//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Rainbow Dash: Ponyville Assassin // by sbloom85 //------------------------------// The screen shuts down and slides open. Silver Soldier hops off the table, looks around and notices that he's the only one in the room. Where are they? He thought. The outer door slides open and in comes Freedom's Spirit covered in blood. "Come on, Silver. We gotta get out of here." She says quietly, using her magic to remove the barrier holding Silver's wings closed. The Pegasus flares them open and flaps them a few times before hovering. The door slides open, Freedom's Spirit is resting on Silver Soldier's back as he hurriedly leaves the room, beginning their escape. "Freedom... whose blood is that?" He asks, evading Griffons and Pegasi. "Unfortunately not Xander's." She responded. "Make a left at this next corridor." She advises. Silver complies, making the turn, but the path is blocked by a Minotaur. Silver punches up his speed, knocking down the Minotaur. "Keep going," She instructed, "there's a duct that will take us to an air shaft and we can get out that way." Silver plows his way through the air duct and into the shaft FS mentioned. The path upward was clear, the only thing in the way was the massive fan above and some guards behind. Silver starts his ascent through the shaft, the wind from the fan was strong to keep the ascent at a slow pace. Second Sight is unintentionally activated and for a brief moment, it allowed Silver to see structural weaknesses in the shaft, with the major one connecting to the fan. He kicks the rotor holding the fan until he hears some cracking sounds, then continues upward. The rotor fails completely, the fan begins coming down, but Silver was quick enough to evade the fan. Fortunately, or unfortunately, those who were chasing him were not. Now without the constraint of the fan, Silver and FS leave the facility and head skyward. "Okay, now what?" Silver asks as calmly as he could, but the adrenaline rush made that almost impossible. "Now we gotta hide." Silver nodded and knew exactly where to go: into the clouds. Hours pass. Griffons and Pegasi were searching the clouds in the immediate area. As soon as he saw a clearing, Silver moved to another cloud, waited and repeated the process until they gave up. Dawn approached quickly and they had to continue. "Okay..." FS said with a sigh of relief, "now we head to the Everfree Forest." She ordered, getting a questioning look from Silver. "You sure? That's not exactly the safest place in Equestria." He commented. FS nods. "I know, but the creatures there are indiscriminate about what they kill." Silver took note and took off to the forest. "Besides, we have friends there." She added. Silver Soldier starts flying to the Everfree Forest. What did his captors want with the Alicorn artifacts? Should he trust this Unicorn?