//------------------------------// // It Begins // Story: Luna's transfer of minds // by Salceleeon //------------------------------// "Celestia I am just saying I should get a day for me. I mean you get the Summer Sun Celebration.", said Princess Luna a dark blue coated alicorn and coe ruler of Equstria. Already annoyed due to castle problems and it didn't help that Luna had been asking for her Winter Moon Celebration years now. Celestia responded in a harsh voice, "Luna silence on this matter it is just not tradition to celebrate the moon." Still ever persistent Luna responded, "But sister due to my return from a 1000 years of imprisonment I think I should get my day just like you." Getting more annoyed Celestia burst practically yelling at her sister, "Luna silence if you were a more important pony than you would get your day, but you are not so stop asking me about this unimportant Winter Moon Celebration, because it will never happen." "So I am not important.", Luna said in a hurt voice. Turning Luna began to gallop across the throne room blowing the thick wooden doors to splinters with a blast of magic. Tears which had began to flow from Luna's eyes hit the polished white floor of the Canterlot throne room. Catching her breath Celestia said in a meek voice, " Luna wait I didn't mean too." Luna had disappeared into her room where she was on the floor sobbing her eyes out into the deep red carpet. Then as the words of Celestia began to replay through her head Luna thought so I am not important and not worthy of celebration. Then back in the deepest darkest part of her head spoke, "Luna it's ok I will comfort you just let me take you into my comforting hooves." The voice said in a very comforting almost motherly voice. Responding back to the voice Luna thought, "Ok, take me in." The dark powers of night began to flow through Luna's veins turning her eyes to a deep purplish green. Celestia clopped into the darkening room as she began to move a hoof forward to attempt to place it on Luna's sholder to comfort her. Celestia then said in a voice that would be used when speaking to a filly,"Luna I am so sorry I didn't mean what I said." When Celestia's hoof made contact with Luna's back she was blone across the room smashing against the wall as the former Princess Luna was enveloped by the powers of darkness. Bones cracked, wings expanded, horn grew, tail and mane lengthened, and the former Luna grew taller. A deeper voice then spoke it was the voice of Nightmare Moon, "Oh great Celestia thank you for letting me free and now Luna will be safe. We will be safe." The balcony doors were blone aside hitting the stone walls which shattered the glass into a million shards that hit the floor with a slight tinkling sound. Nightmare Moon stepped out expanded her large dark feathered wings which flapped once experimentally then stepping back Nightmare Moon galloped forward propelling herself off the balcony as Nightmare traveled across the sky the bright day sky that Celestia had conjured which was slowly transforming to dusk. Celestia thought from her crouched position on Luna's bedroom floor no I didn't mean for this to happen I just wanted my sister back. Rising from the floor Celestia gathered her baring then galloping at a fast rate to her study. The study doors were blone open as Celestia entered she hastily conjured up a piece of parchment and leviated a quill and a bottle of ink from the desk to her and she began to write a short, but important letter to Twilight Sparkle. The letter may only have been four word, but they were the most important word that the pony in Ponyville would most likely read. They were, "Nightmare Moon has returned." With a zap of magic Celestia sent the letter.