//------------------------------// // 3 // Story: The New Pony // by Arctic Wave //------------------------------// I'm in Brae's room. How I got there, I have no idea. He's telling me that I was near the bottom of the pond I was by. Then I look around more. I see a pic of me and him when we were together. I miss those times. He would always let me do what I felt was best for me. I loved him then but it didn't feel right when we got serious. His bed is now sopping wet because my body was all wet. I look around more and saw Tia and Luna. "What are you doing here princesses?" I ask. "Brae told Spike that you weren't breathing so we came quickly. Turns out that he saved your life himself. Brave stallion. You're lucky to have him," said Celestia proudly. I smile slightly at that. I tell him thank you with a small kiss on his face and try to get up. I fail which is embarrassing. Brae tells me that I was ill and I needed to stay put for a week. A tear slides down my face. "I need to get my books. I need to read. Can I please go get them Brae? With your assistance that is?" I ask. "Sure. Let's go," he tells me. Minutes later we make it to the library. We walk to my room and suddenly I'm embarrassed. My ears go down and I flop to the ground. I have several tears run down my face and then I really cry. Tears running without end. I knew I was emotional but I never really knew I was this. He bends down and then we kiss. A true loving kiss. I loved him more than Taboo. I loved him more than any of my friends. Braeburn was mine and I knew it. No pony else could tear us apart anymore. "I love you," I whisper. "Same here. I missed you. Once I saw you again, I knew that I still had feelings for you. Please. Come with me, live at Sweet Apple. Big Mac and I will build a cottage for us. Just us. No other ponies," He whispers back. "O.K., I'll live with you. Just let me grab my things and we can go," I say. I'm super cold and I'm slowly walking to my shelf with my bag hanging on the end. I grabbing and swing it over my back, landing perfectly. I grab 8 books and start walking towards my desk as I remember that I should write a letter to Taboo. I begin to write telling him I'm sorry but we need to stop the relationship that we have because I'm going out with some pony else. I tear up at the last part but I know it is for the better of us. I seal it up and stick it on my door as I walk to Brae. I leave a letter for Musa telling her that I'm living at Sweet Apple Acres and if Taboo asks where I went she shouldn't tell him. I walk out of the library with my new stallion friend as we head to my new home. I asked Brae where I would sleep and he replied telling me that I could use A.J.'s room while she is in Canterlot visiting Twi. We make it to the barn and I get help walking up the stairs. I walk to A.J.'s room alone and zoom to get under the blankets to be warm. He follows me in and kisses me forehead. Telling me that he loves me again leaves the room turning off the light. I go to sleep happily and didn't have a nightmare in 2 hours. Then my dream changed. I was in a different room and was scared to near death. The room was compact and felt like a box. It was a couple hooves wise so about 10 hooves, and only 5 hooves high. I'm claustrophobic so my fears didn't help. I'm crying buckets of tears hoping I could die in here to escape. But then I realize the box I'm in is in a room, with 8 mares and 9 stallions. I sit up in the box and the top opens. I know only one pony here. It's Taboo. He walks over with a very weird face on and it looks like he wants me to go to the bedroom with him. I'm thinking I can't do it cause I'm with Brae again and I don't want to hurt him again. I back away to where the other mares are. I pretend to chat with them to make sure he can't catch me. I then sit down and burrow under the blankets and pillows in the area. I close my eyes and cover them with my hooves. I open them and remove my hooves after several minutes passed. I look up and see Luna. "Princess," I say. "Can you help me? I need to escape. I don't love Taboo. He was a rude, self centered jerk. I can't love any pony that treats a mare like that. So will you help?" "I cannot child. You must face your fears and protect yourself from them. Go. I will be here all the way through. I will help when needed and protect you from the dangers that you can't handle," explains Luna. "O.K. I will. Thank you princess. But what should I do. I don't want to face any pony right now. But O.K. Goodbye," I say thankful. Then I walk away and go to Taboo. I'm telling him that we will only be friends. Even in my dreams or nightmares. Then he's telling me that he still loves me and we need to start over. We argue for about 20 minutes and then we stop. I hug him but Taboo just pushes me away, telling me to say sorry and that we will get back together. I tell him sorry but that's all I could do. I start to turn but he touches my face and kisses me strongly. I truly hate this about him but it's hard to stop. Each kiss is great and hard to ignore. But I finally stop and walk towards the mares and Luna again. I see a beautiful mare with a brown tail and mane with a neon pink streak going through. She's white and her cutie mark is a heart with a pencil overlapping it. I feel jealous and nervous to ask what her talent is. Instead she comes over to me and tells me her name and what she does for a living. Her name is Rhiannon which means 'Great Queen' and her talent is drawing. She is very perfect with the way she did things. Walk, flip her mane out of the way, flick her tail at the idiot stallions, and the way she smiled. I don't want to go out with her, but I just can't do those type of things right. I burrow under the pillows and blankets again and fall asleep right after I tell Luna thank you for all the help she did.