//------------------------------// // Entry 158 - Freedom // Story: Diary of a Ruler // by Lamia //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle and I travelled to the Everfree Forest together today. I wanted to get her away from the bustle of the city and its demanding tasks; I also left my various adornments at home, to help me focus on the important lesson I had in mind. Even though there were errands to run for Canterlot that needed to be completed, I did not tell her so she would not worry or blame herself. I sincerely enjoy her company, and it is worth taking a break from being a princess to spend personal time with my student. Twilight has grown so quickly. It has only been three or so years -- nearly the blink of an eye to me... I explained to her that magic is all around us, if one only stops to look. The way the trees grow from a simple seedling to towering over the land. Animals that make their place in the world by adapting. Plants which glow with their own light. Weather that operates without the guidance of the pegasus ponies. I knew she had not stopped to consider the world around her, her little nose being in the books so often. On a similar note, I taught her that both pegasus and earth ponies have their own magical abilities, as well. She seemed surprised at that notion, knowing only of unicorn magic, but I responded by reminding her only pegasus ponies could interact with clouds normally. I continued, telling her earth ponies have magic as well to help direct and connect with the plants and animals of the world and more. Although, most do not realize that they have it, or even use it. There was a large opening in the trees above some soft grass where one could see the sky and its clouds. The late afternoon sun shined beautifully in the clearing, and I laid down on my back in the grass and gazed upward. Twilight looked surprised that I could get down in the dirt. I invited her to lay next to me, which she hesitated to do, but did so after a moment. She fidgeted some in the grass, and I told her to relax with deep breaths. I needed her to simply clear her mind and watch nature unfold. We watched the clouds above the forest move on their own, forming their own shapes and sizes without pegasus pony intervention. The way the sun shined on them gave them a quality not unlike metallic fluffs of cotton. Twilight also pointed out that some of the clouds seemed to look like animals or everyday things. Rabbit, fox, quill, book, unicorn. I had silently cast a spell to adjust a cloud above to look a bit like her. I wonder if she noticed it? Eventually, the clouds began to thicken and darken, and the wind picked up. Droplets of rain began to fall into our clearing, dampening our coats. Twilight suggested that we leave due to the rain, but I asked her if she really wanted to go. It took her a moment, but she realized that I wanted her to stay and watch the storm with me. The frequency of the drops of water quickly increased and thickened, until only the tranquil sound of millions of raindrops falling onto plants could be heard. The storm washed over us, but we did not move, only observing what a true nature's rain was. Thunderbolts began crashing down which spooked Twilight, causing her to move closer to me for protection. I told her there was no need to fear, and she relaxed. I turned my head to the side and saw her wet face as she looked up with curiosity at the dark clouds above. The opportunity to spend time like this with somepony I care for was a blessing. No responsibilities, no worries, no obligations... Simply enjoying how things are meant to be. I wondered what went through Twilight's mind as she stared upward. I recall noticing that our soaked fur was practically sticking together at that point, but she did not seem to either notice nor mind. Eventually, the rain slowed and the clouds began to part, the sun shining through them not unlike it does through the trees. I remember the smile of fascination she displayed at the beautiful sight not created by pegasus ponies. It filled me with a joy to see her that way. As we left the forest cold and dripping wet, Twilight seemed to be thinking quite a bit. Normally she was not so silent. I spoke up and asked her if she learned anything today. To my happiness, she replied that she thought she did. I could not help but smile with pride. I assumed the position for her to get on my back so that I could fly her home during the sunset, drying ourselves in the sun's warmth and the rushing air. She has been getting better about flying, lately. I happily left her at the doorstep of her and her parents' home, although I heard her sneeze as she walked inside. I suppose it is my fault she has a cold, now. As I write in my diary this day, I realize that being in the Everfree Forest with Twilight was a liberating experience for me. Just as well, going without my jewelry wear gave me a sense of freedom I had not experienced in a very, very long time. Being with my student in a quiet place without a care in the world... The time I spent today with her made me feel... content. A feeling I rarely experience, and I worry about it. My door is being knocked on incessantly. I suppose I will tend to my shouting advisors.