//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: TMP - Twidash Style // by Liquidfirest0rm //------------------------------// Prompt #1: Hush Write a story in which one or both of the characters does not utter a single word of dialogue for the entire story. Rainbow Dash awoke much as she did every morning, just before dawn. Slowly opening her eyes, she took in the sight of the wooden ceiling above her, the intricate rings of the wood reminding her of where she was. While it was still a strange sight to see every morning as opposed to the cloud ceilings she had grown up with, it was slowly starting to grow on her. A quick glance at the window allowed her to confirm the time that her body knew it was. Letting out a quiet yawn, she moved to get out of bed and go for her morning flight, but was stopped short as something tugged against her. Looking down, she saw a lavender foreleg draped across her middle, gently trying to draw her closer. Her eyes traced the leg back until it disappeared underneath the covers. Looking to the top of the blanket, the owner’s head could be seen peeking out. A smile came over her at the sight of the messy made partially covering the sleeping face. Lying back down, she took her time admiring the blue, purple, and pink locks spread haphazardly around the lavender colored horn. She reached up and tried to brush some of the hair away from the sleeping mare’s face. As she did, some of the hairs brushed against the lavender colored muzzle. Almost instantly the muzzle scrunched up and the nose wiggled a little bit. Another lavender foreleg appeared and rubbed across where the hairs had touched. Rainbow thought she had accidentally woken her up, but the leg soon disappeared and the sleeping mare continued to slumber. A smile came over her face as she watched her sleep. Her thoughts drifted back to when she had first met the mare, accidentally crashing into her and sending them both careening into a huge mud puddle. In a hurry to save face, she tried to use a rain cloud to clean her off. She ended up using a bit too much water and had soaked the mare to the bone. This had the effect of further agitating the mare further, but also showed Rainbow how positively stunning the mare was. After stuttering for a few moments, she weakly gave an ‘oops’ and then proceeded to try and use a small tornado to dry her off. It had worked, but with the side effect of causing her mane and tail to poof out. Despite trying to make a good impression, she had fallen over in a fit of laughter at the sight. She had then gotten the opportunity to impress her when she was challenged to prove her claim of being able to clear the sky of clouds in ten seconds. She pulled it off with seconds to spare, but the look of awe she got was more than enough reward. In an attempt to prevent further embarrassing herself, she left the mare standing there say that they should hang out some time. A light snoring sound broke her out of her reverie, and she looked again at the mare sleeping beside her. They had been through so much together; Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changeling attack, and even the ancient King Sombra’s return in the Crystal Empire. The thought of Discord brought back memories of how they had first gotten together as an official couple. It was when she was regaining her memories, Twilight had sensed the feelings she harbored towards her. She had never tried to act on the feelings, for fear of it ruining their friendship. Needless to say she was shocked to find that Twilight had felt the same way about her, and asked her out a couple of weeks later. They had their fair share of arguments like any other couple, the worst one being at Shining Armor’s wedding when she hadn’t believed Twilight about Cadence’s true nature. That had taken a while for her to get over. While Twilight had forgiven her quickly she had beaten herself up pretty hard over it. She was the element of loyalty and had strayed from staying loyal to her marefriend of all ponies. It still stung a little when she thought about it. She was amazed thinking about how fast time had flown. Just a month ago she had moved into the tree library and sold her cloudominium. She had gotten much more out of it than she had told Twilight, but she was using that to buy a special present. Several times she had used the excuse of having long shifts at work to visit nearby cities so that she could search for exactly what she wanted. She had planned on proposing to Twilight, and on her last trip to Fillydelphia she had finally found what she wanted. It was a ring with seven gemstones, colored and arranged to look like a rainbow. She had stashed it at Fluttershy’s house to keep the gift a secret. Knowing Twilight’s OCD nature, there was a good possibility that she would find it by accident and ruin the surprise. Twilight’s recent change had thrown a hiccup into her plans, however, and she still needed to speak with Princess Celestia about it. Along with being a few inches taller and overall bigger, Twilight was now a princess, and Rainbow was sure that there would be some kind of process she would have to go through to marry her. It didn’t matter though; she would do anything to remain by Twilight’s side, especially now that she could share the sky with her. She was glad that with Twilight’s new ability to stay on clouds without a spell, that she was able to talk her into getting a cloud bed instead of a normal one when she replaced her old bed because it was now too small for her. “How did I end up with such a great mare?” Rainbow muttered quietly. She gently kissed Twilight on her forehead, causing her eyes to open a little. “Love ya, Twi.” She said as they snuggled up together. As they drifted off to sleep she felt like she could skip her morning flight for this. Gently drifting off to sleep in the embrace of the mare she loved, she felt all her worries slip away into nothingness.