Into the Beginning: The Life of Writing Glory

by Chaos Phantasm

Chapter 7: Your turn Luna.

The Life of Writing Glory

By Chaos Phantasm


Chapter 7

Your turn Luna


"And that Twilight Sparkle is all i can tell you today. Perhaps we can continue next time you visit Canterlot."

Spike looks at Twilight.

"That's right, we're going back to Ponyville tomorrow, i'm sure Nyx is missing us Twilight."

Twilight is too busy comparing what happened to Chrysalis 12 thousand years ago, to what happened to Nyx 7 years ago during the events of Past Sins to pay attention to Celestia or spike. Twilight just sits there thinking. though this thinking process is interrupted by the sound of lightning being generated by Celestia, the Sun Princess lowers the sun, while Luna raises the moon.

"Twilight, are you alright?"

Twilight looks at spike and she starts to pay attention to whats around her. "Hmm? oh yes i'm fine Spike... just some memories have sprung up..."

"I wouldn't dwell on it my faithful Student. Though Chrysalises Banishment, and the now long forgotten hatred everypony had for Nyx may seem similar, they are far from being the same. it's your bed time isn't it Twilight?"

Twilight nods and Celestia calls in Flash Sentry.

"Twilight, you remember Flash Sentry?"

"I remember he was a flirt, So how'd you become captain of the guard in Canterlot?"

Flash walks in. "I was a good guard, Shining Armor promoted me on his wedding day."

"I should've known Shining armor would forget what you did you creep!"

Celestia watches as the two of them argue for a moment before amplifying her voice to a loud pitch, much like the Royal canterlot voice of the Princess's.


the room shakes, the sound of Celestias voice reaches Luna's ears in the Throne room, making her look in the direction it came from. though the first thing she sees is a Moon flower which is on her left, she automatically assumes it was the one that yelled. Twilight and Flash go deaf for a moment before shaking their heads and looking up at the princess whom has regained her composure and is now calm.

"Put aside the past you two. What happened 11 years ago has happened and now it should be forgotten. Goodnight Twilight Sparkle. and do be careful of Luna's guard."

Celestia leaves the room and goes to her bedchambers which was in fact, Writing Glories bed chambers from long ago. Flash Sentry assumes his guard like personality.

"Alright Miss Sparkle. Shall we get going?"

Spike Climbs onto Twilights back, Twilight starts speaking like she's annoyed.

"By all means, lead the way your Flashiness."

Flash Sentry rolls his eyes and starts escorting Twilight and spike back to their tower, Spike and Twilight begin to whisper to each other.

"Flashiness??" Spike chuckles softly.

"I'll explain later Spike." Twilight giggles lightly blushing slightly. on the way to the tower Spike and Twilight look around noticing Glowing yellow eyes peering at them from bushes and the towers. even the sounds of bats wings fill the night.

"Taking some fresh bloods to their dorms Flash Sentry?? why not spare one? i haven't had a bite to drink since last night and my throat is dry." A black, bat winged Vampire pony follows flash, Twilight and spike on along 5 meter tall brick wall. trying to seduce Flash into handing over wither Twilight or Spike to them.

"Go away now Midnight or you won't have a place to hide when the sun comes up."

Midnight Blossom pokes her tongue out at Flash and flies off. Twilight becomes very uneasy and nervous now, knowing that Vampires and Bat ponies are apart of Luna's royal, and elite guard. Flash Twilight and Spike arrive at the tower where Twilight and Spike are staying, Twilight sends spike off to bed and then turns to Flash.

"So, Captain of the Guard huh?"

"I don't need to repeat myself Twilight."

"I know i know, i'm just trying to make conversation, we've hardly talked these past few years. I've tried writing to you but all my letters get delivered tot he princess..." Twilights ears flatten and she looks down.

"Ever tried using Derpy Mail delivery service?"

"Wait Derpy managed to make that a successful business? I thought she was kidding and just trying to give herself a goal other then making the best Muffins. It'd be quite difficult delivering mail with.. well... eyes like hers."

Twilight mimics Derpys wall eyed look but then goes back to normal.

"Derpy is a bit clumsy but she's good at mail delivery, though i haven't seen her lately."

"She's visiting The Doctor."

"Doctor Who?" Flash asks in a confused Voice.

"Exactly." Twilight smiles. she and Flash don't say a word for a few minute before Twilight starts talking again.

"Soo, do you still like me?"

Flash looks confused. "Huh?"

"You know, Like like me, i remember you used to like me a lot." Twilight smiles.

"Actually Twilight i'm kinda... engaged.." Flash smiles.

"Oh? Congratulations who's the lucky Mare?"

"Sunset Shimmer."

Twilight is taken back a little as Sunset Shimmer was Twilights rival during Fillyhood.

"Oh... well... i better go to bed... Goodnight Flash." Twilight slowly closes the door.

"Goodnight Twilight..." Flash sentry waits for the door to close and the light to go out before heading home himself.


Twilight goes straight to bed without saying a word, Spike goes to bed also. through the night Twilight begins having dreams though not normal Dreams. dreams from the past. in one dream there is The Crystal Empire, and there is an Army with Writing Glory in front of it, Charging on ward toward the Empires front gates, the dream shifts to the founding of Ponyville. The Birth of the royal sisters. Twilight then wakes up within the dream, 3 thousand years before Nightmare Moon returned, and 1 thousand years before Luna's Transformation. Twilight begins to look around the barren landscape, she see's Multiple ponies hiding in the remains of what was Ponyville before the modern day, there is no grass, the sky is lit Red, and the water has become chocolate.

"What happened..." Before Twilight could finish she ducks and screams in terror as two creatures fly above her engaging in a mighty battle that shakes Equestria. Twilight looks up at the sky after the dust clears and see's Writing Glory in battle with a serpent like creature. The serpentine beast was draped in shadow, but it's eyes glowed Red with chaotic evil. Thunder strikes and it starts raining Chocolate. Writing Glory, though wounded and emotionally unwell for unknown reasons, Screams angrily and Charges at the dragonlike beast only to be grabbed and thrown into the ground below.

"Writing Glory!!" Twilight awaken from the dream panting heavily, Twilight then shakes spike awake.

"Wake up Spike, we're going to see Princess Luna."

"But Twilight it's only 10:09..." Spike whines.

"I don't care i want to know more about The Queen. and i won't leave Canterlot until i do."

Spike sighs and hops out of bed. Twilight packs some things into her saddlebags then levitates them onto her back, Spike hops onto Twilights back. Twilight opens the tower door slightly, to see if Anypony is around. Some Bat ponies are around though they are drawn away by the sound of a Piano playing inside the castle, a sad lonely tune. Twilight and spike then leave the Tower, closing the door behind them and locking it. Spike pours some stuff on the ground to hide their scent from the Bat ponies.

"Okay Spike, remember to be very quiet."

"No problem Twilight" spike gives a thumbs up as Twilight begins walking in the direction of the castle. but as they are doing this, Midnight Blossom watches them from atop Celestias tower. she keeps an eye on them but then spots four to eight other Bat Ponies stalking the Unicorn and baby Dragon. Midnight glares at the vampires then takes flight.

Twilight and Spike set foot into a courtyard after being manipulated into that spot by the Vampires.

"W-wha? how did we get here?"

"Beats me."

Red Lips suddenly drops down from the rooftops in front of the two, she looks over at Twilight and Spike, then grins with hunger revealing her fangs.

"So nice of you to join us tonight Miss Sparkle. We were just about to get a drink would you care to join us?" Red Lips speaks in a sadistic and seductive way, her red eyes gleam brightly in the Dark.

"If you don't mind i'd like to see Princess Luna!"

"Oh but i'm afraid you can't" Red Lips chuckles grimly. "She isn't expecting you, unless... she's expecting you Live. well i can honestly say Horsey, Princess Luna will only see you as an empty corpse."

Red Lips opens her mouth and approaches Twilight followed by seven others until Midnight Blossom steps in.

"Oh Red, Trying to snack on the Princess's prized pupil? I'm afraid i'll have to arrest you" Midnight smirks.

"I'd like to see you try Day walker. Kill her!"

other Bat ponies move in to attack Midnight but unfortunately for them Midnight is faster and is able to avoid their attacks, Red Lips gets Midnight by surprise prompting Twilight to Fire a beam at Red lips which replicates sunlight, it gives Red Lips a bad sunburn as oppose to turning her to ash, meaning she isn't a vampire, just another Bat Pegasus.

"Take that you pig!" Midnight laughs.

"You'll both pay for This! I swear on my life i'll make you both pay!!" Red Lips grinds her teeth.

Luna appears behind Red Lips. She still resemble an adult version of herself but retaining Nightmare Moons body shape.

"I saw everything Red Lips. i thought you were better then this. Midnight Blossom you deserve a reward for saving Twilight Sparkle, and Spike the Dragon. go to the Black Smith and ask for a some new Armor, the design is your choice, Let him know that Princess Luna sent you. As for you Red Lips, you are no longer fit for duty. You are to leave Canterlot castle As soon as possible."

Red Lips looks down and leaves almost in tears. Twilight breaths a sigh of relief and just as she is about to say something to Princess Luna, she speaks first.

"Twilight Sparkle, why in Equestria are you out at this time of night, you know Bat-Pegasi are untrustworthy, For good reason."

"I'm sorry Princess but their's a reason why i came out here."

Princess Luna looks at Twilight sparkle and awaits her reason.

"I came out to find you, i want to know more about Queen Writing Glory. Princess Celestia already told me and Spike half of her life up until Chrysalis's banishment. And we want to know more."

Princess Luna smiles warmly.

"Very well then, i will tell you all i know, but first, Walk with me to the Throne room." Princess Luna begins walking toward the castle.

Twilight looks back at Midnight Blossom and smiles. "Thank you."

Midnight smiles at Twilight . "Aw, it was nothing. just doing my good deed for the night. i'll probably see you later, Twilight Tara Sparkle."

Midnight smiles smugly as Twilight heads into the castle embarrassed. Luna walks up to the Throne and sits on it, she tells all guards in the room to leave. they do so, allowing Twilight and spike to hear the rest of the tale without interruption or disturbance, Twilight and Spike, sit down on the floor, Twilight pulls a note pad out so she may take notes which she has been since Celestia told half the tale.

"From my understanding, my sister has already told you about the beginning, the Tribes war. and Chrysalises Banishment?"

Twilight and Spike nod.

"Then i shall tell you the next chapters of our mothers history. Starting Four thousand years ago."

"But wouldn't you be skipping some very important years. only the first few thousand years of Writing Glories life had been told to us. we would like to know what happened the remaining Six thousand years she ruled."

Luna smiles. "Very well then. Lets get started."
