The Captain of Mining

by Raybony

Taking in The News

After the events of the afternoon, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie went around town, making sure that everypony was safe and unharmed, and also to tell them that the danger had passed. Meanwhile the rest of the group went back to Twilight’s tree.

Inside, Fluttershy could be seen attending to the now sleeping cat, making sure that the bandages were secure and that she remained in a comfortable position. Sparklez was outside of the library, trying to see how the hay he was supposed to help the now headless Iron Golem.

“Man, this is when I wish I knew how to use these powers of mine. Just how am I suppose to reattach it to you?” Sparklez said as he fiddled with the head of his companion, Evel Knievel, or Knievel for short.

“It ok master, Knievel sure you figure out solution.” Knievel said with his usual deep, rough voice. His body was sitting down against the wall of the tree, the gang been able to control the headless metal body and calm it down.

“I know I will Knievel, but I still can’t believe that another one of you guys came here. Just where were you before you came here?” Sparklez said, deciding to find a solution to the problem later.

“Knievel walking in deep jungle, thought that he was still on same jungle where we live. Heard loud roar in distance, decided to find sound and me found you being attacked by large monster.” Knievel said as he looked down with his ruby eyes. “Knievel failed to protect Master and home, Knievel failure.”

Sparklez raised the head of the iron golem, making it look at him. “Don’t say that big guy, it wasn’t your fault for me getting myself injured, I let myself get hurt to save a friend.” He said with a smile, trying to reassure the hardheaded friend.

Knievel seemed to brighten up a bit at that, but then he raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Me wondered, why save blue lady if she try hurt master?” He asked, truly confused at the event.

Sparklez sit there, thinking about the events that followed before and after he was knocked out. “I’m not sure how to tell you, before it was because she didn’t trust me at the time, thinking I was responsible of the monsters that attacked us.” Sparklez said as he scratched his head, trying to recall more of what happened.

Knievel gave a snort, his body crossing his arms in annoyance. “Lady thought wrong, monster attack us from long time. No point to us hurt ourselves.” Knievel said as he looked to the side with a frown, not getting where this lady got this ideas.

“She didn’t know better Knievel, we aren’t in the same world anymore.” Sparklez said as he looked at the head in his hands.

This got the head’s attention, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. “We not?” Knievel asked, not believing that they weren’t on the same world, seeing as he had come across with multiple monsters inside the jungle that he had ventured before finding Sparklez again.

“No we aren’t pal, but we are working to get back home.” Although he wasn’t sure what would happen if Knievel or Kerry decided to follow him. Would they appear inside his world? Or would they cease to exist since they aren’t inside a computer? “But will get there eventually.”

“Master, you look troubled, something wrong?” Knievel said, noticing a small drop on Sparklez features, as if he had remembered about the death of the friendly slime Jerry.

Sparklez looked up, coming out of his thoughts. “Huh? Oh it’s nothing big guy, I was just thinking about Dash, still wondering why Twilight needed to take her inside. Along with my amulet.” Sparklez added as he set the head of Knievel down, letting it rest next to him.

“Blue lady? Not sure master. But why worry for her? She tried kill you before.” Knievel asked as his body went to scratch the area where his head would rest. He gave a sigh at the action that his body made “Really miss body.”

Sparklez chuckled at him, enjoying his company. “Like I told you big guy, we will figure it out eventually. And as to Dash trying to kill me? She was being controlled, don’t know by who or how, but she didn’t really want to hurt me! Well, she wanted to do it before but, oh you know what I mean.” Sparklez said with a carefree attitude, just wanting to enjoy the small moment of peace.

Knievel just rested there, thinking of what Sparklez had said. “So you were having, couple fight?” Knieve asked, wanting to understand what Sparklez was saying.

Sparklez blinked at what Knievel said, processing if he should react in any sort of way. He looked at the head next to him with an inquisitive look. “Couple? We just meet yesterday, and you think that I just date her like that?” Sparklez said a bit surprised at the golem’s assumptions.

Knievel looked at Sparklez with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, me just thought that how couples acted.”

Sparklez gave a deep sigh, going to rub his eyes. “Just, think about what you said next time pal, ok?”

“Ok.” Knievel said as he rested there, thinking of what to ask. “So who do you fancy?”

“What?!” Sparklez flipped upside down at the sudden and weird question.

Moving away from the now awkward conversation, inside the basement which was now lit up by the different source of light, AKA light bulbs, the form of Rainbow could be seen sitting on a small stool, still on her human form, she had her arms cross in annoyance as she was covered with wires, like if to check all of her vitals on a hospital.

“Twilight, please, It’s been way too long for these tests of yours, you said you needed to check vitals or something like that. But I didn’t know you were gonna take this long!” Rainbow said as she fumed with her annoyance.

“It’s ok Rainbow, I’m nearly done. I just need the machine to process the data that it has gathered of you, then you're all clear to go.” Twilight said as she messed with a few buttons on a machine which was connected to Rainbow. (And no, it’s not the same one like on the first chapter.)

Twilight turned away from her work for a second, checking on the other group that was working on a piece of jewelry that resembles the symbol of the Elements of Harmony. “How is your side going Celestia?” Twilight asked with a bit of hope to have a bit of this mystery cleared out about this strange magic.

“I’m afraid it is as we expected.” Celestia said, not taking her eyes of the amulet as she cast another spell onto the jewel, getting no reaction out of the pendant as the magic inside it repelled it. “This object is resilient to any strong spell that we may cast on it.”

“Even my magic doesn’t do anything.” Discord said as he made a sledgehammer to appear on his lion paw, before going and delivering a solid pound onto the amulet. The two royal princesses flinching at the sudden act.

“Discord! Are thou trying to harm us with thine antics?” Luna said with a glare towards the draconequus. “And thine act was not certainly magic, but pure brute force.”

“What, nothing was working, it was worth a shot to see if it reacted to physical interaction.” Discord said as he looked at the unscratched amulet. “But still no cigar.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, not understanding what Discord said. “What?”

“Oh its nothing. But as far as I can see, this thing is totally isolated from this worlds magic. It’s magika wavelength is totally inconsistent as far as we can see, making it impossible to try and make a spell that may work against it.” He looked at the amulet again, a frown forming on his face. “But I can still feel some familiar magic residue between all that, not sure what, but it’s there.”

Twilight frowned in disappointment, she was really hoping to hear some good news regarding their problems with this “game” of Sparklez. She was brought out of her thoughts as she heard the sound of paper being printed out. “Ah, the results.”

“Finally!” Rainbow exclaimed, proceeding to take the stupid wires off her.

“Now lets” Twilight stopped as she stared at the parchment of paper that was being spitted out from the machine.

“It’s something wrong Twilight?” Celestia asked, coming to the side of the young alicorn.

“The readings…... they are…. blank!” Twilight said in shocked, not understanding how this was possible.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me I have to sit down and take the stupid test again! I don’t think I could handle the boredom!” Rainbow groaned as she held her head with a hand, not believing that she let herself be tested on for nothing.

“No I mean is blank, nothing registered at all, not even heart rate or body constitution.” Twilight said as she rubbed her face in frustration.

“Well don’t blame me! I don’t know how that happened. But right now I want to know how are you guys gonna turn me back? I mean, it is cool to be a human, sort of. But I was born a pony, not...this!” Rainbow said as she indicated herself, but more to the fact that she had hands.

Twilight blinked a bit, not realizing what she had done before starting the test. “Ugghh, how stupid am I? I forgot that Rainbow isn’t herself anymore.”

“Twilight can you explain what you mean? I’m not sure if we can understand your frustration.” Celestia said as she looked at the young alicorn with a bit of worry.

Twilight thought about explaining it, but this was more of a theory than anything, so maybe a test was in order. “Rainbow, do you see anything in your field of vision?”

“My what?” Rainbow asked, confused at her friend’s choice of words.

“Urrgh, can you see anything in front of you?” Twilight asked again, this time using more common words for her friends sake.

“Umm, you mean the princesses, Discord and you?” She asked, still confused by what Twilight was saying.

“No! I mean if you can see anything that you can still see despite you looking another way.” Twilight said, trying to described what she saw when she used Sparklez’s glasses, and  the man’s explanation.

“Oh, well yeah. But I try to ignore it, it is annoying as Tartarus, but at least it doesn’t cover all of my eye sight.” She said, as she looked at the odd layer of squares in a row, plus the strange green bar which was filled a bit, and a strange set of orbs arranged into a straight line.

“Ok, now.” Twilight looked around for something to use for her experiment, she spotted a quill, which she enveloped on her magic to bring it towards her. “Take this.”

Rainbow gave an incredulous look, not believing what her friend was asking her to do. “You can’t be serious Twi.” She said as she crossed her arms in refusal.

“No I get what she is trying to imply. But are you certain this is what happened to her Twilight?” Celestia asked as she looked at her equal.

“What happened to me? None of you are making sense!” Rainbow said as she flung her arms wildly in frustration.

Twilight looked at Rainbow with a sad look, not sure how to say it. “I believe that, you may have acquired Sparklez’s powers, but I’m not sure.” Twilight said as she rubbed her forehoof, unsure of how her friend would take the news.

Rainbow stared at space for a few seconds in silent, which worried Twilight as this could turn bad. But to her surprise. “Oh Yeeeaah! That is just AWESOME! If I can do what Sparklez has done so far, my life just got 20% cooler!” Rainbow beamed and she acted like a little fan-girl.

“Rainbow, this is serious!” Twilight said in a harsh tone to the excited mare. “This could explain why you haven’t turned into a pony again.”

“Huh? How is that?” Rainbow said as she calmed down a bit, interested on what Twilight had to say if it regarded her transformation into a pony again.

Twilight looked away, not really wanting to explain it to her until she got proof. She looked back at Rainbow, her horn starting to shine as she looked at Rainbow straight in the eye.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Rainbow asked as she backed away a bit, seeing as Twilight's horn was shining ever so brightly.

Twilight made a frown as she concentrated more onto her spell, Celestia herself was worry of what the alicorn was going to do. “I’m testing.” Twilight said before launching a bolt of magic at Rainbow.

Rainbow saw the bolt the coming at her, but wouldn’t have time to dodge it. Raising her arms in protection she braced herself for the magical projectile to hit her. She felt a small push on her arms, but didn’t feel anything else besides that.

“It is as I feared.” Twilight said with a sad tone, her ears and head dropping as she looked at the papers that were suppose to record Rainbow’s data. “Her inner magic is similar or the same as that of Sparklez’s.”

“What the hay Twilight! Why did you shoot me?” Rainbow was fuming at her friends actions, not caring what she was saying.

“Twilight Sparkle, I can’t believe that you would risk the safety of a friend, just to verify a theory, just what was going through your mind at that moment?” Celestia said in a harsh tone towards the young alicorn, disappointment clear on her voice.

Twilight made herself smaller at Celestia’s words, feeling ashamed of her own actions. “I’m sorry princess, I just wanted to have a definite proof that my theory was correct and I...I’m sorry.” She said, looking down in shame at how stupid of her was to do such action.

Celestia gave a sigh, letting herself go back to her normal serene mood. “It’s ok Twilight, I understand your intentions were good, but be more thoughtful about your actions in the future.” Celestia then turned towards Rainbow with a worry expression. “But I worry about Rainbow now.”

“Would someone explain what the big problem is?” Rainbow asked in frustration as she wanted to get answers, not liking to be left out of the loop. “Just what is so important that my, inner magic, or whatever is different?”

“Normally, nothing. But this new type of magic had an effect on you which we cannot alter. And I fear that is what is making you be a human, or close to it at least.” Twilight said as she seated down in front of the human mare.

Now Rainbow was starting to get a bit worry, if what Twilight was saying was as she thought. “What do you mean Twi? Are you saying that…..” She didn’t want to say, as in fear that by just suggesting it may make it come true.

Twilight didn’t respond, not wanting to give the news to her friend. Celestia stepped up front, taking the task of telling the news to the mare. “What Twilight means, is that this effect may not be easy to reverse, if not irreversible. And we fear that even our combined abilities may not yield any results to solve this problem. I’m sorry to say it but-” She stopped there, looking at Rainbow in the eye with a sad expression for what she was about to say next. “you could remain in this form for the rest of your life.”

Rainbow didn’t react, her mind trying to grasp what Celestia had told her, trying to believe that it was all just some big lie or even a cruel joke. But even she had to come to understand that what was happening was real and she couldn’t fight it. “A-a-all my life?” Rainbow said in a low voice, as she stared into the space in front of her.

Twilight went to comfort her friend, having a good idea what it must feel for her a she went with something similar. “I’m sorry Rainbow, but I’m gonna try and find a way to-” She was cut off as the prismatic mare took off the basement ground and flew out through the door connecting to the library.

Rainbow flew as fast as she could, wanting to just escape what she could consider a bad dream. She was too distracted by her thoughts that she didn’t see the door to the front of the library open, as the shapes of Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Knievel’s head and Sparklez came in. Resulting on all of them smashing into each other and falling to the ground.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy said from where she was in the library, having seen Rainbow storm out of the basement and smash into the others. “Are you guys ok?” She asked as she fluttered towards the group.

“Well, it seems that this day just wants me to get hurt in anyway I can.” Sparklez said as he sat up on the floor, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

“Knievel not like being upside down” Knievel said as his head stood upside down, as his rubies spinned in circles dazed from the blow that they had received.

Applejack was the first to fully stand up, looking around to see the one responsible for their accident. “Rainbow, just why were you going around, wilder than a bull in a rodeo?” Applejack questioned as she saw the human mare stand up.

Rainbow turned around to face them with a few tears in her eyes, but she soon had a glare as she saw Sparklez standing up next to everyone. “This is all your fault!” She declared as she took flight again, going out the front door, not giving time for anyone to even question her.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight came running out from the basement, the princesses and Discord coming out afterwards. Twilight stopped as she looked at the group of confused faces that was now gathered on the library.

“Twilight, what happened with Dashie? She seemed super duper sad, and she was even mean to Sparklez again.” Pinkie said as she looked out a window, seeing the streak of rainbow Dash left as she flew into the sky.

Twilight gave a heavy sigh, seeing as she needed to explain Rainbow’s situation now, rather than  later as she wished. “That Rainbow. Ok guys sit down, and I’ll try to explain what is going on with Dash.” Twilight said as she went to the middle of the library, seeing as everyone gathered around to listened to her explanation.

Rainbow soared through the sky not ever stopping as the wind hit her face, making her tears be washed out as she continued flying. She soon came to land on a cloud large enough to hold her new body size, where she sat down holding her legs close to her in search for comfort.

Why did this happen to me? Rainbow thought to herself as she sobbed softly, not wanting to believe that all of this was real. I didn’t deserve this, I didn’t even asked for it! Now my whole life is ruined.”

The Wonderbolts will never accept a freak like me into their ranks, and everypony will see me as an outcast. She then got a deep frown as the image of a man came into her mind. And it’s all because of Sparklez and his stupid glasses!

Her ears dropped as soon as that thought passed her mind, her whole expression changing to that of guilt. Then why do I feel bad about blaming him for it? Is it right of me to get angry at him for this?

She started pondering about what happened before all of this happened, trying to see if it really was his fault or someone else. He didn’t really make me turn into this, he wasn’t even awake when it happened. I was the one that took the glasses to stop that creature, and that monster would never had come if it wasn’t

Rainbow looked down again, this time in shame as she nearly did the same mistake as before. Its fault. She shook her head in frustration, not believing herself to be capable of this level of stupidity. I can’t believe it, because of me nopony will see me the same again, my dreams are ruined and who knows what else will come from this.

She let out a sigh, letting the frustration out again. But worst of all, I tried to blame a friend for stuff that was my fault. She curled up into a ball again, the guilt making her feel worse as she thought about her actions. What kind of friend does that?

She rose up slowly, letting her wings expand as she got ready to fly off down towards the the library that she had left in a rush of depression. “Better get back there, at least to say sorry to Sparklez.” Rainbow said as she gave a mighty flap, making the cloud under her burst out as she soon headed towards the tree library.

“...and I’m afraid we may not be able to reverse it.” Twilight finished her explanation as she looked at all of her friends present. A mix of emotions on all their faces.

“Oh the poor darling, I can only imagine what it must feel like. Why it would be like me having to work with only one material for my designs for the rest of my life, it would be the, worst, possible, thing ever!” Rarity said as she fainted from the horrific picture that would be any designers nightmare.

Applejack facehoofed at the refined white pony, not believing that she would use such thing as an example. “Ah don’t think that’s the best way to put it, but Ah can understand what she means. Ah wouldn’t take the idea of being somethin’ ah’m not very kindly either.”

“Which is why I think Rainbow just flew away from here, in hopes to find some closure from this revelation.” Celestia said as she looked at everyone in the room, especially at the human who seemed to be thinking this deeply. “What do you make of this Sparklez?”

Sparklez came out of his thoughts at Celestia’s words, having been listening to the news and trying to figure out the reason as to why Rainbow had changed. “I was just thinking that there may be a way for her to be turned back,I’m not even sure if is even possible, but maybe it has something to do with this whole game, or at least that’s how this mysterious character puts it.” Sparklez said as he went to grab the new note piece that he had discovered in his inventory, backpack.

“My sister, I believe that’s who you’re referring to, but what do you have in mind, human?” Discord said as he picked his ear with a small paper cone, electing from it a blue ball of cotton candy.

Sparklez ignored the little act of law breaking physics, starting to get used to all the madness that this place had to offered. “Maybe this is just part of her game, making all of you more pieces to play with and have fun, as messed up as that sound.”

“But I think that if we win this, if I think it is what I believe it is, then Rainbow may be able to turn back. It may not work but at least it gives us hope in turning her back.” Sparklez concluded just as the door of the library slowly opened, the form of Rainbow Dash coming through.

“Hey guys.” Rainbow said as she looked at the faces of everyone in the room, especially Sparklez as the same wave of guilt came to her. She was brought out of her thoughts when Pinkie Pie started giving her a tight embrace. (This is like the fifth time today. Honestly, is she looking for an excuse to hold Rainbow?)

“Dashie, I heard what happened. I’m so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry. But don’t worry, we are not gonna rest until we find a way to fix this. Aren’t we guys?” Pinkie said as she finally let go of the cyan mare.

“Thanks Pinkie, that means a lot.” Rainbow said with a small smile at her friend’s words, before turning to look at Sparklez who was giving her a smile at seeing she was ok. “Sparklez, I’m-”

“No need to apologize.” Sparklez cut her off, already knowing what she wanted to say. “My bet is that you wanted to blow off some steam from the little news, and felt that directing the blame to someone else, and I don’t blame you for it.”

Rainbow looked to the side, still having the same look of guilt as before. “It was still wrong of me though.”

“We all make mistakes, big or small, that’s what makes us humans, or ponies? Or whatever you want to say.” Sparklez said as he gave a smirk to the pegasus.

Rainbow smiled at that, glad to see sparklez being able to see past the mistakes that she has made. “Ok then. So what do we do now?” Rainbow asked as she looked at everyone in the room.

“I believe this is where we must depart my little ponies, for we have prolonged our stay more than we had anticipated.” Celestia said as she went to stand next to Luna and Discord.

“Awwww, so you aren’t staying for Sparklez’s party?” Pinkie exclaimed as she made a pout, wanting to see all of her friends, including the princesses.

Sparklez looked confused for a moment before looking to the pink mare with a curious look. “Party?” Sparklez asked as he didn’t quite get why would she throw such an event for no apparent reason, especially if it was dedicated to him!

“Pinkie likes to throw a party to every new pony that comes into town, its more of a tradition now really.” Twilight responded as she proceeded to levitate the amulet of Disharmony back to Sparklez.

“I’m afraid we must, for we now need to relay this news to the council, in hopes to come up with ways to counteract this phenomenon that has presented itself.” Luna said to the eccentric pink mare.

“Aw, phooey.” Pinkie said as she sat down, crossing her forelegs in indignation.

Celestia went to address the group one last time, as her horn started to shine with magic. “I hope to hear from you again Twilight, from all of you.”

“We’ll report back any new findings we may discover, don’t you worry.” Twilight said as all of her friends gave their own confirmations. With that, a bright flash flooded the room with light, before it vanished just as quickly, revealing that the royal sisters and the draconequus were now gone.

“Oh dear, I better get ready! See you guys later!” Pinkie said suddenly as she quickly left the library, going to who knows where to do something.

There was a bit of silence after that, which was soon broken as Rainbow asked a question. “So Sparklez, what else did you have in your little backpack? I couldn’t really see anything in there.” She asked, making everyone present turn to the man in question, interested in the contents of the bag.

“Well it had The Mysterious Clock, which we know what happened to it.” Sparklez said, which made Rainbow’s ears fold down in shame, recalling the memory. “It also had another two of those monster spawners. or summoning if you like to call it.”

“You mean to tell me you have more of those varmints in there?” Applejack said, as she couldn’t imagine why anyone would keep such creatures near them.

“I guess so, but as far as I’m aware this won’t be able to appear in here, but rather in another dimension.” Sparklez said as he went to remove his backpack, the object already materialising as he went to remove it.

“Oh thank goodness.” Fluttershy said in a low voice, really glad that they wouldn’t have to worry about another summoning accident.

“You mean you have The Call of the Watcher eye and the Infernal Flame stone?” Kerry said as she had awoken a while ago, deciding this was now a good time to talk, as the regal ponies had left.

“Umm, yeah sure Kerry.” Honestly, she’s like a living wiki or something “Now let’s see here, we got lastly” Sparklez saw as the object came to be in his hands, the mist coming out of the backpack and setting itself on his hands.

‘Full on Encyclopedia of the Minecraft world’ Really?” Speak of the devil and it will come. Sparklez thought to himself as he eyed the book with more interest, thinking that this may be useful in the future, especially to remember crafting recipes, if they were any like he thought.

Twilight’s eyes seemed to shine when she heard what the book was, and judging by the size, it was full of new and interesting stuff that she could read about. “Can I see it Sparklez?” Twilight asked as she looked at the man with a hopeful look.

Sparklez looked at the mare for a moment, the chance to make a joke coming to his mind, no matter if it was lame.“Give the big book, rich in foreign knowledge to the smart one of the group. Hmm, let me think about it.” He hummed to himself, as if to trying to think of his answer.

Twilight gave a smirk, seeing what he was doing. “Ha ha ha, very funny Sparklez. But can I see it? Really.”

Sparklez merely held out the book towards her, which Twilight took hold of it with her magic. “Did you really need to ask?” Sparklez gave the mare a smug smirk, before going to retrieve a new object out of one of the pouches in his inventory belt.

“What is that?” Rainbow asked, seeing as Sparklez pulled out a small piece of paper out of one of his pouches on his belt. She really wanted to try out that, but decided to do it later when she could ask Sparklez for lessons.

“A note, from our infamous host of the game.” Sparklez said with a bit of a grunt, proceeding to read what was written on the parchment. “‘Well its good to see you discovered another part of your new powers Sparklez, and I think you can guess what the rest of the objects are-’ Well thanks captain obvious, wonder if you saw the monster that attacked the town.”

“Ya do know she can’t hear you right?” Applejack said as she listened to what Sparklez was saying.

“Oh I‘m sure she can hear us, otherwise she wouldn’t have called all of this a game.” Sparklez said as he gave an annoyed grunt before continuing reading the note. “‘and each of this will be of great importance if you are to get to your own world.’”Sparklez stopped there, putting the note away as he brought another object out of his belt.

Rainbow recognised the object immediately and walked next to the man. “Hey that’s my Element, or at least part of it.” Rainbow said as she eyed the gem of harmony  that Sparklez now held on his hand. “I thought I had lost it know.”

Sparklez looked at her and gave her smile, knowing what she meant. “I took it when you had your little episode, thought that it could have been related to what happened to you, but I was wrong.” He reached his hand out to her, offering the gem to her. “But I think this rightfully belongs to you.” Sparklez said as he dropped the gem on the open hand of Rainbow.

Rainbow held the crystal close to her, feeling that it was a part of her that she dare not lose. “Thanks, guess I owe you one.”

“Knievel knew you two couple.” Knievel said out of the blue, which made Sparklez look at him with an annoyed face.

“Dude, rude. I thought we had a conversation about this matter, can’t you just drop the subject?” Sparklez said as he went next to the detached head, just to deliver a punch to the head, not strong enough to harm him, but strong enough that he felt it.

Rainbow had a devious smirk, seeing an opportunity to mess around with the human. “What’s the matter, are you saying that you have the hots for me?” Rainbow said with a lidded look, going next to the man, who seemed startled by the question.

Twilight looked at Rainbow with a confused expression, never seeing Rainbow act this way before. “Rainbow, what are you doing?”

“Tell me big guy, do you like anything you see?” She said as she came nearly face to face with the man, Sparklez was now sporting a bright blush as he saw the mare approach him.

“I, umm, ah, uh.” Was all that Sparklez could managed to say, not really sure how to react to this situation. But his confusion was soon gone when Rainbow started laughing her lungs out, pointing a hand to the man.

“Ha-ha-ha, you should have seen the look on your face! I can’t believe you fell for that! Ha!” Rainbow said as she held her sides as they started to hurt. “Oh make it stop, its too funny, ha-ha-ha!”

Sparklez looked at her with a bemused look, not believing what the mare just did, although he had to admit she got him there. “Yeah yeah, very funny. Can I continue reading the note now, there was still a bit left on it.”

“Ok ok, fine. I was just messing with you anyways.” Rainbow said as she started coming off her fit of laughter.

Sparklez took out the note again, starting to read it again from where he left. “‘But as to what importance this has, is for you to find out, so I would watch out if you ever bring any of your new friends through the dimensions, wouldn’t want some hostile mob to tear them apart now would we?’” He stopped there, looking at everyone as they had a look of shock at how their little host had worded that part.

‘But I think I gave too much already, and where is the fun in just giving you all the clues. Until next time, have fun. P.S. Try clicking and clapping your hands, it will help with your Minecraft powers.’ clicking and clapping? That is just random. What would I achieve by doing this?” He said as he went and clicked both of his fingers and then clap them together. What happened next, was a surprise to all.

“Woah!” Sparklez exclaimed as a set of rings appeared in front of him, symbols carved inside said rings as they floated in the air. But he could see as a grid of two by two was visible inside of the rings, giving him the answer of what this was. “Oh yeah mayummmm, got crafting powers!”

“Crafting what?” Applejack asked as she eyed the strange set of rings, seeing symbols that she never had seen before.

“Its the ability to create new objects out of raw materials that can be used for the survival or development of the individual.” Came a reply from the lavender alicorn as she got curious looks from everyone, wondering how she knew that. “He-he, I’ve been reading a bit of the book.” Twilight said as she held the open book, which showed that she was already on page twenty-seven.

“Ok then. But this is totally cool! Now all I need is to know how to use the objects that I create and how to mine. But I think we can leave that for another day, I want to see how this party of Pinkie’s is” Sparklez said as he went to the door, but stopped when he realized something. “Umm, where is the party?”