//------------------------------// // 23. Pressure by Knight of Cerebus // Story: The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// by Knight of Cerebus *** "Tia...Tia, what's wrong?" Princess Celestia thrived under pressure. She lived for the challenge of the political game, considered a good crisis a chance to keep her head sharp and worked weekends religiously. Of course, she could always outlive the bulk of her problems. This problem was far from one she had any desire to outlive. Celestia looked over at Twilight, her regalia shimmering in the sunlight. With a sigh, she lifted the crown off her head and stepped out of her shoes. The need to speak out had been building for weeks now. Luna's jabs did not help. Celestia felt as if she were in a boiler every time she met with Twilight. Lovers and their reactions flashed through her mind. Acceptance. Annoyance. The flash of a murderous grin, happy at last to see a window of opportunity. Mockery. Scandal. "I am...uncertain." "You mean you're just feeling down? Well, uh, we can always--" "No, what I mean is..." Celestia shifted her hooves. "I am uncertain I want to share it." Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but found herself at a loss for words. If ever Celestia was down, there was never a time she would not say precisely what the problem was. "I am...afraid...Twilight, I-I don't know. It's so rare that I truly...truly trust somepony. I think I may be..." Celestia was no longer looking at her. Bullets of sweat began to lightly condense around her regal neck. The last piece of regalia had yet to come off. "I am supposed to be a paragon, you see. I hide things from you because...b-because I am frightened, that I will break what we have, that I am putting greedy, selfish pressures on you. I scheme on how to make you happiest. I lie for your sake, not thinking about your desires but rather about mine in the process. It is in my nature. But I d-do not want to lie anymore, not to you." Twilight's mind worked swiftly to see between the lines. Dating Celestia had taught her to search for subtext in what a pony said. "You...'re worried I'll judge you for something?" "I'm worried that if I expose you to more of myself, my true self, the self I hide from others because it drives them away, it will change our dynamic. I am worried that you will feel betrayed, and that you won't approve of..." A purple hoof met her lips, and a purple smile met her words. "Tia, I wouldn't give up what we have for the world. I fought through Discord and that whole awful Wedding Day for you, remember? And things have always changed between us. I moved to Ponyville, I figured out I had a crush on you. I like the changes. And I, well, you know, I want to know the real you more. I-I like the real you. Err, love her. You. I love you, silly." Twilight tapped her hoof against Celestia's nose, then moved to reduce the gap between their muzzles. Celestia blushed, removing the last sign of her office. Abruptly, she began to shrink, her horn radiating white magic as she did so. Her mane went from the prismatic swirl it was normally to it a curly, bouncy set of locks. Wings shrank into nothingness, being replaced by tense shoulders tightened from ages of pouring over millions of different files, petitions and folders. Twilight blinked, and tried in vain to keep her mouth from opening. A flustered white pony about her size and age sat where her ancient, immortal and immovable ex-mentor once was. "So this is me." She said, still looking at the floor. The many, many sweets and pastries Celestia consumed took their toll on this form, a faint pudge of fat surrounding her chest and hooves. An overbite and crooked front teeth smiled nervously at Twilight. "I'm not a supermodel or a Wonderbolt or a burning flame of perfection under the mask of godhood, I'm just...me." Twilight smiled. "You look beautiful." "I...what was that, Twilight?" Twilight extended her wings and enveloped her old mentor, feeling very large and protective all of a sudden. The graceless bookworm turned alicorn embraced the alicorn returned to tubby politician. "You look beautiful, my little pony." And all at once the dam broke. The pressure was getting to Twilight this time. The hooves around her were uncomfortably tight, the damp face pressed against her squeezing her fur like an emotional sponge. Celestia was not the only one who thrived under pressure.