//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Ponies watch Watchmares // by KaijinZero //------------------------------// 'Today's was going to be an epic day' a certain prismatic Pegasus thought to herself as she cleared Ponyville’s skis. A new movie called 'Watchmares' was coming to the theater today, and thanks to Twilights New Princesshood, she and her friends got tickets, as well as ones for Spike, the CMC and Big Mac. Even Princess Luna was coming down to see the film with them. "It’s finally the day, and I get to see it on its first night!" Dash whooped as she broke the last few bits of cloud out of the sky. Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple Family was busy finishing the last of the chores. "Ah heard that Rorschach was based offa one of us!" Applebloom said, quite literally bouncing all over the orchard. ""Ya don’t say? Ah reckon that’s true, right Big Mac?" Applejack asked the red stallion carting away several bushels of apples. "Eyupp." "Are you sure you're going to be okay watching Watchmares' Rarity?" Spike questioned the white unicorn who was picking out an outfit for herself. "To be honest, I didn’t even think you liked this kind of thing..." Twilight trailed off. "Darlings, there’s so much you don’t know about Me." the white unicorn tsked. "For instance, look about five hooves under my bed for a box Spike; you may see something’s you may like." Waddling over, the baby dragon started to reach for whatever box Rarity was talking about, after a few second of searching, he managed to pull a large box from the bed. Opening it, Spike was surprised to find, "A Mint Condition original issue of Amazing Mares 27!? How do you have this Rarity!?" Spike and Twilight asked, Twilight being a tiny bit jealous that her friend for had such a rare graphic novel sitting around and Spike seeing her in yet another positive new light. "Darling, I wasn’t always a fasionista." the white mare giggled. "If anything, comics helped me to design my first ensemble." "Wow, beautiful, and has a ton of rare comics..." Spike said, still looking through Rarities box of comics. He was definitely going to marry her someday. Much later, at the theater, the ponies were all set to see what would be the best hero movie of the year. Everypony except Pinkie. "I don’t get it, why aren’t you excited?" Fluttershy asked the pink mare. "I don’t know. I just keep getting a wired combo..."as she said this, her left eyelid was fluttering much in the same way other ponies eyes did when they met her. "It's pretty hard to be excited when you don’t have depth perception." "Well, I’m sure it’s nothing, and it may clear up before the movie starts." Fluttershy assured the pink mare. A moment later, a black chariot pulled by two Thestral Ponies flew I. as it landed, Princess Luna climbed out to greet her Ponyville friends. “’tis good to see you all again! We are glad that you have invited us to see this Moving Picture Twilight.” “You’re welcome Luna.” The youngest princess smiled. “We were about to go in and get snacks and seats before it starts.” “Good! Then Let us be off for the snack counter!” Luna declared, eager to buy the largest tub of popcorn the theater sold, if not the entire machine. Almost half an hour into the movie, Pinkie's eye was still blinking. So far though, she was actually kind of glad it had, as the movie was actually pretty boring, and the few action scenes that had shown up were incredibly bloody. Now, Owlmare was about to meet the black Widow and Dr.Manehatten. "Something good better happen soon, this movie has been a snore fest so far." rainbow grumbled as She passed Scootaloo a tub of popcorn. "Well, maybe after this, things will pick up again." Twilight whispered. As the camera panned to a section of the room that was glowing blue, the ponies were surprised to see that Dr.Manehatten was an earth pony that stood on two legs. "Well I’ll be, an earth pony with magic." Applejack whistled. “The wonders of this Movie magic still evades us, you all say that that pony is only a computer model?” Luna asked. Before Twilight could be an answer the mutated earth pony scientist turned around. Rarity and Fluttershy fainted while hooves quickly went over young pony eyes. "WHAT IN TARNATION IS THAT!?" "OH MY CELESTIA IS THAT A-" "NOPE! NOPE!" "DUDE! NOT COOL!" “THIS MOVIE IS NOT FOR YOUNG MUFFINS!" "EW IT’S MOVING! 'THE HORROR! THE HORROR!" “WHAT IS THIS SMUT THAT WE SEE BEFORE OUR EYES!?” “Um, Princess, I can’t see the movie…” Sweetie belle said as she tried to move the moon princesses’ hoof from over her eyes. Pinkie blinked once. "Eh, I’ve seen bigger." “Ugh Pinkie… that was not a joke I wants to hear.” Rainbow groaned. Throughout the rest of the three hour movie, the thing appeared several more times, each time causing a small uproar. By the time the movie ended, most of the viewers wanted their money back. "I will most certainly write a letter of complaint to the producers of that smut!" Rarity fumed. "You’re not the only one Rarity." Twilight agreed. "I'm all for not censoring the arts, but they will be receiving a very strongly worded letter from me about what is and what is not suitable for public theatres." “We agree Twilight.” Luna said, a dark scowl on her face due to the fact that the villain had won and it made the world a better place because he had won. “We shall speak to Celestia about this.” "Ah don’t get it..." Applebloom asked her older siblings. What was so bad about Dr.Manehatten that y'all covered my eyes every time he was facing forward?" "Yeah Dash, that wasn’t very cool!" Scootaloo chimed in. "When you're older, I’ll show you the movie, you'll thank me." Dash assured her young fan. "Well, I do know one thing!" Pinkie Pie piped up happily. "The memes from this will be glorious!"