Camo the changeling

by M Specter

Chapter 15

Camo the changeling Ch 15

Before I decided to go to the slumber party I contacted the swarm so that they could give me an update on the happenings of the hive. Most of the council stated that there was a brown stallion going around causing trouble in there designated towns. I had asked if they thought the brown stallion was on to our plan of increasing our forces, but L blue told me that he created some sort of commotion in other towns that I didn't designate anyone to occupy.

I asked them if they could give me more detail on the brown stallion, they said that he had green aura coming out of his eyes a black and grey mane and a star for a cutie mark. I would have to address this problem directly if it continued to be an issue, but judging from the description and the fact that he's going through towns and destroying them means that he's looking for something possibly Sombra I mean he obviously knows dark magic but I’d have to confront him for sure.

From the description of Sombra I got from Twilights library he also had aura coming out of his eyes. If he had fangs then I would say that he was in league with Sombra in some way, there's no way that this isn't just a coincidence. " Tell your forces to watch out for this stallion and to not to engage him, next time he is sighted somewhere tell me and I’ll head that way."

"Of course our king" they all chorused, I sighed and said “I told you before I'm not your king I am only advising until our queen is found." None of them said anything and I thinking the conversation was done was about to disconnect when “what if she doesn't return to us what if she died or simply doesn't want to be with us anymore."
My eye began to twitch involuntarily as anger started to take over my body " our queen will return if I have to I will spend the rest of my life searching for her she is our queen the beginning of all changelings and how dare you say something so slanderous, if you ever say something like that again I will strip you of your title and you’ll be banished do I make myself clear.” After another long silence I heard " yes sir sorry about that" I disconnected soon after that I then connected to every changeling I could and told them that everything was going to be ok that I would find our queen and stop the brown stallion from destroying us all.

I felt exhausted after I disconnected from the hive mind, all I wanted to do was fall asleep but I knew I couldn’t what with my new form having a social life. I almost decided against going and apologizing tomorrow but that didn't sit well with me what with them helping me feel welcomed and allowing me access to the castle. I let out another sigh and guided my cloud over to Ponyville's clock tower, apparently it was 6:15 I'm 15 minutes late oh well I'll just tell them I had family troubles or something.

I arrived at sweet apple acres and immediately made a bee line towards the door. I knocked gingerly on it until I heard hoofsteps getting louder as they approached the door. Applejack opened it and said " I bet your hear for the slumber party right?" I nodded and she said “Alright come on in there up in Apple bloom’s room just go up the stairs and make a left."

" Thanks Applejack" I said to her and I made my way to Apple bloom's room, I could hear faint talking through the door and not wanting to barge in haphazardly I knocked on the door and waited for someone to allow me in. Apple bloom opened the door and allowed me in, from what I saw I knew that they had experience in slumber parties before. I did attend one before in another form but none of the ponies knew how to throw one leading to disastrous results.

“Wow you guys really made an effort to have a good sleep over" near the left wall of the room was a table that was lined from each end with candy punch, chips and marshmallows. " Of course what did you expect" Scootaloo stated indignantly " I don’t know I've never been to a slumber party before" Sweetie bell gasped and said " how about we do a slumber party straight from the book like Twilight did" Scootaloo and Applebloom both said "no" making Sweeties head and ears droop down. Sweetie remembered what her sister had told her about the day twilight had her first slumber party. She thought her friends would have enjoyed it but hearing no from the both of them shot that idea down.

"Why don't you girls just do what you normally do and you can just teach me as we go?" They all nodded and Scootaloo gave out a gasp of realization and said “why don't we play truth or dare first"
"Sure that sounds like an easy one to start out with but no hard dares or truths yet" Apple bloom said. Scootaloo crossed her hooves and said to Applebloom "sure take all the fun out of it why don't you."
“Scoots were trying to give our friend a fun first slumber party can't you respect that enough to bend the rules a bit?"

Scootaloo thought about it for a moment before saying “fine but next time we play there will be no holding back." Applebloom seeing as her friend would play even if the rules were bent a bit smiled and quickly gathered us around in a circle. Sweetie Bell took out four straws and said “To decide who gives out the first truth or dare we will draw straws". Everyone nodded and drew a straw mine ended up being the longest of the four and Applebloom had the shortest of us all.

"Camo truth or dare"
To play it safe I decided to do truth, Applebloom sat in a thinking position and looked at me, at one point her eyes shifted toward the bandage still covering part of my face. “How did you beat the griffon that attacked us?" I began to sweat a bit and began to rub my hoof over my forehead to try to conceal it. I hadn't thought that a question like this would arise. " I fought the griffon until I tricked him into knocking himself out."
"Alright then" I gave out an exasperated sigh I have to be more careful of what I do around these fillies they may jeopardize my mission more then I originally thought.

“I’m guessing it's my turn now" I said they nodded and began to think who I should ask and what the question would be. " Sweetie Bell truth or dare?"
" Truth"
“What were you and the crusaders doing at Canterlot before Princess Cadence's wedding?"
" That's easy princess Celestia told applejack and rarity if they knew anypony who could be flower fillies and they both recommended us and we spent the days before the wedding learning what to do." I nodded at least that's one mystery solved for now. The rest of the game went smoothly I went for truth most of the time and almost regretted it. They asked why I wanted to be in the castle, why I wouldn't join them and where I lived.

Each time I had to come up with a semi decent truth until I finally decided to choose dare. This particular dare was from Scootaloo she had asked for me to bring a cloud into the room. It was easy enough and I figured I would need to bring my own cloud into the room at some point so I basically killed two birds with one stone. Everything was peaceful until one red maned filly did something bold. This time Applebloom dared Scootaloo to kiss me on the cheek; you can bet that no one in the room expected this, especially since she herself had said no hard dares until later which I guess this technically qualifies as later.

“I’m not kissing him" Scootaloo cried out indicatively. “why not is it because you’re chicken?" at that moment Sweetie Bell began to make chicken noises which made Applebloom make chicken noises which led to them acting like chickens completely. I clearly didn't know what was going on but I had a slight feeling that there was more to this chicken comment then meets the eye.

"I'm no chicken I’ll do it" she said as she hesitantly walked my way and kissed me on the cheek. It was a quick peck nothing to it really but when I saw her face she was blushing and trying to look at anything but me. I must have been blushing as well because then Applebloom and Sweetie bell both began to say “Scootaloo and Camo sitting on a cloud K-I-S-S-I-N-G" we both blushed a bit more furiously and Scootaloo began to tell her friends that there is nothing between us and were both just friends.

“We know were just teasing ya Scootaloo." In the end we all had a good laugh so I ignored it and continued to have a good time. Just before it hit 11 Applejack made sure that we were all tucked in and ready for sleep. Since I was a foal and couldn't just up and leave I took the cloud that I had brought in earlier and made it go down to ground level and decided to sleep on that. We all said our goodnights and drifted off into dream land.

I had thought that I would have a peaceful sleep but it turns out that my subconscious had other things in store for me. I was back at the hive and we were rejoicing over the return of our queen. It appears that after the party we immediately attacked Equestria taking over everything and finishing it off with destroying Canterlot last. It was finally done Equestria was now or queens domain but all was not as it seemed.

" Camo may I see you in my chambers for a minute" she said as she casually walked toward what used to be Celestia's throne room. “Of course my queen" I said as I trotted with her to her newly acquired chambers. She sat on the throne making sure that she felt comfortable before she began to speak.
"Camo I've been reviewing your performance records and it shows that you've been leading my children astray, I blinked and she continued on “all you've done is split my people up to defend themselves while you make your life comfortable in Ponyville."
The light from the room started to drain and fade until all I could see was chrysalis. I began to sweat profusely and started to give an explanation of what I've been doing " Yes it's true I divided them but only because..."
"Enough" she yelled in what I could only describe as being on level with the royal Canterlot voice. She quickly got of her throne and walked slowly toward me. Every hoof step felt like it was resounding around me the echoing hoofsteps drowning any rational thought from my mind.

It ended when she stopped in front of me and stared at me with malice in her eyes. For your punishment of defying my orders to protect the kingdom you will now live with the ponies you call friends and will no longer have any affiliation to the swarm. Her horn lit up powering a spell that would seal my fate and in the end I just resided to it. If his is what my queen thinks I deserve I will gladly take it. Tears began to flow freely out of my closed eye lids. Before I could even say the three words no changeling has ever said to our queen I felt a powerful blast of magic come upon me, altering my very being, changing my physical make up until I was a full-fledged pony.

I gasped as I had just awakened from my nightmare all wet, trying to remind myself of where I was. The memories of the slumber party came flowing back to me and I calmed down considerably. I noticed how cool the air was around me and noticed that I had been sweating in my sleep something I had never done before, and when I put my hooves up to my eyes I felt two tear drops. Only after all this I noticed the warm body mass beside me. It was Scootaloo sleeping soundly beside me, the cloud we were both on was a bit larger than the clouds I had brought in, maybe she mashed them together?

‘I need a break’ I thought to myself as I got up from my cloud. Too many things are happening to quickly this nightmare, these three fillies, my queen, ruling a kingdom in her stead; I need a break from the craziness that has been shoved upon me. I jumped off the cloud open the window slowly and just enough for me to fit through before flying away into the night hidden from any passerby's that may be looking.