Cadence Goes Trolling

by Flames173

Why you should ALWAYS keep your vows (5)

Cadence watched as her victims were turned back to mares. They were freaking out, but they slowly calmed down. All was normal at about noon. She kept watching the town.
"I wanted to troll, but all I'm doing is punishing." she said to herself. She sighed heavily. "Guess I'll do what I was planning to do." Cadence waited for a few seconds while she readied her spell. She felt truly trollific and shot it at every pony she saw. Stallions, mares, adults, children, Cadence didn't care. Some panicked at the result, others didn't notice, a few wanted to test out their new parts, but most did what most every living creature would which is all of the above. Each cast of her spell draining her magical energy ever so slightly, and of course because it was mentioned, it means something to the storyline. She was going spell happy. After a few minutes, she got nearly half of her kingdom. She was feeling like a true troll, spreading chaos, confusion, and some happiness all over the town.
She was waiting for one more victim. Just one more. She thought. When the door flung open.
The pink alicorn, startled by the sudden appearance, turned around, her concentration broke and her spell was released. It nailed Shining's face directly. "Oh no."
"Cadence, please explained why you just blinded me with magic and why I can't feel my dick anymore." Shining demanded.
Cadence stared stunned. "Shit."
"What? Tell me now! Why is my voice higher, and why do I feel smaller? Give me answers Cady, NOW!"
"OK, so, I was bored the other day so I went to Discord and asked him how to troll people so I began casting spells on people taking away what they love, then I decided that I was more of punishing than trolling so I shot this spell I vowed to never use that changes a pony's gender and I guess that I just hit you with it but please don't yell I'm going to fix it." Cadence explained faster than Pinkie Pie could even if she was on a sugar high.
Shining stared at her dumbly. "All I got was that you're going to fix it, so, I'm not going to be mad. Just fix it, and what the fuck is happening between my legs?"
"I accidentally turned you into a mare."
"You, you, WHAT?"
"Calm down, I'm going to fix it."
"You better. I can not show up to the garrison tomorrow as a mare! The Royal Guard would never listen to my commands!"
"Yes yes, I get that. Now just calm down while I reverse the spell."
Shining exhaled loudly and stood as still as he could. Cadence's horn glowed a dull red, when she released her focus and shot the spell, there was a loud pop in the room, but nothing happened.
"Did it work? I'm not feeling my balls again." Shining said bluntly.
"Hang on a second, maybe I did something wrong." Cadence tried to undo her spell again, but still nothing happened.
"Cadence, quit messing with me!"
"I'm not, I can't reverse it!"
"Ok, ok, calm down. It's ok, just rest, get your energy back and fix this in the morning. I'll wake you up just before I go."
"Sure, that'll work I guess. I mean, its not like I'm using one of those spells that are permanent if they aren't fixed by midnight."
"Yeah. That would really suck. The one time you don't research a spell you accidentally cast it on me and can't fix it. What would the odds be?"
"I don't know, like one in a million at least." Cadence and Shining laughed.
"You didn't research the spell before you used it did you?" Shining asked. The laughing of the couple stopped.
"I'm probably going to be stuck a mare forever aren't I?"
Shining sighed. "Well, if you don't mind, I'm tired, so I'm going to go to sleep, and dream of which stallion I think is hottest." She waited a few seconds. "Tell any pony I said that and I'll kill you."
"Don't worry hun. I understand, the female hormones are controlling your thoughts. Just try to keep the impulses to yourself. I won't tell a soul."
"Guess I'll find out what it's like to be a female, and oh my Celestia, does Steel Blade have a nice ass or what?"
"I know right? You know what, this is definitely number four on the oddest conversations I've had with my husband."
"You have a list, and this is only number four?"
"Well, we have had pretty odd conversations before."
"True. Well, good night Cadence, see you in the morning." Shining crawled into bed. She felt odd, for once her hooves weren't hanging over the end of the bed.
Cadence joined her spouse in bed after a few seconds.
"Hey Cady, what does sex feel like to a mare?" Shining asked.
"Oh Celestia." Cadence sighed.