Till Chaos Do Us Part

by Maple Drop

Chapter 3

"Equestrians! It is time for the chaos to take over your peaceful lives." Discord spat the last part out at the gawking city below him. Just as him and Luna had planned, he would 'attack' Equestria today, only to have Luna 'defeat' him. It was all an act to make it look like there was nothing going on in between them. Now though, they had to worry about Celestia and if she would buy the act. He leaned back on his throne of what he called humans, and snapped a taloned hand. Thousands of mini discords appeared floating around him. With a yawn, Discord waved his clawed hand at the city, sending them into chaos attack mode 5. Resting his chin on his paw, Discord watched the chaos unravel it's self below him.

Pony's were running around in what they thought was for their lives. Unicorn guards tried to shoot spelling at the mini Discords, but it was to no luck. A few winged guards tried to take flight to attack the master behind all the chaos, yet they couldn't reach him due to some metaling Discords that created harnesses and started steering them around as if they were cars.

"What a pity, and here I thought I would have a bit more of a challenge-" Discords words were cut off by the sound of two Immortal royals teleporting on a roof not too far below him. In between them stood the now empty market square. Abandoned stalls were being attacked by mini Discords, some playing catch or juggling with apples and pears while other turned the baked goods into barking pastries.

"Discord! We Demand you stop this chaos at once!" A Very loud and might I add angry Celestia yelled across the empty marketplace to Discord, her voice echoing off the empty buildings. "If you surrender now, we will be more forgiving

Luna stood behind her elder sister, trying to look just as magnificent as the alicorns before her. Looking past Celestia's large flank, Luna eyed up Discord. He looked as if he truly ruled over Equestria on his throne of some sort of body's. Ponies? No, they were too long and oddly shaped and where there hoofs were, it looked like new legs had formed and grown down at different lengths.

"Dear sisters, I'm writing now to you now on the topic of overtaking Equestrian." Discord said as he wrote on a scroll that had appeared in his hand, a quill in his other accompanied by a floating ink well. He was now also in a new attire of puffy purple and shorts and a matching tail coat trimmed wit green, as well as a green hat that had a long purple flower flowing from a point in the top out in a large swirl.

"It is of my deepest apology's to tell you that while you have watched me write this lovely letter, I have escaped your sight and this me is really just more mini me-me's!" And with that, the discord figure before the royal sister turned into more mini Discords who started to fall on the building below them. Two mini's had teamed up so that they could hop around in the puffy shorts. Another ran off with the hat on his rump while three tried to get the jacket off another discord.

Greed! Luna thought. Discord is trying to throw us off his trail by leaving the scent of greed every where, hoping it will effect us! Luna watched as her elder sisters horn light up in all it's golden glory and started to shoot mini Discords in frustration. Luna expected them to just disappear in a poof of smoke, but instead entangled messes of intestines and other bodily functions that Luna wished she had never seen outside of a diagram in a book.

"DISCORD! What sick trick have you played on us now?!" Celestia yelled, the roof below her feet starting to steam with heat. "I demand to know what you have done!" All that could be heard after Celestia's yells was a very manly laugh that echoed thought out the city.

"Fine, we'll play it the hard way." Celestia muttered as she lit her horn up and cast a spell. soon a golden force field surrounded the large city. "I felt his presence in the city as my force field was cast. He is to the northwest, I will take the West while you take the North, just like your stars." Celestia muttered before teleporting herself to an unknown location most likely in the West portion of the city.

Sighing, the night princess did likewise as her sister, teleporting to a place under one of the north towers. "You'd better have a good reason for what you have done Discorian, or I swear to Tis' holy flank I will hurt you in the most unpleasurable way possible!" Luna muttered loudly to the white stone tower base before her.

"My my dearest, even you should have known that it was all just an illusion. I could never bring myself to harm a living thing! Unlike somepony's I might- might-not know." Discord said from behind Luna, leaning against a wall with his paw and clawed arms crossed. "That is not the problem at hand though, Celestia will soon find out about my little diversion and come over here soon."

On the West side of the city stood a very angry Celestia. Before her was a portrait of her all her toy's surrounding her. The art work was accompanied by a sculpture of her laying across a long couch and one final and rather large statue of Celestia leaning forwards with a look of naughtiness on her face, her flank raised to the sky accompanied by a pair of high and tight socks. Celstia's chest heaved up and down with heavy, angry breaths.


Both Luna and Discord looked over to the western side of the city. "She found them." Discord noted with a smirk. "Guess it's time to start plan two, Ponynap a Princess!" And with that, Discord scooped Luna up into his mismatched arms and held her close to her firm and furry chest. "Please hold on tight love, it'll all be over soon." And with that, Discord blinked his eyes. Just as the couple were teleporting out of the area, a very angry Celestia with her mane and tail on fire appeared. She appeared to shout something, but Discord had already teleported them out of the city.