//------------------------------// // Sweetie Belle and the Dreadfully Horrid Grounding // Story: Games Ponies Play // by lunabrony //------------------------------// Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sighed at the same time, both looking out of their respective windows. One window had recently painted shutters and torn curtains, overlooking a barn which sat nearby on a hill. The other was elaborately decorated and had designer curtains wafting within. The two windows were miles apart, separating two friends who were both understandably annoyed. "I hate being grounded..." Sweetie Belle muttered, crossing her front hooves and burying her head in her pillow. It was the middle of the school day, and two young fillies had both been grounded, which in this instance meant they weren't allowed to go to school or participate in any Crusading activities for a whole day. It really wasn't fair! The two of them had tried to get their cutie marks in float building for the Fall Festival parade, but in doing so had accidentally used up all of Rarity's decorations and Applejack's paint for THEIR float. Pacing around the room, Sweetie Belle had done just about everything she could think of. She had read a book, wrote several new songs (although these wound up in the trash bin because song writing was a waste of time), even done her homework for next week. It was nearing the end of the school day, and time was absolutely dragging. Sweetie looked out the window, which normally she could have escaped through, except Rarity had installed temporary magical bars after the escape during a previous grounding. Sweetie scooted back and forth on her flank, dragging herself forward with her hooves. There was nothing to- "Psst." Sweetie looked up. "Psst." There it was again! The young unicorn looked over at her door, and was quite surprised to find Scootaloo standing there. Scootaloo, fortunately, had not been grounded. "Let's go!" "But... I'm not supposed to be out!" "Yeah, come on. Rarity is out in town, so we'll only be gone for a little bit." "But I'm not supposed to-" Scootaloo grabbed her by the hoof with a wide grin on her face. "She'll never know! Let's go!" Once the two had left the Boutique, Sweetie Belle calmed down significantly. She began to lighten up, become a bit more adventurous. She was still quite nervous about Rarity finding out she'd snuck out, but nothing of that sort ever happened. The two fillies visited the candy shop, each purchasing a taffy, and the Ponyville Aviary, where the ooohed and aaahed over a rare Phoenix. The two actually had a fairly fun afternoon, and several minutes became several hours. Neither of them should have been out, but they were just having so much fun that the grounding was soon forgotten. Forgotten, at least, until a sharp voice penetrated the pleasant environment. "SCOOTALOO!" Upon turning around, Scootaloo suddenly paled. It was a mare she recognized, a pegasus to be exact, and the last one she wanted to see at that particular moment. "Oh, sh-" "WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN?" The mare demanded. Scootaloo sputtered. "It's not what you think, mom! I-" "Two small fillies wandering around Ponyville by themselves? Do you know how dangerous that is? I come home to find the house completely empty. No note! Scooter gone! You could have died!" "But I had to get Sweetie Belle, mom! You should have seen it! There were bars on her window and everything!" The pegasus was not amused. "Well you'd best hope I don't put bars on your window, Scootaloo. Come on, let's go. Now." Sighing, Scootaloo said farewell to Sweetie Belle, and left with her mother. Now all three of them were in for it. Deciding to make her way back home, Sweetie Belle began quickly walking in that direction, not wanting any more trouble today. She wished she could just teleport, but her horn wasn't developed enough yet. Rarity said it would happen soon enough. Sweetie passed by the marketplace, and turned a corner. She passed by the arcade, which doubled as a video game store, just in time to see a strange brown colt in tears at the counter. She'd never seen such a spectacle, so headed inside to see what was going on. "But... but there's fifty bits there! I counted! It costs fifty bits!" "There is indeed fifty bits here, but this game is imported. That means tax. You'll need fifty five bits. If you don't have it, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep the line moving." The colt began to back up, tears falling down his face. "But...I waited... for so long..." At this moment, Sweetie Belle walked up. She only had five bits left, but if she wanted to make it home before Rarity, she wouldn't have time to purchase anything else. She placed five bits down on the counter, allowing the sad young colt to make his purchase. Their eyes locked for only a moment, and she smiled at him, and immediately left. She was in such a hurry that she didn't see who she'd bumped into outside the gaming store until she looked up. Rarity was furious. "Sweetie Belle! I've been looking absolutely everywhere for you!" Rarity scolded. "I thought something happened to you, I was so frightened! Can't you ever even ONCE think of somepony else besides yourself?" "But-" the unicorn protested. Her words were cut off, however, as Rarity's horn glowed and the two were magically whisked away back home. Seconds later, the colt from the gaming store rushed outside, looking around, seeming confused, Back in her room, Sweetie Belle sighed once more. Rarity hadn't believed her story, but had been more worried than angry. She didn't know who that colt was, but even if she had to search all of Equestria, she'd find him again.