The Birthday Scenarios

by Garino

1. The Baking Scenario

Oh, why did I agree to this? I thought to myself. Sugarcube Corner's kitchen was, in a word, wrecked. While usually dirty in the first place with all of the constant creations of confectionary concoctions, it's usually cleaned up as a baker went along. However, the two of us had made an error in judgment and wound up covering it in cake batter from ceiling to floor.

The filly that was (somewhat) responsible for the mess had cleaned off the goop on her flank and was looking at it happily. Her smile became dejected at the sight of a blank flank.

"Aw...nothing," Apple Bloom pouted.

(24 Hours Ago)

It was a fine day to wake up. If you lived above the clouds. Those below it had to suffer through the snow that the clouds released. Though it wasn't much, it was still a bit colder than what I was used to, having lived in Texas most of my life. Yawning at the sight of the white powder, I got out of bed and dressed up in warm clothing. Underwear, blue jeans, orange shirt, socks and brown work boots. Then blue coat, orange scarf and snow cap. Ready for the day ahead, I opened the door to the blistery winds.

Oh, right! Forgot to introduce myself! The name's Arron. No last name, at least none that I wish to give. I'm a human, one of a handful that somehow found their way to Equestria. And before you ask, no, I DON'T know how we did. It just happened. I'm a six foot, 225 pound male with short, shaggy brown hair and a small beard on my face.

I've been living in the small town of Ponyville for about five months, living in a house just by the river. It's pretty cozy; two bedrooms, a kitchen and dining room, a foyer, a single bathroom, and a basement. While I do live alone, my house seems to have frequent guests over the weekends. Thankfully, none have appeared this weekend, so I didn't have to worry about a guest missing work.

Speaking of work, I had to get to my own job. Trudging through the snow, I made it to Quills and Sofas without too much of a problem. This was my morning job usually. After six hours here, I usually head over to Golden Oaks Library to help with finding any books that may have been lost or misplaced. Or at least, that's what Twilight tells everyone.

The work at Quills and Sofas was nothing new: they had quills, and they had sofas. The only thing I'm actually there for other than keeping track of their inventory is the fact that I can lift some things the owner can't thanks to my height and opposable thumbs. Otherwise, I don't think the owner would keep me around anymore. Anyway, after six hours of inventory and heavy lifting, I left the store and traveled to the library. Thankfully, the snow had stopped about an hour before I left and the temperature was a bit warmer.

Arriving at the library, I tapped the door three times. A young purple dragon with green fins, Spike, was the one to answer, as usual. "Oh, Arron! Nice timing. Twilight just finished reorganizing the library. Again."

"Again? Isn't this...the third time this month?" I asked.

"Second!" Twilight called from inside. "It's only the second time this month!"

I shrugged and, with Spike's permission, entered the library. I waved at Twilight. "Miss Sparkle, nice to see you again," I said, bowing as I finished.

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle at my antics. "The pleasure is mine, good sir," she responded, making a small curtsy herself. I still couldn't believe that this lavender unicorn with the pink stripe in her mane was actually the personal protege of the princess of the lands. Nor could I believe she's saved the kingdom four times. Even crazier, rumor has it that she may become a princess herself one day. Though, if what she told me was true, and that her older brother DID marry a princess himself, didn't that technically make her a princess already?

Also, the reason I come to the library after work? She teaches me about Equestrian culture, language (for reading and writing: speaking and listening are unaffected) and history. Orders from Canterlot.

Twilight trotted over to the shelf and pulled out a familiar book. The History of Equestria. At least that's what I called it: I kinda zoned out when Twilight told me the full name of the book.  The next hour and a half was spent quizzing me on important events that happened and if I was paying attention to her when my eyes would start wandering. The half hour after that was myself explaining to Twilight a bit about human physiology. It was a trade-off: either she learned about us, or I find a way to pay her money for tutoring.

"I think that's it for today, then," Twilight concluded, closing her notebook. "Same time tomorrow?"

Before I could confirm this, the door to the library opened and in walked three young fillies. One was orange coated with a purple mane and tail, with wings on her back. Scootaloo, if I remember right. The filly to her left was white, almost like a marshmallow, with a pink and fuschia colored mane, which barely concealed a horn. Sweetie Belle, the sister of the unicorn that made my clothes. The remaining youngster was yellow coated, with a red mane and tail, and a big bow to match, and no horn or wings. Apple Bloom, of the Apple Family.

Together, these three were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And a headache to all who worked with them. I learned this the hard way. Just...Human Slingshot. That's all I will say.

"Oh! Hi, girls," Twilight greeted. "What can I do for you today?"

"We heard Mr. Arron was gonna be here, so we thought we could use him to help get our cutie marks again!" Applebloom piped up.


"Well, we just finished our lessons, so you can have him," Twilight said.

Nooooo, Twilight!!! You threw me under the wagon wheel!!! ...what? They don't have buses in Equestria, that's the best I can do.

Minutes later, I was dressed up, walking beside the Crusaders as they coversed with each other, thinking of things to get their cutie marks.

"He can help us bungie jump!" Scootaloo said.

"You can help me find a hiding spot to guard me from the sisters."

"He can help us rock climb!" Apple Bloom added.

"I have nowhere NEAR enough bits to cover the expenses of THAT."

"He can help us sail!" Sweetie Belle suggested.

"IIIIIII'm sailiiiiiiiing awaaaaaaaaaay!" I sang.

“...well, we don’t need him for singing lessons,” Scootaloo commented.

I yawned, wanting to get somewhere with a roof. The snow was starting to come down again, and according to the weather team, this flurry wasn’t going to stop until tomorrow.

Our walk took us to Sweet Apple Acres, home to THE sweetest apples I've tasted. Even the Granny Smith apples, known for their tartness, had a hint of sweetness to them.  After Quills and Sofas and Golden Oaks Library, Sweet Apple Acres was the place I was at the most often when I wasn't home. I enjoyed the small talk I'd have with the elder Apple siblings and Granny Smith, along with playing with Apple Bloom outside of her crusades.

Walking inside and shaking off the snow, the four of us greeted the others. Big Macintosh, a huge red stallion with an orange mane and tail with a green apple for his cutie mark, was making sure the fire was stoked, so the house could stay warmed up. Applejack and Granny Smith, judging by the smell, were in the kitchen baking their trademark goods.

We removed our winter clothes, the Crusaders going towards the fire to discuss my untimely demi- er, their next adventure, while I gave a wave to Big Mac before heading to the kitchen. The timing was perfect: they had just removed the first pie.

"Good afternoon, ladies," I greeted from the doorway.

Granny Smith was the first to turn around. Despite her white mane and tail, she was actually pretty spry. A light green coat and an apple tart cutie mark complimented her name and the wisdom she shared. "Why, hello, young 'un!" she said with a smile. "We didn't expect you to be here for another few days!"

"Izat you, Arron?" Applejack asked, getting a second pie ready for the oven. "Ah thought you'd be here Friday to watch the Crusaders."

"That was the plan, but it seems they wanted my help a bit early for some reason," I answered. "Judging by their ideas, I may have to visit the mayor and talk about a will."

AJ finished with the second pie before turning her attention to me. "Why would you need to know about a will?" she questioned. Her blonde mane and tail were matted to her orange coat, probably a result of staying in the kitchen for quite a while.

"According to the Crusaders, they plan on going for bungee jumping, rock climbing, and sailing," I responded.

"Sailing?" Granny Smith chuckled. "Don't they know it's too darned cold to go sailing, what with the local pond being frozen?"

"And bungee jumping was what they tried the LAST time you were with them!" Applejack pointed out.

"We...don't talk about the 'last' time," I muttered quietly. Out loud, I added, "And with it being winter, I don't think rock climbing would be the perfect idea."

"Well, as long as you keep a good head on yer shoulders, you'll be fine, boy," Granny Smith smiled. "Now, as much as we'd like to keep talking, Applejack and I need to finish baking, so go on! Shoo!"

"Yes, ma'am!" I replied, turning away and going back to the Crusaders.

"Also, Arron, I nearly forgot! Pinkie Pie wanted me to tell you she wants yer help in baking that 'Chess Cake' you were talking about!" Applejack shouted.

I grimaced at the thought. Pinkie Pie was Ponyville's premier party pony, pink in mane AND coat, along with three balloons on her flank. While her enthusiasm is always nice, it's a headache after half an hour. But still, one does not deny a request from Pinkie Pie. At least without consequence. Walking into the living room, I immediately noticed something was wrong.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were shivering, with blankets wrapped around them. Before I could ask what was wrong, the pegasus gave a loud sneeze, sniffling afterwards. "Ugh...I think we played in the cold too much..." she said, her voice having a nasally sound to it.

"Yeah...I guess tomorrow's crusades are off for us," Sweetie Belle chimed in. If it was possible, her voice was cuter when she had a somewhat stuffy nose.

"Aww, c'mon, girls. There's gotta be something we can do to get our cutie marks together," Apple Bloom pleaded. She seemed to be the only one who didn't look sick. I would've made the suggestion of Cutie Mark Crusader Caretakers, but I worried that would just be wrong on many levels.

I made my way over to Big Mac, who was just taking a break from feeding the fire. "How'd they catch a cold so fast?" I asked.

"I don't rightly know," he answered. "I guess before they went to get you, they played around in the snow."

"Poor girls...wish there was a way I could help, but...I'm not particularly well-versed in first aid," I admitted. "Do you have any ideas on how I can help them get better?"


Apple Bloom's ears perked up. "Wait! I have a great idea! I can make you a 'Get Well Soon' treat!" she exclaimed to her friends.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other nervously. "Um...sorry, Apple Bloom, but we get enough apples as it is," Sweetie said.

"Yeah...we wouldn't mind if it was something new, though," Scootaloo added.

Apple Bloom's bow seemed to droop as she looked to the ground. Then she turned around and remembered about the human. "Hey...weren't you going to Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, Mr. Arron?"

I gulped, not liking where this was going. "I-I was...why do you ask?"

"Take me with you! We can bake something together to help Sweetie and Scootaloo get better!" she exclaimed.

"Us...bake something?" I asked. "Like what?"

"Well, I overheard you talking to Applejack about going to talk to Pinkie Pie about baking something called a Chess Cake," the young earth filly admitted. "I figured it's something new and tasty, something that can cure a cold if made right!"

"I'm not quite sure where you got the idea my baking can cure ailments," I replied. "Besides, I was going to teach Pinkie Pie so she can learn add it to the Corner's list of items."

"Please, Mr. Arron? Take me along and teach me, too!" Apple Bloom started to give those big tearful eyes.

I looked away quickly. This was exactly how they roped me into helping get their cutie marks last time, and I wasn't about to do it again. However, my gaze turned from the younger sister to the older one, who had just finished setting another pie on the table. "He'd be more than willing to take you along." She turned to me and gave me a smirk. "Isn't that right, Arron?" she asked.

I coughed a bit. "W-Well...only if Pinkie Pie wouldn't be both-"

My sentence was cut off as I felt Apple Bloom tackle into me. "Oh, thank you! I promise to help you make the best cake in the world!"

"A-Alright, okay, you can tag along," I finally relented. "Let's eat and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, we need to get to the Corner and start cooking, okay?"

(Later, before bedtime)

After putting the Crusaders to bed, I left the house to head to my own sleeping place. Usually, I'd be in the guest room, but with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sick, I surrendered it to them and chose to sleep in the barn. I was about to open the front door when I heard a cough from behind me.

"And just where do you think you're going?" a mature mare's voice echoed. Turning around, I saw Applejack with a confused expression on her face.

"Going to bed," I replied. "I was just about to head to the barn, actually."

The country girl shook her head. "Not tonight, you aren't. It's snowing, there's no heat in the barn, and there's plenty of room for you to sleep in the house."

"But the barn has a softer floor, all of the beds are taken in here and it's not really comfortable sleeping in a chair. Trust me, I tried," I pointed out.

"Still, you plan on going out into the snow, and I'm not about to let you get sick, too," Applejack frowned. "Sacrificing your health isn't worth temporary comfort."

I gave a smirk. "Wow, AJ. When'd you become a philosopher?"

"I didn't," AJ chuckled.  "You know everypony cares about your health, even if they don't say it out loud." She sighed before adding, "Besides, if you get sick, then Apple Bloom won't have any help with baking tomorrow."

I shook my head. "Alright, alright, you win," I said. "I wouldn't be a good being if I broke a promise to a young filly, would I?"

"I wouldn't think so," the cowgirl nodded. "The living room's big enough for you to rest in. I'll try to find a pillow and blanket for you so when the fire goes out, you don't worry about the cold."

As she went upstairs to find the items, I walked over to the living room. I guess I can rearrange it a bit so I don't wreck anything, I thought. Amazingly, only moving Granny's chair into a corner made it so I could lay down without a problem. I turned to survey the scene when Applejack appeared with a pillow and blanket. She laid the blanket on the ground and noticed the chair in the corner.

"You're gonna put that back in place before she wakes up, right?" Applejack asked.

"Probably not. You four get up way earlier than I'm used to," I admitted.

"That's right, I forgot," Applejack replied. "You speak like a country boy, but you're really a city slicker."

I nearly choked, on what exactly I will never know. "I-I ain't a city slicker!" I managed to say.

The mare couldn't help but shake her head. "Ya sure? You may have a drawl, but your attitude and sleeping habits say otherwise."

I grunted and sat on the blanket. "I'm not. Thank you for the pillow and blanket, by the way."

"It's not a problem, sugarcube," AJ nodded. "Just...take care of Apple Bloom tomorrow. I know it's just for baking, but...I guess my big sister instincts just can't shake the feeling something may happen. Y'know what I'm sayin'?"

"More than you know."
>"I'm not really a girl, so..."

"Can't say I do, since I'm not a mare," I commented. I immediately regretted my choice of words as Applejack's gaze turned from kind to anger. "...I'm gonna pay for that, ain't I?"

Regaining a bit of her composure, she trotted over. "For that comment? 23% power," she stated.


*WHAM!* I grunted as I was kicked right in the stomach, going to my knees.

"I want you to be serious for a moment," AJ said.

I nodded, coughing as I tried to breathe again. "Two older, one younger...I get your feeling..."

Her expression softened. "You've really gotta watch what you say, Arron. Not everypony gets your sense of 'humor' as you call it."

"Duly noted," I replied, shaking my head as the pain started to subside. I laid down, pulling the blanket over myself.

AJ tilted her head. "Sugarcube, are you...?"

"I'll be okay," I nodded. "And don't worry: I'll take care of Apple Bloom."

"That's all I can ask." She turned around and went to the stairs leading up to her room. "Well...g'night," she called out one last time.

"G'night, Applejack," I yawned. And with that, I closed my eyes and slept.

(The next day, on the road to Sugarcube Corner)

Apple Bloom bounced across the street, which had been neatly plowed away of snow moments ago. Shivering slightly, I followed and tried to keep pace with the bundle of joy. "Slow down, Apple Bloom! I've only got two legs!" I called out.

"Sorry, but I'm just so excited!" Apple Bloom announced, still bouncing. "I get to try and get my cutie mark in baking again!"

Wait, again? That wasn't reassuring to me. "Not to steer you away from this, but if it didn't work the first time, what makes you think it'll work this time?"

Apple Bloom stopped her bouncing, which allowed me to catch up to her. "Well...I dunno. Maybe it'll work?"

"Well, there's a saying: if at first you don't succeed, try try again," I recited. I picked up the filly and continued to walk to the bakery.

"Who said that?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"I dunno," I admitted, "but it works. Sometimes, you have to fail a few times before you succeed. I guess the point it was trying to make was don't give up."

"I don't plan on giving up for anything," Apple Bloom boasted. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders will keep crusading until we find our cutie marks!"

"Good girl!" I praised. "Then we begin the next crusade now." I approached the door to Sugarcube Corner and, without thinking, I knocked on the door.

"Y'know this is a public place, right? Ya don't have to knock," the earth filly pointed out.

"Right...I keep forgetting that." I opened the door and set Apple Bloom on the ground. I took off my coat and didn't even take a single step before I was greeted by a tuft of pink.

"MORNING!" Pinkie Pie announced. "Oh, it's so good to see you did Applejack give you my request she must have if you're here and that means we can bake cakes together and that means the bakery has a larger variety and that me-" At this point, I put my index finger over her mouth, which somehow silenced her.

"It's good to see you, too, Applejack did give me your request, and yes, I would love to help with baking," I replied. "Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to do a bit of baking with Apple Bloom first. The other Crusaders are sick, and she wants me to help her make a Chess Cake as a get well soon treat."

Pinkie Pie laid down to see, through my legs, Apple Bloom removing her snow boots and throwing her scarf onto a nearby hanger. Looking back up, she had a smile. "You'll still teach me how to bake one too, right?" she asked.

"Of course," I nodded. "I made a promise and I intend to keep it."

"Okay!" Pinkie jumped up and disappeared for a brief second before coming back with an apron and chef's hat, putting them on me. "Don't forget to look the part, and give Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo my regards!"

"Can do, Miss Pie!" I saluted. After sharing a laugh, I took Apple Bloom into the back so we could get started on baking.

First things first, I thought, a good cook, be they a chef or a baker, must wash their hands before working with food. Going over to the sink, I did exactly that. Apple Bloom looked on curiously. "What'cha doing?" she asked.

"Just something I learned from past experience," I replied. "While it doesn't really matter at home, before you make something, it's a good idea to wash your hands. Er, hooves, in your case. Because while no one can see it, you don't want to make them sick because you touched something undesirable and forgot to clean it off of your hands."

Apple Bloom nodded, jumping up and washing her own front hooves. "So where do we begin?"

"We'll start by making the filling," I replied. I pulled out some cream cheese, two sticks of butter, and four eggs from the fridge, followed by getting powdered sugar. Oh, right, I should also start getting the oven ready. I set the oven to heat up to 350 degrees.

"Filling? But aren't we making a cake?" the confused filly asked.

"Yes, we are. But this is a special kind of cake," I answered. I placed two eggs and a stick of butter aside, taking the rest and setting them in front of me. Let's see if I remember right...two eggs, one stick of butter, eight ounces of cream cheese, and was it two cups of powdered sugar or three? I cracked open the two eggs and put them into the bowl, followed by the whole stick of butter and the cream cheese. For safety's sake, I put two and a half cups of powdered sugar into the mix and began mixing them together with a whisk.

"What can I do?" Apple Bloom asked.

"See if you can't make the cake batter itself. Yellow cake mix, and you have the eggs and butter over here," I called out. I could hear the shifting of boxes before she came over with a box. On the cover, it said, "Yellow Cake Mix."

"That would be it," I remarked. Before I knew it, she had taken the other bowl and mixed in the other ingredients, thankfully without the shell and wrapper. She even had her own whisk to mix it together. But even so, I felt like Apple Bloom's mix was missing something...

"...oh, right!" I suddenly shouted. "I just remembered, for yours, we'd want a cup of water, too. Like we're making just the batter itself." My assistant nodded and got a cup (as in a glass cup, not a measuring cup), filled it with water, and mixed it in with her ingredients.

"Did I need one cup or two?" she asked.

"Ah...I think the one will be good enough," I commented. After a few minutes of mixing our items, I heard the oven go off. I pulled out a 13X9 baking pan and set it in front of Apple Bloom. "Now, you'll pour in the cake batter."

The filly nodded and started pouring in her mixture. A bit of it didn't make it into the pan, but I figured it would be okay. After she finished pouring in the last of it, I scooped my cream cheese mixture and started putting it as close to the middle as I possibly could. Once I was certain it was good enough, I picked it up, put it in the oven, and closed it.

"Now for the worst part," Apple Bloom sighed. "Waiting for it to bake. How long?"

I had just finished setting the timer when she asked. "It'll be an hour."

"AN HOUR!?" Apple Bloom yelped. "But that's a full sixty minutes of doing nothin'!"

True...but maybe Pinkie'll allow us to help around the Corner until it's ready. With that, I turned to get the pink pony, only for her to be right there with a big smile on her face.

"Gah!" I cried.

"Hey! I just finished watching you two make the cake! So that's the secret, huh? A cream cheese filling! Why didn't I think of that!?" She quickly wrote something down before adding, "Oh, and I know this is sudden, but can I have you two help me with a different cake?"

I heard a stifle from Apple Bloom, but I ignored it. "Well, we've got an hour until this cake's ready. We can help, if you really need it."

I swear, every time Pinkie smiles, I think it's wider than the one before, and there are times I believe her head shouldn't be attached with how her smile reaches the back of it. "I already gave the recipe to Apple Bloom. It's easy to make, bake, and there! Yummy cake!"

I turned to see Apple Bloom already gathering the ingredients. She seemed eager to get started. I was about to let Pinkie know that she could consider it done, but she wasn't there anymore. "Wow. She can move fast when she wants to," I said aloud.

"That's Pinkie Pie for you," Apple Bloom laughed. "Sometimes, I think she teleports everywhere she goes!"

I didn't pay any mind. I just shook my head and looked at the recipe. Pretty standard cake items. Flour, baking soda, sugar, butter, vanilla for taste, vinegar, macademia nu-

My eyes went wide. Baking soda. Vinegar. Two items that should NOT be on the same list together. I turned to Apple Bloom. "Wait! It's a tr-" Too late. She had poured in the vinegar. She looked at the mixture confused.

"Um...I used the right amount...should it be bubbling like this?"

I grabbed the young Apple, flipped a table onto its side, and hid behind it.


I didn't get us far enough away. The batter hit the two of us despite the table taking the brunt of the mixture. The rest of Sugarcube corner was covered in the mix, too. There was batter in the ceiling, on the floor (obviously), the stove, the door, and even though he was on the other side of the door helping a customer, the owner's hat took a hit from the concoction, too.

I sighed. "It was a trap, Apple Bloom. We just got a Pinkie Pie prank played on us."

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I looked over myself. Other than the batter over my clothes and in my hair, it didn't HURT, so that was something, I guess. "I'll live. Are you okay?"

The earth filly nodded happily. She shook herself off, covering the rest of me in the batter, and looked at her flank. She sighed.

"Aww...still nothing..." she lamented.

I patted her head. "Don't worry about it. Let's clean up this mess, and hopefully our cake will be done by then, okay?"

"Okay..." She left the kitchen and went to the owner, explaining what had happened and asking where the cleaning supplies were. Seems like it's happened before, because he just sighed, shook his head, and guided her to the closet where they kept everything in case of bakery-wide messes.

(45 minutes and one clean kitchen later)

I stepped out of the shower, taking a towel and drying myself off. The Cakes were kind enough to let me use their bathroom to get cleaned up while our Chess Cake was finishing up. They even called Rarity to tell her what had happened, and she had a new set of clothes ready for me. It came with a note: "Sorry that Pinkie Pie targeted you for a prank. Hope this cheers you up. <3"

A new pair of pants and a black shirt. Seriously, without that mare, I'd be a laughing stock among my peers that managed to make it here with me. I put my clothes on and descended the stairs, making sure I didn't step on any stray toys. A portly blue mare with a pink mane and three cupcakes on her flank was currently tending the counter, which was currently absent of customers. She saw me and came to check up on me.

"There you are. Are you alright now, dear?" she asked.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied kindly. "Thank you again for letting me clean up. And sorry about the mess in the kitchen."

"Don't worry about it," the mare smiled. "You cleaned up after yourselves, so no harm done."

I kneeled down and hugged her. "Still, that was thoughtful, Mrs. Cake. I also hope that the recipe Pinkie got works well for you."

She returned the hug. "We'll find out tomorrow. Best when eaten fresh, right?"

"Give or take a few minutes for cooling," I reminded her. I released her from the hug and looked around, not finding Apple Bloom. "...speaking of which, is our cake ready yet? And where'd Apple Bloom go?"

As if to answer my question, a timer went off, followed by a young voice announcing, "Cake's done!" With Mrs. Cake's approval, I quickly ran into the kitchen to find a yellow stallion with an orange mane and tail carefully removing our food.

"Thanks a bunch, Mr. Cake!" Apple Bloom beamed. "I'm sure the girls will love it!"

"I didn't do much this time," the stallion admitted. "You and your friend did most of the work. I just removed it from the oven."

"And it looks like it's still in one piece," I observed. Both ponies looked to the source and met eyes with me.

"Oh. You're finally done cleaning up, are you?" Mr. Cake asked. "Perfect timing. Your cake is ready to be delivered."

"Now we can get it back home and serve it to the family!" Apple Bloom cheered. "I bet they'll enjoy it!"

Mr. Cake even managed to get the cake in a proper box without tearing it apart. Handing it to me, he added, "I know Pinkie's pranks usually aren't harmful, but I’m sorry that it happened and you had to clean up the mess. But on the bright side, you got your treat and you don't have to worry about one of her pranks for quite a while."

"I guess it was just a matter of time," I added. "Anyway, we'd better go. Like I told Mrs. Cake, this is best served fresh."

"You're not going to stay for hot chocolate or freshly-baked cupcakes?" Mr. Cake asked, a bit saddened.

"Yeah," Apple Bloom chimed in. "We can have a glass and a cupcake or two before we leave..."

I set the cake down before scratching the back of my head. "I know, and I appreciate it, but..." I realized I didn't really have an argument. We were about to head out into the cold again, and we really should be full and warmed up. With a sigh, I conceded. "...yeah, we can stay for cupcakes and hot chocolate."

The Cakes smiled while Apple Bloom cheered.

(An hour later, the Apple Family home)

"Wow!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "This is really good!"

"Isn't it?" Scootaloo agreed. "I've never had cake with filling before!"

"I honestly didn't think it'd work," Apple Bloom admitted, taking a bite of her slice. "It really tastes better when you've made it yourself, you know?"

Big Macintosh finished off his slice and swallowed before nodding his head. "Eeyup," he replied.

"So this is Sugarcube Corner's newest dessert?" Applejack asked. "If it is, I think you've just put Pound and Pumpkin Cake through school."

"Apple Bloom helped, too," I reminded them. "She was a great assistant throughout the whole thing." At the compliment, the filly blushed.

"Glad ta see you two did such a good job, and to taste it, to boot!" Granny chuckled. "But I'm curious: is it possible to add something else to the mix?"

"Well..." I thought for a moment. "If I remember right, freshly cut pineapples can be added before baking them. Though I'm not a big fan of adding them in, Dad liked it better with the fruit."

"...oh, that reminds me!" Applejack put a scroll on the table. "Twilight wanted me to tell you that you got a letter."

"From who?" I asked, taking the scroll and unraveling it. I read it, muttering to myself before nearly choking.

"Seems like Princess Celestia found out about your cake. She wants you in Canterlot in two days time so you can make one for her."