//------------------------------// // Team Iron Pony Part II Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger // Story: A Whole New World // by Van50608 //------------------------------// Chapter 27 Team Iron Pony Part II Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. Sorry for taking so long guys. It's been a long week, and schools been giving me a shit ton of work to do leaving me with a lot less free time than I had. I will try to get as many chapters as I can during the week though. Also expect the Iron Pony Contest to be next chapter. -Van "Shit Shit Shit!" I thought to myself as I composed myself outside of Luna's room. Seriously if ponies could sweat as much as I did when I was human, I'm pretty sure if you wrung me out there would be a pretty big puddle on the ground. I hesitantly decided that it was time for me to *Puffs out chest for dramatic effect* Be a Stallion! I gather all my courage, lightly tap on the door. I hear some muffled crying then I hear "Go away Celestia. Not even if you had all the cake in the world." That broke my heart it literally ripped it in two, and my d'aw meters probably shot to the moon. I decided that I should let this roll off my back, it at least not be to pissed until she told her side of the story. I replied "No even if it came with icecream?" The door cracked a little, and she popped her head out to see that I had put on my not so happy, but a little happy at the same time smile. She wavered a little and said "Van could you let me explain. Please don't run off this time." I replied "Meh why not? isn't like this problem is going to go away." and followed her inside. I was in for a long story. About an hour later it was done. Apparently immoral princesses needed their "Needs" fulfilled as well. I told her to just come down to Ponyville when she wanted to have sex or just hang out, get out of the castle for awhile. We thanked each other, and I teleported home to get some sleep. Immediately I flop down into bed and think "Wasn't she suppose to give me my special prize this week? Fuck it I got training tomorrow. Sleep comes first." Then next morning I had some difficulties getting out of bed my head was hurting like somepony hit it with a hammer over and over. I hop out of bed, and decide that I need some breakfast for a long day of training. After an epic fall down the stairs I make my way to the kitchen, I see that breakfast has already been made. It reminds me of home. It was over the top healthy there was bended juice, wheat toast, fruit, and egg yoke. I quickly down the meal, and get my headband on to prepare to for are training. We decided that we would meet down at Ponyville park to begin our day with a temple run ( 1 warmup 2 sprint 1 cool down) ,then head tithe gym for weights, and lastly work on sprinting on the way home. We also decided that Big Macintosh was in good enough shape to where he didn't need the conditioning. In about then minutes we were at the park. We quickly did our stretches, and headed out. After the first half mile Cory was boasting he said "Guys this is so fucking easy! Try to keep up!" Then we hit the one mile point, and started out sprints. Cory being the somewhat of a minor dumbass that he is burnt himself out after the warm up, and was struggling to even keep pace behind us. After the two mile point he was yelling "Guys! Can we take a break?" I replied "No we have about two miles left do get your fatass in gear, and keep up!" Elliott just yelled "Godamn this sucks!" He mumbled something under his breath, and continued his running. Soon we had finished and we were all exhausted. We diced that we should get some lunch, and what better place to do it than Sugercube Corner because the foods great, and we can't get diabetes! We walked all the way there. Cory looked like he was about to pass out from sheer exhaustion after just our morning workouts. Geez this was going to be a long fucking week. After an enthusiastic visit from Pinkie and a very delicious sandwich from the deli we decided that was time to do our afternoon workouts. We hit the gym and hit it pretty fucking hard. We did dumbbells, squats, and bench press until we couldn't move our arms anymore. We then returned to the park and finished out our day with a nice, and easy jog. After we returned to our house for a pretty huge ass dinner where we spent most of it talking about our favorite memes from back home like Forever Alone, Phlosiraptor, and Annoying Facebook girl. Then debated on whether alien or predator would win in a fight. Then after a extended game of Call of Duty we went to bed. I was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow. For the next week we repeated this grueling process, but it ended with excellent results. I dropped sprinting time, Elliott had become an amazing distance runner, and Cory can finally sprint over two miles without complaining. Now that we were prepared we were set on our ultimate goal. The Iron Pony Contest. Word spreads really fast around here, so Rarity decided to make us jerseys, and Mayor Mare said that we could hold it in the park. The Contest was tomorrow so we decided to make things interesting. We brought in the two competitors from the last Iron Pony contest, and divided them up. We got Rainbow Dash and they got Applejack. Once we had finalized the decision we headed to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and we needed all the rest we could get.