//------------------------------// // Mission 6: Massacre Train // Story: Operation: VECTOR in Equestria // by type13 //------------------------------// Goblins are small humanoid monsters that walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Goblins usually live in tribes which are ruled by the strongest goblin in the group. These tribes vary in size from gangs of 4-9 to tribes of up to 400. As four Goblins placed themselves in both ends of the cart; two from the back end and two in the front end. The supposed leader of the group signaled something to the other two from the other side by raising two fingers in the air and gesturing to follow. And the ‘Leader’ and one of the Goblins from the other side jumped in unison down on the connecting bridge of the cart. The first two who went down slowly opened the cart silently, and as the other two was about to follow suit, the Goblin from the back end felt his mouth being covered by a huge hand and followed by a sharp piercing pain in its chest. The Goblin couldn’t scream in pain nor look at its assaulter; so instead it only looked at its tribe mate with wide eyes, to which the other Goblin noticed. And as the other one was about to jump down, it felt a strong piercing pain in its chest in mid-air. The force used was so strong that instead of going down, the Goblin was pushed to the side of the train and falling off the tracks. The now dead Goblin with a missing dagger on its waist, laid down the roof of the cart with its assaulter nowhere to be seen. *** *SNORE* Rainbow Dash was a loud sleeper, which was known by her friends for a long time now and was already used to it. So when the door slowly opened on the front end of the cart that made a small creaking sound, it was utterly ignored by the six, due to the fact that the creaking sound was drowned in the snoring of a certain Rainbow maned Pegasus. As the leader of the Goblins was supposed to enter the cart, it thought that something was not right, there was supposed to be a tribe mate that followed him. As the ‘Leader’ looked up to see what was keeping his tribe mate from following, at the side of his eyes he saw his tribe mate falling off the tracks. He could not believe what happened, so he slightly closed the door and looked to the direction of where his tribe mate fell, but alas, the train was too fast for the ‘Leader’ to have ever seen what exactly fell from the roof. What he did see was a black arm coming from below of the bridge connecting the carts and grabbing him by the neck and dragging him down to where the arm was connected; below the train. Just below the train cart, VECTOR grabbed at a metal scaffold that connected it to the other carts with one hand, and at the other hand was the supposed Goblin ‘Leader’. He stared at the thing and saw the face of the Goblin with the black-ish flame aura in its eyes not hiding its terror that delighted VECTOR to smile behind his mask. He knew that they spoke on a different language but with everything that he knows so far about the Black aura in its eyes. He knew that the one who possessed these creatures are watching. So he asked in a flat, cold tone of voice: “Who. Sent. You?” To VECTOR’s slight surprise, it did not answer. In its state of panic and fear it wiggled and grabbed its waist dagger, to which VECTOR noticed. With a fast motion, VECTOR lowered his arm that was grabbing the Goblin to the railings of the train. As the lower half of the Goblin made contact with the fast moving railing. The Goblins lower body up to its thighs was dragged and ripped to pieces by the fast moving train. The Goblin cried and screamed in pain, letting go of the knife that it held. Blood splattering everywhere and the scream of the Goblin being drowned by the sound of the Train, VECTOR, knowing that it had enough, lifted his arms again and leveled the face of the Goblin ‘Leader’ to his own and asked again. “Who. Sent. You?” As the Goblin rambled in a language that he did not recognize, fear and pain showing in its face and as the Goblin spoke something that VECTOR slightly understood. “KING….KING…KING….” VECTOR, behind his gas mask, made a quizzical look and was about to ask the Goblin once more. But to his surprise the Goblin Leader’s expression changed. From fear and pain to a flat and expressionless face, then slowly an eerie wide smile started to creep on its face and then spoke in a deep and malevolent tone of voice. “Aren’t you forgetting one more?” VECTOR stared at the face of the Goblin, and then it hit him. “Fuck!” was all VECTOR could say as the Goblin started to laugh maniacally. VECTOR then threw the laughing possessed Goblin. *Maniacal Laughter* As the Goblin’s body shredded and rolled to pieces off the track, VECTOR could hear it laughing as the sound grew fainter and fainter. *** As the Goblin who entered from the other side of the cart saw it’s ‘Leader’ suddenly disappearing, it quickly followed to where its leader was dragged, but stopped midway in its tracks as it was fully possessed. The fully possessed Goblin then grinned a toothy grin as it closed the door from where it came from. The inside of the Cart was Dark, the curtains of the Cart were pulled down, and so the light of Luna’s moon was not present. As it guided itself with the snoring of a Rainbow maned Pegasus, it positioned itself infront of the snoring Pegasus and drew the dagger in its waist. As the Goblin raised the Dagger in the air and was about to stab the Rainbow maned Pegasus, to its surprise, the window of the bunk behind the goblin broke. *CRASH* As VECTOR entered through the windows of the Cart, he saw the last Goblin; with its arm in the air with a dagger in hand, about to stab the now awoken mare. As the Goblin saw VECTOR, it quickly dropped down his arm with dagger in hand to finish the job, but to his surprise, he suddenly felt a kick at the back of his knee, to which made him kneel. As the shocked Rainbow Dash saw the dagger coming down at her, she instinctively grabbed the nearest thing with her, a ‘Daring-Doo’ hard-copy book; a 700 pages hardbound book. As the Goblin knelt with one knee, VECTOR grabbed the top of its head pulled it backwards so that the Goblin could see VECTOR from above, VECTOR’s face was not the only one he saw, he also saw his arms raised and his hand into a fist. And as VECTOR’s fist made contact with the kneeling Goblin's face, its head slammed hard on the floor and made a load sound that echoed through the room. *BAM*