Adventures of the EIA: Equestrian Intelligence Agency

by GuardianofRoin

Tutorial: Spy Wisdom and Pony Technology

This is more of a explanation of how I'm going to involve burn notice into the story. If you've ever watched the show you will remember hearing Micheal's voice talking about the spy tricks of the trade. Here's an example of one of his spy wisdom quotes as it will be written in the story

Being a spy isn't all car chases and gun fights. It's more like waiting in your dentist's office 24/7. It's a lot of waiting for contacts, catching up on your celebrity gossip, and occasionally someone tries to kill you.

I'll try to keep the italics font just for that, but I may use it for other things too. I'll make similar notifications to that as well if I decide to change how it's done. Hopefully I wont have to but it doesn't hurt to put it out there as a precaution.

Onto the technology involved in this story I'll have to explain it's place on the timeline. It is roughly 20 years after Twilight's coronation as a princess. Since Twilight spent most of her time studying and researching, it would make some sense that putting that kind of mind in a place of power would mean greater research into technology. They will be more or less caught up to modern technology as it is today. This story will NOT be including lasers and spacecraft. The limit will be anything available in this day and age will be fair game in the story. There will be the same guns we have today, though they will be modified for the story. "You know, because ponies don't have fingers. For reasons that still baffle me we see them holding things in their hooves, yet we never get a reason since hooves are basically rigid and cant bend. Gonna mainly chalk it up to them balancing the object in the indent of their hoof. We have seen bits of semi-modern technology already in the show (despite them being in binary as shown here:

It's mainly a gag joke, but you see my point.)

Since they are close to modern with their technology, I doubt they could fail to reach it in the 20 year time frame prior to the start of the story.

Now, I will try to keep updating normally. However, I may hit a few brick walls along the way with college. I ask you be patient and supportive of my work. I would rather take my time and make it something worthwhile rather than a poorly written and rushed project.