Family mysteries

by Cuteclaws101

On a train in equestria

The next day it was glorious once again in Ponyville. It was very early , so early that Celestia hadent even raised the sun yet.

Scootaloo grumbled and glanced at the treehouse clock, it was ticking a unpleasant and irritating sound to Scootaloo's ears.
As the young filly brought herself up to four hooves she glanced at the clock again, "Be quiet you stupid clock!", Scootaloo hadn't relized how loud she had said that when she herd a bunch of squirrels and birds scutter and squawk away.

"oops"' she muttered.

The young filly picked up her saddle bag and rushed to the middle of the apple farm,this is where they were meeting.

Scootaloo yawned and gazed up in the sky while sitting by a apple tree,the sun still hadent rise yet.

"just as scheduled", Scotaloo smiled smugly.

Soon there was a soft russle of leaves from a bush and Sweetie Belle popped out.

"Hey Scootaloo", she said cheerfully, looking at the bags under Scootaloo's eyes.

"Pretty early, huh, Sweetie Belle said as she sat down next to her friend. The two friends didn't say much as they sat there under the apple tree after all it was early and they didn't feel much like talking.

"where's Apple Bloom", Sweetie Belle asked.

Scootaloo, half asleep mumbled, "I don't know but she better be here soon".

Just then there was a sound of huffing and galloping in front of them.

"s.... Sorry I was... late" puffed Apple Bloom, "I just got a letter from Bab's this morning and I had to write back, then I couldn't find any stamps, and the only stamps in the barn were in Granny smi-", "don't worry about it"said Scootaloo with her hoof on Apple Blooms mouth, "As long as your here".

"But I really think you should know what it said in the letter", Apple Bloom said, shoving Scootaloo's hoof down.

"Alright but let's start walking to the train station while we talk", Scootaloo replied.

"okay", agreed Apple Bloom then started explainning the letter.

Apple Bloom had finnaly finished talking about the letter when they had arrived.

"So, Bab's might be coming with us" squealed Sweetie Belle.

"That's what I think, she said she might be able to meet us at Mane Hatten."

"So that's our first stop!" said the exited Scootaloo.

"All abored!" the conducter pony shouted.

"Come on let's go", Scootaloo urged.

As the three fillies were about to enter the train, the conducter pony's hoof flung Infront of them.

"Don't you think you a bit young to be going on train without a accompany?"

The three fillies glanced at each other and knew exactly what to do.

"where terribly sorry sir", Apple Bloom said in a Mane hattenish accent , "but we are just returning to our own home town, and my poor grandmother, couldn't accompany me to Pony Ville or back."

The conducter looked suspiciously at the little fillies, he didn't look like he wanted a argument so he just sighed and let them in, after all it was very early. No pony would want to argue at this time.

"I can't believe he let us in" Sweetie Belle said.

"me too", said Scootaloo.

"I have been practicing" Apple Bloom grinned

They enterd the almost empty train. There was only two other ponies on bored, a tired brown stallion dozing off on his chair and I lemon coloured mare in a bonnet sitting with bored eyes. She gave the little ponies a unamused look when they passed her.

"it's been so long since I was last on a train" Sweetie Belle commented, quietly.

They all decided on a empty caboose near the back. it was very quiet in the train intill it had started to pull off of the station. The rumbling noise of the train set off to Mane Hatten. The sun was now raised In the sky, more beautiful then ever seen.

They all sat quietly on there seats, and stared out the window. "AppleJack is properly waking up now Apple Bloom sighed.

"don't feel bad", the other two comforted "she might understand when we get back.

"I don't know" said Apple Bloom.

Suddenly there was a loud thump on top of the train right before they enterd a dark cave.

"what was that"? Sceamed Apple Bloom. Before any pony could answer They were on the other side with a hooded figure Infront on them.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" they all screamed.

Scootaloo gasped, "you!" it was the same pony she had seen yesterday.

"What are you doing here, how are you here!" Without answering, the pony purposely dropped a envolope Infront of Scootaloo,then dashed off,her face covered by her hooded cloak.

The three ponies gaped at the envelope, then looking side to side to meet each others bewildered eyes. "what just happened" Apple Bloom asked.

Scootaloo ignored the comment and picked up the envelope, it was new and had a red seal on the back. "classic" Scootaloo chuckled. When she opened the envelope there was a long letter inside.She unfolded it and read it aloud.

"Dear Scootaloo, I'm very sorry about not being able to introduce my self, my name is WingWeight and I am one of your parents most trustworthy friends. Please forgive me about everything,but I ask you to not put yourself in to any danger. There is a reason your family couldn't keep you and it was tragic to have to let you go. I cannot tell you anything about your family, it is top secret not for your eyes. You probably want to know more about everything but once again I'm sorry I cannot. I have tried to arrange for your parents to meet you but it was always a bad time. But please for the sake of your mother and father do not go looking for them. As much as they would like to meet you and you would like to meet them, it is not allowed.
Good luck and hope to see you again, WingWeight."

That's what it says" Scootaloo said slightly sad." So I can't know anything about them!" "but it's not fair!" She said while throwing the letter and envelope down. Then a another small letter slithered out.

"huh" they all said.

Scootaloo picked it up and read:

"WingWeight again, no one knows I'm writing this but, I believe in you, your parents are dying to meet you! I will be traveling near to you and can always help you and your friends when your in trouble. I really shouldn't be telling you any of this but go to Canterlot imdently, I will help you when you get there, and if you like I can help you get there with transportation."

Scootaloo dropped the letter, then smiled a huge grin.

"this is it, we just have to go to Canterlot then find my parents!" "it basically says it all in the letter!"

"but we don't know this pony at all, what if she's not what we're expecting." Apple Bloom replied.

"ya Rarity has told me about ponies who lie then end up being super creepy."

"I don't care,this is are only chance to actually do something." she screamed, then hugged the letter from the ground.

Apple Bloom though for a moment."Why not,we properly not gonna be able to do anything better, I'm in"

"then I am too" Sweetie Belle , yelled.

Just then the train learched to a stop, making the group of three startled and crashed into each other. They all broke into a fit of laughter. "Welcome to Mane Hatten, every pony the conducter said from the speaker.

The exited fillies bounced out of the train to see Mane Hatten the most wonderful thing they ever saw.
"whoa"they all breathed, airily.

"So this is what it's like to be in Mane Hatten," Apple Bloom breathed. "what are we waiting for!" the three fillies rushed into the streets of the big city and gasped some more. Tomorrow would be another bug adventure.