//------------------------------// // Breaking her vow (4) // Story: Cadence Goes Trolling // by Flames173 //------------------------------// After another grueling day of commanding the royal guard, Shining Armor returned to his bedroom to see Cadence staring out the window and laughing. "What is it hun?" Shining asked his wife. Cadence hadn't known that Shining entered the room, so she froze at his voice. She turned her head around to see that he truly was there. She quickly shot a spell out the window. The crystal mare who had previously been running around screaming with snakes instead of hair was returned to normal. "Oh, just a girl thing." Cadence lied. "Oh, all right." Shining decided not to investigate further. "So, how was your day?" he said with a yawn. "Good." Cadence returned the yawn. "Well, I think I'm going to turn in early tonight, I gave that Steel Blade guy some special training, and he sure is tough." Shining said as he got on the bed. "Ok, I think I'm going to stay up for a while longer." Cadence said. "All right, good night dear." Shining layed his head down and fell asleep after a few minutes. Cadence stood at the window and waited. After a long time, she decided to go back to the window. The mare she was previously torturing was looking around, as if she was looking for the culprit. "Let's amp things up a bit, shall we?" Cadence whispered under her breath. She prepared a new spell, one she had never used before, and vowed to never use it, but the sinful temptation was too powerful. She shot the spell at the streets below. It found it's mark and got the mare full on. A deep, loud scream emanated from the city. The new stallion ran away, he didn't look back. "Maybe I went too far." She said, thinking. "Nah." she eventually said. Cadence punished each of the four mares that she saw earlier that day in turn the same way. "I'll return them to normal, maybe they'll have learned their lesson by then." Cadence said to herself then crawled into bed.