//------------------------------// // Enter Sombra part 2 // Story: Digimon Crusaders // by Klonoahedgehog //------------------------------// We now return to Digimon Crusaders. "Before we begin, how about you armor Digivolve into that form you enjoy using so much?" Apple Bloom and Coronamon gave a look at each other. Coronamon looks back at King Sombramon with a small grin. "Aright then we'll armor Digivolve, it's your funeral." He looks back at Apple Bloom. "Ready?" "Digi armor Energize!" Coronamon armor Digivole too, Buckermon! And Buckermon gets into position, lifting hi's guns out. Sombramon and him just stare at each other for a bit. "Apple Bloom, get back." Apple Bloom nods. "Got it." Apple Bloom runs off behind some debris and suddenly, Buckermon starts shooting away, Sombramon swiftly runs straight at him the bullets just deflecting off hi's chest. falling to the sides. Buckermon has a shocked expression on hi's face hi's mind is going, 'Whah!?' he snaps out of it as King Sombramon is about to hit him. Buckermon quickly dodges as the fist passes right next to him. "Applebuck attack!" Buckermon tries to throw a kick at him but sadly Sombramon grabs it and throws him away, he hits the wall nearby, it crumbles down as he falls onto the grouns. "Ugh, what was that?" He says. Sombramon appears out of nowhere and is about to hit him. "Shadow Fira!" He shots a fire blast from hi's hand, Buckermon's eyes widen and rolls out of the way, the flames hit the rubble right there. Buckermon takes out hi's guns and shoots away, King Sombramon grabs each of them and they disintegrate. "Haven't you learned yet? Your attack can't hit!" Buckermon grinds hi's teeth. He was slowly getting angrier at Sombramon. Meanwhile behind the debris Apple Bloom was watching the whole match, she as well was bothered by this turn of events. She takes out her digivice and switches the marks on screen from Applejacks mark to Pinkie pie's mark. Buckermon feels this and goes. "Slide evolution!! Prankstermon!" He croutches down and then the canon attaches itself to him. "Party cannon!!" It fires a shot hitting Sombramon and sends him back. He crouches down on the ground on what seems to be in pain. Prankstermon smiles internally, thinking to himself. 'Alright! I got him on the run!' He clenches hi's chest and starts chuckling maniacally and suddenly looks into the sky laughing. '...Well crud.' Prankstermon shoots three blasts away towards Sombramon which managed to send him back with each blast. But Sombramon just brushed it off as he ran towards Prankstermon and grabbed him by the neck, throwing him to the sides. Apple Bloom looked at the battle seeing Prankstermon get thrown around like that. Prankstermon suddenly degenerated to Coronamon. "Prankstermon, no!" Sombramon looked in her direction, then hi's eyes drifted to her Digivice. Apple Bloom noticed what he was looking at so she put her Digivice behind her back in an attempt to hide it. Sombramon knew what it was already so he went over to her, "Wwhat are ya gonna do to me?" She stammered. Sombramon picked her up by the neck. "Nothing as long as you hand over the Digivice." Apple Bloom's eyes widened. "I ain't givin' you anythin!" She yelled. Sombramon laughed at her ignorance. "We'll it seems i have to take it by force!" He lifted hi's fist into the air about to hit her, Coronamon looked at what was happening and he growled, he ran towards Apple Bloom as fast as he could, and he jumped in between the two of them, the punch hitting him and throwing both of them back into a wall. Sombramon walked over to them. "You may have stopped me from destroying her that time but this time you won't be so lucky." He picked up Coronamon by the neck, and he raises hi's hand about to shoot another attack. Apple Bloom watching intently from the ground, rubbing her check with her hand. Coronamon closed hi's eyes, waiting for the end, but suddenly he heard a blast being shot out of nowhere and he felt himself being let go by Sombramon. He immediately opened hi's eyes to see Sombramon to the side. "Who?" "Sorry we're late!" Coronamon and Apple Bloom both looked to the side and they saw Spike! With Twilight standing next to him. Spike and Twilight run to Coronamon's and Apple Bloom's side, Coronamon just scratches hi's head. "Hey what took you so long?" He says. "Sorry, i was taking the other Digimon out of here." He says with a bit of a sarcastic tone. "You interfering Digidestined!" They both looked to Sombramon who was getting up. Spike looked to Twilight. "Twilight! Digivolve me!" Apple Bloom looked at the two of them. "But ya'll don't know if it works!" "We've got no other option here Apple Bloom." Twilight says, she quickly takes out her Digivice and yells out. "Digivolution activate!" And her mark appears onto the Digivice. SpikeAgumon Digivolve too! SpikeGreymon! Sombramon finally got up and went after the two. "Shadow Fira!" "Nova burner!" SpikeGreymon blocks the flanes with another flame. Hi's Nova burner attack past through those flames and hit Sombramon forcing a grunt out of him. Leaving a trail of smoke Sombramon is looking around the fog, suddenly SpikeGreymon's head shows up from the smoke and pushes him upwards. "Nova Blast!" He shoots out another shot catching him off guard. He lands on the ground, still looking healthy as usual. SpikeGreymon was about to attack again but Sombramon put hi's hand out, prompting SpikeGreymon to stop in hi's tracks. "You've proven to be a formidable opponent Greymon. Too bad we have to cut this visit short." "What are you talking about?" Sombramon disappears in a puff of darkness, to the surprise of Twilight, Coronamon and Apple Bloom. Leaving the four of them alone in the area. "....What was that about?" Spike asked. "I don't know, but... Something tells me that he was holding back." Coronamon and Spike looked to Twilight. Apple Bloom on the other hand was feeling a little dazed. "What do you mean?" "If he was as strong as he appeared to be he would have finished us off right then at there, either he was holding back or he wasn't at full strength yet." Coronamon looked to Apple Bloom. "What do you think Apple Bloom?" Apple Bloom fell onto the ground with her eyes closed. "AppleBloom!" Twilight and Spike looked at her and saw how she unconscious and went to her side. Ending Theme