by extension, myself - in laying the foundation for the future. I would ask that you do not treat him with suspicion, Lulu. He has a good heart, in spite of his origins and attitude, and there is much in him that is truly noble in the oldest sense of the word. I fear we shall need such nobility in the days to come.

Sadly, I have so many other letters to write that I must cut this one a touch short - but I promise to inform you of future developments during our lunch next Friday. I look forward to seeing you soon, and if it is not too much trouble… I do not suppose you could be persuaded to bring a few treats from Pony Joe’s?

All of my Love,


To: Intelligentsia Spitfire
From: Little Miss Sunshine (Frmr)
Re: Events in Ponyville

When I named you the head of the Equestrian Intelligence Service, you asked me why I had chosen you over all of the other candidates. I told you then - as I tell you now - that events were coming that would need an Intelligentsia that was not afraid of direct action. Silent Service, bless his heart, was ever one to work from the shadows. He would never take direct action where indirect action would do. I knew that you at least, would never fear such necessity.

I am certain you have already read the EIS Report regarding events in Ponyville. I am sending you this short missive to add my own personal observations on the matter, as well as to deliver my final orders to you.

The attack on Ponyville during the festival week was undoubtedly the act of high level individuals within Canterlot. These attacks were not the act of any of our known enemies, but rather one who sought a political end. Somepony is attempting to reignite the Solar Crusades and while I know we both have our suspicions as to who is involved, I feel it is best to keep such speculation to a minimum.

Instead, I urge you to contract the services of Captain Night Scythe, Captain Blackedge, and Baron Siegfreid in investigating the origin of these attacks. Amongst our new… allies, there are none better at rooting out hidden truths.

As to my final orders - while I deeply regret the necessity, I must command you to exclude me from this moment forward from all high level intelligence discussions, unless otherwise ordered by Twilight or Cadence. We no longer have the fig leaf of my ‘temporary’ assignment to Ponyville to excuse keeping me within the loop. Although The Mustache remains a secure line of communication, I cannot in good conscience risk state secrets getting out due to our carelessness.

I am proud to have once called myself your commander, Spitfire. You are a pegasus whose courage and dedication measure up to even the legendary Commander Hurricane. But even beyond that - you have been a friend. And so as your friend, and no longer your commander, I can finally say something I have wanted to say for quite some time now.

If you truly do find Rainbow Dash as desirable and, in your words ‘amazingly talented’ as you say you do - then I suggest you get off that fat flank of yours and go and get her before somepony else does. Namely one Twilight Sparkle. All things considered, I think you have as good a chance as she does so long as you act quickly.

Fair winds and following skies, Spitfire. You’re one hell of a pony.



Dearest Cadence,

You were right. I was wrong. There. In writing, as I promised.

When you told me to keep her that cold autumn day, I should have listened to you. I should have listened to my heart instead of my head. I should have thrown all of my carefully crafted plans into the wind. You deserved better. She deserved better. If… If I could travel back and time, and change only one thing, it would be that. That ought to tell you something - that amidst all of my sins, the one that now cuts me most deeply is I did not keep her. There. I have said it and written it down. I cannot dwell on it any longer, lest I ruin a fourth letter with my tears.

Moving on to happier things.

You will be pleased and delighted to know that at long last, I have opened my heart to another. You would adore her so, Cadence - she reminds me so very much of you at a young age. I insist when the opportunity arises that you come to Ponyville in disguise to meet her. Perhaps even with Luna so that I might be able to see you both. I have learned, perhaps in some small way, the truth behind why your power is, and always has been, the most potent of them all. For all the infinite power of the sun, for all of the immeasurable strength of the moon, neither of them will ever match the potent force that is Love.

Love - love for friends, or for ones children, or for even a single special somepony, can make the impossible into the possible. It can turn a gentle and kindly mother into a warrior, it can turn a humble musician into a pillar of defiance, and it can turn even the most noble Princess… into a humble commoner.

It is Love, not Harmony nor Dissonance that truly makes us strong. Love is worth fighting for. Had I listened to you say those words, so long ago, perhaps the world we live in now would be a better place for it.

In truth? The most astounding thing I have learned this week is how much wiser than I my daughters have become. In your hooves now lies my legacy - of a prosperous and peaceful land, and of my one dream.

Once, there was a dream that was Equestria - a land where any creature of peace and good will could live. Where my little ponies could be protected and kept safe from the terrors and dangers of the world. A land of Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter and Friendship. This was the dream I sought to build - the dream of a land so great, so perfect, that none would ever be able to silence its ideals. I lost sight of that dream, so very long ago, and perverted its ideals to suit my own unthinking desire for revenge.

But that dream is not dead, Princess Cadence. The chance for it to be created still exists, and now falls to you and Princess Twilight to make real.

I am so proud of you both. Please, write frequently and soon. There is so much more I wish to say, but for now, I remain humbly yours.

-Tia Sunbeam


To Queen Chrysalis,

I do not know if this letter will reach you. I do not even know where it is being taken to. Captain Blackedge has assured me that all Changelings intimately know the location of their progenitor at all times, and has promised this missive will reach you. I have my doubts, but Blackedge has proven to be more than honest in his dealings with me, and so I leave in his hooves my faith.

Sister. Starshine. I have tried more times than I can count to pen the words I would say to you, to express the feeling in my soul when I think of what happened between us. For now, I can no longer deny the truth. I acted in cowardice. I should have stood for you, stood against our fellow Sisters and demanded they recognize the truth of your love. I should have acted, and I did not, so afraid was I that the Sisterhood would be shattered by our disagreement… and then, it was shattered anyway by my lack of action.

I can never truly atone for that crime, nor for that betrayal. You were my best friend, my closest confidant, and when you truly needed me, I was not there for you. Perhaps it was there that my true fall from Harmony began. I cannot say now, and it no longer matters. As word will no doubt have already reached you, I am an Alicorn no longer. My Spark has been ripped from my body, and now I am naught but a mortal unicorn. It is but the first of many penances I will pay for my misdeeds.

I write this to you, however, in the hopes of - if not forgiveness, then reconciliation. You may consider this an open invitation to engage me at your convenience. It is my hope… it is my deepest wish that you will come and speak to me. There is much I would say to you in person that is not appropriate to say via a letter. Much I would like to speak of - Of myself, of the future of Equestria, and of your children within it. For they have changed too, adopting a new mantle given to them by one of the youngest of my kind.

I do not know how amusing you would find it, but surrounded by the strange and beautiful creatures they have become, I cannot help but marvel at them. They are mercurial and wry and occasionally devilishly humorous. They are much like their mother, in those respects - I have even begun to call one of them friend.

I hope this letter finds you and my once apprentice well. And if you can no longer walk in Harmony, may you at least walk in peace.

-Celestia Solaris, a.k.a Tia Sunbeam.


Dear mother,

It has been some time since we last spoke, and given the vehemence of the disagreement we had on that rather… eventful day, I had thought it best to allow matters to cool before writing to you again. Much has happened here in Ponyville, but the catalyst for this letter is in the most astonishing of the events. Our own dear Arpeggio has somehow become one of the Elements of Harmony. Laughter, to be precise.

I know. Arpeggio is the last creature any of us would have suspected of being a paragon of Harmony, and yet I have seen the artifact for myself and enclosed a picture of Arpeggio along with the Queens. In case you could not tell, that would be her holding the bottle of scotch and sitting atop young Tia Sunbeam, who is the Element of Magic and quite a remarkable unicorn at that.

Arpeggio and I have set the date for our vows. I know that your… opinions on our feelings for one another are quite strong, but in light of these most recent events I feel I must make one final effort. Mother, I know we are not precisely as you wished us to be. I know our relationship is unconventional, but it is as true as the sunrise. If you still harbor any doubts about that, Queen Cadence has insisted that she will personally attest to the veracity of our love, and I have enclosed her invitation to attend to her at Sun Court at your convenience.

We shall be holding the ceremony in Canterlot on Nightmare Night. Arpeggio’s conceit, but I must admit I am looking forward to the unique dress aesthetic. At least she is allowing me to attend to the rest of the details. Apparently, marriage to an Element of Harmony is fit event for a State occasion.

I know there are harsh words and harsher deeds between us, but whatever Arpeggio might say I know that she still loves you and so do I. I would implore you to listen to father for once in your life, and accept that I shall not give her up for anything in the world.

Octavia Piano

P.s Would you please find it in your heart to at least call Vinyl by her new name? She was quite incensed that I used her given name so many times in this letter.


Dear Pinkie Pie,

It was so wonderful to have you visit for a few days! Cup and I miss you so very much. Truth be told, Ponyville simply isn’t the same without you around. Though we never outright said it, you were truly our daughter in spirit and the shop is so much less bright without you around. You may have occasionally been overly energetic, but you had the magic touch in the kitchen and… well, frankly, I miss your jokes. I miss your smile. I miss how you managed to make every bad thing seem like it could be overcome, if only we could apply sufficient frosting to it.

Sugarcube Corner has been doing very well though. Even in the past two weeks, business has boomed immeasurably - we’ve actually started to run out of products on some days! We’ve had to add several more ponies to our staff, though fortunately we’ve been able to fob off things like handling the register and cleaning duties to them and focus on the baking. We’re going to need to bring on some new bakers soon, though, if business continues to boom like this.

The twins miss you too. Pound and Pumpkin have both started to say your name with a quizzical look on their faces when we have other foalsitters over. While that friend of yours - young Cinnamon Swirl - is quite talented… well, she simply isn’t you. I know how we promised to not make a big deal over your move but… Pinkie, we want you to come home.

I know it’s unfair of us to ask. I know it’s unfair to even tell you half of these things in the hopes that it will entice you to come back… but you’re family to us, Pinkie, and we miss our daughter. Whatever you decide though, know that Cup and I and our foals will all always love you, no matter what. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.

-Carrot Cake
P.s And Cup Cake!


Dear big sis,

Miss Cheerilee is helping me write this letter, so make sure to thank her for her help!

Things are gettin really excitin’ here in Ponyville! We’ve got Bugponies and Batponies and all other kinds of ponies you could think of! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and I have been having loads of fun with all the new foals in town. Oh! And we’ve been hanging out a lot with Dinky lately, too! She’s actually pretty cool, even if she’s littler than us.

I wish you could have come and visited, but I understand that you’re busy. I miss you a whole bunch, but Twilight said I could come and visit you and all the other girls in Canterlot in a week or two! And Applebloom and Scootaloo are going to come too! Its gonna be awesome!

Anyway, I don't want to keep Miss Cheerilee too long - but I wanted you to know that I love you a whole bunch and that I'm super proud of my big sister and all the cool and important stuff that she’s doing! I can’t wait to see you!

Loves and Kisses,
Sweetie Belle


Dear Twilight,

I’m sorry.

I know I should’ve talked to you before I did this but… I had an opportunity and I took it. You’ve looked after me for so long, you’re practically my mother and I suppose we both know how hard it can be to talk to our mothers about important stuff like this. I’d done some reading on dragons, and when I found out how long the naps they take can sometimes last… I couldn’t bear the thought of going to sleep one day and waking up a century later to find all of my friends, all of the ponies I loved, gone. I couldn’t face that, Twi.

Besides, after everything I’ve been through with you girls… I’m not a dragon at heart. I’ve only been a pony for a week, and I can already tell you I feel so much more comfortable than I ever did before. I feel… right, like this. I’ve started to learn how to use my magic too. Tia’s been helping a lot - No wonder you picked up on magic so fast with a teacher like her! Even if she can't manage a library to save her flank. Don’t worry though, I’m teaching her your own patented system of organization.

It shouldn’t take long for me to find her an assistant once I’ve got her trained up on Library rules. Once I’m done here, I’m going to come back to Canterlot and… and I want to be your assistant again. I know I’m not exactly the same as I was before… but gosh darnit, Twi, nopony knows you better than I do. Besides that, you need somepony normal to give you another eyeball on things when the going gets rough.

Tia tells me that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are coming up to visit soon, and I’m going to come with them, and we’re going to talk, Twilight Sparkle. Until then, remember that I love you - and that there’s nopony more special to me than you. Please be safe and try not to stress out too much - poor Princess Luna looked exhausted when you left. Make sure you give her a break as often as she gives you one.

Your Number One Assistant,

P.s What do you think about the name Emerald Flare?


To her Royal Highness, Princess Luna,
And her Royal Highness, Queen Mi Amore Cadenza,
And her Royal Highness, Queen Twilight Sparkle,

At the request of Intelligentsia Spitfire, I have researched and enclosed a report regarding the truly massive amount of energy released by Princess Celestia during the attack by the chaos abomination. Although I would strongly urge you to read the entirety of my report, I have boiled down the hard data into the following conclusions.

1.) The Energy mass that Celestia… removed… from herself, is currently maintaining its coherency somewhere in the astral plane. More precisely, the ball of power is just sitting there, glaringly obvious for anypony with half a brain to see it.

2.) The fact that it has not begun to lose coherancy at this juncture suggests that it will not begin to do so at any time in the near future.

3.) Upon examination, I have come to the conclusion that accessing this energy will not be a simple task. It will take a highly specific ritual to breach the magical field that seems to be containing the mass.

4.) However, Once that magical field is breached, this energy will be available for any creature to use. It shows no signs of either disposition to Harmony or Dissonance magic, and may very well simply be a neutral mass - albeit a very large one - of pure magical power.

5.)Therefore, I strongly urge the Crown to immediately seek an individual capable of absorbing this mass of power into themselves. This is not as simple as it sounds, unfortunately - the individual in question will need to be of exceptionally strong will power and exceptionally strong physical resilience in order to withstand the eldritch force this mass represents. Should the individual lack either of those qualities, it is possible this magic will breach through the Astral Plane and cause a blast of such devastation as to be incalculable.

I have provided a list of known individuals who have a ninety-five or better percentage chance to be able to access and survive the acquisition of this power themselves, should they devise the means to break through the power barrier. I do not think I need to remind the Crown the danger of some of these individuals obtaining such a vast amount of power. I would suggest further that immediate efforts be made to immediately suppress the knowledge of this power’s existence for as long as it is possible to do so.

If you have any further questions as to the nature of the barrier or the mass, you may contact me through regular channels.

Tacite in Munere Solis,
Dr. Time Turner.

King Sombra (Threat Lvl: BLACK)
Queen Chrysalis (Threat Lvl: BLACK)
Discord (Threat Lvl: BLACK)
Baron Siegfreid (Threat Lvl: BLACK Unknown, Pending EIS Investigation)
Sunset Shimmer (Threat Lvl: Red BLACK)
Cultmistress ‘Scrolls’ (Threat Lvl: Red)
Hivemaster Stratego (Threat Lvl: Red)
Prince Shining Armor (Threat Lvl: Trusted. Unknown, Pending EIS Investigation)
Shaman Zecora (Threat Lvl: Unknown; Pending EIS investigation)
Subject Delta - Dissonance Incident Perpetrator (Threat Lvl: BLACK)
Ki-Lin Empress Eternal Jade (Threat Lvl: Red)
Trixie Lulamoon (Threat Lvl: Red Trusted.)
Phantasma Lulamoon (Threat Lvl: Trusted)
Spike the Dragon Emerald Flare (Threat Lvl: Trusted)
Tia Sunbeam (Threat Lvl: Trusted)
Rainbow Dash (Threat Lvl: Trusted)
The Shadow Lady - See files “Appaloosa, Hollow Shades, Re: Trixie L.” (Threat Lvl: BLACK)