//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Apple Harvest // Story: Ponyville High // by Midori_Kuroba //------------------------------// Ponyville High Chapter 5: Apple Harvest A loud cracking noise roared through the air, startling Applejack as she sat up in bed with a fright. She rubbed her eyes and stepped out of bed, wearing nothing more than an oversized orange shirt with apple patterns that reached down to her knees. She slapped her face around to wake up a little and hurried out her room to find Apple Bloom in the hall sleepily rubbing her eyes. She was wearing cute yellow footy pajamas that made her look like a bunny. Apple Bloom yawns and whines before saying in a tired tone, “What was that noise big sister?” “I reckon I’m about to find out. Y’all go back to sleep sugar cube.” Applejack walks out the front door of their little cottage at the green house. Just like Fluttershy had one where she took care of all her animals, the apple family had their cottage for generations at this school as a private dorm amongst the family. They got many looks and rude comments behind their backs, but it was a tradition going back to their own grandma’s parents, who helped found the school, and they weren’t going to let the tradition die along with the school crops. Especially the apple fields, which they tended for years. As Applejack walks out on the porch, she notices a nearby tree had broken and fallen. She gasps noticing Big Macintosh sitting on the ground, leaning against the fallen tree while holding his arm. She rushes over and says, “Big Mac, are you okay? What happened?” A brown and white dog with a red color comes rushing out of the house barking its head off. It runs up to Big Mac and begins lapping at his arm. Big Mac grunts and says, “I’m all right Applejack. You calm down too Winona.” He pets the excited dog with his good hand. “I was punching the apple trees to knock down the apples faster, but I guess I hit one too hard. The trunk broke on me.” Applejack rubs her arm, making him cringe. “I don’t think that’s the only thing that’s broken Mac. You wake up early and get started without me, and then you go and break your arm? Come on you big lug, let’s get you to nurse Redheart.” She wraps his good arm around her shoulders and stands up, helping him to his feet to he can walk on his own. He shakes his head and says, “But sis, it’s autumn, and the apples will rot if we don’t pick them all soon. You can’t handle all that work by yourself.” Applejack crosses her arms and says, “I can so! How hard can it be with legs like these?” She walks to the closest apple tree full of apples, and gives it a good stomp, watching as the apples fell into a circle of buckets around the base. She places her hands on her hips and crosses her legs in her usual confident stance. “You see? Easy.” Big Mac shakes his head and says, “I still think you need help. Maybe Apple Bloom can help you gather the apples?” Applejack scowls and says, “She’d need a ladder to reach the apples in the trees, and you broke it yesterday remember? You fat lug of lard.” He scowls and says, “It’s not fat, it’s muscle, and I can’t help how heavy I am.” He sighs and places a hand on her shoulder. “Sis, I just don’t want you getting in over your head on this. I know how stubborn you are, but if you need help ask for it.” Applejack scowls and slaps his hand away. “I don’t need help! And I’m not getting in way over my head!” -------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m in way over my head…” Applejack sighs and splashes some water from the courtyard fountain on her face, sitting on the rim next to Twilight Sparkle, who was reading a book titled ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth.’ She looks to her friend and says, “I’ve already made promises to help out everyone on top of this matter! Rainbow Dash wants my help with a new aerial maneuver she’s trying to perform, Pinkie needs to bake extra for a clubs party, Fluttershy needs a stronger pair of hands for some reluctant tough animals, and Rarity needs me to help put some finishing touches on a dress. I promised them all I’d help on top of my work at the orchard. What am I going to do?” Twilight shuts her book and sets it to the side. “It sounds to me like you got too much on your plate for you alone to handle. Why don’t I and the girls help you out for being so helpful yourself?” Applejack shakes her head and says, “No way Twilight! I’m supposed to be the one helping everyone! Just ain’t dignified if I accept help from all when I’m the one trying to dish it out! And don’t you dare tell anyone else about this! If you do I’ll hogtie and gag you myself! Is that clear?!” Twilight frowns and sighs saying, “If you insist, but be careful what you try to accomplish by yourself.” Applejack rolls her eyes and says, “Now you sound like Big Macintosh! I’ll show you what I’m capable of!” She jumps to her feet and stomps off to the Winglie dorm. She groans, feeling her eyes get a little heavy. She’d been bucking apples all morning since she got her brother medical attention, trying to get as much work as she could done before helping her friends. She yelps as she receives a slap on the back, looking to see it was Rainbow Dash. “Howdy there partner! I was just coming to see you.” Rainbow Dash nods and says, “I appreciate this! Come on, it’s around back.” Applejack blinks wondering what she had meant, but follows the energetic tomboy to the back of the dorm to find a catapult of some sort with a large ladder leading up to a diving board over one end of it. “Here it is! It’s pretty awesome if I say so myself, which I do.” Applejack gulps and says, “And just how exactly is this going to help me help you with a trick?” “It’s easy!” Rainbow Dash flies around the machine excitedly. “All you have to do is jump from this platform down to the catapult, which will send me flying into the air! With the increased momentum, I should go soaring so fast that I can pull off wicked new moves!” Applejack gulps and starts climbing up the ladder, staring down at the floor worriedly as her vision began to blur. “Rainbow I’m not so sure about this, what if I get hurt from the fall? What if you don’t go flying the way you had hoped?” Rainbow Dash scowls and says. “Oh come on, it’s full proof! Now get up there and jump!” She stands on the opposite end of the catapult and waits. “You ready?” Applejack wobbles along the diving board and says, “As I’ll ever be…” Rainbow Dash nods and says, “One, two, three!” Applejack jumps and within the second comes crashing to the ground next to the catapult, rolling along the grass with a loud grunt. Rainbow Dash runs over and says, “Applejack! Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, are you okay?!” Applejack groans and says, “Easy peesy lemon squeezy.” She slowly crawls to her feet and brushes herself off. “I’m fine Rainbow, let me try that again.” Rainbow Dash smiles and says, “That’s the spirit!” She runs back to the catapult as Applejack struggles to climb back up. “Ready? One, two, three!” Applejack hits the dirt again, bouncing a little this time as she groans in pain. She slowly looks up to see Rainbow Dash looming over her with crosses arms. “Are you still going to tell me your fine?” Applejack scowls and shakily crawls to her feet. “I am fine! This time I’ll land on the end for sure, just you watch!” Rainbow Dash sighs and says, “If you say so. One more time before I send you to the nurse and get someone else to help me.” She goes back to position, Applejack doing the same, when she notices her shoe lace untied. “Oh, don’t want to lose that in the launch. Hey Applejack, hold on just a moment!” She kneels down to adjust her shoe. Applejack heard Rainbow Dash talk, but her head was spinning from hitting the floor. She assumed it was the signal and jumps a little to the left this time, making contact with the catapult. Rainbow Dash goes flying, upside down and backwards, screaming her head off. Applejack tries to make her out in the sky as she shouts, “You’re welcome!” Rainbow Dash flails, not sure how to handle this moment, until she finally hits something with a rip and a crash! She slowly opens her eyes, finding herself in a kick drum. Vinyl Scratch looms over her and says, “What’s the big idea? Do you know how much that things gonna cost me to get fixed?” Rainbow Dash looks around to see the rest of their band/ club all gathered in a field, several instruments set up as well as a picnic basket and blanket where Bonbon sat giggling as Lyra stuffed her face with her cooking. Luna walks up holding a saxophone and says, “Are you alright Rainbow Dash? You should really watch where you fly.” Rainbow Dash growls and struggles to get out of the drum and to her feet. “It’s not my fault! I told Applejack not to jump, and she did anyways! I couldn’t control my flight trajectory!” She watches as Applejack runs off with a furrowed brow. “Something is going on here. Do you know where Twilight is?” Luna blinks and says, “Last I checked she’s at the fountain reading Lovecraft as usual.” Rainbow Dash nods and rushes there, while Applejack makes her way to the school cafeteria. She goes to the back kitchen to find the school chefs there. “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cakes. Is Pinkie Pie back here?” Before they could answer Pinkie Pie waves her down. She bounces up and down and says, “Thank you so much for coming Applejack! I need all the help I can get with this parties snack!” Applejack walks up and says, “Right! So what are we making?” Pinkie Pie reaches into her pocket and throws some confetti above Applejack letting it rain down on her as she says, “Muffins!” Applejack blinks and brushes off some of the confetti. “Alright, just tell me how I can help?” Pinkie Pie points to a recipe book. “Help me out by making a batch of muffins for me while I cook this one!” Applejack smiles and says, “Sounds simple enough.” She walks over and looks over the recipe. “Like I said, simple, but it only makes six muffins. If Pinkie’s got so many to make I could be here for a while, and I need to get back to the orchard. Maybe if I made enough for a bunch of muffins, I can get out of here quicker!” She digs under the counter for the biggest bowl she can find. “Let’s up the anty.” She first read a cup of flour, so she poured the entire bag in the bowl and said, “That’s got to be a few cups right there.” As she reads on, she continues this overdose by adding a gallon of milk, a bag of chocolate chips, and a cup of wheat germ and yeast. She has trouble stirring at first, but manages to get it all to mix with a big spoon. She takes out several muffin cooking pans, and puts wrappers in each slot before pouring the mix into them. She fills the oven with them, even stacking them on top of each other to get them all in, careful as it was preheated. She tips her hat and says, “That will do! I got to go help Rarity now Pinkie! Don’t worry; I made lots of muffins for you!” Pinkie blinks and watches her friend run off, looking at the oven. “She already made a bunch of muffins? But how is that even possible. Did she even remember to put love into them?” She walks over to the oven, but before she can open it to check she notices it begins to shake. She yelps and takes a step back, staring at it for a second. She shakes a little as she reaches for the handle, and as soon as she yanks the door open she gets covered in a growing pile of muffin batter. She squeals and flails, trying to crawl free of it. “There is no love in these muffins! Only anger and pain, and hunger! They’re eating me! Heeelp!” Mr. and Mrs. Cakes here her cries and they rush over, dragging her from the batter. Mr. Cakes blinks and says, “What on earth happened to these muffins Pinkie Pie?!” Pinkie Pie stutters for a minute before she says, “Applejack must have happened! She put too much in at once! All these poor delicious potential muffins are ruined! What am I going to do?!” Mrs. Cakes smiles and says, “Oh Pinkie, why don’t you let us take care of this? We got just the girl to clean up this mess and fix it for you. We’ll get her to help you with your muffins.” Pinkie smiles and says, “Thanks Mrs. Cakes, I really appreciate that. I’ve got to find out why Applejack was in such a rush though! I mean look at the mess she made! I’m gonna go find Twi!” She skips off with a determined look on her face. In the meantime Applejack was on her way across the courtyard again. “Rarity is on the way to the greenhouse, so I’ll just take care of her first!” She runs into the school building and up the stairs to Rarity’s little workshop in Photo Finish’s class. She walks in to find Rarity fussing over a dress she was wearing as a personal mannequin. It was a green dress with blue trims, and sapphires patterned about on it. Spike was there too, holding out his arms which were covered in pins. Applejack walks up to him and says, “Howdy there Spike… Um, doesn’t that hurt?” Spike shakes his head and says, “Not at all, take a closer look.” Applejack does as instructed, and gasps when she realizes his arms are covered in purple scales. “I’m dragon blooded remember? We’re half dragon, and as such can take a dragon form. It’s kind of like were-wolves, only at will, and we can do certain parts of our body.” Applejack chuckles and says, “Alright pincushion, what’s prissy panties panicking about?” Rarity glares over and says, “’Prissy panties’ is panicking over the improper stitching of this particular piece of fabric!” She whines trying to get a good look at it in the mirror. “I shouldn’t have tried doing it with magic! Now I just feel like there’s a gap somewhere on it! Oh please Applejack, help me find it and fix it!” Applejack yawns, rubbing her eyes which were beginning to get tired from her lack of sleep this morning. “Why don’t you just get pincushion over here to do it?” Spike rolls his eyes and says, “Duh, I’m the pincushion. I can’t multi-task you know.” Applejack groans and says, “Alright already, I’ll have a look.” She looks over the dress as thoroughly as she can, and notices a piece of string sticking out of it. “Oh Rarity, there’s no holes, just this little string here.” Rarity blinks and says, “Piece of string? Are you sure?” Applejack nods and says, “Completely. I’ll just give that a little tug.” She grabs it and gives it a tug, finding it won’t budge. She groans and tugs harder and harder on it, making Rarity squeak. Rarity’s eye twitches as she says, “I think you’re tugging on the-“ Before she could identify it, a loud rip filled the air. Rarity feels a cold chill rush over her spine, and quickly after her entire body. The fabric had a tied back, and Applejack had ripped it clean off along with the back of the dress, making the whole thing fall to the floor. Rarity stood there in her white lacy undies in front of two blushing friends as she stared downward in horror. Then her shrill scream pierces the sanctity of the building as she tries to cover herself. Spike’s face goes so red that blood gushes from his nose along with steam, and he falls backwards on the floor in a state of heavenly bliss. Applejack snaps out of her sleepy state she’d been in, realizing what she had done from Rarity’s loud cry. She panics and runs from the room as fast as she can. “Oh god, what did I do? I hope that irons itself out! Just one more person to help! Oh please let this blow over well!” Spike sat up plugging his nose with his fingers to see Rarity cowering behind a changing wall. He frowns and says, “It’s okay Rarity, honest! I didn’t see much, and I promise not to tell anyone.” He looks around and grabs her clothes, tossing them over the top. “See? And I won’t peek.” Rarity blinks and smiles, getting dressed and walking out. “Thank you Spike, you’re a gentleman compared to most boys, but what about my precious new dress!” Spike stares at it and says, “Maybe Twilight knows a spell that can save it. I think she’s in the courtyard. Let’s go find her.” Rarity nods in agreement and the two of them walk there together. Applejack exhausts herself on running, and ends up walking through the greenhouse to Fluttershy’s cabin amongst the animals. She hears a bunch of howling, and notices Fluttershy in a pen with three wolves pressed together against the end of the pen, growling at her. She was wearing her new outfit, a long pink skirt and a yellow sweater, and was holding a syringe with a sigh as she said, “Come on my fluffy little puppies, if you don’t get your shots you could get rabies! Please cooperate.” She takes a step forward and one swipes at her. She squeaks and steps back until she bumps into Applejack, making her wings spread in shock. “Applejack! Oh thank goodness you’re here! Do you think you could help me-“ Applejack holds up a hand and says, “Say no more, I already see what needs to be done here!” She walks off, making Fluttershy blink, and comes back with a lasso at the ready. “Hope you don’t mind me borrowing this here rope.” Fluttershy goes wide eyed and says, “Wait Applejack, there’s no need to be so rough with them!” Applejack twirls the rope and says, “If they don’t want to cooperate then the only thing to do is force them to take their shots!” She throws it and lassos one of the wolves, dragging it along as it growls and bites at the rope, unable to match her strength in tugging. It lunges at her, and she snatches it in a headlock and pins it to the ground, making it yelp and whine trying to get free. “Now give em’ the shot Fluttershy!” Fluttershy squeaks and says, “But Applejack-“ “Give em’ the shot I said!” Fluttershy whines and gives it the shot, making it yelp and whimper before scurrying away when Applejack let go. Fluttershy tears up, not wanting to hurt or scare them. “Alright little doggies, who’s it gonna be next?” All the wolves whine and cower, Fluttershy joining their whines as she stares at them in sorrow. One by one the wolves got their shots and cowered in fear, Fluttershy in tears by the time they were done. Applejack smiled and said, “There, all done! No need to thank me, I’ll just be on my way!” Fluttershy hugs the wolves and says, “I’m sorry my fluffy puppies, I just wanted you to be safe and healthy! I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or scare you! Please forgive me.” She sniffles and sobs into their fur. The wolves understand and lap at her thoughtfully, growling as they begin to hear footsteps approaching. Fluttershy looks terrified at first, but then notices Twilight Sparkle walk into view. She breathes a sigh of relief, and then notices Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike all walk up as well. She kisses each wolf on the forehead and walks over, shutting the pen behind her. “Hello girls, how can I help you?” She tries to wipe away and hide her tears, but everyone sees them. Twilight Sparkle gasps and says, “Fluttershy are you crying?! What happened?” Fluttershy cringes and rubs her arm nervously, turning her head away and letting her hair hide her face a little. “Oh, it’s nothing really. Applejack was helping me, and she… kinda sorta got a little scary. I truly am thankful for her help… even if my wolfies are afraid of me now.” She tears up and bites her lower lip, earning a hug from Twilight. Twilight scowls and says, “Okay, now Applejack has gone too far! She over propelled Rainbow, got Pinkie mauled by malicious muffins, destroyed Rarity’s latest work, and gave Spike a severe case of blood loss! Now she’s made Fluttershy cry, and that’s too far!” Fluttershy is shocked by this news. She says, “She did all of that? But why would she do it?” Twilight sighs and says, “I’ll tell you all why, even though she said not to. This morning she woke up early to find her big brother injured, and now she has to harvest all the apples in the orchard by herself before they rot! She’s been at it all morning, and was exhausted when she tried helping you all. Not only that but she was in a rush to get back to harvested, trying to save time.” Pinkie smiles and says, “Is that all? Then why don’t we just go help her then?” Rarity rolls her eyes before answering, “That girl has too much pride to accept any help from us. No matter how bad her situation is.” Rainbow Dash smirks and says, “So we force her to accept help from us! I bet we could all take her together!” Fluttershy begins to tear up and shakes her head. “No, I don’t want to hurt Applejack! She’s my friend!” Rainbow begins sweating and hugs her rubbing her back. “It’s okay Fluttershy! I didn’t mean hurt her or anything. There there, please don’t cry.” She hums the first song she can think of to calm the girl down. Spike think for a moment about what they can do. “I think I have an idea. Hey Twilight, remember that form of torture the princess mentioned last week?” Twilight blinks and thinks back, eyes going wide and a smirk growing across her face. “Oh don’t worry guys, we’ll force her alright. We’ll do it in the gentlest way possible.” Everyone comes in for a huddle as she explains her plan to them. Meanwhile Applejack had finally gotten back to the orchard and was kicking apples down from trees again. She walks up to one and gives it a hard kick to the side, but all that falls is one apple. She blinks and kicks it again, stumbling back and panting, only to be met by an unmoved tree. Frustrated she grabs the tree and starts slamming her knee into it, banging her fist on it, all in vain. She lies against it and slides down to the ground, fanning herself with her hat. “Tarnation, maybe I need five to catch my breath.” She hears a loud thud and feels the tree shake, apples falling on her as she yelps in shock. “What in tarnation was that?!” Rainbow Dash peeks from behind the tree with a smirk, and begins gathering up apples in a bucket alongside Fluttershy. Rarity, Pinkie, and even Spike all walk up, and Applejack stares amongst them in shock. Twilight then holds out her hand for Applejack to help her up. “Need a hand?” Applejack scowls and slaps her hand away with her hat, struggling to her feet against the tree. “Twilight you snitched! I told you not to tell anyone!” Twilight glares back at her and says, “You’re pride has led to screwing up everything you did today. That doesn’t just affect you, it affects everyone! Besides, we’re your friends!” Applejack sighs and says, “Well it don’t matter, because I can do this on my own and I refuse to ask for your help.” Twilight smirks and says, “That’s fine, because we’re going to help whether you like it or not.” She nods to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who continue their collecting. Applejack scowls and says, “No you’re not! You two put those apples down this minute!” Rainbow Dash stomps her foot and sticks out her tongue. “No!” Fluttershy gulps and hides the bucket behind her back whistling innocently. “Put what down?” Applejack growls and says, “I said to put them down!” She takes a step forward and they take a step back. “Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be huh?” She stomps off, only to come back with a pair of lassos. “Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard-“ Both girls fly off and Applejack gives chase. “Fine, hard way it is then!” The determined girl flings the lassos and snatches their legs with a triumphant smirk. “Now I got you two!” She blinks in surprise as they both dash in opposite directions, stretching her arms out and lifting her off the ground once they reach the end of their ropes. “You two ain’t getting away!” Rainbow Dash laughs and says, “We weren’t trying to get away! We got you right where we want you!” Applejack tilts her head, but then she finds the ropes wrap around her wrists and cling tightly, both girls slipping out of their restraints and the ropes staying exactly where they were. “What in tarnation is going on?” Twilight and Rarity walk up with glowing hands, and she notices the aura around the ropes match the aura around their hands. “I’ve been bamboozled! You planned this all along!” Twilight nods and says, “Last chance Applejack. Let us help, or we’ll force you to!” Applejack shoots her a glare and says, “Never ever never ever never!” Twilight shrugs and snaps her fingers, Pinkie Pie and Spike walking up holding cyan and yellow feathers. Applejack blinks and starts to squirm a little. “What are you two going to do with those?” Each of them snatch one of her ankles up under their arms, and force her boots off. “Now hold on just a second guys, let’s not do anything too drastic here!” They ignore her, sliding off her socks next. “No, please! Not the feet! Anything but the feet! Please!” Her pleas continue to fall on deaf ears, as the two of them gently stroke the feathers along the undersides of her constricted feet. Applejack squeals like a little girl and laughs uncontrollably. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash giggle and help hold her legs in place so she can’t kick them free. Applejack tries to hold in her laughter, biting her lower lip, but she burst out uncontrollably and even begins to tear up. “No more! No more! They’re too sensitive! I surrender!” The two of them pause and Twilight holds a hand cupped to her ear. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Applejack pants catching her breath, quickly answering, “Y’all can help me with the apple harvest! Just please, don’t tickle my feet no more!” Twilight nods in satisfaction and says, “You’re going inside to relax while we handle all the work out here, got it?” Applejack’s jaw drops, but she wasn’t in any position to argue. She hangs her head in defeat and says, “Yes mam.” The ropes finally let her go, and her friends set her down on the ground, only to catch her again. She was more exhausted than she had thought, she could barely stand. Twilight says, “Could you guys help her to the cabin?” Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash each take an arm and guide her back to her cabin, greeted by an excited Winona who runs circles around them barking. They carry her inside and sit her down on a sofa. Applejack sighs and says, “I reckon you two are gonna go help now?” They rub the backs of their heads and Rainbow Dash says, “Well, I don’t know. I could probably use a nap myself… away from the work…” Fluttershy sighs and says, “And I’ve got a few other animals to give rabies shots today.” She blinks and notices movement in the kitchen, peeking inside. Curious, Rainbow Dash join her, noticing Big Mac was in there struggling. He manages to get his shirt off, and readjusts his casted arm to keep it up. He then grabs a bottle of water and chugs half of it, spraying the rest against his chest with a relieved sigh. Both girls wings spring to attention as they stare blushing. Fluttershy giggles and says, “Although… maybe I could stick around to help out for a little…” Rainbow Dash nods and says, “Yeah, m-me too…” Applejack raises her eyebrow at them, and smirks, managing to stand up and take them by the shoulders. “That’s so kind of you. If you’re offering then please help, outside.” She guides them to the door as they struggle staring back. Fluttershy whines and says, “But you’re so exhausted, I think it would be better if I helped take care of you, a-and maybe your brother?” Rainbow Dash grumbles and says, “Yeah, what she said!” Applejack gives them both a kick on the butt to get them out the door. “Get out there and help everyone you horny school girls!” She giggles as they rush off blushing, and walks back inside. She sighs, watching Twilight and Rarity pick apples with magic from her window, Rainbow Dash karate kicking trees as she floated around. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and even Spike gathered up all the apples in buckets and kept them all neatly stacked together. She felt useless as she was, walking into the kitchen to find Big Mac setting up a juicer. “Now what are you up to big brother?” He smiles at her and says, “You don’t need a lot of effort to make apple cider.” He peers out the window and then flashes his sister a wink. “Don’t think too hard about it, little sister.” Applejack stares at it for a moment, and then she takes a basket of apples out of the cabinet and gets to work. By the time everyone was done, they had dozens of buckets of apples stacked up by the small home. They all cheered at their victory, only to fall to the floor exhausted. Spike sits up and says, “That was a lot of work, even for all of us. I could use something to drink.” As if on cue, Applejack walks out of the cabin with a tray covered in frothy mugs. Rainbow Dash gasps and leaps to her feet, the feathers on her wings frizzing up. She begins to drool and says, “Please tell me that’s what I think it is!” Applejack smirks and says, “Your favorite drink? Sure is. Since I couldn’t help much with the harvest, I thought I’d make you all a few mugs of apple cider to wet your whistles as a show of thanks.” She holds up her foot, her boot meeting Rainbow Dash in the stomach. “Cool it Rainbow, just one for now.” Rainbow Dash coughs and nods, slowly reaching forward to grab one. Everyone else gets up and hurries over to grab a mug. They drink and sigh in relief from the delicious beverage. Twilight smiles and says, “So did you learn anything Applejack?” Applejack sets down the tray and says, “I sure did Twi. I learned not to bite off more than I can chew, and if I need help I always have friends willing to give it to me. I’m sorry sugar cube, I guess I got so caught up in being the helpful one and proving I could do everything by myself, that I just ended up causing everyone trouble. I wish I could fix everything.” Rarity takes a sip of her drink before saying, “Twilight has agreed to help me repair my dress and put finishing touches on it.” Spike huffs and says, “I’m helping too you know.” Pinkie giggles and says, “The cakes got some girl who’s apparently great with muffins to help me with my order! I’m going to go see if she needs any help with that right now actually.” Fluttershy twirls her finger through the froth of her drink, staring down at the ground. “I don’t think any of my animals are brave enough to resist a shot if they think you might come back. I-I’m sorry, I hope that doesn’t make you feel bad.” Applejack shakes her head and says, “Not at all Fluttershy, and what about you Rainbow ‘Crash’?” Rainbow Dash scowls and says, “I have to pay for repairs to that drum you know! But, maybe I could forgive you if you help me out with my tricks again. This time, come a little more in the game though.” Applejack pats her on the back and says, “Sure thing sugar cube, anything to make up for sending you into orbit.” Everyone has a good laugh, finishing off their drinks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The large TV in Twilight, Luna, and Spike’s dorm comes on to reveal princess Celestia as the three of them sit together on the couch again. They greet her in unison as she replies, “Good evening angels.” She giggles and says, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist the reference.” Spike’s brow furrows and he says, “I can’t be one of the angels, I’m a boy!” Celestia rubs her chin and says, “Then you can be Bossley. How was school today everyone? Did you learn anything new? I’m sure you have in the week since we last talked.” Twilight nods and says, “I think a friend of mine learned more than I did. Her name is Applejack, and I think what she learned is that stubborn pride gets you know where. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and sometimes you just need to accept help from others when you can’t handle everything on your plate.” Celestia nods and says, “Wise words my prized student. What about you, my sweet little Woona.” Luna blushes and says, “Tiiiaaa, you promised to stop calling me thaaat!” She crosses her arms and pouts, earning a giggle fit from her big sister. “I learned that the saxophone is hard to play!” Spike notices it leaning against the couch and picks it up. “You mean this? I love these things. Check this out.” He grabs a pair of sunglasses off a nearby table and spreads his legs, blowing into it and playing it while thrusting his pelvis forward gently. Everyone stares at him for a moment before he stops and sets it down. “What do you guys think?” Celestia speaks up before anyone else as she says, “I think none of us were aware you were so good with a saxophone. Perhaps you could teach my little sister some tips?” Spike lifts his shades and says, “I’ll see what I can do.” Luna rolls her eyes and says, “Windbag.” She and Twilight stifle their laughter. Celestia giggles as well and says, “Anything else.” Twilight nods and says, “You were right, tickling is a powerful form of torture. Watch!” She grabs Luna’s foot, who looks at her bewildered. “Twilight, what are you do-OOO!” She begins laughing uncontrollably as Twilight lightly rubs her fingers over the underside of her foot, making her squeal and kick at her. “Stop, stop, I’m gonna pee! Let me go!” She manages to break free and leaps behind the sofa, peeking over the top with a blush. “I’m wearing socks around you from now on!” Spike smirks and says, “Sounds like a plus to me.” Twilight grins and says, “Guess I better get as much in as I can before then!” She leaps over the couch and chases the squealing princess back to their room. Spike sighs and says, “Sorry you had to see that your majesty. Those two get a little weird at this hour.” Celestia laughs and says, “It’s fine, really. Just some friendly fun I suppose. Though Luna’s boyfriend Pipsqueak might have some competition.” Spike raspberries her and says, “I doubt it. Girls act like that all the time. At least from what I can tell. Anyways, you learn anything new Celestia?” She nods and says, “I’m always learning new things, I am a princess after all. Let’s see, what is the most significant thing I’ve learned this week? Hmm… Oh I know! I learned that you can’t judge a book by its cover, and even the sweetest pastry can have a dark past.” Spike raises and eyebrow and says, “And what’s the story behind that?” Celestia yawns and says, “That’s for me to know, and you to learn on your own when the time comes for it. For now I’m dreadfully tired, and must be on my way. Tell the girls I said good night would you?” Spike nods with a smile and says, “Sure thing your majesty. Sleep tight.” He ends the transmission just as Twilight comes running into the room screaming. “What’s wrong Twilight?” She gasps for air and says, “She has feathers!” Spike looks at her like she was an idiot and says, “Well duh, she has wings. Wings have feathers.” Twilight shakes her head and says, “No, peacock feathers!” Luna rushes into the living room holding to peacock feathers and points one at them. “You’re both going down.” Spike gulps and says, “How did I get dragged into this?!” He runs screaming with Twilight as Luna chases them laughing maniacally. End Chapter 5 Continued in Chapter 6: Murphy’s Muffin Maniac