//------------------------------// // Firefly Firefly // Story: For Ever Free // by Ninja Cookies //------------------------------// A little drop of water hit Tia’s forehead, waking the white alicorn up. Tia yawned and said “Good morning, Lu Lu” . Not hearing an answer confused Tia, Luna was always up before her. “Lu Lu?” Tia asked. Looking at the spot Luna was at, she wasn’t there. “LU LU!?” Tia called out. No answer but a small, faint voice that had sounded like Luna was talking. Tia had walked over to the sound. Using her magic to move a large leaf out of the way Tia could see Luna and a young Draconequus who seemed near her own age, playing together. “Ladybug, Ladybug. Fireflies awake, sing a little lullaby and do a little shake” Luna and the Draconequus at the same time doing a little dance to it. Tia had smiled. “Lu Lu, who is this?” Tia asked quiet happy Luna had a new friend. “OH good morning sister” Luna had greeted hopping up to her sister and giving her a hug. “This is Discord, Luna had introduced Discord letting go of her sister while pointing her muzzle at Discord. Discord had blushed a little bit. “H-hi” He said a little shy. Discord had walked up to the two ponies. ”Luna told me a lot about you ‘Tia’ She couldn’t stop and take a breath” Discord said glaring at Luna playfully. ”Oh yes, Lu Lu can be a chatterbox sometimes, oh hey, want to hang out for the rest of the day?” Tia asked quiet happy that Luna and herself made a new friend, a cool looking one too. Discord had smiled wide ”OKAY! “ he had said happily. Tia had smiled as Luna was bouncing up and down, about one hour later the three of them had laid on their backs on the warm grass. Smiling Discord looked over at Luna who was enjoying the strawberries they had earlier. Giggling he looked back up at the sky. Tia had been studding a cloud. ”That one looks like… um? She thought for a moment. Discord looked at the poufy cloud, smirking playfully he used his magic to turn it into a cotton candy cloud. ”like cotton candy?” he asked while he swiveled the cloud. Tia giggled. ”yeah! Hey you know that this place needs a name” She said looking at Luna who was playing with some butterflies. ”yea something like Discord paused for a couple moments. ”The Ever Free” The two of them said at the same time. Giggling they had felt and heard a loud cry of a rumbling. Jumping up several feet in the air, Tia had started to run to Luna. Scared stiff she called out ”LUNA!”. Discord had gotten scared and grabbed Tia’s pink long tail, ”Wait Tia, Don’t move at all” he said while letting go of her tail. Standing still in place she had looked at Luna with fear and mortal terror. Waiting for it to pass the forest was silent like in a horror movie where it’s all silent and a jump scare comes out of nowhere. Taking deep, slow breath Tia and Discord looked at Luna who seemed confused. Luna smiled. “You guys looks silly are we-“ Luna had gotten cut off when a giant monstrous crack became a giant sink hole in the ground. Luna had screamed at the top of her lungs… ||Chapter 2|| ||created by: Ninja Cookies|| ||Story by: Ninja cookies|| ||Anything else: Ladybug song doesn't belong to me at all. ||