Bloom's New Life

by Rakoon1

The Sacrifice

A great evil was dominating the entire magical universe. Not even the Winx fairies could face the enemy so powerful like that. Would not be long until it had everything under its dominion. There seemed no hope for the defeat.

Then, Miss Faragonda, the headmistress of the school for fairies of Alfea, was illuminated with an idea that could be the solution to all their problems. She summoned the six fairies and told them that all power of good and bad were controlled and managed by two entities, two siblings, considered omnipotents, the Lord of Chaos, who controlled the negative energy and the creator of the great evil they faced, and the Lord of Order, who controlled all positive energy. She said that the latter might be the only one able to defeat the enemy. However, she advised them that this solution could turn against them.

The Winx then used their power of Sirenix to teleport themselves to the kingdom of the Lord of Order, Harmonia. When they arrived, they were speechless before the beauty of the place. It was so beautiful that it was impossible to describe in words. And amidst all that beauty, a colossal castle erupt. Its beauty was still higher than the surroundings. They moved forward and entered the castle inside, wanting to get to the throne room, where they were sure the Lord of Order was.

But they found that everything was being too easy. Fantastic monsters appeared and prepared to attack them. They should be the protectors of the castle which were really powerful. The fairies could not even move forward. However, the six fairies were able to breach that indestructible barrier where only one of them could advance. It happened that this fairy turned out to be Bloom.

Although not wanting to leave her friends to face these monsters for themselves, she had no choice but to move forward. She flew through the vast corridors of the castle, hoping not to have to face more monsters. Then she came to the door that would give to the throne room. It was an immense silver door with ornaments representing creatures of light as fairies or pixies. Bloom took a deep breath and put a hand on it. Then it simply opened silently, revealing the throne room.

It was the biggest and the most impressive throne room she ever seen. It was made ​​entirely of white gold decorated with all kinds of jewels, shining in a way that no darkness lived there. A row of large gilt framed mirror rested on each side of the room. In the background were stairs leading to a landing where there stood the throne, made of pure crystal. Behind of it, there was a simple gate, simple but beautiful and sturdy, made ​​of gold whose height ranged up to the infinity ceiling.

Sitting there, was a figure topped by a golden armor type jacket from shoulder to knees and bare arms. It carried in his right hand a double-blade spear, supporting one end on the white gold ground. Its face, however, was covered by the junction of the collar with a conical hat, revealing only a pair of red eyes. That strange figure should be the Lord of Order.

"Well, well, well" he said, as Bloom approached "if is not the Princess of Domino and the Guardian of Dragon Flame. It's a honor to finally meet you personally."

"You are the Lord of Order, aren't you?" Bloom said.

"Of course, I am" he answer. "What brought you and your friends to my kingdom and my castle?"

"You must know" Bloom said. "The magical dimension is in danger. A terrible threat is on the loose."

"I know" the Lord said. "I know everything about my brother's criations. It's my dutie creat all kind of "antivirals" to battle my brother's diceases. I must confess my brother has a great talent in creating monsters, but he has very difficult to control them. An example of this are the Ancestral Witches."

"So you will help us?" Bloom asked hopeful.

There was a pause for some seconds and the Lord of Order answer:

"No, I won't."


"My dutie isn't only counter the caos, but also preserve the balance" the Lord answer. "Light and Darkness, Order and Chaos, Life and Death, all this must exist equally. If I destroy that thing with my power, I'll cause great damage to the balance that neither I or my brother will be able to repair."

"But if you don't do anything, everything will be destroyed" Bloom argued.

She hoped that argument could cause the Lord of Order reconsider, but instead he just laughed.

"What's so funny?" Bloom asked sharply, who wasn't understand anything. "This is not funny".

"I'm sorry, but I could not stop myself from laugh about your ignorance about my working method" the Lord explain. "I usually arrange somehow to face the monsters of chaos, but in this situation, I wait that the order and chaos nullify each other."



Bloom felt her frustration burning inside her, unwilling to believe that everything was in vain. The most powerful creature of all refused to help by simply wanting to follow his stupid rules. Her anger was so great that she could not endure.

"How do you can be standing there when so many people is suffering?!" Bloom asked in high voice. "Do you care about what could happen to good people who do not have any guilt of what is happening?"

The Lord of Order remained silent, watching bloom quietly. When he didn't respond, she said:

"And still you dare to proclaim yourself Lord of Order. You are cruel and have no minimum consideration for others. You only care about your damn rules and standards. But you know what? Forget it. I and my friends will handle this. Even if we have to sacrifice our lives to do it, we will destroy that thing."

She turned back and started driving toward the exit of the throne room, when she heard the Lord of the Order say in a deep voice:

"Silly girl."

"What did you say?" Bloom asked, turning her head to him.

"You talk about sacrifice, but you don't know the true sense of sacrifice" the Lord answer. "For you, sacrifice is trade of life for the others. However, that is only a proof of love and frienship."

"For me, that is sacrifice" said Bloom.

"Maybe in your world's standards, but, in my view, sacrifice is giving up something we like and live with that" the Lord of Order explained. "If your life is taken, you can't feel that lost. And I can prove that."

He then rose from his throne and proclaimed:

"I will open my gate and launch my immense power over the great evil that threatens your world."

"But you said..." Bloom started.

"Zip! I still didn't finish!" interrupted the Lord. "I didn't said that I would make it by generosity. For me to do that without ruining the balance, I'll need the sacrifice of a member of the side of order, like you.

Realizing that he wanted her to sacrifice herself to save the magical dimension, she said, nodding:

"I'll do that!"

"Wait, my dear and impulsive princess" the Lord said. "I still didn't say in what consists the sacrifice."

"I don't care" Bloom said. "If I can save all those who I love in the process, I do not care to sacrifice myself."

"Even if you were expelled to another reality and never see anymore the ones you love?" the Lord said.

That question caught Bloom by surprise.

"What?" She asked.

"This is a real sacrifice for you: never see your friends, your family... your boyfriend" the Lord said. "You will live in another reality, but with the idea that you can't return and that you won't see anymore the ones you know and love".

"That's a crazy!" Bloom exclaim.

"So, can I assume that you accept?" the Lord asked.

Bloom thought about it. If she accepted, she could never go back to see their friends, their family, Domino and Earth... and Sky, her love. However, if she didn't it, she would lose the only chance to save the whole magic dimension. She knew what was the right decision to take.

"I'll take it" she said.

"Very well" the Lord answer.

He then raised his spear and it began to glow. The gate began to glow and then began to open up, doing a slight squeak. As it opened, Bloom could see a bright light behind the gate. Then the Lord of Order pointed his spear to Bloom and it launched an yellow energy beam that hit the young fairy and erected her in the air as she began to emanate an aura of light.

In that moment, her friends came and were shocked by what was happening.

"Bloom!" They called.

"Hold on, Bloom!" Aisha said.

"We'll help you!" Stella said.

The five took flight to Bloom, but she said:

"No, girls, don't come."

"What are you saying, Bloom?" Musa asked.

"We have to save you from him" Tecna said, pointing to the Lord of Order.

"He's not atacking me" Bloom said. "I'm sacrificing myself."

"What are you saying, Bloom?" Flora asked.

"The Lord of Order said that he can only save the magical dimension with the sacrifice of someone of the side of Order. Someone like me."

"No, Bloom, there must be another way!" Stella said.

"There's no time, Stella" Bloom answer. "Our dimension is already being destroyed. This is the only way. Besides, I will not disappear. I'll go just to another reality. I will always be thinking about you, girls. You will always be in my heart. Just say to my family that I'm sorry and that I love them deeply. And to Sky... tell him he is and always will be the greatest love of my life.

Those words made her friends begin to cry.

"Don't cry, girls" Bloom asked. "This isn't the last image I want to see of you."

Her friends did their best to stop crying and smile, but they managed to do so.

"We love you, Bloom" Aisha said.

"I love you to, girls" Bloom answer.

"We will miss you" Flora declared.

"So am I"

"Enough of this depressing scene" the Lord of Order said.

He then pointed his spear at one of the gilt framed mirrors and cast another bolt that hit the glass and made ​​it rippling like water.

"By the power of harmony, let the portal of this mirror to open to accommodate its new resident. By the sincere honesty, by the beautiful kindness, by the wonderful laughter, by the gracious generosity and by the strong loyalty that I protect, open, portal. And now, finally, I invoke the most powerful force of all, the power of the magic of friendship!

He ceased his magic and the mirror shone brightly.

"It's time" he said. "Get ready, princess".

Bloom turned to her friends and told them, with her heart heavy:

"Goodbye, my friends.

They cried and sniffed, but they waved her.

The Lord of Order made ​​a gesture and Bloom went toward the mirror and passed it. When she made ​​it, the darkness enveloped her.