Sound Of Thunder: The Calm Before the Storm

by Shimmering Honor


Do you ever think we will make it into the Royal Guard Shimmer?” The filly asked the foal, she looked over at him, they were both lying on their backs, wings spread staring up into the stars.

“We will, I promise you...we will.” Shimmering replied, looking over to the cute pegasus filly lying next to him. She had a dark blue coat, as dark as the deepest of oceans. It shone as the moon’s light reflected off her. He was hooked on that filly, he knew that she would go out with him.

“May I ask you something?” He asked her as the filly looked over, her deep red eyes making him know he had to ask this question. “Do you like anypony?” the filly looked at him confused.

“Well of course I do, otherwise we wouldn’t be friends.” The filly replied without a seconds thought.

“No, like like, you know, beyond friendship.” Shimmering replied, getting more worried.

The filly rolled her head back to look at the stars “No, not really.” came her reply “Do you?” she asked.


“Who?” The filly sat up, looked over at Shimmering and saw his cheeks had gone a bright red.


Chapter 2, Attention

Nocturnal Thunder had just left port, cheers from civilians ringing in the ears of the entire crew. It was a nice feeling, to know that ponies would cheer for such a dangerous ship… yet it felt right.

Sergeant Shimmering Honor was slowly trotting back to his bunk from talking some more with Gleaming Cutlass. It had been an impressive launch; the civilians waving at the old ship as it left the dock, the feel of the ship easily taking to the skies, the sound of her engine using all its strength to move her forward. When he got back to his bunk, an earth pony was standing there, waiting for him.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor, eighteenth Marine team?” The colt asked.

“Yes that's me.” He replied.

“You're wanted by the captain.” As the colt walked out, Shimmering quickly changed into his best uniform, mounted an old sword in his belt, and marched to the captain’s quarters.

When Shimmering reached the captains quarters, he stood to attention.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor reporting Sir!” He said through the door, it opened and he marched in. It was dark inside the cabin, but he could make out some shapes; a table, chairs, globe and other artifacts. A figure walked out of the dark. This pony was taller than any he had ever seen, their mane waved around them, and their eyes glowed in the dark. It was an unicorn, or so Shimmering thought, until two wings spread out from the ponies back. An Alicorn…

“Its ma’am sergeant, I’m a mare.” Said the Alicorn, she stepped out into what little light there was coming from a window, Princess Luna…

“Your Majesty!” Shimmering bowed down, “please forgive me for my mistake!”

“You are forgiven sergeant. Now drop the formalities please.” Luna said, she walked over to a table and sat down. “Please take a seat Shimmering.” Shimmering sat down and waited for whatever topic the princess wished to talk of.

“Well Shimmering, you have an interesting past; Sea An gel descendants, Trottingham heritage and Royal Guard, so why did you transfer to the marines?” she asked.

“Well…uhm, I was in the middle of New Canterlot and they said they were looking for some new marines…so I requested a transfer.”

“Well, you were outstanding during training.” Came a familiar voice, Shimmering looked around to see the marine captain step out into the light. This time, in just an old looking uniform, he was a mahogany brown with a black mane, had a scar down the left cheek, and a small nip out his right ear.

“Thank you sir.” Shimmering replied, snapping back to attention.

“At ease, we are dropping formalities as the Princess said.” The captain said. “Captain Dark Star, I saw you during that first drill run, you were BRILLIANT!” The captain exclaimed, “I have never seen somepony with that much stamina, and then to get other ponies to speed up as well, what a feat.” the captain said as he stuck a hoof out to shake.

“Nice to meet you captain.” Shimmering replied.

“Now then, shall we get back to the important issues?” Luna asked pointing to a set of seats, both marines looked over at her, Shimmering sat back down and Dark Star stayed standing.

“Now then, this ship is on a two week voyage to the dry docks for a major retrofit, I need the marines to look after her, we have minimal working canons and the hull is weak in places. Most combat will be boarding actions if we can help it...” Luna started, placing her fore legs on the desk, but Shimmering raised a hoof. “Yes sergeant?”

“May I ask, why am I here.” Shimmering drew an arc around the room with a hoof. “Shouldn't there be more officers at this briefing?” He asked.

“A very good question sergeant, as the ship has just left port, and a new crew is starting to be assembled as we speak. Your time in the Royal Guard has made you one of the most experienced on board at the moment. That is why, until we get to Pony Island, you will train the marines already stationed on board to get them to a higher level in time for the new commanding officers that are waiting for them at Pony Island.” Luna replied, rolling a quill around on the desk.

“Oh, that makes more sense.” Shimmering said sarcastically, he couldn't believe it, how was he the most experienced on ship, just because he was a Royal Guard. The briefing continued and soon Shimmering Honor was being dismissed. Dark Star stayed behind.

“Do you really think that he could train all the marines in two weeks, half of them went through basic in two weeks, which normally takes a month. You rushed their training!” Dark star angrily stated. He was right, Luna had rushed the new marines, she needed a lot of them for what she had in store, and this was more of a test for them. There were far too many on-board that didn't know respect, or have the right experience. Yet on the other hoof, there was also a lack of experienced marines that weren't already deployed.

“We are privy to the issues, and we bid you not speak out of turn. Thou wilst hold thy tongue till asked in confidence to voice thy concerns!” Luna replied forcefully in the Royal voice, standing up and spreading her wings to add effect.

“Yes ma’am.” Dark Star replied and left Luna’s quarters. We are worried for the Captain, he is our best hope...

He was still confused when he got to the mess hall, why had Luna wanted the marines on board to be trained more? As he opened the door to the mess, the room went white, and something metallic landed on his head.

“Hahahahahaaa,” rang out from around the room, when Shimmering opened his eyes, a white dust was settling around him, flour.

“Who is responsible!” Shimmering Ordered, the room fell into a deadly quiet, Lightning popped his head round the corner of a doorway, trying desperately to hide a smirk on his face. When he saw it was his sergeant that got pranked, his face fell and immediately shot back into the room.

“LIGHTNING!” Shimmering shouted, the colt came back into the room, his face still trying to show a smile.

“Yes sergeant?” He stood to attention in front of Shimmering.

“Do you know who did this?” Shimmering asked

“ sergeant,” he replied, still desperately trying not to laugh. Heavy Weight turned the corner, seeing Shimmering covered in white flour made him remember his first time falling victim to the prankster.

“Wow, somepony got you good sergeant. They must be Extremely proud of themselves,” he said, emphasizing extremely, and it caused the reaction that it always did.

“I know right, it is an amazing prank, I always do the best...oh.” Lighting blurted out without thinking.

“Thank you Lance Lightning, what were you saying, something about doing the best?” Shimmering looked down at the scared colt, a small twinkle in his eye.

“Ahh...well you see sergeant, I am a bit of a prankster, and well...I know the best ways of doing it and the bucket over the door is always the best.” he said looking down at the floor, he didn't notice Shimmering mouthing some orders.

“Well you are lucky it wasn't the captain walking in or another high ranking officer.” Shimmering started, awaiting his orders to be followed through, Lightning was still looking down, just then two unicorn marines walked around the corner, one with a flour bag, another with a bucket of water.

“Now, what is even better is that I wasn't wet or anything, you know what happens to flour when it gets wet?” he asked, Lightning still looked down.

“Yes sergeant, it becomes doughy and is hard to get out of the fur.” He replied, Shimmering nodded to the first unicorn, she moved the flour over Lightnings head.

“Now then, punishment…” Shimmering said, and nodded again, the bag was pulled open by the magical forces holding it in place, yet its contents weren't, a thick cloud of white engulfed the dark green colt, when it settled he started to laugh.

“Is that it, just make me as white as you sarge?” He laughed hard, Shimmering leaned in close, Lightning seeing the twinkle in his eye for the first time, as if he had more in his mind than Lightning thought.

“Oh no Lance corporal, and its sergeant, never call me sarge.” He stood back up and nodded to the other unicorn, Lightning shivered as the cold water was poured over him, then horror struck him as the flour on his coat started to clump together…the fur mixing in and his coat started to get heavy.

“Now, three laps around every inch of this ship, Heavy Weight, you will keep pace.” He ordered sternly, then Shimmering shook himself, trying to shake as much flour off as possible, the stuff went everywhere. “Then before you wash, you can clean this lot up!”

“Yes sergeant, MOVE LIGHTNING.” Heavy shouted at the now dough covered colt, he moved as fast as he could and galloped out of the room. Cheers from the other marines filled the room.

Shimmering laughed and headed to the showers after ordering a couple of pegasi to get a few rain clouds and hover them over the flour. A pair of deep green eyes watched him. maybe I was wrong about him.

Lightning had returned about half an hour ago and was now showering, he had been in there for at least fifteen minutes, Shimmering passed the door and heard him mumbling something which sounded as if it was hate filled.

“Everything alright in there Lightning?” Asked Shimmering through the door.

“Oh, yeah, everything is fine sergeant. Just removing the dried dough!” He shouted back, anger in his voice, Shimmering smiled and carried on walking. Knowing that there were more important things to consider than a practical joke...