Belegrim Dipstick

by Praeco Nigrum

Darn shootouts, never end right!

“Belegrim Dipstick” please read and review for it help me make better chapters.

It was around 1:00 in the afternoon when Honey Badger and Harbinger had arrived at their Clans designated training grounds outside the city. They brought many of their weapons with them, each one being handmade and brought up to the safety standards of their realm heralds.

POV Harbinger

The carried their weapons and shields over to a nicely shaded spot that was on the other side of the field, the field was out on one of the clan members land and surrounded by trees. “Hey, I’m going to go use the restroom, OK?” Badger called over to me as he walked off towards one of the out houses, “Sure!” was my reply.
“Hmm, I’ll get to checking the weapons for defects and soft spots…” ‘weapon checking… just great, I always get to check these things for defects and what not, last time the damn blade for Badgers sword had disbanded from the sword and I had to get some duct tape to fix the fucker…’ i thought to myself as he walked over to the pile of weapons they had gathered.

Third Person POV

“Well no time like the present I guess…” and he went about checking every one of the weapons to see if they were harmful or not, since this was just a practice day and not an actual battle. “Well nothing seems to be out of place….” He then looked behind him to see some cars pulling up to the house, and they weren’t any of his clans colors.
Harbinger jogged up to the front of the house to see what was going on, he then noticed Honey badger on his knees with one of the men from the car pointing a gun at his head.
“What the fuck is going on!” Harbinger yelled as he ran up onto the porch, there was a side ramp he used to get behind the concrete walls.

“We are here for our money, bitch, now where is Harbinger! That fuck owes us big time, NOW WHERE IS HE!” the man next with the gun yelled to Harbinger, his left eye was twitching, indicating he was on something.

“He’s right here bitch, now what the fuck do you want?” Harbinger said as he pulled an AK47u out from a hidden panel in the concrete wall.

“You owe us some fuckin' bills man! Now hand’em over bitch, before I put a hole in this guy’s head.” At the last bit, he shoved the gun against Badgers head for emphasis, but Harbinger didn’t take well to having his family threatened, so he instantly raised his gun and shot the gun touting loud mouth right in the throat, silencing him forever.
The other men jumped for cover when Harbinger stated taking pop shots at them from his spot on the wall, he motioned for Badger to go inside and call the rest of their ‘Family’ before grabbing a gun himself.

“Fuckin’ really! I mean damn, this could not get any fucking worse!” then the gun shots halted, and Harbinger heard something he really didn’t ever want to hear, a pin being pulled. He jumped over the wall and over to a tree that was in the front yard when he heard it, his training taking affect and saving his sorry ass again.


The spot he had just occupied had turned into a small sun for about a half second, then it was a crater, the blast had taken a good portion of the porch and the room behind it. ‘Fuck, that could have been me and Badger…. BADGER!’
Harbinger looked and found that his brother was fine, he was taking cover in the room that now had an open view, and he was holding a SAW light machine gun.

Honey badger motioned to Harbinger that he was going to fire in a few seconds and for him to do the same.
*Five* *Four* Three* *Two* *FIRE* Gunshots and explosions erupted from the silence the grenade had caused.
‘Three down six to go!’ Harbinger thought as another explosion was heard; he looked over to see the unconscious form of his brother lying face down on the floor the remnants of concussion grenade could be seen lying next to him.
“FUCKING BULLSHIT!” Harbinger roared as he flew from cover towards the remaining gang members that had assaulted his clan home.
“I AM THE FUCKING HARBINGER OF FUCKING DEATH BITCHAS AND I WILL FUCKING END YOU!” Harbinger was pissed beyond compare at this, he flew over the top of an SUV and landed on top of one of the gunmen, he quickly broke his neck and put a bullet in his head for extra measure.
“Come here you bitches, I will kill every last one of you before this day is over!” he then rounded another SUV and was slightly shocked by the three gunmen in front of him. The instant he rounded that corner he was a dead man.
The three men saw him and instantly opened fire, fifteen bullet entered Harbingers chest, four left through his back. He kept coming, not even hesitating.

Harbinger raised his rifle and mowed down the three gunmen, he then kept going, not feeling the pain of the bullets in his chest cavity. He was already dead, but his body couldn't register it, his spine was severed and it was just following the last set of commands sent to it.

After rounding the rest of the way around the SUV he ran into the last three gunmen, one was clutching his side while the other two aimed at the approaching threat. They ALL opened fire, ever single shot from the two gunmen missed while every single shot from Harbinger found their mark, ending both gunmen in a flash.

“Do you regret coming here, Bitch, or have you finally come to regret your choice in messing with my family?” Harbinger spat at the slowly dying man, he was looking up at Harbinger with a certain hatred that could only be born in the heat of battle and with the loss of friends.

“Fuck you!” were the man’s last words as Harbinger put a round through his head, ending his suffering and silencing him.
As Harbinger made his way over to the steps he noticed that his brother was now standing there watching him as he stumbled over to him.

“Brother…” Harbinger murmured as he fell to the ground, his body finally realizing that it was dead and leaving. He twisted mid fall, landing on his back as his brother rushed to his side, screaming his name over and over as the blood began to flow from his wounds.

Out of the corner of his eye Harbinger noticed that their friends and family had showed up, but it was too late for now all they could do was witness his death and passing.
“It is OK my friends, I will be at peace soon…. I’m just sorry I couldn’t fight with any of you one last time” Harbinger chucked at the last bit, suddenly he coughed and a slight gizer of blood came rushing out of his mouth.

As he lay there looking up at his friends and family, he remembered all the great times he had spent, fighting with them, training, and battling other realms and clans with them... it was a pleasant farewell, considering he was about to pass.

“Harbinger!” they all yelled, most either getting on their knees to get a better look at him or standing of to the side holding each other as they saw their friend slowly pass on.

Their cries and pleas made him proud, to have left such a great mark on their lives that they would not want him to leave was truly something he could cherish as his time quickly came to and end.

“I will see you all on the other side… it has been an honor to have fought and bled with all of you…. Goodbye” the last word was but a whisper as the life finally left Harbingers body. Then they wept.