//------------------------------// // How Do You Think I Feel? // Story: Elements Change the Dark Hearts // by Nightmare_0mega //------------------------------// Elvis wasted no time. He moved through the little town like a bull in full charge. Ponies gave way to the stampeding biped out of both fear and natural instinct. They knew that now would not be a good time to get in his way. Upon following the pseudo-trail, he stopped at the edge of the dark forest that bordered the outskirts of Ponyville. Something in this place told his intuition to be weary, and at best, stay away. Ponies dreaded how everything in that wild part of their world seemed to function without their hooves to guide them. This didn't bother him, because as far as Elvis was concerned, wild and unassisted growth of the forest and its inhabitants was a normal fact. As normal is it appeared to him however, in contrast to the insanity of the rest of this world, he could tell that there was something fundamentally wrong about Everfree. That the ponies around him had every right to be weary of this place, but not for the reasons they submit. Still, this was no time to worry about such things. He had a pink mare to find. He needed to fix what he broke. Jumping into the wild green, pushing past shrubbery, vines, and other assortments of vegetation in his way, he began making his way through Everfree. It wasn't exactly at the speed he desired, but he never noticed any beaten path that he could have taken, so moving slowly was his only choice. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Twilight wandered about the library that was left in shambles after Elvis' unwelcome visit and tantrum, picking up books and cleaning the mess he left. Normally she'd get Spike to take over, but considering this was partly on her for keeping such a big secret from him, she felt it was only right that she took up the responsibility. Just as she was about to place a chipped bust of Starswirl the Bearded back on a shelf, the front door's bell twinkled. In stepped a cream coated earth mare with a purple and pink streaked mane. "Hey Twilight... uhm. What happened in here?" "A rock and roll concert. Roared right through, and left just as quickly," Twilight snarked, while casting a repair spell on the bust. "I thought you banned those in the library," the mare responded. "Is there anything I can help you with, Bon Bon?" "Uhm... you haven't seen Lyra anywhere these last couple days, have you?" "Not really, no. Though, last week when she stopped by, I thought she said she was taking a trip through Whitetail Woods. Maybe she's still there." "Maybe." "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come back soon. Anything else I can help you with?" "Oh! Right. I saw Elvis just whiz through the town, heading for Everfree forest. Do you know what's up with that?" "He kind of has an appointment with a mare that has a broken heart." "Geez, what did he do?" "Actually, it's not entirely his fault," Twilight commented with a sheepish frown, levitating books back to their rightful place. "Eh, nevermind. Sounds like something I do NOT want to get tangled up in. Lyra gives me those problems as it is." "Is that all, Bon Bon? Maybe I can interest you in a book?" "No books today, Twilight. Though, I gotta ask. Did you ever tell Elvis about the beaten path that goes into Everfree near Fluttershy's cottage?" "No. Why?" "Cause, I saw the big guy just run straight into it. Think he might get lost that way?" "I'm sure he's fine." -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Elvis stood still, slack jawed, fists clenched, and in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to punch himself for being so monumentally stupid. Because of its appearance, and the evident weariness of the native mortal life of this world, he assumed that Everfree was completely untouched. But what he found challenged that notion. Before his feet lay the one thing that he should have looked for ages ago. "A beaten path," he uttered sourly to himself, before snapping out of it, gripping a nearby tree, and ripped it out of the ground. Bellowing a guttural and rage induced yell, he threw the tree as hard as he could away from him, having it crash against a few more mighty trunks. With a good amount of lumber toppled over, and making such a racket, Elvis let his stress drain away from him. Damn, he though, doing that felt good. His inner peace was compromised, however, when a warning growl could be heard emerging from the bushes. "Oh mios diablos, what now?" he uttered. As if to answer his question, a wolf like being stepping out of the cover of the shrubbery. To be honest though, Elvis couldn't tell if some of the foliage came with the creature, or it just looked like that naturally. Elvis turned to the bizarre canine. "I'm in no mood to play dog catcher, so marcharse." The creature advanced slowly, growling in threat and intimidation. Elvis got into a combat stance, ready for what may come, despite his mind being elsewhere. If I try to leave them to look for Rosa, he thought, I risk having them follow me right to her. The wolf sized up Elvis while keeping a safe distance. "I warn you one more time, perrito. Leave, before I put you down." What came next didn't entirely come as a surprise. Lifting its head towards the sky, the wolf howled long and loud, letting its voice echo through the forest. A few moments past, and the sound of bounding paws through foliage could be heard, combined with faint growls and pants. "Called the pack, did you?" Elvis spat, "Magnífico. Have it your way, poochie!" Elvis jumped high in the sky, surprising the feral beast, before landing right on top of the wolf. Feet firmly planted against its back as he landed, he heard the sound of wood splintering beneath him. Looking beneath him, Elvis found fragments of wood left behind where the wolf should have been. "Que?" Elvis looked around, wondering if this was some sort of trick. The sound of angry growls kicked him out of questioning the situation. Surrounding the mighty mouth was the pack of wolves summoned to the party. Getting a good look at them, he realized why the one he landed on left behind nothing more than splinters and fragments. Each wolf was merely a collection of wood blocks, sticks, bark strips, and various foliage pieces. He never noticed it when the first wolf showed up, but these creatures couldn't simply be classified as wolves or beasts. Magic constructs? He didn't have time to consider things however, as the pack advanced on him. Elvis defaulted to a defensive stance, keeping his wits about him, being weary of all sides. Wait, he thought. Why am I even being cautious? I could just light these walking bonfires up and-. He stopped, and realized where they are. If I set them on fire, I could easily accidentally set the whole forest on fire, and with Rosa still inside... "The hard way it is," he decided as he rushed forward. The timberwolves didn't anticipate such a bold movement, which allowed Elvis to body slam against the one in front of him. The magical creature flew from the charging behemoth, and crashed right into an oak, shattering upon impact. Realizing the fight is on, the remaining timberwolves charged at Elvis, ready to go in for the kill. Elvis whipped around and hammer-fisted one of the pouncing wolves in the abdomen. Still turning, and using his other hand, he gripped another pouncing wolf by its neck. Rolling forward, wolf in hand, he evaded the other members of the pack, and slammed the predator construct into the ground, planting it head down. Swiftly getting up, he gave a mighty side kick that separated the grounded timberwolf's hind legs and waist from the rest of its body. The wolf's brethren, taking massive offense to the creature exhibiting such destructive might, all charged forth. Splitting up their ranks, they tried to flank Elvis, in an attempt to catch him off guard. The mighty mouth didn't waste any time, and leaped off to one side, directly at one of the flanking parties. With a swift slide, rocketing his weight forward, he smashed through the attackers, and sent them flying in several directions. The rest of them, the few remaining there were, tried to play out the rest of this encounter with caution. They stopped charging, and took several steps back. Opting to surround Elvis once again, they split up and circled the demon. Standing over the fallen timberwolves like a battle fortified ivory tower, Elvis summoned a fraction of his demonic magic. He wanted to end this, and find Rosa. With the magic, he amplified his senses, and focused. Looking about, he noticed a faint source of emanating energy, subdued by a dull suppression resonating around it. Between him, and that clue in the distance was one of the wolves. It was a good chance as any to kill two birds with one stone. Redirecting the fraction of energy, he passed it through his body, and took a crane style fighting stance. Going off in style will surely send them off with their tails between their legs. Then it all happened so fast. As soon as Elvis put his foot back down on the ground, he launched forward, head first, like a cannon ball ready to wreck someone's day. Even when he made contact with the terrified and shocked wolf in his way, he kept flying, gripping said creature in his heavy hitting hands. By the time he stopped, he was a good distance away from the scene of the crime. He sat upon the wolf he snagged, and looked about, to try to spot some sort of clue to point him where to go next. The wolf beneath him, however, interrupted his through process and flailed about trying desperately to bite him. Focusing on the wolf once again for a split second, he raised his fist and punched its head into the ground. The construct stopped moving instantly. Elvis sighed, "That could have gone better..." He stood up, and dusted his pants of as much as he could. "I'm gonna need to lavarme after all this is over. At least those beasts gave me a reason to cut loose for a bit." Just then, he could hear the faint sound of crying. The voice letting the sobs free was unmistakable. "Oh, Rosa..." he murmured as he wandered through the foliage, following the sound of Pinkie's depression. -o-v-o-v-o-v-o-v-o- Sitting on a stone slab on a hill in the middle of a clearing was Pinkamena Diane Pie. But what a change she underwent in such a short time. Dejected and hurt, her coat lost its brilliance, and became a few shades darker. No longer was there a bubbly, bouncy, poofy mane on her head, but a straight and lackluster sheet of volumeless strands that hung limply against her. Her breath was ragged from the crying, and her cheeks were stained by the salt of her tears. All she was focusing on at this point were her own fore hooves slowly dragging back and forth against the rough surface of her seat. Pinkie thought about everything that happened during the recent month. The crazy new visitor from another world, her attempts to bring him around to enjoying his stay here, nearly costing the friendships of everyone she knew with her stunt with the Mirror Pool. It was a roller coaster that she had a tough time deciding whether or not it was fun. She knew, however, that its decisive halt from letting the cat out of the bag certainly ruined what she had going. Forging a friendship, especially with someone that has an attitude problem, is a difficult thing to do, and all the more depressing when it falls apart. Except when it blows up in their face, which makes it a little more heartbreaking than normal. "M-maybe," she thought solemnly, "Maybe it's good that that he hates me. It'll make it that much easier for him to go home and forget about us." She wiped the tears from her eyes, and watched the wind blow through the trees around her. It was a calming moment, listening to the trees hush and sway in their rustling leaves. It helped her clear her mind and ease her emotions. A disturbance in the wind and foliage behind the depressed mare threatened that peace, however. She dared not to turn around, more out of fear of the crushing disappointment that whomever is behind her isn't the one she wants forgiveness from. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you, Elvis," she sniffled to herself, ignoring the presence barely a gallop away from her, "I just forgot to tell you when I learned about it myself... We were having so much fun. I just couldn't focus on anything else. But it doesn't matter. I messed up. I should have said something, before it was too late. Not after, since saying something after just made you hate me. Maybe saying something before would have done the same thing, but maybe it wouldn't have been so bad. Not as bad as learning it at the last moment though." She paused, listening to nothing but the wind. "And now, I'm just going around in circles. I guess this is what other ponies call a vicious circle." She shuddered to the cold of the wind and her own unsettled state. Breathing in deeply to the crisp air, she calmed herself once again. "Maybe it's selfish of me, and I know I was the one who ran away, but I wish you were here, Elvis." "Be careful what you wish for, caballo." Pinkie recognized that voice anywhere, and whipped around to confirm her ears. There, standing just a few hoofsteps away was none other than the mighty mouth himself. He loomed over her, taking a smooth drag from his cigar, and blew it gently into the air. Pinkie almost leaped from her rock, and tackled the large being to the ground with a well desired hug, but she hesitated. She couldn't tell if her friend was really her friend right now, and if he would appreciate such an action. Refraining from a tackle hug was something very out of character for Pinkie, but this was a very delicate moment. She needed to know the situation. "E-Elvis?" Pinkie spoke timidly. Taking another drag from his cigar, he responded, "Yes, caballo?" She fidgeted her hooves, before finally asking, "Do you still hate me?" Elvis finished off his cigar, dropped the butt, and stamped it flat into the ground, effectively putting it out. "I should," he finally answered, "I could live with the power restriction... for a bit. That's no lie. But, you broke my golden rule, and I DID absolutely abhor you for it. You lied to me. You and your friend both. If there is something I absolutely odío, it's dishonesty and disrespect." He reached into his pocket and pulled another cigar, before lighting it up with his thumb. "That's a cool-" "Shush. I'm not done," Elvis interrupted, "As much as I have a right to hate you for what you did, I can't." Pinkie looked up to Elvis quizzically. "Perhaps you really forgot to say something. I really don't know for sure. But I can tell, just by looking in your eyes now, that you had no intentions of hiding something and doing harm. That you are honestly triste, and that's more than I can say for a few cabrons I've known in my life." "B-but, back at the library! You said-" "I know what I said, Rosa, and I've already told you that I DID. I don't now, but only after I had time to think... and talk about it with your friend." "Twilight?" "Mm-hmm," Elvis hummed as he took another drag of his cigar, "I don't quite like that she felt it necessary to be so passive aggressive, but I suspect it's normal." Pinkie nodded slowly. She loved her friend, but always caught on to her snide and deadpanned comments. Pinkie only derailed them in an attempt to lighten the mood. That mare needs to loosen up more, she thought. "The point is, Rosa," Elvis said, inhaling his cigar once more. As the embers reached the butt, the lack of fuel all but entirely extinguished it. He removed the remains from his teeth, and examined the former cigar. Blowing the remaining smoke from out of his nostrils, he let the nub fall to the ground, and stomped on it gently to put it out for good. "I'm sorry, for hurting you." Tears welled up in Pinkies eyes, as she stood up upon the rock, and jumped at Elvis, fore legs outstretched. Learning from his first encounter with her, he stood his ground, and took the tackle head on. Upon contact, he wound his own arms around the little pony, and gently returned the gesture. Her eyes streamed against his shirt, as she sobbed in relief. "It's alright, Rosa," he reassured. After a moment, the two beings let go, and Pinkie dropped to the ground as Elvis took a step back. He never noticed when it happened, but the little Earth pony gained her color and bounce back, as her mane seemed to have inflated when he wasn't looking. Despite the stains on her cheeks and watery eyes, she looked as joyful as she was normally. For Elvis, somewhere deep down in his blackened soul, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of the joy himself. "Friends?" Elvis asked, kneeling down and outstretching his hand. Pinkie gazed at him as if he were offering a gift from Celestia herself. There was no hesitation, as she shot her fore leg into his open palm. "I never wasn't," she said with a great big smile. Elvis returned the gesture as he gently shook her hoof. Pinkie scrunched her nose with a revelation. "Wait, aren't you worried that Twilight might have tried to hypnotize you into this, or something? I don't know if she did, but seeing I forgot she put that restraint on you..." "Nah! As talented as she may be, Rosa, she can't make strong enough suggestions that I won't already agree to. Demons have a much MUCH stronger will than average mortals. It takes a good beat down and actual possession, or direct mind control to get us to bend to some cabron's will against our own." "I'm glad we ruled that out," Pinkie said with a smile. However, their little moment was short lived as the sky suddenly became night, then day five seconds later, then night again. "Qué demonios?" He asked in surprise, letting go of Pinkie's hoof and rising back to his feet. "This seems awfully familiar," Pinkie stated. As soon as she said that, she noticed in the distance that the building of Quills and Sofas floating into the air and start doing somersaults. Followed by sudden rainclouds raining upside down, birds flying backwards, and a candy cane tree grow to impossible sizes. "What. The. FU-" "This DEFINITELY seems familiar!" Pinkie exclaimed, cutting Elvis off. "What's going on, Rosa?" Elvis asked, concerned. "He's back," she stated simply, "We have to get back to Ponyville, NOW. And I've gotta arm my party cannon with fruitcake." Elvis paused for a moment. "Why fruitcake?" "Because it's hard, strange tasting, and deserves to be served at high speeds to only one meanie pants I know. I hope the girls are already there trying to keep him occupied." Elvis could see the fire in her eyes. Whatever was going on was far more serious than the magical hijinks made it appear to be. As the sky turned a greenish grey, Elvis strengthened to a new resolve. "I'll go on ahead, Rosa. Get to Ponyville when you can, bien?" Before Pinkie could protest, Elvis crouched, flexed his legs, pumping them full of demonic energy, and leaped right over the forest, straight to the disturbance of reality.