//------------------------------// // Chase Part 2 // Story: Pinkie bakes some brownies // by F1utt3rshy //------------------------------// Meanwhile, back in Rainbows perspective... ... Rainbow was hot on the tail of on spike the dragon, assistant of Princess Twilight Sparkle, and all around mellow guy, extremely so today. As Rainbow and Pinkie had pulled a massive prank on him, which involved some lies, flying, destruction, and brownies. What proceeded was some of the funniest things Rainbow and Pinkie had seen in weeks, along with some creepy moments and the demise of a high quality mahogany chair. This cycle went on for quite some time , nut slowly and surely, things slowed down to a halt.But all good things must end eventually, as soon afterwards, spike escaped his confinement in Sugar Cube Corner, and ran from the scene, breaking a window with his body in the process. He then went into a gallop towards the bust city streets and market. Pinkie and Rainbow gave chase and were soon in hot pursuit of their Draconian companion turned adversary .During the early moments of the chase, Pinkie had got distracted by a gaggle of fillies called the cutie mark crusaders, and was unable to continue the pursuit. So Rainbow single handily had to continue the chase through the busy city streets. The chase was bringing them straight towards to the Apple families stall, Where Big Macintosh was unloading apples and apple related consumables onto the stall. He had just picked up a case of fizzie apple cider when Spike walked up to him. He and Spike locked eyes. They just stood there, staring at each other for a few minutes, eyes not moving away from the others. It was enough time for rainbow to sneak up to Spike, but right as she was about to grab him, he jumped towards Big Mac and the cider, hunger and determination in his eyes an his mouth slightly foaming. Big Mac decided he wasn't going to deal with this today and dropped the case of cider on the ground and left, muttering several "nopes" along the way. Spike then ran up to the dropped case of cider and began drinking them like a dog who had not had water for several days. Rainbow saw this as a good time as any to catch Spike and burst into the air, hoping to catch him by surprise and take to the sky, ending his rampage for good. When she deemed that she was high enough, she dashed downward towards Spike, who was finishing off the last of the Cider and getting up. She reached out her hoofs to grab him, but the time of opportunity had pasted. By some stroke of luck, Spike had choose that exact moment to trip and fall over, Causing Rainbow to miss her mark and collide with the neighboring condiment stall. covering herself in mayonnaise. Spike proceeded to get up and run towards Carousal Boutique, giggling like a child. Rainbow barely saw this and quickly got herself out of the rubble that had once been a stall and was about to continue the chase when she was stopped by a very disgruntled stall owner. After a few choice words were given and some apologys were had, she wiped some of the mayonnaise of her face and continued the chase once again, going faster than normal to make up for lost time. Rainbow speed towards Spikie, hoping to spare themselves some humiliation, but was to late. Rarity just so happened to be outside the boutique and saw Spike and Thought 'Muh ha ha, hey look it's loverboy. I might as well have him clean my boutique for me while he's around.' Spike, completely oblivious to everything but Rarity, walked right up to her and stared, giggling softly. Theirs eyes met and Rarity immediately knew what was wrong with Spike. 'Great' she thought ' he managed to get himself stoned. Ha, funny seeing as he likes gems, but still, what good can he do for me in his current state. I could possibly use him as a Ponyquin, seeing as he's just perfectly fine standing there anyway. ... Yeah that should do.' "Why hello Spiky Wikey, how are you doing today darling" Rarity asked, knowing full well that a coherent answer probably wasn't coming. The answer she did get, however, was in the form of Rainbow Dash, who was still partially covered in mayonnaise, as some had falling of during the trip to the boutique. "Oh, why hello Rainbow, what brings you here. I was just asking Spikey Wikey a question" Rarity said, turning towards Rainbow with a shit-eating grin, know the question was a hard one to answer given the circumstances. "I ... um ... Spike challenged me to a race and you know i can't resist a challenge, even though the race was going to be pretty one sided" Rainbow said, her voice hoarse from the chase that had just suddenly stopped again. "But, during the race, if you can even call it that, Spike started acting weird and i thought he might be sick, so i confronted him about it, but he outright rejected the idea and ran over here." Rainbow said, looking around slightly. "I see" Rarity said matter of factly, in a tone that was the very image of sarcasm. "And you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him, now would you Rainbow?" Rarity questioned. " No, i don't have any idea what is wrong with him, have you seen anything like this before?" Rainbow asked,hoping that Rarity didn't know what was wrong with him and know of her involvement in the incident. "Why yes I have Rainbow and yes I do know what is wrong with Spikey Wikey and if you hurt on little scale on his cute little head I ... will ... end ... you!" Rarity threatened, not because she cared about his wellbeing, but because she didn't want To lose her one and only willing slave. "Ok, gess Rarity, I'll make sure he home safe and sound at Twilight's right away" Rainbow said, genuinely scared of what Rarity would do to her in the event of Spike getting hurt because of her neglect. "No, wait" Rarity said hastily, and was about to continue, but Spike , who had been stuck in his trance until this point, decide to go up behind Rarity, unbeknownst to , and bite down on Rarity's flank. Rarity then proceeded to let out a very unladylike scream, not only of surprise and terror, but also for some reason pleasure. Spike, in his trance, saw this as a sign to bite down harder, accidently drawing blood. Rarity's unintentional pleasure was quickly overcome by pain, as her fluffy, marshmallow-like flank was pierced by Spike fine, Draconian fangs, granted it wasn't very deep of a puncture. It was however, directly above her cutie mark and the sudden pain caused rarity to start thrashing like an enraged bull, but it was to no avail, as Rarity had tripped and fell on her face, Spike still attached. Rainbow, seeing this, decides to try and forcibly remove Spike from Rarity by way of pulling, but it wasn't working, because Spike had somehow managed to clamp himself onto Rarity much like a leach, both in the sense of incredible suction and sucking blood, but Rainbow wasn't going to give up so easily. Rainbow grunted and dug her back hoofs into the hardened soil and pulled with all her might, using her wings for added power by way of flapping, and finally managed to free Rarity of Spike maw, along with one of the diamonds that made up her cutie mark. At first Rarity was relieved to have Spike off of her, but then she noticed her ruined cutie mark and fainted. Luckily, Rarity's thrashings had brought the group to the rear of the Boutique, so nopony saw the event that had just unfolded, besides the three of them who had witnessed the situation first hand. Rainbow, after putting Rarity in her bed inside the boutique, went to the rear of the boutique, and wanting to leave the scene as soon as possible, grabbed Spike from where he was standing and immediately flew upwards, preventing Spike to escape her grasp for good. Once she was out of site from the citizens of Ponyville, she landed on the top of a wondering cloud and thought out her plan of what she would do. She was sitting there forquite some time, constantly keeping her eyes on Spike and thinking about the situation at hand, until she suddenly had an epiphany and quickly picked up Spike and flew towards Ponyville.