//------------------------------// // Shocking Revelations // Story: Sweet Child Of Mine // by Vetnern //------------------------------// Amber laid in a bed that Twilight had made up for her. She lay there staring blankly up at the ceiling. As she felt her eyes getting heavy, her mind started fading as she began drifting off to sleep. She opened her eyes a moment later and was in her bed, but she was in a huge castle. She sat up and as she looked around, the stained glass windows shone in all their beauty. The bright moon’s silver glow illuminating the room she was in when a voice came from behind her. “It’s good to see you are awake my dear.” As Amber turned around she was face to face with a beautiful dark blue pony stepped closer to her. Her mane glistened in the moon lights glow as it seemed to create an aura like appearance to her. “Wh-who are you? Where am I?” Amber’s head turned as she became slightly unnerved. “Fear not my child, for I am Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night, the keeper of dreams.” Princess Luna smiled as she bowed her head slightly to the young teenage Amber. “Oh… uhm I- I’m…” The Princess smiled as she placed her hoof to Amber’s mouth “Your name is Amber, is it not?” She smiled and somehow her smile seemed able to warm the coldest of nights. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you after all these years. How long has it been?” she questioned Amber. “About... eight years, I think,” Amber replied as she thought about how long she had been in Equestria, as Luna smiled at the young teens pensiveness. “My, my, how time does fly. Do you even remember what has happened in those eight years?” Luna smiled sweetly as she turned and walked towards the grand castle room doors. “Care to take a walk with me, my dear? We have much to discuss.” Amber had no idea why, but she nodded even though she had never met this Princess before. Amber was trying her hardest to remember the eight years that had past but her memory was vague and clouded by a repressed memory of some kind, and she could not figure out why. As the two walked out through the huge castle bedroom quarters, and down the long corridor, Amber noticed how beautiful everything seemed in the moonlight glow. And yet time seem to be endless, as if time itself had stopped as they continued to walk Without realizing it, they were soon on the castle balcony, looking down over the peaceful land as it slept, calm, still and tranquil. Luna smiled and sighed as she rested a foreleg on the stone balcony side. “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Amber looked over to Luna and nodded. “Yes it is your highness.” As Amber looked on, she felt any previous worries or concerns just slipped away without a fuss. “I have one question though,” Amber said, turning to face Luna directly, “Why did you bring me here?” Luna stared at her quizzically. “My child, I didn’t bring you here.” She chuckled bemused by the comment. “Wait, what?” Amber was confused. If the Princess did not bring her to the castle, then who did. “Well, I didn’t just magic myself up here.” Luna just looked at her. “What makes you so sure, my dear?” Luna rested her hoof against her cheek. “Do you remember anything from when you first woke up in this land?” Amber stopped and thought about this just for a moment. “Well… I mean, I woke up from a dream, but I can’t remember what I was dreaming that day. But I remember meeting a Rainbow maned pony in the middle of a field, and I was confused as to why I could hear a pony talk.” “You arrived with a backpack, did you not?” Amber paused and thought back to that day. She did recall having a backpack, and she nodded to Luna, “Yes. Yes I did have a backpack.” what kind of question was this? “But you recall a bag, yet somehow you never go to your bag?” Luna started to question. “But I can show you my bag if you want.” Luna nodded at Amber. “Very well.” Luna’s horn emitted a bright blue light and in a blinding flash she was teleported back to Twilight’s Library, Amber then proceeded to tiptoe round the library so not to wake Twilight. “What are you doing?” Luna looked over to Amber. “I don’t want to wake Twilight clattering around.” Luna laughed rather loudly at Amber’s response, “Shhhh... you will wake her up” said Amber, as she pressed her finger to her lips. Luna shook her head as she walked over to Amber’s side, “Do not worry my dear, Twilight is fast asleep and technically, time itself has stopped. Look over there.” Luna began to point her hoof towards a clock hanging from the wall, that has stopped ticking. Then she points over to her own bed. Amber walked over as she moved the sheets, and what she saw scared her. It was herself, asleep in bed. But yet she was here, standing, very much awake as she touched her face to see if it was just a strange dream. Amber turned to Luna, then back to her sleeping self that lay in the bed. “What is going on here?” she asked in a louder tone as she covered her mouth. “The power of magic is something truly to behold. However none is present. All this what you see before you is your own imagination, you are here, but the real you is lying here in this bed.” Luna smiled as she pointed down at the Amber in the bed. “Well Princess you wanted to see the backpack? Well here it is.” Amber said as she opened the trunk at the foot of the bed, as Luna peered inside. “I do not see a bag my dear child.” Luna lifted her head as she replied to Amber. “Wait, what! It was here the day before. I could have sworn I put it in here.” Amber looked into her own mind as she thought back to the last time she saw her bag. “No it was definitely in here. I remember I threw it in here with my other stuff.” Luna looked at her. “What other stuff?” She asked. Amber had no idea of what to think as she was being mind boggled by the Princess of the night. “You know, my coat, my… things….” Amber stopped in her tracks. Wait…. she couldn’t remember what she came to this land with. She remembers the backpack, but yet it is nowhere in sight, and yet everything else was a blur. But why was the backpack such a crystal clear thought? “Also, if I might, your shoes my dear.” Luna interrupted Amber’s train of thought. “What about my shoes?” Amber was so confused as she tried so hard to remember everything. “How have you been getting shoes all these years, we don’t have human shoes in Equestria,” Luna questioned. Amber just shook her head as she was bombarded with all these questions that she should have the answers for, but yet come up dryer than a watering hole in a heat wave. “One final question, Amber,” said Luna. “How did we get to the beach?”