Schoolhouse Shenanigans!

by Dragonborne Fox

Chapter IV- Wait, What?!

It was early morning now--around five, to be precise. The children were safely tucked into bed four hours earlier, yet Natalie remained restless. There were heavy bags under her eyes and she was very tired indeed, but no matter how much she tried, no sleep came to her. Confound it all, then--sleep be darned. She tossed and turned so much she was wondering why a frying pan had yet to meet with her skull and knock her into la-la land.

Gah! Why can't I sleep?! I hope I don't collapse tomorrow in front of Alexis! Ooh, she'd be so worried then!

The mage shot up, her hair frazzled so much a few strands stuck out from the top of her head. Her eyes were scrunched shut, yet they continued to deny her sleep.

For crying out loud!

She bashed her head against a pillow repeatedly as if she expected it to answer her.

Silence greeted her. So too did the softness of the pillow.

I suppose I could take medicine.... No, that won't do.

At last, she drifted off...

She now stood in a very dark place. In front of her was Princess... wait, who was this pony again? Luna?

Yeah, her name was Luna.

"You seem to be restless." The princess remarked.

Natalie sighed in defeat.

"Anyhow, I would have a task for you if you weren't as exhausted as you are." Luna chimed.

"That being?" Natalie asked, confused.

"I do believe you remember the Mane Six so vividly, correct?"

Natalie nodded. She giggled when she remembered the mock wedding Anna bragged about.

"Each one of them had a foal or two--about the same time you gave birth to your second." Luna said. "Not only that, but Twilight is now a princess herself."

"Really?! Is that why we haven't seen her in the last ten months?!" Natalie gasped, her whole body white with pure shock. As a matter of fact, her jaw hung open.

Luna only nodded with a grin.

"So, um...." Natalie stuttered, clearly struggling to regain color, "They have, what was the word ponies use again?"

"Foal-sit?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, that's the word."

"Of course, there are things that need be taken into account, and I think nobody in the whole household knows what newborn foals can do." Luna sighed. "You see, they can already walk perfectly after only a few minutes or hours after birth. It really depends on the circumstances thereof. Furthermore, unless defective, Pegasus foals can fly and unicorn foals can use magic. So, do the norm of changing diapers and feeding them and simply be prepared for the worst. They will visit the mansion at noon and their parents have to leave for a week. Gem-hunting to aid the dragons. Is that understood?"

Natalie groggily nodded.

"Good. And before you ask, I already talked to the teacher...."

"Mr. Rhodes?" Natalie asked.

"Yes, him. I also talked to the principle and they realized a week-long break is needed given the scenario I hear Wing landed in. A broke tooth, was it?"

Natalie nodded again.

"I see. Well, the...accused will have to go through character class during that whole week. It will only be them at the school until the week is up, so no need to worry. All you need now is a nice, relaxing sleep." Luna chuckled before she disappeared with a flash of the horn.


"SHE IS A WHAT NOW?!" Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Yeah. Luna paid me a visit and she said so." Natalie deadpanned.

There were murmurs of confusion echoing throughout the mansion now.

"No way!"


"You gotta be kidding me..."

"I hate forgetting where Canterlot is..."

"HEY!" Natalie bellowed, which hushed the murmurs altogether. "There's more, everyone!"

"Care to share?" Matt asked with a yawn.

"Next week there is no school for the children. The bullies are in a reform class during that time, and... also, the Mane Six had foals of their own and are entrusting their care to us for the same length of time. They have to go gem-hunting or something like that." Natalie explained.

"WHAT?!!" Anna shouted, her soul fleeing her body. "WH-WHEN?!"

"Today at noon is when we're entrusted with the foals. Also, Pegasus and unicorn foals can fly and-or use magic." Natalie answered.

Everyone's jaws dropped once more--and this time they all lost color.

"Just calm down, all we have to do is do the norm of foal-sitting like we did with our own kids...and also to be prepared for the worst. Okay?" Natalie sighed.

Everyone was relieved to hear that. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Somepony began knocking on the door.

"I'll get it." Sighed the mage again as she walked to the door as if she were drunk. She opened it and sure enough, the Mane Six were there and Twilight had wings and the Element of Magic perched on her head behind her horn. They all carried saddlebags on their midsections that had one foal or two.

"It's been too long, sugarcube." Applejack grinned as in her saddlebag a little colt tried reaching her mane in an attempt to chew on it. He had her coat color and a white mane with the most adorable hue of green eyes and for some reason was a Pegasus.

"Darling," Rarity started, "We heard all about last night." Her little filly had her mane (it was nowhere near as curly as Mommy's) and the coat of blazing vermillion. Her eyes were earth brown and a little hornbud was settled on her head.

"I really hope Wing gets better. Those meanies had no right to do that!" Pinkie stomped a hoof. Her colt had her poofy mane but a golden pelt and eyes of sterling silver. Little fangs and a horn were present which meant Pinkie most likely paired with a vampire of some sort (either that or a Changeling). He was nonetheless painstakingly cute.

"It's already taken care of, Pinkie. No need to get riled up. I know--what they did was inexcusable, and they're probably still mad about it. But there's no reason to do anything rash--especially since we settled down ourselves." Rainbow pointed out as she glared daggers at the pink pony. Her twin fillies--one a Pegasus and the other an earth pony--both had her cyan coat and a deep shade of magenta irises. The Pegasus had a mane of teal and the earth filly had a mane of stark stardust yellow and both had many highlights and shades of the other's color throughout.

"Dash is right, Pinkie. There isn't much we can do." Fluttershy sighed, pulling one of her wings from her.... baby Changeling?

"Alright everypony, calm down." Twilight called in defeat. "We are not here to argue, after all." It looked like she had a dragon-alicorn hybrid. It was purple like her but its mane was green. Little dragon wings were on its midsection where Pegasus wings would be located. It had four horns (not counting the central unicorn horn) on its head and many spine-spikes lining its back. Hey, who said a pony and dragon couldn't have kids together?

The ponies went inside and unloaded their offspring into a playpen before trotting back out in order to start the week-long errand of gem-hunting. They also gave the mage a list of their names, what they ate, and the like. The names of the foals were as follows according to the list that was written in native Equestrian:

Apple Leaf--really into pie
Emblazoned Ruby-- adores high-quality milk
Golden Streamers-- has a sweet fang, PLEASE REGULATE
Dusk Rose and Moon Flight-- milk from the sky and nothing else
Umbralina--she's a changeling, you know what goes here, though milk will also go here
Claw Shine-- gemstones ground into a powder mixed with milk. Gems must be precious (i.e. diamond). For every pint of milk a teaspoon of gems is to be added

"I hope nobody has to go grocery shopping." Lance sighed, sweat on his forehead.

"It looks like we're good on food for the little tykes. The problem comes from the chaos they can cause." Matt replied, his eyes sideways white ovals.

All at once the foals began crying.

"Feeding time, anybody...?" Anna stuttered, a contorted wobbly grin of pure worry on her face.