//------------------------------// // Sequence 2: Ponyville // Story: Rainbow Dash: Ponyville Assassin // by sbloom85 //------------------------------// The screen flickers back to the Wonderbolts' training grounds. Rainbow Dash presents Lightning Dust to Spitfire and hands her instructor the pin. The fiery Pegasus adjusts her sunglasses and lets out a low snort. "Last year you came here hoping to be recruited as a Wonderbolt, but your reckless behavior, reported by Rainbow Dash, got you kicked out." She said, pacing back and forth in front of the blue Pegasi. "They must have known about the artifact. I commend them for sending a Pegasus for direct infiltration. Your actions in Cloudsdale however, will not be overlooked." Dust kept her head down, knowing the end was coming. A blade appears from under Spitfire's foreleg and Dash was shocked to see this. "I wish there was another way, but your organization gives us no alternative." She says before stabbing Dust in the chest, piercing her heart. "May your next life bring you the peace you desire." She continues, closing the newly deceased Pegasus' eyes. "Holy crap! I didn't see that coming!" Silver thought upon witnessing the death of yet another hot mare. Spitfire's blade retracts back into her uniform. "You did exceptionally well, Rainbow Dash." She says, praising the recruit's performance. "I believe you have earned the right to carry one of these blades." She adds, detaching the blade from her leg and giving it to Dash, who was still shocked about the murder she witnessed. "I know you're confused. Please, follow me." The screen flickers and shifts behind Dash. "Follow Spitfire to her office." A popup displays. Silver moves Dash as instructed. "Rainbow, you must be wondering why I killed her." Well duh. "The organization she worked for has been trying to obtain the pin you delivered to me since before I became a Wonderbolt." She began explaining. "She said that it was knowledge. What did she mean by that?" Dash asked. Spitfire slowly nods. "I was just about to get to that." She answered. "The pin, when worn on a magically enchanted suit, like my uniform, will allow the wearer to access what ever information its creators stored into it. Medicine, technology, the list goes on." She continued, then they arrived at her office. The screen flickers into the office. The two Pegasi enter and sit down. "The pin's creators were none other than the winged Unicorns, or as many of us dub them, Alicorns." Spitfire added. Dash recalled an object Trixie had worn earlier that year. "The Alicorn Amulet." She finally said. Spitfire nods. "Yes. They designed and built the amulet, but had no idea about its need to feed on the wielder's spirit until King Sombra brought it to their attention in the worst possible way." She concluded. Dash was still unsure about how to make of all this new information. "What about Lightning Dust though? Did she need to die like that?" Dash asked. "Maybe not. If I had let her live and leave, she would've brought in reinforcements. Then again, she might have just gone about her own business, but I doubt that. The people she worked for don't let their own leave that easily. They would've killed her eventually." She answered grimly. "Some ponies call us assassins." Spitfire continued. "While the terminology is correct, their views on us are demonized by our enemies. They believe us to be indiscriminate murderers, but the truth is quite different." She finished. Dash nods. "It's becoming clearer." She seems to be getting a better understanding of the situation, but that doesn't mean she liked it. "What about the princesses? Couldn't they take better care of these artifacts?" She asked. Spitfire taps her hoof on the table rhythmically. "Perhaps, but Canterlot has turned into a haven for this group. The only reason neither Celestia nor Luna have acted is because our enemies haven't and have no reason to either as the pin is in Pegasi posession." She explained. "We could surmise that they have infiltrated the royal guard as well." She continued. Dash realized what she said. "What about Shining Armor? Twilight's brother?" Dash inquired. "He was captain of the guard before he and Princess Cadance left for the Crystal Empire." Spitfire smiled and nodded. "Don't worry about him. He and his family have been our allies for a long time." She said, relieving Dash from the worry. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Spitfire said. The door opens and in comes Cloudchaser. "Can I help you?" Spitfire asked. Cloudchaser nodded. "Maybe Rainbow Dash can." She said, looking over at Dash. "That Griffon Gilda has come back to Ponyville and is making a mess of things." She said with a tremble in her voice. Dash examines the device on her foreleg. She tightens a muscle in it and the blade pops out, still covered with Dust's blood. She tightens her leg muscle again and the blade retracts. "I'm on my way." Cloudchaser leaves the office. Dash stands up and heads to the door. "Go to the tailor." Spitfire ordered. "You don't want to draw any attention to yourself with that weapon." She added. Dash nods and leaves the office. The screen flickers behind a fluttering Rainbow Dash. "Go to the tailor." A popup reads. As instructed, Silver starts moving Dash to her destination. Silver hadn't noticed before, but the way Dash flew through the air was graceful for such a reckless Pegasus. Dash arrives at the tailor. "Spitfire sent me to get some clothes." The tailor nods. "Rainbow Dash, right?" He asks. "Yeah, that's me." She confirmed. The tailor went into the back of his shop and came out with a near typical Wonderbolt suit, the only difference being that it has Dash's new employers' emblem as well as a hole that fits over the hidden blade. The screen flickers once more. Silver finds Dash to be outside of the tailor's with her new Wonderbolt Assassin suit on. A marker appears on the mini map. Silver opens the map and pans it to the marker. "To Ponyville", it read. There was a viewpoint on the way, so he places a marker on and heads to it. Syncing with the viewpoint opened up more races. This hub area must love its races, Silver thought, continuing onto Ponyville. A cinematic took over as Dash made her way to Twilight Sparkle's home, the town's library. Silver found it odd that the... "Alicorn", as Spitfire phrased it, would choose to live in such a place. He didn't think it was bad though, it just showed him that Twilight liked to mingle with the others. Dash knocks on Twilight's door before opening it. The princess trots up to Dash. "Welcome back, Rainbow. How was your stay?" She asks before noticing the Wonderbolt Assassin emblem on the suit. "Oh Rainbow! You've been accepted as a Wonderbolt! Congratulations!" Twilight says cheerfully. Dash didn't share her friend's enthusiasm. "Yeah, but there's more to it." She said. Twilight nodded, maintaining her smile. "Oh I know. You're an assassin." Dash darted her head around. "Jeez, Twi. Give me away, why don't ya." She said irritably. "Now, where's Gilda? I heard she was causing trouble." She continued, moving out of the way as Twilight trots to the door. "Follow me, my little assassin." She said. Dash groans and the screen flickers. Silver was once again controlling Dash as she follows Twilight. "Don't worry, Rainbow. Ponyville is a haven for the assassins and has been since the town was founded." She explained. Hearing this relieved Dash a little bit, but realizes something. "Wait a sec... the Apple family. They're not...?" She tries asking. Twilight nods. "Yes, but Apple Bloom doesn't know yet." Dash nods, intending to keep the secret. The two have arrived at the town square. Dash immediately sees Gilda harrassing a Unicorn. Twilight stops Dash from killing Gilda right now. "Not in the open." Twilight ordered. "She doesn't know you're here, so follow her and confront her in an isolated part of town." She added. Dash darted upward quietly. The camera follows Dash until she lands on top of a cloud, then it rotates to view the ground. "Follow Gilda to an isolated part of town and assassinate her." A popup displayed. Silver kept his focus on Gilda as the Griffon was flipping carts that were in her way. The screen flickers. "Maintain distance from target to prevent desync." Another popup reads. Silver moves Dash off of the cloud, diving to a building underneath. "I got this." Silver said to himself, landing Dash softly and quietly on the roof. It took roughly five minutes before Gilda was on her own. Silver rotates the camera to make sure there were no other ponies in the area before striking. Quickly and efficiently, Dash pins Gilda to the ground. "Get off me, dweeb!" She squawked. Dash flips the Griffon over and sees the flip-flop was holding a blade to her neck. "Why are you here?" Dash demanded. "What's it to ya? You're not on the winning team anyway." Gilda threw back. "If this is about the Alicorn Pin, it's in Pegasus posession. The amulet is protected as well." Dash said. Gilda chuckles. "Do you really think those are the only two artifacts? You really are a noob. We'll have full control of Equestria before you even realize what's going on." She says before breaking into a full laugh. "You and your organization will never control Equestria. I'll see to it personally." Dash says before sinking the blade into Gilda's throat. Dash retracts the blade, closes Gilda's eyes and puts her in a dignified position. Twilight pops up behind her. "I really didn't think you had it in you, Rainbow." Dash begins hovering above Twilight. "Neither did I." She said. Twilight hovers next to Dash and places a hoof on her shoulder. "Take a breather, Dash. I'll take care of Gilda." Twilight says, returning to the ground. Dash rubs the back of her neck slowly. "Yeah... I'm going to report back to Spitfire." She says. Just as Dash was about to take off, Twilight stopped her. "Wait!" She yells, floating one of Gilda's feathers to her. "Take this with you and present it to Spitfire." Dash takes the feather and inserts it into her suit. "Good luck!" Twilight said as Dash took off. The screen flickers once more. The training grounds loaded up once more and Dash standing outside of Spitfire's office. She knocks on the door a couple of times. "Enter." Spitfire said and Dash does. Spitfire turns around from the window. "What's the situation in Ponyville?" She asks. Dash pulls out Gilda's feather and places it on the desk. "The town is safe for the time being." Dash says grimly. "Excellent. I'm glad to hear that you were able to do it." Spitfire says, acknowledging the gift and putting it into a small chest with Lightning Dust's feather. "You must feel like a monster after taking another's life. I know, I've been there." She adds. "I take it Twilight is cleaning things up in Ponyville." She concludes. Dash nods in affirmation. "She also suggested I take a break." Dash requested. Spitfire nods. "Do it." Spitfire ordered. "I'd stay away from Cloudsdale and Canterlot for a while. Things are starting to heat up." She warned. The conversation was over. Dash leaves the office and the screen flickers white.