//------------------------------// // The Welcome Party // Story: The Four Horsemen of Equestria // by CaleMcManus21 //------------------------------// Chase led us to a farm somewhere outside Ponyville. He cupped his hands around his mouth. "Oh Applejack!" He called. "I've arrived with my friends." "I bet he's courting more mares. Princess Twilight is going to be so jealous!" Jack snickered. Remy smacked him upside his head. "Hey! What the hell?" Jack asked as he rubbed his head. "Dumbass" Remy replied. Exiting a barn was Applejack. She galloped over to Chase and tipped her hat. "Howdy Chase" she said. She turned to the three of us. "You must be Remy" she guessed. "Indeed I am ma'am" he said as he took off his cap and bowed. As he straightened up, Applejack turned to Jack. "You must be Jack. Chase has told me about you." "Well I'm sincerely flattered that Chase has told me about you." "Oh shut up. Courting is not what your good at" Remy said as he smacked him with his cap. "And that means you're Cale." "Yes it is" I said. "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres y'all. Home to the sweetest apples in Ponyville." "So fresh, they don't need to be washed before eating" Chase said as he pulled an apple off a branch. He bit into it. "Say Applejack, is what I asked for ready?" He asked. "Why don't I walk y'all over to Sugar Cube Corner and y'all can see it for yourself?" Applejack offered. "Thank you" Chase said in a loving tone. "Ease up Romeo. You already courted one mare" Remy whispered to him. Chase laughed nervously. When we reached Sugar Cube Corner, Applejack opened the door and led us inside the dark building. The second the door closed, the logs turned on. "Surprise!" Practically the entire civilization of Ponyville were here. During the surprise, Jack had leaped into my arms. I dropped him to the floor and made my way to Chase. "Did you set this up?" I asked. "Sure did" he answered. Suddenly a pink mare popped out in front of me from nowhere. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Did you get surprised? Did you? Did you? Did you? Because I worked so hard setting this up for you and your three friends!" She was so excited that she was talking under one breath. Every time I open my mouth to say something, her rant would just continue. I picked up a cupcake, removed the paper underneath it and stuffed it into her mouth. "Relax" I said with a smile. "I love the surprise you threw and I did get surprised. Matter of fact, I don't even know where to start." The mare swallowed the cupcake. "Let's start with games!" "I have a game" Remy said as he picked up a plastic baseball bat. "It's called Find the Piñata." "Oh no" I said as I grabbed a bat of my own. "I'm getting to that piñata first!" Remy adjusted his cap. "Come on, War. You really think you can beat Death at this game?" "I don't think, I know!" I ran past him, laughing. Remy fumed a little and chased after me, causing the guests to laugh. Jack got to his feet and looked around. "Looking for Fluttershy?" Chase asked as the ponies in the room began mingling with each other. "Yeah." "Having feelings for her already?" "Kind of." "Well she's over there" he said pointing to Fluttershy standing in the corner. Jack took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wish me luck. I'm going to try this again" he said. He told another breath and approached the Pegasus. Chase smiled and shook his head. He eyes caught sight of Twilight who was smiling at him. Chase blushed a little and approached her. The sound of a scuffle between me and Remy now filled the building. He then noticed that when he got closer, her smile slowly disappeared. "Chase, there's something I have to say" Princess Twilight said. "Oh Celestia, what is it? Are ok?" "I'm fine but..." She looked around. She then leaned close and whispered into his ear. "I sense the hostile humans are here." "In this building?" Chase asked. "Well the Everfree Forest." "Why are you so worried? I read the Everfree Forest is a dangerous place." "But Chase. They recently killed a manticore that Fluttershy befriended and they also killed a sea serpent that Rarity helped." "Don't worry Twilight, when those hostile humans show up, we'll stop them." He looked up and saw Jack talking to Fluttershy and I was sitting on Remy while eating a sandwich. The gunslinger was lying face down, cradling the head of the piñata. The sight cause Princess Twilight to laugh. Chase was hesitant to do a first kiss with her but he wasn't so sure. 'What the hell, I'm going for it' he thought to himself and hesitantly leaned forward. He then stopped and began to shake the thought out of his head. "Is something wrong, Chase?" Princess Twilight asked, oblivious to what he was attempting to do. "Oh, nothing is wrong" he lied. "Not quite myself" he said. "Come on, the party just begun. Said party lasted until the sun set and the moon rose. Not only that, by the time the party ended, the clock tolled 12.