Waking Up in Black and White

by _Kenzu_

Revolts and Wonderbolts

Chapter 14

Revolts and Wonderbolts


It was a short drive and two traffic lights later that the small Prius suddenly swerved into the parking lot of a small diner. Sitting between Vinyl and Redheart I couldn't really make out the place. After the door opened and the DJ hopped out I immediately felt regret as I got my first good look.

The diner certainly looked like it had seen better days. Spray paint covered the dumpsters in the back with all sorts of derogatory language I couldn't even begin to make out. The building itself had lights clearly burnt out and paint peeling off of the walls. A single sign on the roof was the only thing that identified the dinner we had just pulled up to. A couple of letters to it were missing, making it read, “affle Ho se”.

 I couldn't shake the bad feeling I had about this place. It practically smelled unsafe. I took a step back and glanced to the safety of the Prius, only to have Trixie cut in front of me and begin walking to the door as if everything seemed completely normal. The rest of the group followed in unfazed. I took a deep breath as I watched them walk straight to the door before I chased after them.

Trixie magiced the door handle open, taking the lead as the others followed. I, on the other hoof, found my legs turned to lead as I trudged slowly behind.

As I entered the diner my jaw was agape as I looked around. I was surprised to see the diner in worse shape on the inside than on the outside. The smell of grease suffused the air, the walls had a layer of dust caked onto walls. The couple of ball lights that overlooked the counters cycled between on and just burnt out.

It didn't bother the customers much. I watched the humans at the counter as they ordered their breakfasts, unaware of the ponies that had just walked through the door. I felt the all too familiar feeling of anxiety well up in my stomach. Slowly I found myself backing into the doorway as the others made their way up to the counter.

“Ahem.” Trixie announced, getting no response from the cashier. I guess he was too busy with... whatever it was he was doing in the back he didn’t notice. With that failed, the show mare resorted to floating her hat over the counter, waving at one of the cashiers. “Excuse me, I’d like to order some food.”

        It took a couple more moments before there finally was a response. “Uh,” a thick southern drawl was slurred as the cashier turned to look at us. He paused, as if to make sure what he was seeing was real “Sure ma’am. Are the others behind you with you as well?”

        “Yes, they are,” She answered as she glanced back to the rest of us. “I’ll have a double waffle and some apple juice.”

        “Cheese omelette, with toast and hash browns! And some good ol’ fashioned OJ as my drink!” Vinyl almost shouted without missing a beat as she practically bounced up to Trixie’s side. She had a sly, knowing smile, and was her tail wagging?

        The moment as the DJ completed her order she turned back and glanced to me. As soon as her eyes locked with mine I could see the cogs in her head turning. Almost instantly I felt a blue magical tingle envelope my body as I suddenly felt myself dragged to the front of the counter.

        I looked to Vinyl who just looked back to me expectantly glancing back to the menu. Following her gaze I felt myself actually cringe as I looked at every order.

        It had all the breakfast items someone would expect to see on any normal menu. Just, someone, not somepony. Almost every menu had meat with it, complete with pictorial representations. There were no hayfries, or cucumber sandwhiches. The closest they had to hayshakes were merely regular vanilla. There was however, something very familiar to me. Ham, bacon, steak... if I didn't know any better I thought I had seen myself turn from a dull white to a deep green.

        ‘Must everything here have some sort of, ugh, meat in it?’ I asked myself in disgust.

        A polite cough from the cashier brought me back down from the menu. I looked back to him and Vinyl before I found my voice again. “I think, just... pecan pancakes would be fine? That is, if no one would mind.” I asked quietly, barely beyond a whisper.

The cashier gave Vinyl and I funny looks before he added it all into the register. As the rest of the group ordered I decided to make a discreet retreat to a booth we’d picked out.
The others began to filter into the two booths as I tried to make myself comfortable in the large seats, quickly finding them to be similar in comfort to the seats from the buses. Redheart quickly found her place beside me once again as Merille and Vinyl took the seats across from us. Trixie, Snips, Snails, and Luis sat at the other not too far away.

 After a few minutes of idle chit chat and in the case of myself and Redheart, trying to keep our drinks from spilling all over ourselves, our orders were brought to us. For some reason... I just couldn't get the motor control I was so used to back in Equestria back. 

Vinyl’s eyes were full of excitement as she waited for the cashier to lay her food down on the table, they quickly dimmed as she saw what was on the plate. The DJ just stared at her plate of the cheese omelette, toast, hash browns, and bacon almost dejectedly. It took me another minute to process what must have been going through her head. Did she actually miss eating meat of all things? The thought made me queasy once more.

I immediately shared in the unicorn’s misery the moment my plate was set down. My pecan pancakes stared me happily in the face, covered in a delicious topping of butter and syrup, but what was beside them made me lose my appetite almost immediately. It was bacon, roasted pig fat of all things. The smell of burning fat alone was repulsive to me.

 “Why would they give me meat, that I can’t even eat.” I groaned as I pushed the plate away. Just like that, breakfast was ruined for me.

“Here,” Vinyl sighed dejectedly as she hoofed her own plate over to Merille, “you’ll love it more than I will.” 

Surprisingly the human didn't seem to respond to the gift in any way. He just stared at his plate of ham and sausages as if he was contemplating the universe.

         “Hey, Merille, you don’t feel too good?” The Vinyl asked concerned, “You look like you’re about to— WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!?”

        My eyes went to pinpricks as I watched Merille’s brown hair, or, what used to be brown. It was subtle at first, had Vinyl not said anything I probably wouldn't have noticed it at all. It seemed at first only a strand or two had changed from his chestnut brown hair color to a fairly light blue. Now however, the once brown curls of the humans hair was rapidly changing hue, becoming a dark, deep navy blue in entire clumps till there was nothing left of the original color.

“I.. er.. don't mean to stare, but why’d you dye your hair?” I asked flabbergasted. It was the only thing that could make sense. But how on earth could he have changed it so quickly? Humans didn't have magic.

        Trixie’s fork clattered loudly against the floor as she looked over the booth at the human. “Excellent choice in hair color if I do say so myself,” Trixie stated proudly, pointing at her own cornflower blue coat.

“El Discord ha llegado para ti!” Snails gasped as he climbed over the booth as well and stared at the human’s new hair color.

As Snails spoke the proud smirk that was on Trixie’s face suddenly fell as she stared at us in horror. “We need to go,” The show mare demanded. Her horn instantly began to glow as she snatched the poor colt in her magic. “Now!”

“But I’m still eating here!” A certain white DJ protested. Her protest seemed to fall on deaf ears as Trixie quickly jumped out of her seat, still levitating a very confused Snails behind her.

“Now!” She hissed as she glared at Vinyl.

Vinyl groaned a bit as her own horn began to glow. With that she grabbed the food on her plate in her magic, not the dishes, just the food, and hopped out of the booth.

        I stared at Trixie stunned. I had just managed to sit down and get something to eat myself, now she wanted to leave? Just like that? “But its barely even noon,” I spoke softly, “Why must we leave so soon?”

        Merille took a quick look at his reflection in the window, and immediately started to  panic as he saw his new blue hair. “What the... WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!? We’re definitely leaving. Now that I’m turning into Sonic the Hedgehog.”

        My hooves shot to my ears in response to Merille’s battle cry. Just as i was hoping my headache had faded it was back in full force. “Ok, ok we’ll go,” I moaned. “Just please, enough yelling though.”

        Trixie marched to the door, with her signature expression of keeping her nose up in a confident manner, her tail perked ever so neatly up as if she were above everypony else. I watched the show mare curiously the entire way. Something definitely had spooked her bad, and it didn't seem to be Merille’s hair. Just what had her so frightened?

Snails didn't get an opportunity to protest with Trixie’s decision as she pulled him along in her magical grip. “Madre de dios...” he complained, still suspended in the air helplessly.

“Pablo, not helping,” Trixie quickly reprimanded the young colt.

Upon realizing everyone in the room was staring at her though, her expression quickly changed to a unconcerned grin. “Hello, good morning, wonderfully humid this morning, isn’t it?” She spoke nonchalantly as she made her way past the onlookers and to the front door.

The show mare kept it open, ushering each of us out as quickly as she could. The insecurity I felt as we walked in was beginning to return as I glanced at her distress. She seemed almost frantic.

The moment I took a step outside, I heard the smash of glass and banging of metal.

“The car!” I looked quickly to Redheart as she pointed straight to the Prius. “It’s being vandalized by thugs!” She shouted frantically.

I followed the nurse’s hoof to the lone prius at the edge of the parking lot just in time to see its windshield get smashed into thousands of shards. I gulped as I stared at the situation that had befallen it.

Five masked hooligans were assaulting the car, a few armed with bats or sticks as the worked over the prius’s body. One cracked a steel bat right into the driver side window, taking a moment to grab out what looked like the car’s GPS. His friend turned towards us, eyes burning beneath red letters stitched to a hat.


        I froze as I stared into that hat. These were the same guys that my parents had ended up joining, and now they were here for us. I peered at the gang, only then realizing I had hid myself behind Vinyl.

The DJ unicorn herself seemed to be seething with anger as she gritted her teeth. In one instant she took a single step forward at the crew, but stopped suddenly as if something was holding her back.

“Holy! You weren’t kidding! It’s a swarm of them! A pack!” called out a single goon giving the Prius free body work. One of the humans, very skinny looking, went slack-jawed as his eyes passed over us.

“Uh...” Snails stepped forward, tail swishing over his snail cutie mark as he held a hoof to his chin. “Actually, we’re more of a herd?”

The PAPA goon stepped forward, leaning down towards Snails. Just as he was about to grab the colt though, Trixie’s magic enveloped Snail’s tail once again. The colt was suddenly flung back to Trixie’s side before the goon could even graze his muzzle.

“Hands off the crazed fanboy!”  Trixie scowled at the PAPA thug, floating Snails back onto his hooves.

Suddenly it was Vinyl’s turn to react. “You fuckers are gonna pay for messing up my friend’s car!”  The DJ shouted as she charged straight at the confused gang. In an instant she connected with one of the confused thugs, knocking him to the ground.

Her success was quickly cut short as another PAPA caught the DJ mid step and immediately threw her against the Prius. “I’m okay...” she called right as one a bat rolled off the top of the car and conked her on the head. “Less okay...”

        “Vinyl!” I called, shuffling on my hooves before I ran straight for the fallen unicorn. I didn't get far however as the thug Vinyl had knocked down quickly got back onto his feet and tackled me to the ground.  

        “Just where do you think you’re--!” He didn't get a chance to say anything else as pure instinct took over. I spun around and bucked as hard as I could, catching the goon in the gut “—Oof!” The man keeled over the cement with a grunt. Just as quickly as the first buck had come, I landed a second straight on his head. Like that, he was out like a light.

        “Shit, the bitch got Sean?” said one of his friends as he picked up the bat that had landed by the unconscious DJ. “That’ll fucking cost you!” he shouted as he swung the bat in my direction.

        ‘MOVE!’ a voice screamed into my head.

        Before I had a chance to comprehend what I had heard I quickly ducked to the right as the bat swung by, missing me only by inches as it hit the side of the Prius.

        “Stay still dammit!” the thug shouted as he swung again. Just as before I dodged the blow effortlessly, almost too effortlessly. It was a strange feeling as if my body was moving on its own.

        “For fuck sake Conner stop messing around and hit her!” one of his friends complained, before trying to help the goon with the bat.

        “Then help me out, Marcus!” shouted ‘Conner’

        ‘Marcus’ quickly made a grab for my hind leg. He was far too slow for me though. I jumped out of his way effortlessly.

        At that moment ‘Conner’ reentered the fray as I saw the bat swing down over me. My body reflexively jumped back from the dual opponents before the bat could make contact. I bit my lip as I looked between the two, wondering how to get out of this situation.

        “C’mere little pony,” hissed Marcus, “We won't kill you.” I felt the fur on my back stand on end at how he said those words. I could only imagine what they really had in mind.

        My worry was cut short when both men ran at me again. Marcus made another grab for me as ‘Conner’ swung low with his bat, aiming for my legs. Just as before, he swung too slow. As the bat swooped low I lept up to ‘Marcus’, catching the thug off guard. He fell to the ground as he tried to catch me, and right into the path of ‘Conner’s’ bat. Unfortunately for the thug, his friend didn't seem able to stop the speeding bat. The momentum kept it going right into ‘Marcus’s’ side.

        There was a very loud crack as the bat impacted his chest. He cried out in pain as he dropped onto the cement. I took a moment to look at him in the corner of the eye. The thug was holding his sides. There was a good chance that he had a broken rib judging from how hard he had gotten hit.

        “GOTCHA!” someone shouted. Before I had time to react I felt arms encompass my barrel as I was quite literally swept off my hooves in a bear hug. I looked back to see that the third thug had finally had enough of sitting on the sidelines. He grinned devilishly at me.  His breath came over my ears as he held me in front of himself presenting me to the bat-slinging ‘Conner’.

        I squirmed desperately to get out of his grip, my hind legs kicking uselessly in the air.

        “She’s all your Con,” my captor said as ‘Conner’ brandished his weapon for a final swing. I closed my eyes to brace for the pain of having my skull caved in at any moment.
“Ataco!” A young and very familiar colt’s voice yelled. It was Snips!

The mad colt launched himself onto my captor’s back

“Get this thing off me!” The third thug shouted as snips began to bite ravenously at his back launching himself into the small of the human’s back. The “noble” rescue didn't last as the goon threw his arms back and leaned down to throw pablo, letting me go in the process.

“Why you little!” ‘Conner’ swung at me again.

Not this time’.

 I quickly moved past him kicking him in the knee and letting his own momentum keep him going right into the third goon. Once again thugs met pavement as they fell ontop of eachother. The baseball bat went skidding away from ‘Conner’s’ hand as he tried to brace himself from the fall. 

I didn't want PAPA to have any chance to retrieve his weapon. Thinking quickly I kicked the bat underneath the Prius, and out of reach of the PAPA goons.

“She’s just screwing with us,” the third yelled.I looked back to the two goons as they tried to pick themselves off each other. Both looked at me with death in their eyes.

“Shut it, she’s just a miniature horse,” the ‘Conner’  berated his friend. “Just try to grab her again, I got an idea”

With that the PAPA charged in again, this time with only fists. If anything they both seemed to be slower than the first attempt I between the two, catching ‘Conner’ off guard. I headbutted the third in the knee. There was the tell tale sound of bone breaking as he knee buckled, and he went down.

As the third hit the pavement for a second time I made sure he would stay down. I reared up instantly, hitting him with buck to the head.

Two down, one left.

I looked at my final attacker, ‘Conner’, as he tried to regain his balance. He looked at me, fire in his eyes before he tried a full force charge. I didn't bother to move this time as I kicked one last time, aiming just below his stomach.

He didn't make a sound as he fell. I waited a moment, expecting the young bat wielder to get up, but as a second or two ticked, he stayed down. Had I really kicked him that hard?

“Oh….” a groan caught my attention. ‘Markus’ was still rolling on the ground in obvious pain. With great effort he managed to stand as He looked back up to me. I noticed something very different about the thug’s eyes now.


        He quickly made an about face as he began to run away from the parking lot, his PAPA hat long forgotten. “Th-This isn't over!” he yelled as he turned the corner.

“You could... use... some help?” asked a voice as I turned to see Trixie approaching. She stopped as she looked flabbergasted around me and saw the carnage. I finally I took a look around to the carnage around me as well. It was really an unbelievable sight as I stared at the three motionless bodies around me.

I took a breath in as I realised what I had done. ‘D-did I...’

No. I noticed their chests still rising and falling as they took in pained breaths. Fortunately I hadn't done anything permanent to them. I sighed in that slight relief as I rejoined Trixie, Snips and Snails.

Not much longer, Merille and Luis also returned.

 “We got the car ready to go. Redheart’s looking over Vinyl’s injury.”  Luis gave us a quick gesture to the Prius. “Just pile in the back seat, we don't have time to put everyone where they’re supposed to be.”

No one raised any objection as we all quickly piled into the car, positioning ourselves amongst the torn cushions. Luis almost floored it as we left the Waffle House, though it took a few tries. The thugs had clearly done a number on the car judging from the moan and whine of the engine.

Snails pressed right up next to Trixie as she meticulously examined her hooves. “Is there a chip?”  she asked frantically. “I need to know if there’s a chip. What about my horn? If I damaged my horn protecting you...” the blue unicorn turned to Redheart, who was still tending to Vinyl. “Is it alright?”

“Yes.” Redheart deadpanned as she glanced at the show mare, “You’re alright. I can tell just by looking at you.”

“Could you can it, Trixie? My head’s already hurting as it is.” An angry whisper of a voice came from Vinyl as she stirred. If her attitude was a judgement for anything, she probably looked much worse than her head injury let on.

“Now you know how I’ve been feeling.” I mumbled to myself silently.

“No talent you said. Hmph!” Trixie snipped as she turned away from Vinyl. “Went charging into a fight and got knocked out instantly!”

I cringed as I waited for another shot to come back from Vinyl. Even after a fight these two still enjoyed nothing more than to argue with each other.

“Something’s really bothering my rump.” Merille announced, cutting Vinyl off before she had a chance to snipe back at Trixie. “I just can’t seem to get comfortable.” I looked over to the human. He shifted left and right, his face contorting into a pained expression with each movement. “God damn. Did those guys mess up the seats that bad?”

“It was totally awesome!” Snails yelled in excitement, returning my attention to the back seat. The young colt he pressed towards Vinyl and Redheart enthusiastically. “The PAPA hit you like ‘Busch!’ Then Zecora was like ‘Dios es mio!’ but then she totally kicked their flanks!”

I felt my cheeks flush with red at the comment, “All I did was a buck, it was just simple luck.” I turned to look out the window in a pitiful attempt to hide my embarrassment from the bit of attention Snails was giving me.

Something bothered me about the fight other than the fact that there were four thugs that wanted to do… something to us. I didn't really remember learning those moves, but I did them flawlessly. My body just acted reflexively the entire time as if I was just a puppet on strings. I wasn't really sure what to make of it.

“Really man this is very aggravating. I...” Merille complained, tearing me away from my personal thoughts again, “...have a tail now...”

“What!?” Trixie shrieked, as I flinched from her scream.

‘At this rate my headache will never go away.’ I thought to myself in frustration.

“That’s impossible, you’re awake!” Trixie yelled in complete bafflement. The show mare was clearly concerned about the human’s sudden transformation.

Merille simply held up a dark blue fluff of a tail from his rear, the same color as his hair, to show it to the group. It was short, much shorter than my own, but there was no doubt that it was indeed an equine tail. “It’s Discord. You think he’d have a set of rules to go by? Ever thought he’s doing this just to fuck with us?”

“It’s a-a... It’s a—it’s a—it’s a...” Trixie sputtered as she stared at Merille’s new tail in what looked like a mix of astonishment and horror.

“So,” a voice chuckled. It took me a moment to process whose, “Merille caught a case of the pony, eh? Not really all that surprising to be honest. I kinda saw it coming.” Vinyl began to say as if unfazed by what had just transpired.

Trixie and I took a moment to process Vinyl’s nonchalant words.

“Well, it could be worse,” Trixie sighed as she began to calm.

I was floored by their reactions. Here was another one of these humans turning pony right before our eyes, and they took it so... casually? The fear of every person in the world being transformed before we got to New York dawned in my mind.

“How could this become any worse?” I spoke up quickly. “It’s starting to look more like a curse...”

“No,” A blue hoof came up to my face. Trixie was quick to stop me, “a curse would be turning into short, white, and Little-Miss-Can’t-Fight here,” she shot as she then pointed at Vinyl.

Just as she pointed, there was a choking sound from the engine as Luis pulled to into a parking lot. “Or that could happen.” Trixie mumbled.

Luis put both hands on his forehead in frustration. “Looks like she’s dead. Guess we have no choice but to ask for help. If it wasn’t for those damn vandals, we’d be halfway to Tennessee by now.”

“What!?” came a simultaneous exclamation from both Vinyl and Redheart.

Vinyl, who nearly lunged from her seat, climbed over to face Luis, “So you mean we’re stuck here!?” She pointed her hoof out of the window to a building in the distance. “Here!? At a run-down bar?”

I peered my head out over the window to look at the building we had just pulled up to. At first I was a little impressed that Vinyl could make out exactly what it was at first glance.

 It looked like any other out of the way bar, that was till I noticed the choppers and Harley Davidson’s  lined up in front. The walls were a yellow-stained stucco and the trim a homely shade of brown.

“Can't you try starting it up again?” I asked hopefully, before glancing back out the window. If that “affle ose” was a bad place to stop this may as well looked like death staring me in the face. “Surely we can't stop at this bikers’ den.”

Trixie however had other plans. She nudged her way past me as she magicked the door open. “Come on,” She spoke up as she hopped out of the prius, “one of us needs to call for a tow truck or taxi.”

I stared at the show mare dumbfounded before Luis stepped out of the Prius as well. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and began dialing some sort of numbers, “No worries. I’ll just make the call for a tow truck.”

He held the phone to his ear as he waited for a few moments. Not much longer later, he held the phone away from his ear as he turned towards us. “Damn. No signal.”

I sighed and clambered slowly out of the vehicle and stood beside the show mare. “This may be hard to construe, but what is it you plan to do?” I asked,as I followed her to the ominous looking building, hesitantly glancing at the bikes as we trotted by them.

“Well,” Trixie began, “We’ll just have to hope there’s a phone...” she pointed to the bar, gulping for a moment. “In there.”

“Hey Merille! Don’t go in just yet!” I looked up to see Luis take a half step to the bar. I looked to the entrance to see the door swinging shut.

‘He didnt, please tell me he didnt. No, he couldn’t have. There is no way he could be that incredibly… He did. Merille, why make things worse?’ I shook my head in disbelief. We hadn't been here for more than five minutes and already had a situation forming on our hooves.

Trixie suddenly facehoofed at the sight. “Alright,” she sighed out loud, “we need to get this done soon.” The show mare trotted towards the door before turning back to us. “Luis, Zecora, find Merille while I get a phone. Redheart, make sure Vinyl doesn’t hurt herself anymore.”

Gravel crunched under our slow moving hooves. The blue unicorn suddenly stopped and spun around and looked at the two colts. “You two,” Trixie began. They perked up, listening attentively. “Keep watch.”

Both the brothers ears visibly drooped at the command. I couldn't help giving snips at least a little sympathy his time. He did help me earlier. It didn’t matter though as they sulked back to Vinyl and Redheart’s side by the broken down car. Turning once more,  Trixie opened the door, stepped in, and waited for Luis and myself to follow suit.

The moment we opened the doors my ears were bombarded with loud rock music that some humans seemed to adore. For me however my ear’s instantly flattened as I tried to make out the words to the song. It seemed familiar enough to me though, something called ‘Highway to Hell’.

The bar itself was dark, really dark actually. It was only being illuminated by dull red lighting from the bulbs hanging over the stucco ceiling. Clearly it was intended to hide the amount of dirt and grime that was probably covering almost everything in the room. Wood rafters criss-crossed overhead.

The rank smell of alcohol, sweat, and cigarette smoke permeated the entire room, causing me to instantly bring a hoof over my nose in a vain attempt to snuff it out. In front of me was a series of three billiard tables, to the left were a number of tables, and to the right a bar. I took a gamble, and headed to the right.

“I’ll find a phone,” Trixie stated. “You two find Merille, he’s changing, and who knows what he’s going to try doing if he panics.”

        I nodded to Trixie as she began to walk away, melting into a sea of legs and leather.

        I began to follow Luis as best I could through the crowded room. It was difficult trying to stick as close to the human as people shifted suddenly in front or behind me. I couldn't help but cringe as I glanced up to the rough group of bikers as we passed them, each giving me odd looks as i shrunk away. I looked up to the bar table where it seemed a group of the bikers was looking at the television screen with mixed expressions of interest.

 The news anchor’s voice was drowned out by the music, but the title at the bottom spoke plenty loud enough.“My Little Pony Pandemic Reaches Estimated Over 1000 Documented Cases”.

        “Merille, we don't have time to delay, just where have you gone astray?” I thought out loud. I doubt anypony beyond me and the rats that probably scurried around the floor could have heard me.

        I tried my best to scan through the sea of legs that surrounded me. At first, I didn't notice anything outside of, well, what could be called ordinary for a bar. As I poked my head near the bar table however I noticed something particularly blue.

        “Luis,” I tugged on the human’s pant leg, “This looks rather grim, but I think I have found him.”

        Immediately I noticed something very wrong, and it was not only because he was sitting at a bar chair with his mouth inside a pie. My mouth was agape as I stared at him. His once short spurt of a tail now was at least two feet, wagging happily as he continued to eat his pastry. His skin color had changed as well, taking on a very distinct blue color. It took me a moment to process that he was actually growing a coat of short blue fur.

        The most striking change was what I couldn't see however, well, not exactly. The back of the human turning pony’s shirt was strained as two bulges that bobbed up and down excitedly underneath.

        Luis took a moment to adjust to the change he was seeing before tapping him on the shoulder. “Merille? Just what exactly are you doing?”

        Merille, who still had a fistfull of pie, looked at Luis and said, “I don’t really know. I just had a huge craving for pie.”

        I hopped up onto the chair beside the huma-pega- Merille to get a better look of Just what he was doing. “Pie? Merille… you don't think this is at least a bit strange? You are still just beginning to change! You should’ve stayed with your friends nearby, but here we find you eating... pie?” Just what was he thinking!?

        After downing some more pie, he looked at me and put a hand to his chin. “To tell you the truth, I don’t know what came over me. I smelled pie and something guided me right to it.”

        Luis put a hand on Merille’s shoulder and said, “Well, we need to hurry up and leave, because we need to get a tow truck here and pull the car out of the lot.”

        “And to get you away from these prying eyes, before anything worse is to arise...” I muttered slightly.

“What are you doing you little shit!?” Roared an angry voice.

‘Too late…’ I sighed. I spun around seeing a giant of a man marching straight for us. Before I knew what had happened, he reached over with his other hand, gripping Merille by the shirt.

“That pie was mine, then you waltz in here and steal it!?” the biker roared. “I’mma show you what happens to idiots who come in here unwelcome.”

        Merille struggled against the whale of a man, his tail flagging from side to side until the biker ripped off his shirt. Taking a step back, Merille unwittingly dumbfounded the entire crowd when two technicolor baby blue wings flared out in a display of dominance.
        For a few silent moments, me, along with everypony in the room stared dumbfounded as Merille presented his new plumage. I was dragged back to reality however as one or two of the bikers looked back down to me, before turning to face the rapidly changing pegasus.

“Those freaks are trying to take over!” one of the bikers in front of me yelled. He threw a haymaker punch at Merille, who ducked underneath it. Fortunately for Merille however it appeared the biker may have already had one or two drinks to many as he kept stumbling, managing to deck another biker in the jaw.

I didn't have time to react as I felt two hands wrap around my barrel, and launch me into the air. I frantically looked around to find myself being hustled out of the building by none other than Luis.

Plowing through the writhing mob of enraged and inebriated bikers, Luis pushed them aside with his shoulder, grunting with each impact. A wild punch came out of the crowd, and Luis ducked, butting his head into the man’s chest before continuing along.

I jerked and slid partly out of Luis’ grip, feet away from the door. Looking behind me, I saw a biker with a hand wrapped around my left fetlock. Rearing back my right hoof, I bucked back, clipping him in the chin and sending him to the floor as he gripped his jaw.

Luis reached the door, sending it flying open, and stumbling a few steps as lowered me to the ground. I tested my hooves. Feeling no pain, I breathed a sigh of relief before taking a sharp breath and turning back towards the bar.

I fidgeted as I shuffled on my hooves nervously, “What happened to our friends? I thought they were on our back end.” I asked as I looked to the bar door.

        As if on cue Trixie burst through the door with a frantic Snips and Snail in tow.

“What were you thinking!?”Trixie screamed at Merille while in full gallop. “You just plunked us right into the middle of a bar brawl!”

Before Merille could even have a chance to respond, we heard a loud banging sound as one of the bikers hit the van with a pipe to get our attention. “I hope you know you’ve just been green-lighted. You know what that means?” He said in a menacing tone.

Before he could say another word, his buddy standing next to him punched him in the face. As the biker fell down in one punch, his buddy gave a thumbs up to Vinyl. Apparently Vinyl had a penchant for gaining friends in low places.

I shot Vinyl a confused glance as she turned to the other one still standing. “Thanks George. Now, how about helping us with getting out of here?”

“George” shook his head and reached into his pocket. “No, I gotta stay here and try to keep them from following right away.” He pulled out a set of keys and tossed them to Vinyl, who caught them in a field of magic.

Vinyl looked at Luis with a huge grin on her face and tossed the keys to him, “I’ll tell you all the story later, but for now, we need you to drive as fast as possible.”

Luis slid the door to the van open, and we clambered inside, grateful for the extra room that it provided. As Luis turned the key in the ignition, bringing the engine to a roaring start, the biker yelled out. “Go, little ponies! This is no place for you.”

I layed down on the floor of the van and sighed in relief as I heard the sounds of shouting and yelling die off in the loud drone of the van’s engine. Other than the bellow of the large engine it was completely silent. No one spoke for a few moments as we grabbed out bearings.

        Eventually though, My ears flicked to Trixie’s direction as she began to speak to the colt brothers again. I was too lost in my own thoughts to hear her, or care for that matter.

        ‘Just how in Equestria did I manage to get through today.’ was the only thought going on through my head. If more days were going to be like this in our little hodgepodge of misfits, there was a possibility I wouldn't last the week.

“Hey guys,” Luis’s voice cut through the noise, “looks like we’re getting one more surprise today. Looks like we now finally know who the hell Merille became.”

We all looked over the seat and found what was once Merille, now fast-asleep in the passenger seat. His pants were now way too baggy for him, and his shoes now lay on the floor of the van. His skin was now covered with blue fur, and was now the size of the rest of us. Sure enough, sitting in the passenger seat was now a pegasus pony who looked very familiar.

“Uhhh...” Snails worked his jaw for a moment, no doubt contemplating the situation for all it was worth, I knew I was. “Soarin?”