//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Helping??? // Story: The Guardian: Adventures in Equestria // by theone2three //------------------------------// The sky was of a yellow tint as the high cirrus clouds passed by, as each cloud moved quickly like if time was accelerating. There was a slight breeze which kicked up the dirt just enough to create clouds of dust. This breeze also created the only sound which was the soft whistles that sung with mixed melodies. The terrain was barren and mountainous, and all you saw for miles was red dirt with darker rocks being eroded right before your eyes. There was only one path which was made of granite and was jagged in some points and in others flowed with the terrain like a snake gliding across the hot sands of a desert. I walked to the entrance and saw a gate the size of a 20 story building. It was white and had five dots on it and was locked with a enormous key lock. I looked at it and just sat down in front of it and started ponder. It seemed like hours had passed by before I got up and pushed it open as the lock faded away from sight and I walked into the next level. Walking in I saw pitch darkness as walked to the edge of a platform which was barely visible and looked down. “Hmm... I don't see the light” I said focusing my vision. Then I finally found a very faint light. “There you are” I said jumping off the platform. I continued to fall as I concentrated on that light until... I was engulfed by a light as I started to regain consciousness. ... That was what happened Tuesday and Wednesday. I had taken two entire days of meditation before I snapped out of my trance. My eyes shoot right open as my vision regained focus. The reason of my meditation and the length was because of two things... My level of concentration and just to be in my own thoughts and pretty much in another world to relax my body from the outside stresses the I usually get. Ironically it was Thursday morning. *stomach grumble* Geez I'm so hungry telling myself. I stood back up and grabbed a towel and my shampoo and marched to the bathroom. I walked in as I turned on the shower and water came out. I took a warm shower and as I got out I felt the cool breeze from the window. Ahh... The breeze felt great as I looked outside. After admiring nature and its beauty, I dried off and went downstairs. “Hey long time no see...” Was the first thing I heard from Raphiel. “Yeah. Two days and bam you're back! ” said Vinyl looking at me. “Yes. Hey can you teach me how to meditate like that? ... I think I'll need it, mostly for stress relief ” said Octavia, rubbing her hooves. “Sure, but at a later time because food is essential” as Uriel gave me my plate full of grits and biscuits. “Ooo. Southern cuisine huh. ” I said dipping my biscuit in the grits. “Yep. I know you get home sick sometimes so I made you that” “Thats so considerate brother o’ my” I said in raising my glass of juice. An awkward silence passed as we all laughed at it. Then a certain dragon walked in. “Master!...” “Oh hey Rex” I said rubbing his head. “Wait where were you?,” I asked “ I haven't heard from you in almost a week” “Well master, I was with Spike having a good time and I guess Twilight didn't mind my stay. I came back Tuesday, but you were meditating, so yeah.” he said eating gems from a bag. “Cool... Well as long as you don't get into trouble you can free roam around this world as you please” I said to him. “Thank you master. And don't worry, if necessary, I can turn into a bigger dragon to defend myself ” he said to me. “Good...” I said petting him again. I was outside as I grabbed my iPod touch out and put on some Led Zeppelin and sat under a tree. I dozed off for a moment dreaming of a idea that I couldn't materialize as I heard my name being said. “Mr. Hassiel!!!” I woke up confused as I saw three fillies staring at me. “Oh good you're awake” said Scootaloo as the tried to move me. “Huh?... What?... Hello girls, what's happening?” I said rubbing my eyes. “No time to explain c'mon! ” said Applebloom walking in place as she tried to move me. “Ok, ok. I'll go. Just let me get my things” as I put my iPod into my bag and started to follow them. “What's that thing?” Scootaloo said pointing at my iPod. “Oh... Well you can listen to music with this device” I said putting my earbuds in Scootaloo's ears. Wow!... I CAN HEAR THE MUSIC!” she said yelling at us. “What song is it?” Sweetie belle said to me. “I actually don't know” I said as I looked at the screen and saw the title of the song. It was Electric Eye by Judas Priest. “Huh. Judas priest” I said to myself. “What's a Judas priest?” asked Applebloom. “Its a Rock band,” I said to them. “and apparently you ponies like it” looking at Scootaloo jamming to the song. “So what are we doing? Better yet, why am I needed for this unknown thing that we need to go to so urgently?” I asked looking at them with a confused look remembering what they originally said to me. “Well... We need your help with our mission” said Applebloom. “Which is?...” I said. “To get our cutie marks!” they all said at the same time. “Oh. But what can I do?” I said to them. “Well, Your brother Raphiel said that you're great with helping ponies with lots of things and he said you could maybe help us with our quest” Applebloom said smiling at me. “Oh, I see” I said mentally scolding my brother. “So what are we doing today” I said waiting for convoluted scheme that they would do. “Well we've decided that we could get our cutie marks as ninjas!” Scootaloo said ecstatically giving me back my iPod. “Yea then we can be called ‘The Silent Three’ ...” said Sweetie Belle. “Or the ‘Dark Ones’ ” said Applebloom. I just look and smiled of their enthusiasm. That kind of determination made me want to help them. “So will you help us?” they said looking at me with those puppy eyes. “Ok girls I'll help you today” I said patting them on there heads. After that we walked to their club house and started to talk about how we'd would do it. “Well, a ninja also has to be able to hide in plain sight without being seen.” I said to them as they looked at me. “So get camouflage?” said Scootaloo. “Mhmm, and also you need to have quick reflexes to dodge things... ” I said. “You said earlier that you could build thingy mabober. How 'bout a you make a thing that we could use to test our reflexes” Applebloom said to me. “Ok.” I said as I was interrupted by Sweetie Belle. “Yeah, and also that camouflage” as I nodded to that too. After a quick walk we were in town near Rarity's boutique as the three filly's walked into the boutique to get some fabric for their outfits, leaving me to build them something that would help them dodge stuff. But before that I thought I would teach them how to hide. As I was thinking I came up with an idea as I grabbed my storage cube. Hmm... Actually I don't need this now I said mentally as I looked at the three fillies again. "Well girls I think we should learn how to conceal ourselves in broad daylight" I told them. "Just like ninjas!" said Sweetie Belle. "Yes Sweetie... just like ninjas" I told her with a smile. After the CMC made there outfits we decided to test them out near the Everfree forest where the shade covered most of the terrain. "So girls, first you find a place no one will ever expect and then you hide there with out making a single noise" I told the three fillies. They ran around and tried to hide in a place as I looked away so I wouldn't see them. "Okay Girls are you ready?!"I told them out loud. I didn't hear anything from them. "Well thats a good start girls" I told them. I walked around as I know they couldn't of gone far and I saw something rustling around a bush. "Oh I found you..." I said as I quickly removed the bush. But to my surprise I wasn't any of the CMC's. What I had found was a Cockatrice! It was sleeping in a nest it had built. Crap why is this thing here I thought. Then suddenly it started to wake up. I stood as still as I could and had the locator waiting for the time to say the right command. It was still a bit confused and drowsy. I then whispered... command alpha psi 7 and it gave me a mirror. As soon as I had whispered the Cockatrice looked at me as I looked away not trying to get turned into stone. I cawed at me and ran into my vision sights as I tuned my head around the other direction. "You smart son-of-gun aren't you... you chicken from hell" I told it as I firmly grabbed the mirror and as ready to use it. I heard more rustles from my left as I thought Holy shit there's more of them. But to my relief I was the CMC and they had brought Fluttershy along. While still moving my head around trying to not see the Cockatrice I told them... "Oh hey Fluttershy and hey girls... well thank god you guys are here to help" I told them with a bit of a nervous chuckle. Fluttershy leaped into action and confronted the Cockatrice but there was something different about it. It ignored Fluttershy and it became a darker hue than its usual color. Then it ran towards me and as forcing me to see it in its eyes. Thinking with some hesitation I grabbed the mirror I had on my hoof and showed it straight towards the face of the Cockatrice. In no time it froze still as it started to turn into stone itself, Slowly consuming it until it had become a statue. "Oh my... poor Cockatrice" said Fluttershy with a worry in her tone. She approached the statue ready to grab it and dark flames consumed it and like that it disappeared. I had noticed dark flames similar to this but as I was going to make a answer Scootaloo stopped my train of thought. "Mr. Hassiel are you okay?" she asked me. "Yeah!... trilling I must say... facing death and running around like a idiot" I told her with a bit too much enthusiasm. "You sure Mr. Hassiel ... you a bit too happy after that" Sweetie Belle said to me. "Its fine girls and I think there's some building ahead if us!" I told them as we all waved fluttershy goodbye. “Well this will do” as I aligned all of my materials and started to build. Meanwhile, the CMC were in the boutique talking to Rarity. “Thanks a lot sis. You're the best” Sweetie belle said to her. “Well darling I'll always help you no matter how convoluted your plans are.” Rarity said smiling at her. Then someone walked by. “Hello?” Uriel said. “Anypony here?” waiting for a response. “Coming” said Rarity as the CMC followed. As she walked down she saw Uriel and ran up to him giving him a hug. “Nice to see too Rarity” he said. “Hello Mr. Uriel!” said the three fillies “Hey girls” he said smiling at them. As Uriel saw them wearing all black he asked. “What are you three up to?” I told him. I was still wondering what happened the other night with Rarity and Uriel. “Well Hassiel is going to help us with getting our cutie marks as ninjas!” said Applebloom. “Oh he is huh.” as he looked out the window and looked at me building, chuckling at me. I was almost done as Uriel walked up to me. “Hey brother. What in world are you doing!?” he said with a perplexed look in his face. “You'll see bro.” As I wrenched some bolts in and put the finishing touches. As I walked back Uriel looked at me. “Can't see what I see” I said with confidence nudging him. “All I see is a disaster in the making,” he said “ are you going to test it or what?” “Yeah. When I demonstrate what it does” I said with my chest up high. “Okay, but when you get hurt, don't come bitching to me” Uriel stated to me. ”Huh. You actually cussed for once” I said in a bit of surprise with a grin. He just smirked and said: “Well, we are alike you see ” “Very true.” I said as Rarity and the CMC came out of the boutique. “Hey Mr. Hassiel are you done?” asked Scootaloo as the CMC got happy. “Yes Ma’am, and I have to say that I've done a good job on this contraption” I said at my creation with pride. “What in Equestria is that thing?” said Rarity in utter confusion. “Well its suppose to shoot tennis balls and its going to help these girls with their evasiveness and ability to knock the ball out of there way” I said to her. “Doesn't it seem a bit dangerous?” she said to me, inspecting the tennis ball shooter. “Don't worry I'll test it on myself first before I get the fillies to test it” I said to her reassuring her. “Ok but I'll be watching you four” she said as she got a beach chair and sat on it. I just rolled my eyes as I turned on the machine and filled it the container with around 4 dozen tennis balls. Then I changed the speed of the slow to medium. “There. They should start to pop out by now” I said as they started to spit out... “Ooo.” the CMC said following, each ball as it flew out. Then the machine suddenly stopped. “Huh. What happened?,” I said to myself as I walked up to see what was wrong “ I swear.” as I stopped myself from talking. I looked around for any issues and found nothing wrong so I turned the knob from medium to slow and stepped away from the machine. “Well girls I can't-” I was saying until the machine revved up again and started to shoot the tennis balls at a tremendous speed. I got hit multiple times until I activated my powers and created a shield of energy and walked to the side. The tennis balls kept on shooting as the machine started to smoke. All of the sudden, the tennis ball shooter turned off as Rarity and Uriel ran over to see what was going on... “For heavens sake are you girls okay?” Rarity asked the small fillies. “Mhmm.” The CMC said to her. “And what about me?” I asked her as Uriel said something. “Well I think you're actions is a reason of her caring less for you as you made this machine and also this machine of yours has some fundamental flaws” he finished as I held my hoof up ready to say something as the CMC looked at me. “So Mr. Hassiel, what now?” asked Applebloom. “Well girls all I can say is that the tennis ball shooter isn't completely in shambles.” I said as the machine started up again. I quickly activated another energy shield and the machine exploded leaving a black outline on the ground with the smell of burnt wood in the air. “Never mind.” I said sighing. Uriel looked at me with that “I told you so” face and Rarity looked at me with the same face as the one of the fillies tugged on my fur. “On second thought we don't want to be ninjas. ” said Scootaloo “It was a cool idea but I think we need to find something less likely to explode” she finished with a fake smile. “Ok. I completely understand girls.” I said to them as the three of them gave me a hug. I was flattered but was confused of why they did that. “Thanks girls but why the hug?” I asked them. “Well Mr. Hassiel. You tried to help but it didn't work. We know what it is to try and not succeed,” said Sweetie belle. “but that doesn't mean to quit it means to march forward and face your problems” as the other fillies agreed with her. Wow I thought, From a small filly, a lesson for all ages. All cultures. Universal. I grinned as I gave them a hug. “Thanks girls I really do appreciate of what you said. And I hope someday you'll get your cutie marks” I told them as we walked over to the shards of a failed project. “Well I thought it would work.” I said a we all laughed together. I started to clean up the mess as the CMC joined. They helped me for a good while until the late afternoon as we cleaned and fixed everything we caused. Afterwards I left the fillies at Rarity's place and walked home. “Hehe... Well that was fun I guess” I told myself trying to find the funny side of all of this. Well no one is perfect and I think most people I've met has said that about me but I know I'm not... Still human under all of this. The powers only makes me a better me not a perfect me. I walked as I saw sun fall below a hill and the evening settle down. I saw some of the stars come out and behind me the moon rose.