//------------------------------// // Battle of Words // Story: The Four Horsemen of Equestria // by CaleMcManus21 //------------------------------// Remy was thrown against the wall so hard, he ended up in another part of the hallway. "God damn it" he groaned. The large soldier entered through the hole in the wall and approached Remy. The gunslinger stood up and began to throw punches but the giant blocked them with ease. Remy crouched down and punched the giant in the nuts but didn't have any effect. "You gotta be shitting me" he said. The giant lifted him up and tossed him over his shoulder, sending him sprawled face down on the carpet. The giant grabbed him by his cap and lifted him up. He then threw him across the hall. With a laugh, the giant soldier tossed the cap aside and marched towards Remy. The young man glanced up and fumed. "Alright pal.... No one touches the cap!" He got up and charged at the juggernaut. He skid across the floor and slid between the giant's legs. He got to his feet and kicked the giant in the butt. The soldier turned around and attempted to throw a punch but Remy evaded the attack. When the giant threw another punch, Remy grabbed his fist and snapped his wrist. The juggernaut cried out in pain. Remy crouched down and punched him in the right patella, sending the goon on one knee. He then did a roundhouse kick to the goon's jaw. As the juggernaut fell on his back, Remy flicked his wrist, extending his contraption with the gun on it. He pulled the hammer back and aimed the gun at the soldier's head. 'Now what is that prayer Cale says before he kills?' He asked himself. 'Ah fuck it I'll ask him when I see him' he pulled the trigger and walked away. Jack has somehow found his way to an upper floor. "If I were a strategist, and a leader of this kind of raid, where would I hide my hostages?" He asked himself. 'The throne room? Nah too simple.' He rounded a corner and gasped. He ducked back after seeing a few soldiers standing guard in the middle of the hallway. He eyed something on them and punched the wall. "Shit" he said. He decided to take a risk and decided to go for what he saw. "Here I go" he whispered. He charged at the at the soldiers and tackled all of them, he used his sleight of hand to grab the things he saw. He scrambled to his feet and hightailed out of the area was quickly as he could. "After him!" One of the soldiers shouted. Jack dropped what he was going for... Grenade pins. After seeing what he had dropped, the soldiers struggled to remove the grenades from their gear, but it was too late. One by one, the grenades detonated. Jack ducked into a room and leaned against it, sighing with relief. "Jack, I presume?" A voice asked. In front of him were a few soldiers, aiming their guns at him. One of them approached him and he had a belt of throwing knives. Elsewhere I was walking down the hall, still holding my gun. Just then, Sir Prize's voice sounded through the radio. "Hello Cale, are you coming to get me?" "Yep. I'm coming to kill you, your cohorts, and rescue every single hostage you have with you." "Really? What if I kill one hostage right now?" "Then you'll boost up my morale. For every hostage you kill, the stronger my desire to kill you becomes. And don't get me started if you kill a royal family member. Killing one of them crosses the line." "Then I suggest you talk to one right now." "Oh good, put them on the line." "Hey, whoever this is I'm talking to, let me out of here!" 'Oh God, I'm talking to Prince Blueblood.... I've heard of this stallion' I thought to myself. 'And I promised Princess Celestia that I would try to keep as many Canterlot residents alive as I could.' "You were saying?" I asked. "Save me! Only me!" The stallion shouted. "I'm the nephew of Princess Celestia! I need to stay alive!" "Hey, news flash, Blueblood...." "That's 'Prince'! Prince Blueblood!" "Whatever. I got news for you. I only listen and talk to only a few members of the royal family and you're not one of them. Put another member of the royal family on the line." "Oh so you won't give a shit if I kill him right now?" Sir Prize asked. "I'll give a shit if you kill him, I just don't like him personally." "We'll see. Say goodbye to Prince Blueblood!" "You fucking...!" I shouted. Over the radio, I heard silenced gunshots and screaming. "I did you a favor. You hated Prince Blueblood, I got rid of him for you." "There's a fucking difference between hating and not liking! I didn't like him to the point where I wanted to kill him you asshole!" "Fine! Talk to this member of the royal family!" "Cale?" A voice asked. "Princess Cadance?" I asked. "Yes." "Is Shining Armor there too?" "Yes he is. Help us please." "I'll do my best." "Oh and Cale? Is Jack with you?" "No. We got separated. He should be here somewhere, why?" "Shining Armor and I have been doing a lot of thinking ever since Jack arrived and..." I heard her cry. "It's a yes." "Yes what?" I asked, confused. "Yes we want Jack as our adopted son. The way he persuaded was like watching a foal persuading their parents for a new toy." "Ok. I'll give him the message." "Thank you." "You're welcome. And as for you, Sir Prize. When I see you, I'm going to unleash as much hell as I could over your pathetic body." "You really think you can fucking defeat me? We've been over this! I got a small army! What do you have?!" "Oh wait, I got lost track of time hold on, give me a minute. Yep it's Fuck You:00. I'm coming up there at I'll Kick Your Ass:30." "Now listen here you..." "I want to play a game called Fuck Off. You go first." I hung up and continued my way down the hall. Back at the Entrance Chase had his back against the wall while the woman continued to kiss him passionately. Chase closed his eyes as tears ran down his cheeks. 'I'm sorry Twilight... I didn't want this to happen' he thought. While the woman kissed and caressed him, Chase spotted a dead soldier next to him. "Come on Chase... Make love to me" the 100th soldier cooed. Chase smirked as he eyed a tactical knife. "No thanks" he grabbed the tactical knife and stabbed her in the chest. The woman let out a painful groan as Chase plunged the knife deeper into her chest. "I already made love to a woman right before I got here." He pulled the knife out and shoved the woman to the ground. She glanced up and looked at him pleadingly, drooling blood. "Oh and 2 things" he said as he tossed the knife aside and picked up a handgun. "She's not even a human, and she's a far better kisser than you." He cocked the handgun. "Ta-ta" he said. He turned around and went inside the castle. The woman scowled and pulled out a gun of her own. She raised it up and screamed in anger. Chase quickly spun around and shot her in the head. "No girl is better than Princess Twilight Sparkle" he said. As he turned around, he had one thought in mind. 'Fuck. I can't believe I said that. Ah I don't care, I love her so much, I don't care how stupid I sound when comes to shouting out how much I love her.' Back in the Room Jack has killed all the soldiers but only the man with the knives remained. He pulled out a knife from his belt. "You got nothing!" He shouted. Jack was backed himself against a desk. As he fumbled around the table, he felt his hand brush against something. Three things actually. They all had the same texture and sharpness. Crystal shards. He grasped the three of them and held them tightly. "This fight will be quick, killing you will be easy" the soldier said with a smile. "You're right" Jack said. "This fight will be quick." He quickly threw the first shard, getting the soldier in the chest. The second shard got him in the chest, parrallel to the first one. As the soldier fell on his knees, Jack threw the last shard at his head. He turned around and continued to search the table. He then found a medium sized trunk. When he opened it, he saw more crystal shards. He grinned and grabbed a couple of them. 'These are much better than throwing knives' he thought to himself. In a Large Room were Sir Prize, Checkmate, the remaining soldiers, and their hostages. Checkmate turned to the soldiers. "Take Princess Twilight to her room and guard her with your life" he said. "Then scout the halls. If you see a Horseman, kill him." The ponies watched with panic as Princess Twilight was dragged out of the room. Checkmate and Sir Prize were the only ones left with the hostages. Before Checkmate left, he turned to Sir Prize and grinned. "What the fuck are you planning?" He asked. "I'm a strategist. I don't share my plans with you." "Hey, I shared my plan with you!" "I know. And because of that, I know how to counter it and I knows it's flaws. My point is, your strategy sucks. You'll never win this fight." "Not if I start killing hostages right now!" He yelled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." "Try me" Sir Prize said. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened. "Lesson learned... Save your bullets." Sir Prize dug through his pockets in a mad panic. "Ran out of mags I see. What kind of villain wastes his bullets on hostages? You're the most pathetic human I've ever seen." As he left the room, Sir Prize screamed with frustration. He pulled out a radio and talked into it. "I want soldiers guarding the rooms where the Princesses are being held! I also want soldiers guarding the room that I'm in right now! I'm hunting the Horsemen one by one!" Still keeping the radio with me, I grinned, "It's about time you plan to show yourself, asshole" I said.