//------------------------------// // Attack on Neigh Zealand // Story: Terror In Equestria 3: Twilight's Conquest // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Three days had passed since Twilight took over Saddle Arabia and she decided that the time had come to conquer her next target, which would most likely be the easiest. She addressed her forces. "Alright everypony, the time has come for us to head out to our next target, Neigh Zealand. Their empire includes Singapony and Marelaysia, which will make this a realtively easy target. The population there is over 99 percent earth ponies while the rest are Pegasus ponies. They have no weapons like the horses here did. We won't need any sort of armor spell for this one, all we need to do is pound them into submission and for me to cast the loyalty spell." said Twilight Lemon Hearts asked, "Before you go, would you cast a duplication spell on your army so I will have the same forces as LaurFa?" Twilight replied, "Of course! I'm not going to leave you at any sort of disadvantage." Shining Armor said, "Twilight, I have heard some talk among the citizens here that there is a great amount of political unrest in Neigh Zealand. There are rumors that their monarchs are on the verge of being ousted and replaced with total, ungoverned chaos." Twilight replied, "Well we can't let them fall into chaos. I have heard bad things about their king and queen but trust me, once I have taken over and put a good, competent steward in place there, everything will be fine." Lyra asked, "Will this make Neigh Zealand harder or easier to take?" Twilight replied, "Great question Lyra. I am thinking that if they are that dissatisfied with their current leaders, that would make any change to be welcomed. We might be able to go in there and simply tell them that we would improve the economy there and not have to cause any damage or take any lives." Applejack said, "Ah'm hungry. Are we going to eat before we head out?" Twilight replied, "Yes. We will eat, I will duplicate my forces so Lemon Hearts will have a proper army and then we will head out. I will tell you more after I take care of these things." Twilight and her forces ate a tasty breakfast that morning that was completely new to many of those in her service. They were even new to her. After breakfast she ordered her whole army into an open field about a mile east of Ridead. Twilight began to glow and a black bulb formed at the end of her horn as she recited "From one to two, two to four and so much more, when one is simple mere, more and more shall appear." Twilight's forces doubled and Lemon Hearts was ecstatic. She ran up to Twilight and said, "Thank you Twilight! If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know!" Twilight replied, "Just keep law and order here. Enforce the laws of Equestria and make sure that everypony is loyal to you and especially loyal to me. I would like it if you would make my birthday a national holiday as well." Lemon Hearts said, "Consider it done Twilight! Your birthday is October 10 if I remember correctly." Twilight replied, "You have a great memory! Oh great, I forgot to tell LaurFa to make my birthday a national holiday. Well I can take care of that later. We really need to get going, I want to reach Palomino Island before nightfall." Fluttershy asked, "Where is Palomino Island?" Twilight replied, "Palomino is an uninhabited island around 20 miles west of the main island of Neigh Zealand. That will be a great place for us to fill up and get plenty of rest. Let's go. You make me proud Lemon Hearts!" Lemon Hearts replied, "I will Twilight! I know you will take everything very soon!" Twilight nodded and motioned for all her forces to head off to the southeast. It was a long and tiring flight as there were no islands to land on and stop for lunch. Finally around six in the evening Twilight and her forces landed on Palomino Island. Everypony was exhausted. Even Twilight was winded from this journey as they were flying against the wind the whole time. Twilight addressed her forces. "Wow everypony, I never imagined that the journey here would be so difficult nor did I expect that we would have chilly winds blowing up from the Antarctic. This island has plenty of dense forest which has fresh water lakes, plenty of food and adequate shelter from the strong winds. Let's head on in, fill up and relax." Dark Night asked, "Twilight, I have never seen you exhausted like this before. Are you ok?" Twilight replied, "Yeah, I'm ok. Tomorrow's journey will be short and given all the dissatisfaction with the king and queen there, we should have everything taken care of by noon." Captain Frigid Wind asked, "Twilight, once we take this, how long do you think we will rest before we head north for our final objective?" Twilight replied, "Well I think once we get this taken care of, we should wait a week. Alicorn Island will be a tough target to take and we need plenty of rest." Frigid Wind asked, "What about the armor spell? Wouldn't that make us immune to everything they throw at us and it would be just as easy to take as the library and the jade Alicorn was?" Thunder Rage added, "Besides Twilight, we have Luna and Cosmos on our side. I am thinking instead of this being the toughest mission of our lives, that it will be icing on the cake." Twilight replied, "Actually, you are right but I can't let all our forces know this. We need to go in there with a fierce, brutal mentality. Let's eat and get some rest, I want to be ready for this tomorrow." The night passed slowly for Twilight, as every other night has since they have headed out on their conquest. Twilight was thinking to herself, "I will be so glad when all this is over and I can be back in my tower and comfy bed in Ponyville!" Twilight woke up early the following morning as did the rest of her forces and had an early breakfast. After breakfast Twilight addressed her forces. "Alright troops, today we will fly into Prancington and hopefully they will have all their anger directed at their monarchs and welcome us in there with open hooves." said Twilight Dark Night asked, "So where are a majority of their troops stationed?" Shining Armor replied, "Every single one of them is in the capitol. Once we take the city all Twilight will need to do is cast a loyalty spell like she did in Saddle Arabia and in the Equine Empire and it will be all ours." "yay!" whispered Fluttershy loudly Twilight shouted, "Alright troops, let's get going! Let's do this!" Twilight and her forces sped off to the east towards Prancington with a great amount of speed. Twilight had no worries for the first time in a while but deep down she was wishing that she had just stuck to Equestria. In Prancington there were massive protests outside of the royal palace demanding equal treatment of all ponies, regardless of what kind of job they hold. The king and queen had always treated the wool farmers as second class citizens even though they are the ones who keep the nation's economy afloat. One protester shouted, "We demand equal rights for all ponies! The bankers should not get all the rights!" King Red Mane and Queen Purple Curls headed out onto their balcony to try to calm the crowd down. As they headed out the crowd began to boo loudly and started yelling at them to step down. King Red Mane shouted, "Oh and if we step down, what are you going to do? None of you know anything about governing anything!" The mayor of Prancington, Time Keeper, shouted, "I know how to govern. Yes it is only a city but I do know that equal rights are the most important thing in any society. Even in the Equine Empire, the earth ponies are treated the same as Pegasi and unicorns!" Purple Curls replied, "Well this isn't the Equine Empire now is it? Ugh I wish we were unicorns so we could easily punish you ungrateful brats!" Time Keeper replied, "Well you aren't unicorns, so get over it!" A dark cloud blocked out the sun in Prancington. The citizens looked up and saw what appeared to be a huge flock of birds. A large purple figure swooped down and landed on the balcony where the royal family was standing. The mayor shouted, "It's Twilight Sparkle! We are so glad to see your your Highness!" Twilight smiled and replied, "I have heard about your problems here. Also, I would prefer if you just call me Twilight or Twily, I like a more laid back atmosphere." Red Mane shouted, "You wicked dark goddess, what brings you here? Are you trying to engage in a hostile takeover?" A citizen in the crowd shouted, "She wouldn't need to do a hostile takeover. Twilight, will you be our queen?" Twilight smiled and said, "Well it is up to all of you. I know you have been wanting these two gone but that is a decision that all of you must make. As she said this Lyra landed beside her." Time Keeper asked, "Twilight, who is the Alicorn that landed next to you?" Twilight replied, "This is Lyra. If you do decide to make me your leader instead, she will be the steward here. I have taken control of a great portion of the world, improving the economy and bringing equal rights everywhere I go." Time Keeper asked the townsponies, "Who do we want as our leaders, the current monarchs or Twilight and Lyra?" The whole crowd shouted, "Twilight and Lyra!" Twilight looked at the monarchs and said, "The crowd has spoken. I do believe that for the safety of everypony here, that something must be done with you two." Red Mane shouted, "You will never get away with this! LaurFa will make sure that your tyranny and global conquest tour is crushed and see that you are banished somewhere forever!" Twilight started to laugh and said, "Oh how little you know. LaurFa is my steward up in the Equine province of Equestria in Maredrid. The time has come to free these ponies from your tyranny!" Twilight stood in front of the royal couple and began to glow purple. She lowered her horn at them and recited, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void." A powerful beam of energy from Twilight's horn hit the royal couple and they disappeared down the dark vortex into the void. When the crowd saw this they cheered wildly. They began to chant the names of both Twilight and Lyra. Twilight stood up there blushing waving at the crowd. Lyra shouted, "Do not look up, Twilight needs to do something very important to help everypony in the country." Everypony looked down as Twilight flew up to the highest place on the palace. She began to glow so brightly that she appeared as though she were a second sun in the sky. Her eyes became like green laser beams as she recited, "From another to me, that is where your allegiance will now be, you thought your old commander loved you like pie when all they wanted was for you to die. With me all shall be great, there shall be no hate." Like in Ridead, the ground beneath the city began to shake and a powerful shock wave spread across the entire empire. As it spread across the empire, it knocked everypony to the ground but as they came to they got up and shouted, "ALL HAIL QUEEN TWILIGHT, OUR ONE AND ONLY LEADER!" Twilight flew down to the balcony thinking to herself, "Only one more to go and everything is mine! My ultimate dream is coming true!" Twilight fired a bolt of energy over the crowd that caused roses and carnations to fall down upon them. She shouted, "Thank you everypony, I hope you will love Lyra as much as you love me!" Lyra addressed the crowd, "Hello everypony, my name is Lyra Heartstrings. I am the pony that Twilight is setting up as the steward here, but I just want you to call me Lyra. Like Twilight, I prefer things more laid back. I want you to know if you have any problems, just come and see me. Even if you just want to come and visit, feel free to. I love to make new friends and I would love to be friends with all of you!" After they finished addressing the crowd, Twilight, Lyra and her other higher ups headed into the throne room. Lyra hugged Twilight thanking her immensely for giving her the steward position. Twilight said, "Well Lyra, I think that this was the position for you. The ponies here love you and I know you are the one who will enforce my laws that will bring about equal rights for all." Shining Armor said, "Wow Twilight, you were right about this being an easy acquisition, but the ponies here must have been so dissatisfied that they would have welcomed any sort of change." Twilight replied, "Well I don't think they would have welcome Chrysalis or Sombra and probably not Trixie, but anypony else probably so." Applejack asked, "Speaking of Trixie, what has happened to her Twilight? Do you know where she is?" Twilight replied, "No, I have no clue where she is but if she causes any problems, the void will never run out of room." Fluttershy asked, "What if she was to get that Alicorn Amulet again?" Twilight replied, "Even with that, I am so incredibly powerful now that it would be useless against me. Given you are an Alicorn as well, it wouldn't work on you either." "Well that is good to hear," replied Fluttershy "I don't want to have to put up with her idiocy anymore if I don't have to." Shining Armor asked, "Alright Twilight, now we have this. How long will it be before you decide it is time to go and conquer the final target, Alicorn Island?" Twilight replied, "I want us to rest for one week. Yes this was the easiest conquest but it was the journey here from Ridead that was so tiring. I believe that in a week we will be ready to go." Rainbow Dash asked, "So are there any islands close to Alicorn Island where we can rest before launching our assault?" Twilight replied, "Yes, Pinto Island lies around 15 miles to the southeast of Faustica, just beyond eyesight from the former palace of LaurFa. It has fresh water, abundant food and a dense forest for us to rest in." Shining Armor said, "Twilight, I don't mean to sound like an overly paranoid pony, but what do you think is going on in Ponyville and how do you think Colgate is handling things?" Twilight replied, "I'm sure Colgate is handling things just fine. If I didn't think she could keep order in Equestria I wouldn't have put her in charge during our absence!" Shining Armor said, "Well I just wonder about that dream of yours, if it might have some merit to it. I wonder if we might have something to worry about when we get home." Twilight replied, "We don't have anything to worry about! Colgate doesn't know any of the spells to turn my forces against me and she doesn't know any duplication spells. I'm sure things are just fine!" Shining Armor asked, "What about the archives? Does she have access to the archives?" Twilight replied, "I am the only pony that knows the spells to get into the archives. I'm not worried about her one bit. Enough of this talk. I'm getting hungry. Let's have some lunch."