//------------------------------// // No! Not the mouth! // Story: Running from Twilight // by Brony-Sibling //------------------------------// The three ninja ponies quietly sneak through Ponyville, and you try to follow them as stealthily as possible, while ducking from shadow to shadow. Suddenly the ponies stop in front of you, and as you walk up the yellow one GRABS you by the hand and with an insane burst of strength SHOVES you deep into a nearby hay cart. You open your mouth to speak when *PLOMP* suddenly instead of exhaling air, you are inhaling orange hoof. (Also, is that the faint taste of… mint? Huh?) “SSSSH!” The pony hisses in a loud stage whisper, “We have to be quiet!” You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion, and she removes her hoof. You spit out some grass from the hoof, (is that what tasted like mint?) and you open your mouth to- *PHOMP* Promptly you have another hoof shoved in your mouth, this one yellow. But this one had something held in it… Is that? You instinctively chew as soon as the hoof is removed, and… is that an Apple Fritter? Suddenly the yellow pony whispers, "Quiet! We have to neutralize all of the magic on you before we move you. Also eat that.. Quickly!" You start to say something, then… you are hit by it. The misty crisp flavor of apples, slowly tumbling down a waterfall of champagne and caramel toffee. This heavenly flavor completely overwhelms your every taste-bud. This is heaven. *Clink* *CLASH* You blink, and see triangles of brilliant purple fragmenting around you like a shattered stained glass window. You blink in confusion. The Apple Fritter! It was a spell nullifier! You open your mouth to shout in joy when, *PLMOLP* You are rewarded with another hoof shoved down your throat once more. *GAG* “Cough* *COUGH* *cough* “Mugh youf stomph das!” (Would you stop that!) "Shhh!" The orange one hushes you (Scootaloo?), and shoves you further underneath the hay. "You have to be quiet!” She whips her head back and forth, eyes checking her surroundings. “We have to leave, but pickup will be here soon. No matter what, don’t make a sound.” Scootaloo removes her hoof, and jumps onto her scooter and jets off at a startling speed with the other ponies in tow. “Hmph.” You grumpily huff. “Do i LOOK like a hoof receptacle?” You gingerly peer through the hay that you are buried in, and watch the sun slowly rise. You slowly notice some ponies begin to open the stalls that surround you. You suddenly realize that you are in the middle of the Ponyville market. You then spot some guards walking through the market, but they seems bored and disinterested. They seem to be looking for something, but they never really seem to look at the hay cart you are in. Fortunately most of the ponies seem to be going about their business, but you wonder just how long you can afford to hide here. *Sigh* “Assassin's creed don’t fail me now…” You spend the next hour counting ponies, and naming your favorite background ponies. Then the next hour deciding which seller’s stall is the best positioned for sales. (Location location location!) Then the next hour counting how often ponies talk about the weather. (43 times so far… is there ANYTHING else to do in Ponyville?) You are starting to doze off, when you hear something walking up to your cart. You open you eyes and suddenly are met face to face with an emerald green eye. You freeze. The eye winks at you. You blink back. Suddenly the eye is withdrawn, and you hear something clicking on the outside of the cart! You are about to burst out of the cart and begin running when you hear Scootaloo’s voice in your head. “No matter what. Don’t make a sound.” You relax your tense muscles, and settle back into the hay. The cart suddenly tilts, and then starts moving forward. You bite your lip to keep yourself from panicking, and try to make out what’s going on. You can’t see much of anything now, but you notice the sounds of Ponyville are slowly fading. Soon enough you can’t even hear the sounds of Ponyville anymore, and you only occasionally hear a the sound of a Pegasus passing by overhead. Suddenly the cart ceases to make the clickety-clack sound that cobblestone makes, and a few minutes later, the sun ceases to filter through the hay covering you, and the cart stops. “Ya’ll can come out now.” You hesitantly, and slowly worm your way out of the hay cart, and as you are exiting you completely miss your handhold, and tumble headfirst out of the hay cart. Right as you are about to hit the ground, you are caught by an orange hoof. Your eyes are slowly drawn up the strong, supple, but smooth hoof, past the graceful neck, and you instantly recognize Applejack. "I couldn't just let this honorary apple bruise now can I!” Applejack chuckles, while helping you to your feet. Applejack smiles, and brushes the stray wisps of hay off of your shoulders. “So, what’s your name stranger?” You suddenly find your words, and smile back. Remembering the first episode of MLP, you extend your hand and say, "They call me 'Merica here!" as you SQUEEZE Applejack’s hoof almost as hard as you can. Applejack’s eyes go wide, and she instantly collapses to her hooves. She quietly grunts in pain from your iron grasp. You instantly let go. Every nerve and brain cell is screaming at you. You just hurt Applejack. You. Hurt. Applejack. You drop to your knees and stutter out, “I’m so sorry! I just! I- I- Please! Please don’t be hurt!” “Applejack I’m so- UGHWURRRRGH!” Applejack quickly lunches forward and grabs you around your chest, and SQUEEZES. You feel like the most adorable marshmallow of death in existence is trying to grind your bones into powder. *URHRGHWARRRGH* “Haha! Gotcha!” *URRRRHGHGHH-- gwargble…* Applejack quickly lets go of you, then happily pats your back as you try to catch what little breath you have left. “Not a bad grip for such a little feller! But you’re a thousand years too green to tackle an Apple!” Applejack grins, and puts her hat on your head. “Tell you what. To show that there’s no harm done, you can wear mah hat!” You cough one more time, then slowly get to your feet. “Wow…. you’ve got a real bear hug there.” You weakly chuckle, holding your bruised ribs. “Ah thats nothin!” Applejack chuckles, “You haven’t felt mah *other* hug yet…” Applejack says while smirking. While that comment is registering in your mind, a breeze blows through the open Barn Door, and you are met with this sight. “Whoa nelly…” You whisper. You shield your face as several leaves are blown past you, and Applejack throws the nearby barn door fully open. Your eyes are met with dozens of ponies pulling carts, stacking hay bales, lumber, and pieces of metal. “Welcome to the resistance.” Applejack says while smiling. “Ah think you are really gonna like it here.”