The Four Horsemen of Equestria

by CaleMcManus21

"Bring Them In!"

Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight walked down the halls of Canterlot. During their walk, Princess Celestia told her student about the humans. And as the explanation went on, Princess Twilight's eyes began to widen. "Why? Would they do such things?" She asked.

"I don't know, that's why I'm planning to bring them here."

"But the discussion! Shouldn't Equestria know about this, first?" She asked.

"No! I changed my mind about that! I'm going to bring these humans in, learn their background, and see if they're really the good hearted men I sensed!" They walked into a room and Princess Celestia showed her a box. She turned to her student with a serious look. "Now when we encounter these humans, we will make sure they're restrained so they don't try anything foolish. If we like what we hear, I want you to give one of each of what's inside that box to them." Princess Celestia used her magic to open the trunk and levitated the contents within. Princess Twilight gasped and widened her eye with awe.

"Now..." Princess Celestia said. "Let's bring these humans in."

Somewhere in San Francisco

I walked down the streets of my San Francisco hometown until I reached a church. I entered and walked down the empty building and reached a booth. I stepped inside and knelt before a medium-sized screen window. "Bless me Father for I have sinned" I said as I did the sign of the cross. "I committed a sin 5 minutes ago."

"No, you committed your sin 3 years ago" the priest behind the screen said. "I know you. You used the name Rook Cale to hide your identity. Isn't that right, Mr. Cale McManus?" I was shocked when he said this. The priest opened the screen door and gave me a hard stare. "And I'm impressed."

"What do you mean?" I asked, still kneeling.

"You joined a group of assassins to learn their ways. You tailed them, studied them, and the more you knew, the better chance you had for killing them. I believe you focused on one assassin so hard, that when you found out he was allergic to vinegar, you poured a tablespoon of that into a dipping sauce at that restaurant 10 blocks from here."

"Tell me something I don't know, father" I said softly.

"You're considered something I've never thought I would never see."

"What's that?" I asked. The priest opened a Bible, flipped through the pages, and then handed it to me. I glanced at the page and began to read a random paragraph. When I was done, I glanced at him.

"No, this can't be right" I said.

"Oh but it is..." He said with a smile.

"I'm not a Horseman of War" I complained.

"But I recall you led many battles between assassins and won them all."

"Yeah well..." I was flattered.

"You're a different Horseman of War. The Bible depicts the Horseman having the power to take peace from the Earth and have men slay each other. You on the other hand, want to bring peace to the Earth by getting rid of the evil. The Good vs. The Wicked is the way I see it. And you being a killer and all, I'm just going to assume men, women, and children don't matter to you." They don't. Unless I see a reason why they should stop living. "So tell me, Mr. McManus... Do you have doubts in your title?" I glanced down at the page and read it again.

"Kind of" I answered.

"Good. I shall leave you in your thoughts." He got up and opened the door. "Oh, and nice job."

"For what?" I asked.

"For coming in to confess. How often do you do it?"

"Every day. After killing a sinner. Man, woman, child. I always pray that I one day pay the price for doing such a task." The priest took one last look at me and left. Alone, I continued to read about the Four Horsemen. When I was finished, I closed the Bible amd stood up. I was about to open the door, but I heard various echoey voices in my head. I glanced around the small room, but saw nothing. Shrugging, I grasped the doorknob and turned the handle.

"Come!" A motherly voice that had a whispery tone echoed through my head. Suddenly, a bright light engulfed me and the room.

A Local Bar in New Orleans

Remy was sitting in a bar drinking scotch. He sighed with relief and leaned back in his chair. The door opened and two men entered the bar. "I feel sorry about that guy in the street" one of them said.

"Yeah. He's been putting up posters all over the block." Remy turned his head and saw one of them holding a poster. "I mean... Wow." Remy put some money on the counter and got up. As he made his way across the bar, he was able to take a quick look at the poster. It was a picture of four shadowed figures on horses. Underneath it was a warning. 'Beware the Four Horsemen!' He made his way out the door and walked down the street. When he passed by an alley, an elder man was leaning against the brick wall.

"Are you Remy 'Gunslinging' Brecht?" He asked when he walked by. Remy stopped and turned his head.

"What of it?" He asked as he approached the man.

"Quick with the trigger. From pistols, to the sniper. A gun of any kind seems to fit you. Seems to me you like killing a lot. Did the Grim Reaper hire you?"

"Ha ha ha very funny. Nice joke" Remy laughed.

"It's not a joke" the man replied. "How does it feel to look someone in the eyes and as quick as a flash, you have your gun in your hand, and you pull the trigger? And you target men only."

"Never women or children."

"So I see" the man said. "Why men? If you like the sight of death so much, why do you go for men? Not women and children?"

"Children are innocent! And as for women..." He stopped there and sighed. "I don't have the strength to harm them."

"So it's the men that needs to be punished. You know, I encountered a young man who is an assassin and he kills unless there is a reason."

"Only the men, right?"

"No. Women and children included."

"Then he should be punished!" Remy yelled.

"Should he? Every year, he sees sinners go through their daily lives. Day after day, he picks them off one by one."

"Then he's the one that likes death."

"No. You like death."

"So does he!"

"But he prays after each kill. Unlike you, you kill, and then walk away and continue on with your life." The man stepped out of the alleyway. "Something you should think about." He began to walk down the street. Remy sighed and leaned against the wall. "Death? Me?" He asked to himself. Suddenly, there were echoed voices in his head, similar to the ones I experienced. Remy drew his gun and began to point it around the alleyway. "Who's there?!" He asked as he walked deeper in the alleyway. There was silence. Remy lowered his gun and tucked it away.

"Come!" The same motherly voice said. A flash of bright light engulfed Remy and took him away.

A Stadium in Maryland

Chase entered the bathroom to wash his hands. "A Ravens fan" a voice said. Chase turned around and saw that a man has locked himself in a stall.

"Yeah man, I like them a lot" Chase answered.

"I can tell. I heard you yap about it from in here." Chase laughed and turned on the faucet.

"You're not only here for the Ravens" the man said. "You're here to court women."

"What are you talking about?" Chase asked as he put soap.

"You're a smooth talker. Like to flirt with women, take them to your bedroom, and love all night long."

"So?" He asked.

"You like conquering the minds of women. You get into their head, get all smoochy and shit, and then, the sex. You know, I've encountered some men who approached women, use them, and then after sex, poof! Gone without a trace."

"Sons of bitches" Chase muttered as he continued soaping his hands. The man flushed the toilet and stepped out. He approached the sink and started to wash his hands.

"The women you smooth talk to. You don't do it for love. You do it for comfort."

"What?" Chase asked.

"Think about it. You are like a Sherlock Holmes to women. You take a look at them, you deduce what's wrong, and you go in for the comfort. You know if they have a relationship or not. Even if they're single, you still wouldn't try to make them like you. You never expected the sex to happen. All you wanted was to comfort them, but somehow, they always seem to follow you home."

"Something I didn't expect" Chase said as he turned off the faucet. He pulled some paper towels and dried his hands.

"Chase. A Conqueror for Comfort. Some Casanova you are." Chase laughed nervously and left the bathroom. The halls were emptying, and the game was about to start. Suddenly, whispery voices began to echo through his head. Chase grasped his head and began to moan. Soon, the voices stopped.

"Come!" The soft voice of a motherly figure whispered. Chase shut his eyes and looked away as bright light engulfed him.

A Hotel in Las Vegas

Wild Card Jack entered his hotel room and closed the door. "Oh shit!" He gasped. An elder man was seated on a chair.

"It amazes me that people come here expecting to win big bucks, but their own pride and greed leaves them broke. You must be a different gambler."

"I am. Any money I win, I take."

"Hmm. I heard you once won 5 bucks yet you still thanked everyone for a good game."

"That is actually true" Jack said as he sat on the edge of his bed. "So what are you here for?"

"I heard talks about a thief running around in Vegas. They say he steals from the greed, and gives to the need. But I also hear that the money he takes from the greedy bastards. Is the same amount he wins at the casino."

"That is also true" Jack said, nodding.

"Reminds me of Famine. One of the four Horsemen" the elder man stood up. "Carries a pair of weighing scales to indicate the way bread would have been weighed during a famine." He looked at Jack. "You attempt to even the scales on everything. Money, goods, items, food, anything one can think of, you steal from the rich, and give to the poor. Just like the money, though. Your little sister once got a cellphone for her birthday. Trying to even the scales for that everybody should have one, you ask if they have a cellphone, the second you hear 'No', you run off, find a filthy, ruthless bastard, take his cellphone, delete every single data on it, have it repaired so it looks new, and give it to the one that didn't own one." He made his way to the door.

"Wait, who are the others? The Horsemen?" Jack asked as the elder man opened the door.

"I've met them already" he answered as he left. As soon as the door shut, whispery voices echoed through Jack's head for a few seconds.

"Come!" The same voice whispered.